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SolarEnergy Vol.33, No. 6, pp. 551-555, 1984 0038-092X/84 $3.00+ .

Printedinthe U.S.A. ©1985PergamonPressLtd.




Solar Energy Laboratory, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706, U.S.A.

(Received 14 June 1982; revision received January 1984; accepted 27 April 1984)

Abstract--A method is presented for predicting the long-termaverage performance of photovoltaie systems
having storage batteries and subject to any diurnal load profile. The monthly-averagefraction of the load
met by the system is estimated from array parameters and monthly-averagemeteorologicaldata. The method
is based on radiation statistics, and utilizabihty, and can account for variability in the electrical demand as
well as for the variability in solar radiation.

I. INTRODUCTION is desirable. The purpose of this paper is to present

such a method.
This paper is devoted to a design procedure for
predicting the performance of photovoltaic systems,
using monthly-average meteorological data and eas- 2. SYSTEM PERFORMANCE
ily measured design parameters. The method places
as few restrictions as possible on the precise Solar radiation utilizability, designated by ~, is a
configuration of the photovoltaic system and on the solar radiation statistical term defined as the fraction
time distribution of the load, and should, therefore, of the total radiation incident on a surface which
be suitable for a wide variety of applications. exceeds a specified intensity called the critical level.
The simplest type of system to analyze is one in The utilizability approach was originally developed
which all electricity produced can be used immedi- [4, 5] as a method for predicting the long-term aver-
ately for the task at hand. Evans[l] has developed age performance of fiat plate solar collectors. In this
both computational and graphical design methods context, the critical radiation level is defined as the
for determining the average electrical output of a radiation intensity at which thermal losses from the
photovoltaic array, taking into account the tem- collector are equal to thermal gains, and the net useful
perature dependence of photocell efficiency. energy collection rate is zero. The daily utilizability
The problem becomes more difficult if the photo- function, designated by ~, is defined as the fraction of
voltaic array sometimes produces energy in excess of the total daily incident radiation which exceeds the
the load. In addition to finding the total energy critical level. For flat plate collectors, ~ represents the
produced by the array, the designer must estimate useful fraction of incident radiation. Several algo-
how much of this energy can be applied directly to the rithms exist for calculating ~.
load. Clearly this will depend on the time distribu- Siegel et al. [6] have applied the daily utilizability
tions of the load and the energy produced by the method to the analysis of photovoltaic systems.
array. When the critical level is defined as the radiation
Depending on the system, electrical energy in ex- intensity at which electrical production precisely
cess of the load may be dissipated, sold to a utility, matches the load, ~ represents the fraction of power
or stored for later use. For systems incorporating a production which exceeds the load. However, the
dedicated storage battery, an additional problem daily utilizability method requires a constant daily
arises. Knowledge of the amount of energy available critical level, so the method is applicable only to
for storage is insufficient, since some of this energy systems which experience a constant load during day-
may have to be dissipated when the storage battery light hours.
is fully charged. In this case, the useful fraction of the A method published recently[7] allows the utiliz-
excess energy must also be estimated. ability function to be evaluated on a monthly-average
Evans et al.[2, 3] have addressed all of the prob- hourly basis, rather than monthly-average daily basis.
lems outlined above by preparing a set of graphs for This hourly utilizability algorithm allows the method
predicting the solar load fraction supplied by a of Siegel et al. to be extended to accomodate loads
photovoltaic system with any energy storage capac- which vary from hour to hour. The procedure is
ity. Separate graphs are provided for each of 41 outlined below.
diurnal load profiles. The accuracy of this method For t h e / t h hour of the day, the average electrical
appears to be quite satisfactory. However, given the output of the array is
widespread availability of microcomputers, an ana-
lytical method suitable for computer implementation Ei = A~fr.iO (1)
552 D. R. CLARKet al.

