BTT 1o1 - 6 Purposes of Websites

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There are 6 different purposes of websites on the web. Define each of them and find 2 examples of each.

Use the following link to help

PURPOSE DEFINITION(1 mark) each Example (provide a link) & explain your choice(1 mark)

Informative Website To convey specific, helpful information to a specific user/audience so

that the reader learns something new or understands a topic better.
● More actionable information WikiHow is an example of an Informative Website
○ May contain “how-to’s”, tips and tricks, fix and because it provides specific, helpful information to the
repair, guidance, support information, directions, reader so they learn something new or understand a topic
instructions, etc. better. One can search for something they are hoping to
learn about and WikiHow will provide a step by step
how-to article with multiple methods to achieve what the
reader wants.

Entertainment Website Showcase entertaining information for visitors. Designed to be easy to
navigate and frequently updated in order to keep users coming back
for more information. YouTube is an example of an Entertainment Website
● Can be made more engaging by using dynamic content, such because it provides entertaining information for visitors
as videos, podcasts, slideshows, etc. and is updated very frequently. It includes the sharing of
○ Online magazines, gossip oriented websites, celebrity videos by creators, which can range from a variety of
news, sports coverage, movies, the arts, humourous topics.
websites, etc.

E-commerce Website To sell products to users.

● To achieve success, e-commerce websites must integrate all of
the latest online closing and upsell techniques available which Amazon is an example of an E-commerce Website, as it
have been proven to increase the chances that a visitor will sells products to users. One can search for a product they
purchase. are interested in buying and hundreds of products, sellers,
○ Removing friction during the purchasing process, and ratings appear. The checkout is easy, there are
making the checkout smooth and easy, making the incentives such as Amazon Prime for discounts and faster
website fast and attractive, up-selling users on related shipping, and safe payment.
products, incentivizing buyers, reducing cart
abandonment, etc.

Service Based Website To convince website visitors that they should become customers of the
service company. ome&utm_medium=organic
● Positioning the company as a dependable, trustworthy and
experienced service provider in the target market London Plumbing is an example of a Service Based
○ Provide visitors with information and articles which Website. This is because its purpose is to convince
demonstrate your knowledge, a visual portfolio of visitors to become customers of the service company,
your work, videos, customer testimonials, etc. London Plumbing. The company is providing a service
and wants to convince you to choose that service
provider. In this case, it is plumbing. The first thing you
see when you enter the homepage is “London Ontario’s
#1 Plumbing Service Company”, followed by the points
“Upfront Pricing”, “Locally Owned”, “Clean &
Friendly”, “Quality Guaranteed”. All the points listed by
this service company is meant to convey the company as
dependable, trustworthy, and experienced.

Blog To provide a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run
by an individual or small group that is written in an informal or
conversational style. The Martha Stewart Blog is an example of a Blog. It is
● Can be used for entertainment purposes or used as an online regularly updated every day and is run by Martha
journal or used by companies to keep their customers Stewart. This website is written in a conversational style.
informed of what is going on The blog is used as an online journal to simply update her
audience on the activities going on in her life. For
example, her April 16th entry is about her day planting
trees, and her April 15th entry is about the snowfall her
home received in April. All of the listed components of
this website are criteria for a blog, thus the Martha
Stewart Blog, hence the name, is a blog.

Social Media Website To make it very easy to share and connect with friends, family,
co-workers, acquaintances, and even strangers.
● Make quick and easy work out of building up a network of Facebook is an example of a Social Media Website. It is a
connections so as to keep in touch, share daily experiences, social media platform used to see photos and updates
photos, interests, preferences, etc. from friends (whoever you follow), as well as sharing
○ Both personal and commercial purposes. photos/videos and what’s new in your life. It is very easy
to share and connect with people on the platform.

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