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Latta visits Van Wert, p3A Brackets busted, p6A


Telling The Tri-County’s Story Since 1869

50¢ daily Monday, March 28, 2011 Delphos, Ohio

Radiation in Japan seawater, soil may be spreading

By SHINO YUASA a widening disaster has been Workers also discovered A TEPCO spokesman said Japan’s nuclear watch- zone around the nuclear com-
The Associated Press slowed and complicated by radioactive water in the deep the presence of radioactive dog, the Nuclear Safety plex, saying contaminants
fires, explosions, leaks and trenches outside three units, chemicals such as iodine and Commission, said today its posed a “big” health risk.
TOKYO — Workers at dangerous spikes in radiation. with the airborne radiation cesium point to damaged fuel members — government- He was responding to reports
Japan’s damaged nuclear Two workers were burned levels outside Unit 2 exceed- rods as the source. However, appointed experts who moni- that people had been sneak-
plant raced to pump out con- after wading into highly ing 1,000 millisieverts per pressure inside the containers tor the atomic industry — ing back in.
taminated water suspected of radioactive water, officials hour — more than four times holding the reactors was sta- believe the radioactive water Meanwhile, a strong
sending radioactivity levels said. the amount that the govern- ble, indicating any meltdown came from the containment earthquake shook the region
soaring as officials warned Today, workers resumed ment considers safe for work- was only partial, spokesman vessel. It did not clearly state and prompted a brief tsu-
today that radiation seeping the laborious yet urgent task ers, TEPCO said today. Kaoru Yoshida said, sug- that the primary containment nami alert. The quake off
from the complex was spread- of pumping out the hundreds The five workers in the gesting that the core remains vessel, which protects the the battered coast of Miyagi
ing to seawater and soil. of tons of radioactive water area at the time were not hurt, largely intact. core, had been breached. prefecture in the northeast
The coastal power plant, inside several buildings at the spokesman Takashi Kurita New readings show con- It could take weeks to clear was measured at magnitude
located 140 miles (220 kilo- six-unit plant. The water must said. The pits are designed tamination in the ocean has out the radioactive water, 6.5, the Japan Meteorological
meters) northeast of Tokyo, be removed and safely stored as pathways to allow workers spread about a mile (1.6 said Gary Was, a nuclear Agency said. No damage or
has been leaking radiation before work can continue to to lay out drainage pipes or kilometers) farther north of engineering professor at the injuries were reported.
since a magnitude-9.0 quake power up the plant’s regu- electrical wires. the nuclear site than before. University of Michigan. Scores of strong earth-
on March 11 triggered a tsu- lar cooling system, nuclear As officials scrambled Radioactive iodine-131 was “Battling the contamina- quakes have rattled Japan
nami that engulfed the com- safety officials said. to determine the source of discovered just offshore from tion so workers can work over the past two weeks, add-
plex. The wave knocked out Contaminated water inside the radioactive water, Chief Unit 5 and Unit 6 at a level there is going to be an ongo- ing to the sense of unease
power to the system that Unit 2 has tested at radiation Cabinet Secretary Yukio 1,150 times higher than nor- ing problem,” he said. across Japan, where the final
cools the dangerously hot levels some 100,000 times Edano said the contamina- mal, Hidehiko Nishiyama, a Edano, the government death toll from the March 11
nuclear fuel rods. normal amounts, plant opera- tion in Unit 2 appeared to be spokesman for the Nuclear spokesman, urged residents disasters is expected to top
The frantic effort to get tor Tokyo Electric Power Co. due to a partial meltdown of and Industrial Safety Agency, to stay out of the 12-mile
temperatures down and avert said. the reactor core. told reporters. (20-kilometer) evacuation See JAPAN, page 3A

Upfront First female VP

ESC to sponsor
Autism Resource
candidate Ferraro
Fair Thursday
The Putnam County
dies at 75
Education Service Center By BETH FOUHY
at 124 Putnam Parkway, and JAY LINDSAY
Ottawa (across from The Associated Press
the YMCA), will spon-
sor an Autism Resource BOSTON — Geraldine
Fair free for families Ferraro’s selection as Walter
and professionals from Mondale’s Democratic run-
6-8 p.m. on Thursday. ning mate in the 1984 presi-
dential election made her a
The fair will have
winner as far as history was
displays and resources concerned, despite an unsuc-
regarding autism, along cessful campaign that proved Ferraro
with speakers and refresh- to be a tough political slog The blunt, feisty Ferraro
ments. There will also be against a popular incumbent. charmed audiences initially,
on-site daycare provided. Her vice presidential bid, and for a time polls showed
For more informa- the first for a woman on a the Democratic ticket gaining
tion, contact Marcie major party ticket, embold- ground on President Ronald
Osborn or Tim Calvelage ened women across the coun- Reagan and Vice President
at 419-523-5951. try to seek public office and George H. W. Bush. But her
helped lay the groundwork candidacy ultimately proved

Sports for Hillary Rodham Clinton’s

presidential candidacy in 2008
and John McCain’s choice of
rocky as she fought ethics
charges and traded barbs with
Bush over accusations of sex-
TODAY’S SCHEDULE his running mate, Sarah Palin, ism and class warfare.
Baseball (5 p.m.):
Talent abounds in PTO Amateur Show that year. Palin, who was Alaska’s
Dena Martz photos
Kalida at Jefferson; “By choosing a woman governor when she ran for
Wapakoneta at St. John’s; Nearly 40 Delphos City Schools students participated in the PTO Amateur Show to run, you send a power- vice president, often spoke
Fort Jennings at Elida; Saturday at Jefferson Middle School Auditorium. Above: Second-grader Emily ful signal to all Americans: of Ferraro on the campaign
Spencerville at Van Wert. Dienstberger offers a piano solo. There are no doors we can- trail.
Softball: Spencerville Below left: Eighth-grader Cameron Jones performs “Mountain Time.” not unlock,” Ferraro said in “She broke one huge bar-
at Parkway, 5 p.m. Below right: Fourth-grader Breanna Schaeffer sings “Bulletproof.” her acceptance speech at the rier and then went on to break
1984 Democratic convention. many more,” Palin wrote on
TUESDAY “We will place no limits on her Facebook page Saturday.
Baseball (5 p.m.): achievement. If we can do “May her example of hard
Ottoville at Ottawa- this, we can do anything.” work and dedication to
Glandorf; Elida at Ferraro died Saturday in America continue to inspire
Columbus Grove; Fort Boston, where the 75-year-old all women.”
Recovery at Lincolnview; was being treated for compli- For his part, Mondale
Parkway at Spencerville. cations of blood cancer. She remembered his former run-
died just before 10 a.m., said ning mate as “a remarkable
Amanda Fuchs Miller, a fam- woman and a dear human
Softball (5 p.m.):
ily friend who worked for being.”
Jefferson at Van Wert; Ferraro in her 1998 Senate bid Ferraro died at
Wayne Trace at Ottoville; and was acting as a spokes- Massachusetts General
Lincolnview at Marion woman for the family. Hospital, where she had gone
Local; Spencerville at Mondale’s campaign had last Monday for a procedure
Waynesfield-Goshen. struggled to gain traction and to relieve back pain caused
his selection of Ferraro, at by a fracture. Such fractures
Track and Field: Allen least momentarily, revived are common in people with
East and Bluffton at his momentum and energized her type of blood cancer, mul-
Jefferson, 4:30 p.m.; St. millions of women who were tiple myeloma, because of the
John’s at Shawnee, 4:30 thrilled to see one of their thinning of their bones, said
p.m.; Spencerville at Celina, own on a national ticket. She Dr. Noopur Raje, the Mass
4:30 p.m.; Columbus was a relatively obscure con- General doctor who treated
Grove quad, 4:30 p.m.; gresswoman from the New her.
Fort Jennings and Ottawa- York City borough of Queens
Glandorf at Elida, 5 p.m. at the time. See FERRARO, page 2A

Mostly cloudy
Libyan rebel forces fight their way to Gadhafi stronghold
Tuesday By RYAN LUCAS take,” said Gen. Hamdi Hassi, positions in the Mediterranean ered hundreds of miles (kilo- bine military assault with an
with high in The Associated Press a rebel commander at the Sea, two defense officials meters) of flat, uninhabited attempt to win over some
low 40s. See small town of Bin Jawwad, said today on condition of territory at record speeds after of the local tribes loyal to
page 2A. BIN JAWWAD, Libya just 18 miles (30 kilometers) anonymity because they were Gadhafi’s forces were forced Gadhafi over to their side.
— Rebel forces today fought from the front. “Now because not yet authorized to release to pull back by the strikes “There’s Gadhafi and then
their way to the doorstep of of NATO strikes on (the gov- the information. that began March 19. there’s circles around him
Index Moammar Gadhafi’s home- ernment’s) heavy weapons, That brought to 199 the In a symbolic diplomatic of supporters, each circle is
town of Sirte, a key govern- we’re almost fighting with number of the long-range victory for the opposition, slowly peeling off and disap-
Obituaries 2A
ment stronghold guarding the the same weapons, only we cruise missiles fired by inter- the tiny state of Qatar recog- pearing,” Hassi said. “If they
State/Local 3A road to the capital Tripoli. have Grad rockets now and national forces in the week- nized Libya’s rebels as the rise up it would make our job
Politics 4A The lightning rebel they don’t.” old military intervention, one legitimate representatives of easier.”
Community 5A advance of the past few days, Russia, however, has criti- official said. the country — the first Arab Witnesses in Sirte report-
Sports 6-7A backed by powerful interna- cized the international strikes International air forces state to do so. ed today there had been air
Announcements 8A tional airstrikes, has restored against government forces flew 110 missions late Sunday Hassi said there was fight- strikes the night before and
World News 10A to the opposition all the ter- that made the rebel advance and early today — 75 of ing now just outside the small again early in the morning,
ritory they lost over the past possible, saying they have them strike missions. Targets hamlet of Nawfaliyah, 60 but the town was quiet, and
Classifieds 3B
week and brought them to overstepped their U.N. man- included Gadhafi ammuni- miles (100 kilometers) from dozens of fighters loyal to
TV 4B within 60 miles (100 miles) date to protect civilians by tion stores, air defenses and Sirte and scouting parties had Gadhafi could be seen roam-
of this bastion of Gadhafi’s taking sides in a civil war. ground forces, including found the road ahead to be ing the streets.
power in the center of the The U.S. launched six vehicles and tanks, a third heavily mined. Moving quickly west-
country. Tomahawk missiles Sunday official said. He added that the current
“Sirte will not be easy to and early today from Navy Libya’s rebels have recov- rebel strategy was to com- See GADHAFI, page 3A
2A – The Herald Monday, March 28, 2011 www.delphosherald.com