where Ac is the area of the photocells in the array, Tr.~ surprisingly slight. For most purposes, knowledge of
is the monthly-average hourly radiation incident on the average hourly loads is quite sufficient to charac-
the array, and r7 is the average efficiency of the array, terize system performance.
including the transmittance of any protective cover
and the efficiency of any power conditioning equip- 3. ESTIMATION OF THE EFFECT
ment. Procedures for estimating fr from monthly- OF ELECTRICAL STORAGE
average daily weather data and geometric consid- The performance of a photovoltaic system without
erations are given by Duffle and Beckman[8]. It is energy storage, given any load profile, can be esti-
possible to estimate a monthly-average hourly array mated as described above. /5o, defined by eqn (5),
efficiency using monthly-average hourly values of represents that energy which cannot be sent directly
solar radiation and ambient temperature. However, from the array to the load, but must be dissipated,
sensitivity of array efficiency to array temperature is sold or stored. In this section, a correlation is devel-
such that this additional complexity is not justified. It oped for estimating Af,, defined as the increase in the
is assumed here that the monthly-average daily pho- solar load fraction due to the addition of storage
tovoltaic conversion efficiency, as calculated by the
method of Evans[l], can be used for each hour of the Af, = f - )co (8)
A critical level can be defined as the radiation
where f is the solar load fraction met by the system
intensity, I,..~, at which the rate of electrical energy
with storage, and fo is the load fraction met by a
production is equal to L,, the monthly-average load for
equivalent system with no storage.
that hour
If all of the excess energy of a system without
storage could be stored, the resulting value of A f+
Li (2) would be Do/L multiplied by the battery storage
It, i -- Ac T "
efficiency. This combination of parameters is desig-
The fraction of insolation received at a rate exceeding nated by do.
this level, 4),, can be estimated by the correlation of
Clark et al. [7]. The monthly-average hourly electrical do = )To-DolL. (9)
energy in excess of the load, Doa, is expressed as
Consider the physical constraints which limit the
Boa = E,4), (3) possible values of A f,. If do is much less than Bc/-i, the
ratio of the storage capacity to the average load, then
and the energy sent directly to the load is the battery is never filled, and energy dissipation from
the system with storage is zero. Regardless of the
EL., = E,(1 -- ~b,). (4) storage capacity, this limiting case occurs as do
approaches zero.
Monthly-average daily results are obtained by sum-
ming hourly quantities over all hours of the day lim Af~ = O. (10)
do~ O
/50 = - - Z ° o , (5)
24 i ' A quantity, Af~x, can be defined for very large values
of d o where the energy available for storage becomes
and very large relative to the load.

_ 1
EL = -~ ~ EL,,. (6) Af,,,.x =- lim Af,. (11)

The monthly-average fraction of the load supplied A f, cannot exceed 1 - fo, since the load fraction
by the system without storage is supplied by the system cannot exceed unity.

fo = Et/E. (7)
lim Afs-< 1 - f o . (12)
The hourly utilizability method implicitly assumes
that the instantaneous electrical demand is always For sufficiently large do, all of the daytime portion of
equal to the monthly-average hourly electrical de- the load will be met directly from the array. The
mand (i.e. that Ica is constant). In actuality the battery will then be discharged only at night, and Af~
demand may vary from minute to minute within an may be limited by the effective daily storage capacity
hour, and from day to day within a month. Load of the battery relative to the load.
variability will cause ~bi to be underpredicted. How-
ever, investigations by the authors and by others[2]
lim Afs <~ Bc/E (13)
reveal that the effects of fluctuations in the load are do--)
Performance of photovoltaic systems 553

Combining eqns (12) and (13), the limiting value of Table 1. Accuracy of design method relative to simulation
Af~ as do becomes very large is results

672 Monthly Average Standard Deviation

Afmax= min (1 -fo,B,./-L). (14)
Load Fraction Error (%) of Error (%)
fo 0.3 1.7
An eqlJation for A~ which satisfies the constraints Af s -0.8 3.7
f -0.5 3.9
described above for both very large and very small
values of do is 56 Annual
Load F r a c t i o n s
Fo 0.3 0.7
A fs = ~ {do q- A/max -- [(do + A/max) 2 bf s -0.8 2.5
F -0.5 2.4

- 4AdoAfmax] '/2} (15)

The parameter, A, which is the only degree of free-

dom in this equation, can be used to vary the rate at all based on Madison weather data. A comparison of
which Jf~ approaches Afm,x as do increases. When results for a system not included in the correlation
A - 1, eqn (15) reduces to development is provided by the example problem.

