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Types of Sampling

Sampling is divided into two types:

1) Probability sampling
2) Non-Probability sampling

Probability sampling techniques

1) Random Sampling
2) Stratified random sampling
3) Systematic sampling
4) Cluster sampling
5) Multi-stage sampling

Random Sampling:
Simple random sample is a process in which every item of the population has an equal
probability of being chosen. There are two methods:
1) Lottery method
2) Using random number table

Lottery method: Take a population containing four departmental stores, A,B,C,D. Suppose we need to
pick a sample of two stores from a population using a simple random procedure, six different
combinations, each containing two stores from the population are ‘AB’, ‘AD’, ‘AC’,’BC’, ‘BD’,’CD’. This
procedure is the lottery method of making random selection.

Using random number table

Random number table consists of group of digits that are arranged in random order. That is, any row,
column, or diagonal in such a table contains digits that are not in any systematic order. There are three
tables for random numbers.

A) Tippets table
B) Fisher and Wyatt’s table
C) Kendall and Raington table

Systematic Random Sampling

There are three steps:
1) Sampling interval K is determined by the following formula
K=number of units in the population/number of units desired in the sample

2) On unit between the first and kth unit in the population list is randomly chosen.
3) Add kth unit to the randomly chosen number

Stratified Sampling
Probability sampling procedure in which simple random sub-samples are drawn from within
different strata that are more or less equal on some characteristics. Stratified samplings are
of two types:
1) Proportionate –stratified sampling: The number of units drawn from each stratum is in
proportion to the population size of that stratum.
2) Disproportionate stratified sampling: The number of units drawn from each stratum is
based on analytical consideration, but not in proportion to the size of the population of
that stratum.

Cluster Sampling
The following steps are followed:
1) The population is divided into clusters.
2) A simple random sample of a few clusters is selected.
3) All the units in the selected cluster are studied

Multi-Stage sampling
As the name implies, the sampling is done in several stages. This is used with
stratified-cluster designs. An illustration of double sampling is as follows:
The management of newly opened club solicits new membership. During the first
rounds, all corporate were sent details so that those interested may enroll. Having
enrolled, the second round concentrates on the people interested in various
entertainment opportunities that club offers, such as billiards, indoor sports,
swimming and gym. After obtaining this information, you might stratify the
interested respondents.
Reduced cost if first stage results are enough to stratify or cluster.

Cost increase as more and more stages are included.

Area sampling
This is a probability sampling- a special from of cluster sampling.

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