For The Record

Ferraro WEATHER OBITUARY The Delphos
(Continued from page 1A) Bush, her vice presidential Americans.
rival who struggled at times Ferraro’s son, John
Delphos weather
Ferraro, however, devel- over how aggressively to Zaccaro Jr., was convicted High temperature Sunday
oped pneumonia, which attack Ferraro. in 1988 of selling cocaine in Delphos was 37 degrees, Vol. 141 No. 242
made it impossible to per- In their only nationally to an undercover Vermont low was 19. High a year ago Nancy Spencer, editor
form the procedure, and it televised debate, in October state trooper and served three today was 54, low was 42. Ray Geary, general manager,
soon became clear she didn’t 1984, Bush raised eyebrows months under house arrest. Record for today is 85, set in Delphos Herald Inc.
have long to live, Raje said. when he said, “Let me help Some observers said the 1990. Record low is 16, set Don Hemple, advertising manager
Since she was too ill to return you with the difference, Ms. legal troubles were a drag in 1995. Tiffany Brantley,
to New York, her family went Ferraro, between Iran and on Ferraro’s later political circulation manager
to Boston. the embassy in Lebanon.” ambitions, which included Tri-county The Daily Herald (USPS 1525
Raje said it seemed Ferraro Ferraro shot back, saying she her unsuccessful bids for the Associated Press 8000) is published daily except
held out until her husband resented Bush’s “patronizing Democratic nomination for Sundays and Holidays.
and three children arrived. attitude that you have to teach U.S. Senate in New York in By carrier in Delphos and
TONIGHT: Mostly area towns, or by rural motor
They were all at her bedside me about foreign policy.” 1992 and 1998. clear. Lows in the lower 20s. route where available $2.09 per
when she passed, she said. Ferraro would later sug- Ferraro, a supporter of Northeast winds around 5 week. By mail in Allen, Van
Ferraro stepped into the gest on the campaign trail Hillary Clinton’s presidential mph. Wert, or Putnam County, $105
national spotlight at the that Bush and his family were bid, was back in the news in TUESDAY: Partly cloudy per year. Outside these counties
Democratic convention in wealthy and therefore didn’t March 2008 when she stirred
1984, giving the world its understand the problems up a controversy by appearing
in the morning becoming Rita M. Pothast $119 per year.
Entered in the post office
mostly cloudy. Highs in the May 31, 1919 - March 26,
first look at a co-ed presi- faced by ordinary voters. That to suggest that Sen. Barack lower 40s. Northeast winds 5 in Delphos, Ohio 45833 as
dential ticket. It seemed, at comment irked Bush’s wife, Obama achieved his status 2011 Periodicals, postage paid at
to 10 mph. Rita M. Pothast, 91, of
times, an awkward arrange- Barbara, who said Ferraro had in the presidential race only Delphos, Ohio.
TUESDAY NIGHT: Delphos, died at 7 p.m. on No mail subscriptions will be
ment — she and Mondale more money than the Bush because he is black. Cloudy. A chance of snow
stood together and waved at family. “I can’t say it, but it She later stepped down Saturday at her residence. accepted in towns or villages
after midnight. Lows around She was born May 31, where The Daily Herald paper
the crowd but did not hug and rhymes with rich,” Barbara from an honorary post in the 30. Northeast winds 5 to 10 carriers or motor routes provide
barely touched. Bush told reporters when Clinton campaign, but insist- 1919, in Delphos, to Albinus J.
mph. Chance of snow 50 per- and Theresa Mary (Wrasman) daily home delivery for $2.09
Her vice-presidential nomi- asked to describe Ferraro. ed she meant no slight against cent. per week.
nation acceptance speech She later apologized. Obama. Elwer who preceded her in 405 North Main St.
WEDNESDAY: Cloudy. death.
launched eight minutes of Ferraro’s run also was In a statement, Obama A chance of snow in the morn- TELEPHONE 695-0015
cheers, foot-stamping and tears. beset by ethical questions, praised Ferraro as a trailblaz- On Oct. 2, 1946, she mar- Office Hours
ing. Highs in the upper 30s. ried Omer M. Pothast who
But controversy accompa- first about her campaign er who had made the world 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri.
Chance of snow 40 percent. survives. POSTMASTER:
nied her acclaim. finances and tax returns, then better for his daughters. EXTENDED FORECAST
A Roman Catholic, she about the business dealings of “Sasha and Malia will Also surviving are seven Send address changes
WEDNESDAY NIGHT: children, Carol (Jim) Utrup to THE DAILY HERALD,
encountered frequent, vocif- her husband, real estate devel- grow up in a more equal Partly cloudy. Lows in the of Fort Jennings, Virginia 405 N. Main St.
erous protests of her favor- oper John Zaccaro. Ferraro America because of the life upper 20s. Delphos, Ohio 45833
able view of abortion rights. attributed much of the contro- Geraldine Ferraro chose to DiSalle of Delphos, Louis
T H U R S D A Y , (Bec) Pothast and Tom
She famously tangled with versy to bias against Italian- live,” Obama said. THURSDAY NIGHT: (Nancy) Pothast of Fort Scholars of the Day
Mostly cloudy. Highs in the Jennings, Therese (Keith)
POLICE REPORT mid 40s. Lows around 30.
FRIDAY: Mostly cloudy.
Rahrig and Richard Pothast
of Delphos and Stephen
Highs in the lower 50s.
Driver cited for failure to yield 2 face driving FRIDAY NIGHT,
(Joyce) Pothast of Van Wert;
a brother, Richard Elwer
SATURDAY: Mostly cloudy
At 2:11 p.m. on Friday, a ing Miller’s vehicle. Miller under suspen- with a 30 percent chance of
of Delphos; 19 grandchil-
dren, Steven Utrup, Katrina
sion charges
collision occurred when the struck Hickey’s vehicle in the showers. Lows in the mid 30s. Vaske, Melissa Dissinger,
driver of one vehicle failed right side, causing it to spin in Highs in the lower 50s. Jessica Utrup, Allison Gates,
to yield after stopping at an a clockwise direction, coming At 6:31 p.m. on Thursday SATURDAY NIGHT, Nathan Utrup, Theresa
intersection. to rest in the Subway park- while on routine patrol, SUNDAY: Mostly cloudy. Utrup, Andrew Utrup, Kevin
Glenn Miller, 52, of ing lot. Delphos police came into con- Lows in the upper 30s. Highs Good, Michael Good, Sarah St. John’s Scholar of the
Findlay, was headed west- There was possible injury tact with Carolyn Lindeman, in the mid 50s. Good, Erin Fitzpatrick, Day is Christie
bound on West Fifth Street in to Miller, and moderate injury 42, of Delphos, at which time, Nicole Niemeyer, Luke Carder.
the outside lane while Beverly to Hickey, who was taken to it was found that Lindeman Pothast, Craig Pothast, Congratulations
Hickey, 79, of Delphos, was St. Rita’s by Delphos Fire. was operating a motor vehicle Benjamin Rahrig, Douglas Christie!
headed northbound on North
Canal Street. Hickey came
There was disabling dam-
age to both vehicles.
while having her driving priv-
ileges suspended.
IN HISTORY Rahrig, Alisha Meyer and
Justin Rahrig; and 25 great- Jefferson’s Scholar of the
to a stop at the stop sign on Hickey was cited for a fail- As a result, Lindeman was By The Associated Press grandchildren; Day is Chelsey
Canal and proceeded through ure to yield after stopping. cited into Lima Municipal Today is Monday, March She was preceded in death
the intersection without see- Bishop.
Court on the charge. 28, the 87th day of 2011. by a brother, Joseph Elwer; Congratulations
At 11:45 a.m. on Friday There are 278 days left in the
Delphos man faces 3 moving violations while on routine patrol, year.
and a sister, Beatrice Fischer.
Mrs. Pothast was a book-
Delphos Police came into con- Today’s Highlight in keeper for Omer’s Alignment Students can pick up their
At 7:26 p.m. on Thursday ported to the Delphos tact with Korey Briggs, 26, of History: Shop and had been employed awards in their school offices.
while on routine patrol, Police Department. After Delphos, at which time, it was On March 28, 1979, at Charlie Meyers Dry
Delphos Police came into
contact with Justin Murray,
being cited into Van Wert
Municipal Court on charges
found that Briggs was oper-
ating a motor vehicle while
America’s worst commercial
nuclear accident occurred
Cleaning and at Shenk’s Dry
Goods Store. She was also a
30 of Delphos, at which of operating a motor vehi- having his driving privileges inside the Unit 2 reactor at the homemaker; a 1937 gradu- ST. RITA’S
time, Murray was found to cle while impaired, having suspended. Three Mile Island plant near ate of St. John’s High School A boy was born March
be operating a motor vehi- expired license plate on the As a result, Briggs was Middletown, Pa. and a member of St. John the 27 to Carie Byrne and Todd
cle while impaired. vehicle he was operating cited into Lima Municipal On this date: Evangelist Catholic Church, Miller of Delphos.
As a result, Murray and for a stop sign viola- Court on the charge. In 1834, the U.S. Senate Delphos. A girl was born March
was arrested and trans- tion, Murray was released.