AfslA=, = min (do,Afro.x) (16) 4. EXAMPLE

As an example of the procedure developed in this

which is precisely the result expected for infinite paper, the performance of a photovoltaic system in
storage capacity (neglecting energy carryover from Boston, Massachusetts will be determined. The
month to month). By adjusting the value of A, eqn characteristics of the system are given in Table 2. The
(15) is suitable for all battery sizes as well as for all load profile used is appropriate for an average resi-
values of d,. dential application (i.e. several houses).
In order to correlate the parameter A, values of Af~ The average array efficiency, q, for the month of
were calculated using TRNSYS[9], an hourly simu- January is calculated to be 0.0942 in the manner
lation program, in conjunction with photovoltaic described by Evans [1], with an assumed
array, regulator-inverter, and battery models similar transmittance-absorptance product of 0.88 and a
to those used by Evans et al. [10]. These models treat power conditioning efficiency of 0.88.
the battery efficiency, qb, the array thermal loss In January, the first hour after sunrise is from 8:00
coefficient, UL, the array cover transmittance, r, and to 9:00. The clearness index, the average horizontal
the array absorptance, ~, as constants. The array radiation, and the average radiation incident on the
efficiency is treated as a linear function of cell tem- array for this hour are estimated as described in
perature. Ref. [8], and are found to be
The control strategy gives priority to meeting the
load; the battery is charged only from the array, and kT = 0.335
only when the entire load is met by the array and
excess energy is available. Based on 73 yr of hourly I r = 150.8 W/mL
simulations, using 15 diurnal load profiles in Seattle,
Madison and Albuquerque climates, the following The average electrical output of the array for this
empirical correlation for the parameter A was devel- hour, from eqn (1), is
oped for battery storage capacities ranging from 0 to
2/7, [11]. E = (600 m2)(150.8 W/m2)(0.0942) = 8520 W.
a~ r
0.1847 Next, the utilizability function must be evaluated.
A = 1.315 - 0.1059 J°L (17)
Bc KT The average load for the hour from 8 to 9 is 10614 W.
From eqn (2), the critical insolation level for the hour
where Kr is the monthly-average clearness index is
defined as the ratio of monthly radiation on a hori-
zontal surface to the extraterrestrial radiation. 10614W
System performance calculated form monthly- lc (600 m1)(0.0942) - 187.8 W/m 2.
average meterorological data, using the procedures
described in this paper, agrees with TRNSYS simu- The hourly utilizability, 4,, for this critical level is
lation results with a standard deviation of less than found to be 0.343 using the procedure in Ref. [7]. The
3 per cent on an annum basis. The accuracy of the energy dissipated by a system without storage is the
design method relative to simulation results for 56 of product of E and ~b
the simulation years used in developing the cor-
relation is summarized in Table 1. These results are Do = (8520 W)(0.343) - 2922 W.
554 D. R. CLARKet al.

Table 2. Photovoltaic system characteristics for sample calculation

Boston HA Latitude = 42.37 ° January Weather Dat 9

Ares = 600 m2 q r = I).lO = 62.45 W/m 2

Slope = 50" T r = 28 C L = -10C

0 L = 4 0 W/m 2 C B = 0.0039 C- 1

x ffi 1 . 0 npc = 0.88 KT = 0. 396

a = 0.88 qb = 0.87

0 .ffi 0.2

Be = 140 kW-hr ~ = 12.5 kW

[Load p r o f i l e : stnusoldal, peak at 17:00,

amplitude/average = 0.25.]

The energy received directly by the load is F r o m eqn (9)

EL E ( I - ~) = (8520 W) (1 - 0.343) = 5600 W. d,, = (0.87)(2426 W ) / 1 2 5 0 0 W = 0.169

These calculations are repeated for each hour be-

and from eqn (14),
tween sunrise and sunset. Results of these calcu-
lations are summarized in Table 3.
Summing the hourly results and averaging over a Afm,x = rain[(1 - 0.233),(0.467)] = 0.467.
24-hour day,
Equation (17) yields
EL = ~ E I = 2912W
(0.106)(0.233) 0.1847
A = 1.315- 0.79.
and (0.88)(0.467) 0.396

-Do = ~ ~" Do = 2426 W. The increase in the solar load fraction due to storage,
from eqn (15) is

The solar load fraction without storage is

2(0.79i{0.169 + 0.467 - [ ( 0 . 1 6 9 + 0.467) 2
EL 2921W
)co 0.233.
L 12500W 4(0.79)(0. 169)(0.467)] 1/2} = 0.153.

The effect of the storage battery can now be calcu-

lated. F r o m Table 2, The fraction of the load met by the system in January
is then
Bc 140 kW-hr
= 0.467.
L (12.5 kW)(24 hr) f = 0.233 + 0.153 = 0.386.

