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7/25/2021 Shannon's Naval Brigade - FIBIwiki

Shannon's Naval Brigade

See our interactive map of

Shannon's Naval Brigade

locations and routes on Google Maps (https://
Contents q&hl=en&geocode=&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=
Summary e257&ll=26.843677,83.210449&spn=14.730886,
William Peel 15.820312&t=p&z=6)

Shannon's Officers
Related articles
Brigade Complement
First Detachment
Second Detachment
Other named personnel
External links
Historical books on-line

HMS Shannon ( was a 51 gun steam frigate launched in Plymouth in 1855. She sailed under Captain William Peel VC (http
s:// via the Cape of Good Hope and Singapore to join the naval forces in the 2nd China War. At Hong Kong she was diverted to take
Lord Elgin to Calcutta where Peel formed a Naval Brigade to assist the British forces opposing the Indian Mutiny. Steam launches towed the brigade up the Ganges on barges in two
contingents. They fought their first engagement at Kujwa and then supported Colin Campbell's forces at Lucknow. After the Second Lucknow Relief they were at the Second Siege of
Cawnpore. They then accompanied Colin Campbell's Oude Campaign.

William Peel
Captain William Peel (1824–1858) was the third son of Sir Robert Peel, prime minister of Great Britain. He served with the Naval Brigade in the Crimea where he won a Victoria
Cross. His leadership of the Shannon's Naval Brigade played a significant role in the Oude Campaign where the 8 inch naval guns were able to breach fortifications which the field
artillery could not penetrate. He was nominated a KCB and an aide-de-camp to the queen. At the final recapture of Lucknow he was severely wounded and died of smallpox a month 1/4
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later in Cawnpore at the age of 33. After the recapture of Lucknow the brigade returned to Calcutta by bullock train. The majority of the ship's company rejoined HMS Shannon on
12 August and she sailed for England on 15 September reaching Spithead on 29 December 1858.

Shannon's Officers
A list of the officers is given on the this web site ( where there are also more details of the following individuals:

Captain William Peel CB (

Lieutenant James William Vaughan (
Lieutenant Thomas James Young VC (
Lieutenant William Charles Fahie Wilson (
Lieutenant Edward Hay (
Lieutenant Henry Rushworth Wratislaw (
Lieutenant Nowell Salmon VC (
Mate Edward Hope Verney (
Midshipman Edmund John Church (
Midshipman Lord Walter Talbot Kerr (
Captain Oliver John Jones (

Related articles
For details of events involving Shannon's Naval Brigade see the following articles

1 November 1857 Battle of Kujwa

12 November 1857 Battle of Alambagh
14 November 1857 Actions at Dilkusha and Martiniere
16 November 1857 Battle of Secundra Bagh
17 November 1857 Second Lucknow Relief
28 November 1857 Second Siege of Cawnpore
2 January 1858 Battle of Kallah Nuddee
1-21 March 1858 Recapture of Lucknow

Brigade Complement

First Detachment 2/4
7/25/2021 Shannon's Naval Brigade - FIBIwiki

Left Calcutta 14 September 1857

Wounded at march 1858

Captain William Peel RN VC (https://en.wikipedia.o
Lucknow 9 March Mr Edward Daniel VC (
1858 Edward_St_John_Daniel), Midshipman
Lieut Thomas J Young RN (https://en.wikipedia.or Won VC at Lord Walter Kerr ( Wounded at
g/wiki/Thomas_James_Young) Secundra Bagh _Walter_Kerr), Midshipman Cawnpore
Lieut William C F Wilson RN Lord Arthur Clinton, Midshipman
Wounded at Mr Church, Midshipman
Lieut Hay RN Cawnpore 27 Nov Mr Brown, Engineer
Mr Bone, Engineer
Lieut Nowell Salmon RN ( Won VC at
Mr Henri, Engineer
iki/Nowell_Salmon) Secundra Bagh
Mr Thompson, Gunner
Capt Thomas C Gray, Royal Marines
Mr Bryce, Carpenter
Lieut William Stirling, Royal Marines Wounded at Kujwa
Mr Stanton, Asst Clerk
Lieut Lind of Hazeley, Swedish Navy
Mr Watson, Naval Cadet
Rev E L Bowman
Mr Lascelles, Naval Cadet
Dr Flanagan
450 other ranks among whom were
Mr Comerford, Asst Paymaster
Bosun's Mate John Harrison (https://en.wikipedia.o Won VC at
Killed at Secundra
Mr Martin Abbot Daniel, Midshipman rg/wiki/John_Harrison_(VC_1857)) Secundra Bagh
Foretop Capt William Hall ( Won VC at
Mr Garvey, Midshipman Killed at Lucknow 12
wiki/William_Hall_(VC)) Secundra Bagh

Second Detachment
Left Calcutta 1 September 1857

Lieut James W Vaughan RN Mr Way, Midshipman

Lieut Henry R Wratislaw RN Mr Richards, Naval Cadet
Mr Edmund Verney (, Mate 120 other ranks

Other named personnel

Ordinary Seaman William Ballard Wounded at Kujwa Able Seaman James Finder Wounded at Kujwa
Ordinary Seaman John Connor Wounded at Kujwa Able Seaman James French Wounded at Kujwa
Able Seaman Morris Currun Wounded at Kujwa Captain Edward Baker AG Wounded at Kujwa 3/4
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Ordinary Seaman John Jordan Wounded at Kujwa Lucknow

Able Seaman William O'Neill Wounded at Kujwa Killed at Dilkusha
Maintop Captain Francis Cassiday
Ordinary Seaman John Metcalf Wounded at Kujwa 14 Nov 1857
Thomas Langston RM Wounded at Kujwa Petty Officer Devereux
Able Seaman William Ashton Killed at Kujwa Killed at Lucknow 4
Petty Officer Terry
March 1858
Richard Kelly RMA Killed at Kujwa
Midshipman Richards
Leading Seaman Alexander Hewston Killed at Kujwa
Died of heatstroke
Michael Shea RM Died 7 Nov 1857 Foretopman Flynn
13 June 1858
Able Seaman Edward Robinson (https://en.wikipedi Won VC at

External links
HMS Shannon ( Wikipedia

HMS Shannon (

Description of the Brigade's service (

Hall's VC at Shah Najaf Mosque (

i=book_result&ct=result&resnum=9&ved=0CFgQ6AEwCA#v=onepage&q=HMS%20Shannon%201857%20Peel&f=false) Google Books

Historical books on-line

The Shannon's Brigade in India ('s+brigade+in+India&hl=en&ei=Kvg1TMTTIISps
Aayqv3MAQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCwQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false) by Edmund Hope Verney 1862 (Google Books)

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This page was last edited on 2 May 2011, at 17:13.

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