Victim reports assault No charges filed voted to censure President

Andrew Jackson for the
Mass of Christian Burial
will begin at 10 a.m. on
27 to Mindy Kremer of Van
in assault removal of federal deposits
from the Bank of the United
Wednesday at St. John the
Evangelist Catholic Church, LOCAL PRICES
At 1:33 a.m. on Sunday, had struck the victim and At 3:26 a.m. on Sunday, States. with Fr. Jacob Gordon offi-
Delphos Police were called caused harm to the vic- Delphos Police were called In 1854, during the Crimean Corn: $6.68
ciating. Burial will follow in
to the 800 block of West tim. The victim stated that to the 100 block of North War, Britain and France Wheat: $6.33
Resurrection Cemetery.
Skinner Street in reference she did not wish to pursue Main Street in reference to an declared war on Russia. Beans: $13.36
Visitation will be from 2-8
to an assault complaint. charges on the other subject assault complaint. In 1898, the Supreme p.m. on Tuesday at the Harter
Upon officers’ arrival, and that she only wanted Upon officers arrival, the
the victim stated that a per-
son known to the victim
the other person to leave the
victim stated that a person
known to them was at the resi-
Court, in United States v.
Wong Kim Ark, ruled that a
& Schier Funeral Home,
Delphos, where a Parish Wake LOTTERY
child born in the United States Service will be held at 2 p.m.
dence and assaulted them. CLEVELAND (AP) —
to Chinese immigrants was a Memorial contributions
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www.delphosherald.com Monday, March 28, 2011 The Herald –3A

Congressman Latta meets with county residents
By ED GEBERT questions and hear insights thing: We need jobs, and all going to get our house back another stop-gap budget bill spective. For Latta, it’s all
from their representative. these other things are imped- in order, we’ve got to say, to keep the government run- part of the job to be reminded
A congressman’s job is “There’s more common sense ing it. That’s our top priority. ‘No more borrowing. We’re ning. Although he wouldn’t of the people he represents.
done not only in Washington, here in this room than there is Jobs, jobs, jobs.” not going to do it anymore.’ say for sure what his decision “That’s why I get in my
D.C., but also back home in in all of Washington,” Latta That continued to be the We’re going to cut the credit would be, Latta did point out car and drive to Van Wert,”
the district. For U.S. Rep. exclaimed to a group of more mantra for Latta during the cards up. If we don’t need it that some in Congress have he commented. “And I leave
Bob Latta, it’s the part that than a dozen gathered around visit, noting that the govern- today, we’re not going to get to learn that more cuts need here and go to Celina. And
makes him feel good. “I feel a conference table. The open ment must reduce the debt by it today. We’re going to save to be made. I talk to the people I rep-
great at the end of the day discussion floated from topic making real budget cuts, and for the future. Our future in He shared, “I’m a firm resent and who send me to
after I’ve been out with my to topic like immigration, oil by getting regulations as well this country is our kids.” believer in this philosophy: If Washington to represent
constituents because these exploration, sales to South as regulators under control in This week is a work week I know what the problem is, them. They give me the mes-
people know what’s going America, and foreign debt, order to improve the atmo- for members of congress, and I can get to a solution. There sage. I know what my march-
on. And they know how to with the congressman doing sphere for new business and Latta is taking full advan- are people in Washington who ing orders are. It’s ‘cut.’
solve it. It’s not rocket sci- most of the listening at first, more jobs. tage of the opportunity. He don’t understand we have a Before we left, we cut $10
ence. It’s a simple northwest, then answering questions He explained, “We’re held meetings in 10 of the problem. I understand it.” billion in five weeks which
north central Ohio logic,” he posed by the group. over $14 trillion in debt. 16 counties in his district, Latta was obviously com- has never been done before.
asserted. “You could blind- “That’s why I’m here,” Overall, when you take in all making stops in Van Wert fortable among his constitu- Never. Washington doesn’t
fold me and put me in one of said Latta. “The people of our liabilities, we’re $88 and in Celina on Friday. This ents as he sat at the table, tak- have a revenue problem. It
my 16 counties and I’d never understand what the problem trillion in debt. It’s hard to trip was actually originally ing notes about suggestions has a spending problem.”
be able to tell you which one is. They understand what this say to people, but what part scheduled for last month, but from local people and openly
of the counties I’m in.” debt is going to do to us. We of the word ‘broke’ don’t you a blizzard kept Latta at home questioning what he consid-
Latta met with local resi- can’t be running a deficit, understand? All we’re doing in Bowling Green that day. ers poor decisions from the
dents in the Van Wert County and this whole health care is saddling the future gen- Upon returning to D.C., Obama Administration. Nods TAX-FREE
Commissioners’ conference
room Friday morning to give a
chance for constituents to ask
law is imploding on us and
that regulations are killing us.
And it all comes down to one
erations of this country with
such a debt, they’ll never be
able to get out of it... If we’re
Latta and his Republican col-
leagues must face the ques-
tion of whether or not to pass
of agreement were common
during the open forum ses-
sion as Latta shared his per-
Gadhafi Japan RETIREMENT
(Continued from page 1A) Tornado aircraft had attacked port in Russia, where Foreign (Continued from page 1A) not something that can be Tax-free income is the best
ammunition bunkers around Minister Sergey Lavrov said forgiven,” Edano said sternly gift you can give yourself
the advance retraced their Sebha in the southern desert strikes on Gadhafi’s forces 18,000 and hundreds of thou- today. at retirement. Converting
steps in the first rebel march in the early hours of the morn- would amount to interference sands remain homeless. TEPCO Vice President
to a Roth IRA from a
in what he called Libya’s civil traditional IRA allows for
toward the capital that was ing. Confusion at the plant Sakae Muto promised better tax-free accumulation as
stopped March 5 by Gadhafi’s After retaking two key oil war, and thus would breach the has intensified fears that the readings. well as tax-free withdrawals
superior weaponry. But this complexes along the coastal U.N. Security Council resolu- nuclear crisis will last weeks, “We will work hard to raise in retirement – which
time, the world’s most power- highway in the past two days, tion that envisaged a no-fly months or years amid alarms our precision in our work so means you don’t have
ful air forces have eased the rebels promised to quick- zone only to protect civilians. to worry as much about
over radiation making its way as not to repeat this again,” he what income tax rates
way by pounding the govern- ly restart Libya’s stalled oil The tiny Persian Gulf state
of Qatar, however, has for-
into produce, raw milk and said at a news conference. will be in the future.
ment’s military assets for the exports, prompting a slight
past week. drop in the soaring price of mally recognized the rebels as even tap water as far away as The crisis did not interrupt There are tax considera-
The east of the country crude oil to around $105 a the legitimate representatives Tokyo. a yearly rite much loved by tions and other factors

shook off nearly 42 years of barrel. of the country and promised to TEPCO officials said the Japanese: the start of the that determine whether
converting to a Roth IRA
Gadhafi’s rule in a series of The U.N. Security Council help them sell their crude oil Sunday that radiation in leak- cherry blossom season. is right for you.
popular demonstrations start- authorized the operation to on the international market. ing water in Unit 2 was 10 Cherry trees typically
ing in mid-February and protect Libyan civilians after Qatar has been well ahead million times above normal begin blooming in the south Call today to schedule
an appointment to learn
inspired by similar successful Gadhafi launched attacks of other Arab countries in — an apparent spike that sent in March, in the capital days more. We’ll discuss your
uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia. against the protesters who embracing the rebels and is employees fleeing. The day later, and in the chilly north in retirement goals to help
Gadhafi’s forces crushed simi- demanded that he step down. also participating in the U.N.- ended with officials saying April — the signal that spring determine if a Roth IRA
lar uprising in the west of the The airstrikes have crippled mandated no-fly zone over the huge figure had been mis- has arrived. makes sense for you.
country. Gadhafi’s forces, allowing Libya. calculated and was 100,000 Pink and white buds Edward Jones, its employees and financial

Sirte is strategically locat- rebels to advance less than two Turkey, meanwhile, has times above normal, still very appeared at the Yasukuni advisors do not provide tax or legal advice.
Please contact a qualified tax or legal pro-
ed about halfway between weeks after they had seemed at confirmed that even as rebel high but far better than the Shrine in Tokyo today, the fessional regarding your particular situation.