Table 3. Results from sample calculation for January

Time Load(W) k IT(W/m2) Xc ~ EL(W-hr) Do(W-hr)

8- 9 10614 .335 150.8 1.246 .343 5600 2922

9-10 11314 .378 259.2 0.782 .465 7746 b572

10-11 12096 .408 348.9 0.621 .528 9195 10052

11-12 12904 .424 399.5 0.579 .545 10147 11879

12-13 13686 .424 399.5 0.614 .524 10623 11414

13-14 14386 .408 348.9 0.739 .463 10464 8812

14-15 14958 .378 259.2 1.034 .354 9339 5014

15-16 15362 .335 150.8 1 . 8 35 .191 6714 1563

Performance of photovoltaic systems 555

Table 4. Solar load fraction KT monthly-average daily clearness index (rate of daily
horizontal to extraterrestrial radiation)
Month Desl~n Evans TRNSYS L, monthly-average hourly load
L monthly-average daily load
January .39 .45 .40
L monthly-average ambient temperature
February .49 .54 .51 T, array reference temperature corresponding to 7,
UL array thermal loss coefficient
March .56 .60 .58 X,. dimensionless critical level
solar absorptance of array
April .62 .64 .61 temperature coefficient for cell efficiency (a cell
May .66 .70 .68
material property)
Jfma~ limiting value of A fs
June .68 .73 .75 .a f, increase in solar load fraction due to storage
monthly-average photovoltaic array efficiency
July .67 .72 .70 r/h battery storage efficiency
~ pc efficiency of power conditioning equipment
August .63 .64 .68 rl, array reference efficiency at temperature 7",
J" solar transmittance of array cover
September .64 .66 .68
utilizability function (fraction of incident radiation
October .56 .60 .54 exceeding critical level It.i)

November .37 .43 .40 Subscript

i refers to hourb period i
December .34 .40 .35

The entire procedure is repeated for each m o n t h . In 1. D. L. Evans, Simplified method for predicting photo-
Table 4, the results of these calculations are com- voltaic array output. Solar Energy 27, 555 ( 1981 ).
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Simulation and Simplified Design Studies of Photovoltaic
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design m e t h o d s agree well with the hourly simulation. querque (1980).
3. D. L. Evans, W. A. Facinelli, and L. P. Koehler,
Acknowledgement--This work has been supported by the Simplified Design Guide for Estimating Photovoltaic Flat
Solar Heating and Cooling Research and Development Array and System Performance. SAND 80-7185, San-
Branch, Office of Conservation and Solar Applications, dia Labs, Albuquerque (1980).
U.S. Department of Energy. 4. A Whillier, Solar Energy Collection and Its Utilization
for Housing Heating. PhD Thesis, Mech. Engr., MIT,
Cambridge, Massachusetts (1953).
NOMENCLATURE 5. B. Y. H. Liu, and R. C. Jordan, A rational procedure
for predicting the long-term average performance of flat
A storage correlation parameter (eqn 17) plate solar energy collectors, Solar Energy 7, 53 (1963).
Ac array area 6. S. D. Siegel S. A. Klein and W. A. Beckman, A
B, battery storage capacity simplified method for estimating the monthly-average
D.... monthly-average hourly electrical energy in excess of performance of photovoltaic systems. Solar Energy 26,
the load 413 (1981).
D,, monthly-average daily electrical energy in excess of 7. D. R. Clark, S. A. Klein and W. A. Beckman, Algo-
the load rithm for evaluating the hourly radiation utilizability
E, monthly-average hourly array output function. A S M E J. Solar Energy Engng 105, 3, 281
E~, monthly-average hourly energy delivered directly to (1983).
load from array 8. J. A. Duffle, and W. A. Beckman, Solar Engineering of
L:L monthly-average daily energy delivered directly to THERMAL Processes. Wiley-Interscience, New York
load from array (1980).
f monthly-average solar load fraction 9. S. A. Klein, et al., T R N S Y S - - A Transient Simulation
f, monthly-average solar load fraction Program. Report 38-11, Solar Energy Laboratory, Uni-
F annual solar load fraction versity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin (1982).
monthly-average daily radiation on horizontal sur- 10. D. L. Evans, W. A. Facinelli and R. T. Otterbein,
face Combined Photovoltaic /Thermal System Studies. SAND
/,, critical insolation level for utilizability calculations 78-7031, Arizona State University, Tempe (1978).
_/r monthly-average hourly radiation on tilted surface 11. D. R. Clark, Hourly Radiation Utilizability and Its
kr monthly-average hourly clearness index (ratio of Application to Photovoltaic Systems. MS Thesis, En-
hourly horizontal to extraterrestrial radiation) gineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1982).

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