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Bailey L.


Fr. Nik Ferencz

SRT 280 01


What Did Jesus Do Part 1

Your Assignment:

- Compare either the Luke passage or the Matthew passage (they are the same)

to the predictions in Isaiah of what the Kingdom of God (Day of the Lord) will look

like. For the 6 different descriptions, find the text(s) in Isaiah that refer to that

phrase. Give me chapter and verse, and quote the text itself.

1.) Isaiah 26:19 “But your dead will live, their bodies will rise” (Talks

about the dead rising)

2.) Isaiah 35:5 “Then will the eyes of the blind be opened” (Talks about

the blind seeing)

3.) Isaiah 35:5 “and the ears of the deaf unstopped.” (Talks about the

deaf hearing)

4.) Isaiah 35:6 “Then will the lame leap like a deer” (Talks about the

lame walking)

5.) Isaiah 38:7 “Here is a sign from me. It will show you that I will heal

you, just as I promised I would” (Talks about healing the sick)

6.) Isaiah 61:1 “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the

Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.” (Talks

about believing the good news)

Your Assignment:

- Find 3 events in the Gospels (give me chapter and verse, and a brief description

of the Gospel event) that have a parallel event in the Old Testament (again, give

me chapter and verse and a brief description of that OT event). The closer the

parallel, the better!

1.) Healing a Leper

(Jesus) - In Mark 1:40, a man approaches Jesus and asks to be

cleansed of his skin disease. Jesus says, “Be clean!”, then the man

became healed.

(Old Testament) - In 2 Kings 5:1-19 the Prophet Elisha tells

Naaman to cleanse himself in the Jordan river and his leprosy will

be healed

(Compare/Contrast) - These events are closely parallel because

they both are about healing a leper. The main difference is Jesus

touched the man to heal him, compared to Elisha telling the

Naaman to wash himself in the Jordan River.

2.) Feeding many people with a small amount of food.

(Jesus) - In Matthew 14:15-21, Jesus feeds more than 5000 people

with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.

(Old Testament) - In 2 Kings 4:42-44, Elisha feeds 100 men with

20 loaves of bread, and still has leftovers.

(Compare/Contrast) - These are very parallel. They both use

bread to feed a large crowd of people. Jesus fed more people with

much less bread, but he still had some fish.

3.) Raising somebody from the dead.

(Jesus) - In John 11:38-45, Jesus hears of Lazarus being sick and

dying. Jesus travels to him to “wake him up.” Jesus says “Lazarus,

come out” then the dead man comes to life.

(Old Testament) - In 2 Kings 32-38. Elisha raises a boy from the

dead by touching his eyes, mouth, and hands. Elisha laid on the

boy many times before he became warm and was alive again.

(Compare/Contrast) - These events are closely parallel. They both

are about raising somebody from the dead. The main difference is

Elisha had to touch the boy and lay on him, compared to Jesus just

using his voice.

Your Assignment:

- Find 2 of the 7 Signs in John

- For each, give me chapter and verse, and a brief description.

- For each, answer: Is this event a sign of God’s Power over Nature, and/or

Sin/Evil, and/or Death, and/or the Devil? Explain your answer briefly.

- For each, answer: Does this event have any parallels in MT, MK or LK?

Give me chapter and verse if it does.

1.) In John 11:1-45, It talks about Jesus hearing Lazarus dying. Jesus

goes to him and raises him from the dead. This is a sign of God’s

power over death because he uses his power to prevent the death
of Lazarus. A parallel can be found is MT 9:18 when he raises a girl

from the dead.

2.) In John 9:1-7, Jesus heals a blind man. This shows God’s power

over sin/evil, because somebody who had their sight taken away

from them can be viewed as an act of evil. A parallel can be found

in MT 12:22 when Jesus heals a man who was possessed by


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