the rebel-held east and the the brink of defeat. forces advance on Sirte it has earlier results. country’s meteorological Andy North
Gadhafi-controlled west along The assault on Sirte, where been working with the govern- “This sort of mistake is agency said. Financial Advisor
ment and the opposition to set

the Mediterranean coast. It is a most civilians are believed 1122 Elida Avenue
center of support for Gadhafi
and is expected to be difficult
to support Gadhafi, howev-
er, potentially represents an
up a cease-fire.
“We are one of the very few
For all the news that matters, Delphos, OH 45833

for rebels to take. expansion of the international countries that are speaking to
West of Sirte is the embat- mission to being more directly both sides,” Foreign Ministry subscribe to www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC
tled city of Misrata, the sole involved with regime change. Spokesman Selcuk Unal said,
place in rebel hands in the
country’s west. Residents
“This is the objective of the
coalition now, it is not to pro-
without confirming whether
Turkey had offered to act as The Delphos Herald
reported fighting between reb- tect civilians because now they mediator.
els and Gadhafi loyalists who
fired from tanks on residential
are directly fighting against the
armed forces,” Khaled Kaim,
Turkey’s prime minister
Recep Tayyip Erdogan also
areas. the deputy foreign minister, told reporters his country will

Congratulations to
Rida al-Montasser, of the said in the capital, Tripoli. take over the running of the
media committee of Misrata, “They are trying to push the airport in Benghazi to facilitate
said that nine young men were country to the brink of a civil the transport of humanitarian

Larry White on your

killed and 23 others wounded war.” aid to Libya. He did not say
when Gadhafi brigades shelled His position found some sup- when, however.
their position in the northwest-
ern part of the city on Sunday
night. He also said that the port
retirement from Prudential.
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was bombed.
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JANA said the strikes
destroyed a number of houses, HURRY IN WHILE
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south of Tripoli, targeted the
airport and the flow of for-
eign fighters reinforcing the
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4A — The Herald Monday, March 28, 2011 www.delphosherald.com

POLITICS “Those who say they give the public what it wants begin by underestimating
public taste and end by debauching it.”
— T.S. Eliot, American-Anglo poet and critic (1888-1965).

Obama to lay out his

case on Libya to nation
By TOM RAUM Secretary Robert Gates with gressional authority before he
Associated Press appearances on Sunday tele- took military action in Libya,
vision news shows. nor did he consult closely
WASHINGTON — But as they made the with congressional leaders,
President Barack Obama is rounds, neither Clinton nor sore points for lawmakers on
offering Congress and an anx- Gates could say how long the both sides of the aisle.
ious public his first detailed U.S. mission would last or Congress wants to know
accounting of his rationale lay out an exit strategy. the precise U.S. military role
for U.S. military involve- “I don’t think anybody in the days ahead and how a
ment in Libya and perhaps an knows the answer to that,” nation strained by two exist-
answer to the burning ques- Gates told ABC News’ “This ing wars and mushrooming
tion: What’s next? Week” when asked point- budget deficits can pay the
His speech, set for 7:30 edly about reports that some tab.
p.m. EDT today, comes after officials within the Pentagon “Who knows how long
the administration scored an believed the mission could this goes on and, furthermore,
important diplomatic vic- last many months. who has budgeted for Libya
tory. NATO ambassadors on Clinton was asked on at all?” said Indiana’s Sen.
Sunday approved a plan for NBC’s “Meet the Press” what Richard Lugar on NBC’s
the alliance to assume from would be an acceptable out- “Meet the Press.” Added
the U.S. command all aerial come given that Obama has Lugar, the senior Republican
operations, including ground both said that Libyan leader on the Senate Foreign
Insiders worried
attacks. Col. Moammar Gadhafi must Relations Committee: “I
That will help Obama go and that he is not a military don’t believe we should be
over political assure the nation he can target. Would a partitioning engaged in a Libyan civil
war. The fact is we don’t
One Year Ago
• Ayla Eley of Lincolnview is the 2010 Peony Queen. She ‘meddling’ deliver on his promise that
the United States will be a
of Libya be a possible solu-
tion? “I think it’s too soon to have particular ties with any-
was crowned by 2009 Peony Queen Alyssa Evans at the Marsh WASHINGTON (AP) partner in the military action predict,” she said. body in the Libyan picture.
Foundation Auditorium Friday evening. First runner-up was — Insiders at the Homeland against Libya, but not from The interviews were con- It is not a vital interest to the
Victoria Barnhart (Van Wert) and second runner-up was Katie Security Department warned ducted Saturday and aired United States.”
the driver’s seat. Bickering Gates generally agreed that
Thompson (Crestview). for months that senior Obama among NATO members Sunday.
administration appointees Obama’s speech from the Libya did not pose a direct
delayed the process. threat the U.S. “It was not a
25 Years Ago — 1986 were improperly delaying the Ahead of today’s speech, National Defense University vital interest to the United
• Delphos Helms Swingers Western Square Dance Club releases of government files on Obama and his top national in Washington comes as States,” he said, while sug-
held its March dance at St. Peter Lutheran Church hall. Sam politically sensitive topics as security officials worked to leading GOP lawmakers and gesting that what happened
Dunn of St. Paris called to 34 couples and Della McHugh of sought by citizens, journalists set the stage for the address some from within Obama’s there could have implications
Van Wert, cued the rounds. St. Marys Tri-Squares won the and watchdog groups under — Obama in his weekly own party are pressing him for democratic movements in
the Freedom of Information
Helms Swingers’ traveling banner. radio and Internet address, for more clarity about his other parts of the Middle East
Act, according to uncensored
• The Delphos Young Farmers and Young Farmwives emails newly obtained by The and Secretary of State Hillary goals. where the U.S. does have a
sponsored an “Ag Trivia” contest during National Agriculture Associated Press. Rodham Clinton and Defense Obama did not seek con- more direct stake.
Week. Grades one through five participated at St. John’s,
Tempers flare in budget showdown
The highly unusual political
Franklin and Landeck elementary schools. vetting was described as “med-
• St. John’s track team, under first year Coach Teresa dling,” “crazy” and “bananas!”
Luersman, will be extremely young with one senior and one It is the subject of a congres- By ANDREW TAYLOR presenting significant cuts. for talks, pulling back from
junior. The Blue Jays strongest events are expected to be the sional hearing later this week Associated Press An offer a few days earlier an agreement with Boehner’s
shot put and the 400-meter relay. Leading shot putters are two- and an ongoing inquiry by the had ponied up just another office to work off a baseline
year varsity letter winners Lynn Pothast and Beth Gengler. department’s inspector general. W A S H I N G T O N $10 billion or so, GOP offi- essentially set at last year’s
Concerns came even from — Congress returns to cials said, which prompted levels.
50 Years Ago — 1961 the official put in charge of Washington this week under House Majority Leader Eric Boehner appears to be in a
• German’s Shell Station at Fifth Street and Fort Jennings submitting files to the politi- mounting pressure to strike Cantor to accuse Democrats no-win situation. Any agree-
Road has taken over the “U-Haul” Trailer Agency here. This cal staff of Homeland Security an agreement with President of “negotiating off of the sta- ment with Obama is sure to
organization rents trailers either for local or coast-to-coast Secretary Janet Napolitano for Barack Obama on a bill to tus quo and refusing to offer incite a revolt among hard-
hauling. Anyone wishing to do so may pick up a trailer in the secretive reviews. Chief fund the government. any sort of serious plan for line tea partiers who want
Delphos and leave it with another dealer at or near his destina- Privacy Officer Mary Ellen That’s proving difficult how to cut spending.” the full roster of cuts and an
tion. Callahan, who was appointed
enough. Then comes the The tough rhetoric was end to funding for Obama’s
• Candlelight Holy Communion will be held in the Delphos by Napolitano, complained in harder part for House Speaker matched by volleys from signature health care law.
Evangelical United Brethren Church March 30, according late 2009 that the vetting pro- John Boehner: convincing Boehner, R-Ohio, and And social conservatives are
cess was burdensome and said
to Rev. Walter Marks, pastor. Mrs. Darrell Helms will be at she wanted to change it. his many tea party-backed other House GOP leaders. adamant that the measure
the console of the organ, and the ladies trio is made up of Callahan is expected to be a GOP freshmen that the sort That prompted Sen. Chuck cut off money for Planned
Mrs. Lloyd Kerslake, Mrs. M. C. Maloney and Mrs. Lowell central witness during an over- of split-the-differences mea- Schumer, D-N.Y., to accuse Parenthood clinics that pro-
Jenkins. sight hearing Thursday by the sure Obama could sign isn’t Republicans of blowing up vide abortions in addition to
• The Ayersville Pilots, piloted by former Delphos Jefferson House Government Reform a sellout. a near agreement on a “top the family planning services
ace Lee Himmeger, captured their second Class A basket- and Oversight Committee. In Time is running short. line” of spending cuts that the government funds. Any
ball crown in five years with a tremendous team effort as emails, she warned that the attempts to outmuscle Obama
Staff-level negotiations last would have likely given with legislation that pleases
they downed a towering Youngstown Liberty squad, 40-33 Homeland Security Department week ran aground, and the Republicans more than half
Saturday afternoon in St. John Arena in Columbus. might be sued over delays the
tea partiers, however, would
principals are going to have to of their $60 billion-plus in surely incite a shutdown.
political reviews were causing, pick up the pace to have any reductions.
75 Years Ago — 1936 and she hinted that a reporter
“The speaker knows that
chance of making an April “After days of positive when it comes to avoiding a
• Louis Huber, violinist, of this city, is listed among the per- might find out about the politi- 8 deadline to avoid a partial negotiations, with signifi- shutdown, his problem is with
formers at this Saturday’s student recital at the New England cal scrutiny. shutdown of the government. cant flexibility shown by the
“This level of attention is the tea party, not Democrats,”
Conservatory of Music in Boston, Mass., where he is enrolled Right now it appears that the speaker, the House Republican Schumer said.
as a student. Huber, a pupil of Vaughn Hamilton, well known CRAZY,” Callahan wrote in shutdown that both sides have leadership is back to agoniz- Republicans promised last
member of the conservatory faculty, and formerly of the December 2009 to her then- sworn to avoid is possible — ing over whether to give in to
deputy, Catherine Papoi. year that they would ratchet
Boston Symphony Orchestra, will play two selections. if not probable. right-wing demands that they spending down to 2008 levels
• Special entertainment is to be presented at the regular Callahan said she hoped some- Republicans complain that abandon any compromise on and force Obama to backtrack
meeting of Delphos Aerie, No. 471, Fraternal Order of Eagles one outside the Obama admin- the White House and Senate their extreme cuts,” Schumer on generous budget increases
March 30. Chief Blue Sky and Chief Running Buffalo of the istration would discover details Democrats, after hinting of said.
of the political reviews, pos- made on his watch. To meet
Pima Indiana tribe, will be present at the meeting and will sibly by asking for evidence deep spending cuts, have Democrats also say that the promise, GOP leaders ini-
entertain with a war dance and other tribal dances. They will of them under the Freedom been slow in officially offer- House Republicans insist on tially pressed for about $35
present various musical numbers and will tell about the Indians of Information Act itself: “I ing them. using House-passed legisla- billion in cuts in a proposal
and their customs. really really want someone to The frustration boiled over tion slashing more than $60 that took account of the fact
• Evan C. Humphreys has been selected as master of FOIA this whole damn pro- on Friday, with Republicans billion from the current-year that the budget year is almost
the newly-organized Leatherwood Grange. Organization was cess,” Callahan wrote. criticizing Democrats for not budget as the starting point halfway over.
effected at a meeting at Leatherwood Tuesday evening. K. W.
Weaver, deputy master of Allen County, was in charge.
Snow-White and Rose-Red
be hard to find two more KATHLEEN PARKER
Haley is currently writing a
memoir, which, if you’re a
three-week wait.
The governor told me she
The Delphos Herald welcomes letters to the editor. Letters compelling, formidable politician, often suggests big- couldn’t wait. She has only
should be no more than 400 words. The newspaper reserves women in American public ger ambitions. one voting member on the
the right to edit content for length, clarity and grammar. Letters
concerning private matters will not be published.
life than South Carolina Gov.
Nikki Haley and fellow South
Point Moore, whom Fortune
once named one of the 50
board and, says Haley, “I
have to pick one who will
Failure to supply a full name, home address and daytime
phone number will slow the verification process and delay pub-
Carolinian and philanthropist
Darla Moore.
of View most powerful women in
American business, is famous
report to me and return my
lication. They are, as we say, good for her down-home largesse. But mightn’t a governor
Letters can be mailed to The Delphos Herald, 405 N. Main ol’ girls made good. Haley, do and willing to let the chips A blond beauty who speaks give a little extra time to the
St., Delphos, Ohio 45833, faxed to 419-692-7704 or e-mailed the youngest governor in the fall where they may,” says with a distinctly Southern most magnanimous, dedicat-
to nspencer@delphosherald.com. Authors should clearly state U.S. at 39, is a first-genera- accent, Moore matches ed donor in South Carolina
they want the message published as a letter to the editor. Anon- Dawson. “Elections have
tion Indian-American — self- consequences.” Haley’s toughness with a history? Apparently, not.
ymous letters will not be printed. made through hard work and steely resolve of her own. Haley’s actions may be
Moore, meanwhile, seems
Moderately confused determination. Moore, born
and raised in tiny Lake City
poised for sainthood. Her
response to Haley’s insult
Speaking to about 400 stu-
dents on the USC campus
understandable in a certain
light. She has the right to
(pop. 6,000-ish), went to Wall was to offer the university Thursday as she announced shape her army as she sees
Street, made a fortune, and another $5 million for an her latest donation, Moore fit. But her actions also might
returned to her home state aerospace research center to began disarmingly: “While I be viewed as defiantly fool-
to share her bounty, includ- be named for fellow Lake quickly admit to enjoying the ish. She has enraged estab-
ing more than $70 million City star Ronald McNair, an occasional opportunity to talk lishment Republicans, a feat
to the University of South African-American astronaut about the wonder of me, this applauded by her tea party
Carolina. who died in the Challenger is not about Darla Moore.” base. And she has placed
Thus, it was stunning a explosion in 1986. And then she commenced, at risk the beneficence of a
few weeks ago when Haley As stories go, this one without mentioning Haley’s proven and loyal leader when
unceremoniously removed has, dare I say, good legs. name, to shred the governor: it comes to education and
Moore from the University It doesn’t hurt that both “Neither you nor I need to be innovation.
of South Carolina Board women are attractive — a on the Board of Trustees to Whether Haley has com-
of Trustees, where she had Snow-White and Rose-Red make this (improving higher mitted political suicide so
served since 1999, replacing pair of Southern sisters who education) happen. We need early in her promising career
her with a local attorney and are politely engaged in a war simply to hold our leaders — or merely tightened the
Haley campaign donor. of, well, roses. In the nicest accountable and tell them we bolts on her pledge to remake
This jaw-dropping move possible way, they are at each understand that they may not South Carolina as a leader in
has created a furor, prompt- other’s throats. help us, they may not be able education and business —
ing a statehouse protest and The Haley-Moore imbro- to help us — but we demand remains to be seen.
an anti-Haley campaign that glio might be of little inter- that they not hurt us.” But if one were to put a
has some talking about her est beyond South Carolina’s Ouch. name to the dual goals of edu-
political ruin. Others, such border, though the Palmetto As Haley explains events, cational excellence and busi-
as former state Republican State has established itself as Moore lost her seat basically ness development, one would
Party chair Katon Dawson, a reliable source of tellable because she didn’t express be hard-pressed to improve
shrug and say “there’s a new tales. And, there’s the fact sufficient interest in keeping upon Darla Moore. Hence,
sheriff in town.” that Haley has been flagged it. She didn’t return Haley’s alas, the building that bears
“I say there is a new gover- as a rising Republican star, calls, as the governor tells her name — the University
nor in high heels doing what beloved by tea-partiers and it, and when Haley tried to of South Carolina’s Darla
she told the voters she would endorsed by Sarah Palin. meet with Moore, there was a Moore School of Business.
www.delphosherald.com Monday, March 28, 2011 The Herald — 5A

LSO offers Optimists honor local students DELPHOS ACE HARDWARE

percussion LAWN CARE
soloist Kenidi Ulm, a fresh-
man at Jefferson High
The Lima Symphony School, was honored as
Clark Mansion Orchestra will introduce the Student of the Month You Pay $62.99
Van Wert, Ohio audiences to a powerful

young percussion soloist as
they present our final con-
by the Delphos Optimist
Club. Optimist member
and Delphos City Schools
After $20 Mail-in Rebate
cert of the 2010-2011 sea- Superintendent Jeff Price
Green Turf® 4 Step
son at 7:30 p.m. on April 9 presents her with a plaque
at the Veterans’ Memorial and a certificate for a $50 Annual Program
Civic and Convention savings bond from the 5000 sq. ft. Crabgrass Preventer
TODAY Center. with Fertilizer, Weed and Feed,
7 p.m. — Ottoville village Optimist Club. She is the
Percussion soloist Lisa daughter of Damon and
Lawn Fertilizer and Winterizer
council meets at the municipal Pegher will join the orches- 7111826. Limit 2 rebates.
building. Kristen Ulm.
tra for Joseph Schwantner’s
15,000 sq. ft.7287279...$119.99 After
Marion Township Trustees modern and rambunctious
$40 Mail-in Rebate

meet at the township house. Concerto for Percussion.

You pay $159.99. LImit 1 rebate

7:30 p.m. — Delphos Pegher will fill the stage
Eagles Aerie 471 meets at the with percussion instru-
Eagles Lodge. ments of every shape and
size from the familiar to the Photos submitted After $4
TUESDAY exotic. Mail-in
11:30 a.m. — Mealsite Pegher has been called Rebate.
at Delphos Senior Citizen “the future of percus-
Center, 301 Suthoff Street. sion” and, as quoted by
You Pay
6 p.m. — Weight Watchers Symphony Magazine,
meets at Trinity United “is blazing a particularly Crabgrass
Methodist Church, 211 E. rough, un-trodden trail” in Preventer & Lawn
Third St. the world of percussion.
7:30 p.m. — Alcoholics
Covers 5000 Sq. Ft. Prevents
Having grown up on a crabgrass and other grassy
Anonymous, First Presbyterian small rural farm in west- weeds from germinating while
Church, 310 W. Second St. ern Pennsylvania, Pegher feeding the lawn. 7014665.
Limit 2 rebates.
began playing the drums at 15,000 Sq. Ft.,
WEDNESDAY the age of seven and made Alexa Plescher, a 7229552...$39.99,
9 a.m. - noon — Putnam her debut as a solo percus- sixth-grader at Landeck After $10 Mail-in Rebate.
County Museum is open, 202 sionist with the Pittsburgh Elementary School, was You Pay $49.99. Limit 1 rebate.
E. Main St. Kalida. Symphony at Heinz Hall in honored as the Most ✿✿✿✿
11:30 a.m. — Mealsite Improved Student by the
at Delphos Senior Citizen
her early 20s. Since then,
she has been described by Delphos Optimist Club. YOUR BBQ GRILL
Center, 301 Suthoff Street. critics as “a brilliant pol- Optimist member and HEADQUARTERS
11:45 a.m. — Rotary Club ished performer” and as Delphos City Schools • Grill Carts •Charcoal
meets at the Eagles Lodge, “the rising star in the per- Superintendent Jeff Price • LP Gas Tanks
1600 E. Fifth St. cussion world,” and contin- presents her with a plaque
6 p.m. — Shepherds of ues to premiere and com- and a certificate for a $50 • Grill Accessories
Christ Associates meet in the mission numerous works savings bond courtesy of WE SELL AND
St. John’s Chapel. for solo percussion. the Optimist Club. She is SERVICE THESE
7 p.m. — Bingo at St. Pegher has appeared the daughter of Lee and BRANDS:
John’s Little Theatre. as soloist in numer- Brandy Plescher. • Holland • Sarka
ous venues in cities • Weber
THURSDAY such as Chicago, Tokyo, • Broilmate • Charbroil
9-11 a.m. — The Delphos Eindhoven, Houston, • Other models available
Canal Commission Museum, Philadelphia, Baltimore, ✿✿✿✿
241 N. Main St., is open. Washington D.C. and New LAWN MOWERS
11:30 a.m. — Mealsite
at Delphos Senior Citizen
Center, 301 Suthoff Street.
York. She was one of only
two Americans chosen to
perform at the TROMP
Are You At LibertY ON SALE!
20 inch push
5-7 p.m. — The Interfaith International Percussion
Thrift Shop is open for shop- Competition and Festival
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been a featured artist at
FRIDAY the Percussive Arts Society tine tillers
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Optimist Club meets at the occasions. • Push gasoline
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11:30 a.m. — Mealsite winner of the Aspen Prize, • Long Handle Pruner
at Delphos Senior Citizen awarded by the Minnesota • 12 Ft. Long Handle
Center, 301 Suthoff Street.
1-4 p.m. — Interfaith Thrift
Store is open for shopping.
Orchestra’s WAMSO com-
petition, and was a recipient
of the William J. Spencer
Happy Birthday
Tax Preparation Tree Pruners
& several different
pruning saws
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Present this coupon to your tax
9 a.m.-noon — Interfaith Michelle Dellinger preparer and Liberty Tax service
Thrift Store is open for shop- Bakaleninkoff Memorial Alissa Sterling will prepare your return to your
Fund Scholarship and was
ping. Drew Baldauf
satisfaction, guaranteed.

St. Vincent DePaul Society, winner of the Woman’s Ken Rode

Good at participating locations. For
new customers Only. Offer not valid
located at the east edge of the Advisory Board Music
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with other offers. Expires 4/15.
St. John’s High School park- competition and winner of
ing lot, is open. the Duquesne Symphony
with Special Deals!
10 a.m to 2 p.m. — Delphos Concerto Competition at
the Mary Pappert School of
teachers meet CALL 1-866-871-1040 for the office nearest you.
Postal Museum is open.
12:15 p.m. — Testing of Music. Miss Pegher received
the Director’s Prize at the
April 14 LIMA LIMA
2115 Allentown Road 1835 1/2 Harding Hwy.
warning sirens by Delphos
Kingsville International The Putnam County
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1-3 p.m. — Delphos Canal Ph. (419) 229-1040 Ph. (419) 879-1040
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a recipient of the interna-
tional YAMAHA Young fruits, pork and beans, kid-
Performing Artist Award. ney beans as well as laundry
1-3 p.m. — The Delphos Delphos herald/THe Grind TEAM
The orchestra will also detergent, dish soap, and hand
Canal Commission Museum,
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be joined by the Lima
Symphony Chorus.
Tickets: Adults: $31/$25;
Lunch reservations and
payment are due April 9 to
Please notify the Delphos Students: $17/$14 Treasurer Charlotte Ellis.

Herald at 419-695-0015 if
there are any corrections
or additions to the Coming
Events column. www.delphosherald.com

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Local Roundup Kentucky beats North
Carolina 76-69 in East final
Racers win 2-of-3 at Mount St. Joseph.... 300 020 0 - 5 9 3
E: Wilson 2, Osborne(9),
Talladega College Armstrong(3), McCullough. LOB: BU 8,
TALLADEGA, Alabama Mount 8. 2B: Manusos(7), Manahan(4).
HR: Osborne(1), Nikitas(1). Sac: Price(4),
— The University of Radomski(3). SB: Price(4), Armstrong(1),
Northwestern Ohio baseball Sefton, Horn. CS: Erford(3).
team finished off a 2-for- Bluffton University By WILL GRAVES DeAndre Liggins added 12 A seldom-used reserve a Calipari joins Rick Pitino
3 weekend at Talladega Kayla Owens (W,4-5)7.0 9 5 5 2 3 The Associated Press points for Kentucky, includ- year ago who has flourished as the only coaches to lead
Mount St. Joseph
College with an 11-10 loss to Cohill (L,2-5)4.1 10 7 5 3 3 ing a 3-pointer from the cor- in his final season, Harrellson three different programs to
the Tornadoes Saturday. Brookbank 2.2 4 3 3 1 3 NEWARK, N.J. — This ner with 37 seconds remain- again held his own against the Final Four. Calipari’s pre-
WP: Owens (6). HBP: by Owens (Gregg).
The Racers (9-12) had PB: Wilson. wasn’t supposed to be the ing to help lift the Wildcats to North Carolina’s bigger, more vious visits at Massachusetts
swept a 7-4, 7-1 doublehead- (Game 2) year Kentucky ended its their 14th Final Four. heralded front line, scoring in 1996 and Memphis in
Bluffton University 7 (10-7,3-1 HCAC)
er Friday. ab-r-h-rbi 13-year Final Four drought. It’s a journey 12 points and 2008 were vacated by the
Northwestern Ohio 10 Meagan Price c 2-2-0-0, Shelby
Erford 2b 2-1-1-0, Natalie Nikitas ph 1-0-
That was supposed to hap- Calipari was hired grabbing eight NCAA for rules violations
(9-12) 0-0, Chelsie Osborne ss 4-0-1-1, Ashley pen last year, in coach John to make. Even if rebounds as but Calipari was not found
ab-r-h-rbi Manusos lf 4-1-1-1, Emily Manahan 1b Calipari’s first season on the the guy who hired Kentucky liable in either instance.
Phillip Donovan cf 6-0-1-0, Alex 4-0-0-0, Shelby Wade cf 3-0-0-1, Stevie
Czernewski 2b 4-2-3-0, Kael Campbell Cuttitta p 2-0-0-0, Christina Hrehor ph bench, when John Wall and him wasn’t sure this avenged a Athletic director Mitch
dh 3-1-1-0, Zyler Cosby pr 0-0-0-0, Pichi 1-0-0-0, Maggie Armstrong 3b 3-0-0-0, DeMarcus Cousins electri- would be the year 75-73 loss to Barnhart said Calipari want-
Torres lf 4-2-2-2, Kyle Jeffries c 4-0- Tiffany Buckmaster pr 0-0-0-0, Allison
3-2, Curtis Lambkin pr 0-2-0-0, Eric Radomski rf 1-2-0-0. Totals 27-7-3-3. fied a flagging program one the lengthy 13-year the Tar Heels ed his Final Four appearances
Rodriguez 1b 4-1-2-1, Ben Schubert Mount St. Joseph 6 (2-13,0-2 HCAC) fast break at a time. drought — the lon- in December with the Wildcats “to stick.”
ph/1b 0-0-0-0, Mikel Sechrist rf 3-0-1-2, ab-r-h-rbi
C.J. Hernandez ph 1-0-0-0, Ryan Ekberg Brookbank 1b 4-1-1-4, Sefton lf 4-0- Or maybe it was supposed gest in school history in Chapel Time will tell, though he’s
3b 3-1-1-1, Pedro Boissalier ss 5-1-1-2. 0-0, McCullough dh 4-0-1-0, McElhinny to be next year, when another — would end. Hill. already restored the shine to a
Totals 37-10-15-10. p 3-1-2-0, Horn 3b 3-2-2-0, Gregg 2b 3-0-
Talladega College 11 0-0, Huston rf 2-1-1-2, Wilson c 3-1-1-0, high-profile flock of recruits “I thought he was It was a program that’s slowly slipped
ab-r-h-rbi LaRosa ss 3-0-1-0. Totals 29-6-9-6. followed college basketball’s building toward it, different story off its perch over the past
Benfield ss 5-1-2-0, Cook cf 3-2-0-0, Score by Innings:
Cochian rf 3-2-1-0, Ortiz 1b 5-1-1-1, Bluffton University. 100 210 3 - 7 3 0 Pied Piper to the place where but I didn’t think this was in March in New Jersey. decade.
Sosa 2b 4-2-3-2, Mizelle c 5-1-1-0, Mount St. Joseph.... 042 000 0 - 6 9 4 Final Fours and national the year,” Kentucky president It’s a month Kentucky and That lust for a champion-
Santiago dh 5-2-3-3, Bachero 3b 4-0-2- E: Horn 3, LaRosa. LOB: BU 4,
1, Pina lf 2-0-1-2, Rodriguez lf 2-0-0-0. Mount 3. 2B: McCullough, Horn. 3B: championships aren’t just Lee Todd said. North Carolina have owned ship banner is why Kentucky
Totals 38-11-14-9. LaRosa. HR: Brookbank. SB: Erford(3), expected but demanded. It didn’t look like it in for years. They’ve combined went after Calipari so aggres-
Score by Innings: Osborne(4), Manusos(1).
NW Ohio... 401 010 004 - 10 15 1 IP H R ER BBSO Yet here they are Houston: January, when the Wildcats for 210 NCAA tournament sively, making him the high-
Talladega... 306 200 00X - 11 14 3 Bluffton University the freshmen that were sup- couldn’t win a close game. It victories — 105 each — est-paid coach in the coun-
E: Sechrist, Benfield, Sosa, Pina. DP: S. Cuttitta (W,3-1)7.0 9 6 6 1 5
Talladega 4. LOB: UNOH 12, Talladega 8. Mount St. Joseph posed to be just good, not didn’t look like it in February, but Sunday’s victory was try.
2B: Torres, Sosa, Santiago. 3B: Benfield. McElhinny (L,0-3)7.0 3 7 3 4 5 great. The overlooked vet- when they couldn’t win on the Wildcats’ first in three No team has been to the
SF: Sechrist, Ekberg. SB: Lambkin, WP: McElhinny. HBP: by McElhinny
Rodriguez, Santiago. CS: Donovan. erans thrust into the mix out the road. NCAA meetings with the Tar Final Four more than North
IP H R ER BB SO (Radomski,). PB: Wilson.
of necessity more than any- Calipari admitted it didn’t Heels. Carolina and the Tar Heels
Northwestern Ohio ----
Ben Ehgoetz (L)2.0 4 6 4 3 2 thing else. And the coach look that way two weeks ago, Not that North Carolina were poised to add to their
Juan Espinosa 4.0 8 5 5 1 5 Mount St. Joseph silences
tasked with one thing when when his team was relegat- coach Roy Williams was in NCAA-record 18 appearanc-
Ryan Carpenter 2.0 2 0 0 0 1 Bluffton bats in sweep of
Talladega College Kentucky lured him away ed to a fourth seed despite the mood for a history les- es after mauling Marquette
Pettus (W) 6.0 9 6 4 5 2 Beavers
from Memphis two years convincingly winning the son. in the regional semifinals on
Wright 2.2 5 4 4 3 3 By Mallory Kemper
Holmes (S) 0.1 1 0 0 1 0 ago: restoring the Wildcats Southeastern Conference “I’m going to focus on Friday.
HBP: by Pettus (Campbell, K), by Sports information intern
to glory. tournament. The powers-that- what a wonderful group of Instead, their resurgent
Espinosa (Sosa). BK: Ehgoetz. PB: CINCINNATI — The
Mizelle. Freshman point guard be put Kentucky in the same kids and what a wonderful season ended with a down-
Ehgoetz faced 3 batters in the 3rd. Bluffton University base-
Brandon Knight scored 22 bracket as top overall seed year it was,” he said. “But trodden Barnes glumly shak-
------ ball team fell twice to
points and fourth-seeded Ohio State. it still doesn’t take away the ing hands as Kentucky play-
ONU sweeps OSU Lima Mount St. Joseph, 6-0
Kentucky advanced to the “I just thought the path to hurt that you feel today.” ers donned Final Four caps a
in baseball and 14-3, on Saturday in
Final Four for the first time get here would be so ridicu- Tyler Zeller led the Tar few feet away.
ADA — Ohio Northern Heartland Collegiate Athletic
since its 1998 national title lous,” Calipari said, “that we Heels with 21 points and The game mirrored much
University’s baseball team Conference action at Marge
with a 76-69 win over sec- would have to play out of our nine rebounds and Harrison of the talented freshman’s
moved to 11-4 with a 14-1, Scott Stadium in Cincinnati.
ond-seeded North Carolina on minds or people would have Barnes added 18 points but season. He struggled early
8-3 doubleheader home The Beavers slipped to 7-10
Sunday in the East Regional to get knocked off.” North Carolina fell behind then caught fire late, scoring
sweep of OSU Lima/Rhodes on the season and 0-3 in the
final. Done and done. early and struggled to keep eight straight at one point as
State College Saturday. HCAC, while MSJ improved
“We got Kentucky back,” Kentucky edged Ohio the hot-shooting Wildcats in the Tar Heels clawed back
The Barons fall to 0-6. to a perfect 3-0 in the HCAC
senior center Josh Harrellson State on Friday, then gave check. into it.
Game 1 and 10-7 overall.
OSU Lima---0-0-0-1-0-0-0----1--6--2 said. “A lot of people doubt- the Final Four another blue- “No question, I thought Yet he faltered in the final
ONU----------6-0-0-2-3-3-x---14-17-1 Mount St. Joseph opened
ed us. A lot of people really blood program, though with we were going to pull it out,” minute, missing a 3-pointer
Winning pitcher: Austin Price (2-1); the first inning with a sin-
Losing pitcher: Cory Echols (0-2). Extra- didn’t think we’d be the team a twist. There will be no No. Barnes said. “We’ve been after Liggins’ big shot then
base hits: Kortokrax (OSU L), A. Yonker gle and a double to give the
we are. We really pulled it 1 or No. 2 seeds playing the through so many of these sit- missing another one after
(ONU), Hampshire (ONU), Obarski Lions a 1-0 lead. In the sec-
(ONU). together as a team, and we’re last weekend of the season uations before. Losing didn’t Knight hit two free throws
Game 2 ond inning MSJ was on fire,
back now.” since 1979, well before the enter my mind until the final to give Kentucky a six-point
OSU Lima----0-0-2-0-1-0-0--3--6--4 scoring four runs thanks to a
ONU-----------1-0-0-0-5-2-x--8--4--2 The Wildcats (29-8) will field expanded to 64 teams horn sounded.” lead.
Winning pitcher: Justin Good; Losing Craig Shanks double and a
play Connecticut in Houston in 1985. Instead, it was Harrellson Barnes refused to discuss
pitcher: Rusty Lammers (0-2) Josh Denny triple. The Lions
---- on Saturday night after turn- The Wildcats have a giving teammate Eloy Vargas whether he’ll return next
plated another run in the fifth
BU softball gains split of to complete the scoring in
ing back a late surge by pedigree and a roster full a bear hug and Knight flexing year.
Mount St. Joseph their 6-0 shutout victory over
the Tar Heels (27-10), who of highly-touted freshmen. at midcourt before gleefully The Wildcats don’t need to
CINCINNATI — Bluffton erased an 11-point deficit Yet they’re just as reliant cutting down the nets while be reminded of the program’s
the Beavers.
University’s fast-pitch soft- before running out of gas in on holdovers such as Liggins Barnes and the Tar Heels rich history. It dangles from
Bluffton managed just
ball team grabbed a 10-5, the final 2 minutes. and Harrellson. trudged slowly off the floor. the rafters at Rupp Arena.
four singles, while the home
7-6 doubleheader sweep over team finished with 10 hits,
Mount St. Joseph Saturday at
KinderMorgan Complex.
(Game 1)
including three doubles and
one triple. Nick Rodesky
(Bowling Green) fell to 0-3
Unthinkable foursome heading to Houston
Bluffton University 10 (9-7,2-1 By EDDIE PELLS thin difference between the nament. They were one of the the Wildcats) and they lived
HCAC) after giving up five runs in The Associated Press supposed power teams and last at-large teams to make up to them this month.
Meagan Price c 4-1-2-1, Chelsie just 1.2 innings on the hill. the ones they’re supposed to the newfangled 68-team field. Connecticut was 9-9 in the
Osborne ss 5-2-3-4, Shelby Erford 2b Drew Ernst (1-1) tossed a All the top seeds have beat. They’ve traveled the road Big East this season, but won
5-0-2-1, Ashley Manusos lf 3-1-1-1,
Emily Manahan 1b 4-1-1-1, Tiffany complete-game, 5-hit shut- gone home, all the “smart This Final Four includes: from the “First Four” — an an unprecedented five games
Buckmaster 1b 0-0-0-0, Natalie Nikitas out, going seven innings for money” is down the tubes —Four teams with a com- extra, opening round that was in five days in the conference
dh 2-1-1-1, Allison Radomski dh 0-1-0-0,
Paige Gerdeman rf 2-1-1-0, Shelby Wade the victory. and millions of brackets are bined 37 losses and a com- added as part of the NCAA’s tournament to win its first
cf 4-0-1-1, Maggie Armstrong 3b 4-2-2- The Mount scored mul- in the trash. bined winning percentage new $10.8 billion TV deal — big trophy of March. The
0. Totals 33-10-14-10.
Mount St. Joseph 5 (2-12,0-1 tiple runs in five of their Even in the unpredictable of .755, second lowest since to the Final Four. big question was whether
HCAC) eight at-bats en route to a world of March Madness, 1985. In Butler (27-9), last year’s the Huskies, led by one of
Gregg 2b 2-1-1-0, Sefton lf 4-1-3-0, convincing 14-3 victory in this is a Final Four nobody —Four teams whose com- runner-up, VCU will play a the nation’s best players in
McCullough ss 3-2-0-0, Brookbank rf/dh game 2. Bluffton finally got could have imagined. bined seeding equals 26, team that slumped through Kemba Walker, would have
4-1-2-1, McElhinny 1b 4-0-0-0, Horn 3b
4-0-1-1, Wilson c 4-0-1-1, Huston dh/rf on the scoreboard for the Kentucky, Connecticut, breaking the record of 22 in big chunks of the season, enough energy to keep things
3-0-1-0, Carmosino cf 3-0-0-0, Cohill p/ first time in the eighth frame. Butler and Virginia 2000. suffering from the predict- going in the NCAAs.
dh 0-0-0-0. Totals 31-5-9-3.
Score by Innings: Tad Margolies () lifted a sac- Commonwealth fill out a —Not a single No. 1 seed able hangover after what was Short answer: Yes.
Bluffton U. 013 050 1 - 10 14 2
See Roundup page 7A Final Four that, by most ways for only the third time since supposed to be a once-in-a- They held off Arizona
of looking at it, is the most seeding began in 1979. lifetime trip to the Final Four 65-63 on Saturday and are in
unimaginable in the history —Not a single No. 1 or last year. the Final Four for the fourth
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Men’s Tournament Glance

The Associated Press Semifinal winners
UConn rallies to beat Georgetown 68-63
NCAA Tournament ---- By DOUG FEINBERG straight and, after Alexa “Our program is on the one more Sunday but couldn’t
EAST REGIONAL College Insider.com The Associated Press Roche’s basket, Hartley capped rise,” McNutt said. “We’re close it out after leading 35-32
At The Prudential Center Tournament at halftime.
Newark, N.J. Semifinals the run with a 3-pointer that past moral victories; we should
Sunday’s Regional Friday’s Result PHILADELPHIA — made it 62-55 with 4:03 left. be in the Elite Eight.” The Hoyas continued to
Championship Result Santa Clara 72, SMU 55 Georgetown knows all about Monica McNutt’s 3-pointer It was Auriemma’s 80th press UConn in the second
Kentucky 76, North Carolina 69 Saturday’s Result Maya Moore and Connecticut’s got Georgetown within four victory in the NCAA tourna- half, building their lead with
SOUTHEAST REGIONAL Iona 83, East Tennessee State 80 rich postseason history and the with 1:41 remaining but Moore ment, moving him into sec- the 3-pointer. McNutt and
At New Orleans Arena Wednesday’s Championship Hoyas were determined to rock answered with a long jumper ond on the career wins list Rodgers hit back-to-back 3s to
Saturday’s Regional Santa Clara (23-14) at Iona (25- make it 47-42 with 15:41 left.
Championship Result 11), 7 p.m. the bracket with one of the from the corner to seal the for men or women. Tennessee
Butler 74, Florida 71, OT ---- NCAA tournament’s biggest win. coach Pat Summitt is tops with Tia Magee then added four
SOUTHWEST REGIONAL College Basketball Invitational upsets ever. “My players aren’t in these 109; Duke men’s coach Mike straight points to give the
At The Alamodome Championship Series Backed into a corner, situations very often and it’s Krzyzewski is third with 79 Hoyas a 7-point lead before
San Antonio (Best-of-3; x-if necessary) Moore got some help from fel- good to be tested,” Auriemma victories. UConn took over.
Sunday’s Regional Today’s Game
low senior Lorin Dixon and the said. “It’s easy to be a win- Auriemma has had a lot “We didn’t hit shots,”
Championship Result Oregon (19-17) at Creighton (22- Williams-Flournoy said. “Sugar
Virginia Commonwealth 71, 14), 8 p.m. Huskies responded. ner when you’re winning. You of success in Philadelphia,
Moore had 23 points and 14 find out a lot about yourself making his first Final Four missed a layup, we turned the
Kansas 61 Wednesday’s Game
ball over twice. Against a team
WEST REGIONAL Creighton at Oregon, 10 p.m. rebounds, leading Connecticut when you have to go and win. in 1991 after playing at the like Connecticut you can’t
At The Honda Center Friday’s Game to a 68-63 victory after the We found out a lot about us regional at the Palestra. In
Anaheim, Calif. x-Creighton at Oregon, 10 p.m. make those kinds of mistakes.
Saturday’s Regional ----- Hoyas led by seven in the sec- today.” 2000, Auriemma’s team won That’s the only way you’re
Championship Result NIT ond half of their regional semi- Hartley added 17 points for its second national champion- going to give yourself any kind
Connecticut 65, Arizona 63 Tuesday’s Semifinals final Sunday. UConn (35-1), which is now ship here. of cushion to beat Connecticut.
FINAL FOUR At Madison Square Garden “Me and Maya decided three victories away from a While UConn is a regular in They have Maya Moore, she
At Reliant Stadium New York we didn’t want our careers to third straight national cham- the round of 16, Georgetown
Houston Wichita State (27-8) vs. hit those big shots.”
Saturday’s National Semifinals Washington State (22-12), 7 p.m.;
end here today,” Dixon said. pionship that would match is a relative newcomer. The The Huskies haven’t lost in
Butler (27-9) vs. Virginia Colorado (24-13) vs. Alabama (24- “That’s just a great feeling. I the school’s own run from Hoyas have been this far only the round of 16 since Stanford
Commonwealth (28-11), 6:09 p.m.; 11), 9:30 p.m. think everyone wanted to con- 2002-04 and Tennessee’s from once before in 1992-93. That beat them in 2005. It has been
Kentucky (29-8) vs. Connecticut (30- Thursday’s Championship tinue the tournament.” 1996-98. team lost to Virginia in the 12 years since they lost as a
9), 40 minutes after first game Wichita State-Washington State While Moore put up the UConn will have to beat regional semifinals. one seed in the regional semi-
National Championship winner vs. Colorado-Alabama win- numbers, Dixon was the cat- Duke in the championship Coach Terri Williams- finals, falling to Iowa State in
Monday, April 4 ner, 7 p.m.
alyst for the game-changing game on Tuesday night to Flournoy, who was an assis- 1999.
Women’s Tournament Glance run.
Connecticut trailed 53-46
advance to the Final Four for
the fourth straight year. The
tant on that 1993 team, doesn’t
think it will be another 18-year
The Huskies have won 23
straight overall and 70 in a row
The Associated Press DALLAS REGIONAL with 9:36 left but responded Huskies routed the Blue Devils wait for the Hoyas to return to against Big East schools.
NCAA Women’s Basketball Regional Semifinals with a 16-2 run sparked by the 87-51 on Jan. 31. this level. Griner scores 40 as Baylor
Tournament At American Airlines Center 5-4 guard. This was the third meeting “I think we’re only a few beats Green Bay 86-76:
PHILADELPHIA REGIONAL Dallas Brittney Griner had anoth-
Regional Semifinals Sunday’s Results “Today was a great reflec- between the two Big East teams notches away,” she said.
At The Liacouras Center Texas A&M 79, Georgia 38 tion of what she’s been doing in the past 30 days. UConn “Really one more player.” er big game, got some help
Philadelphia Baylor 86, Wisconsin-Green Bay for the last month for every won the first two games by Sensing the buzz around the from Baylor’s freshman point
Sunday’s Results 76 single day,” UConn coach double digits but Georgetown women’s program, the school guard and the top-seeded Lady
Connecticut 68, Georgetown 63 Tuesday’s Regional Geno Auriemma said of Dixon, was able to remain close in sent up two busloads of bois- Bears ended any chance for
Duke 70, DePaul 63 Championship who finished with four points, those games by forcing the terous students to the game Wisconsin-Green Bay to have
Tuesday’s Regional Texas A&M (30-5) vs. Baylor
Championship (34-2), 9 p.m. four assists and four steals. Huskies into a combined 47 and the Hoyas gave their fans a Butler-like finish.
Connecticut (35-1) vs. Duke (32- ----- Bria Hartley got the spurt turnovers with its relentless plenty to cheer about. Griner had a career-high 40
3), 7 p.m. Women’s National Invitation started with a 3-pointer and pressure. Sugar Rodgers had said points with 10 rebounds and
DAYTON REGIONAL Tournament Dixon followed with a layup The Hoyas (24-11) showed on Saturday that the coaching combined with Sims to score
Regional Semifinals Quarterfinals off a steal. She then had anoth- no fear from the start on staff put together a highlight all the points in the game-
At University of Dayton Arena Saturday’s Result film showing the team the two
Dayton, Ohio Charlotte 79, Virginia 74 er steal and fed Hartley for an Sunday, giving the top-seeded clinching 14-0 spurt, as the
Saturday’s Results Sunday’s Results easy lay-in that tied it at 53 Huskies all they could handle. good halves they had played Lady Bears finally pulled away
Tennessee 85, Ohio State 75 Toledo 71, Syracuse 68 with 7:12 left. McNutt led the way with 17 against UConn in the previ- for an 86-76 victory over Green
Notre Dame 78, Oklahoma 53 Illinois State 60, Arkansas 49 Moore then scored four points. ous two meetings. They added Bay on Sunday night.
Today’s Regional Southern Cal 87, Colorado 70
Tennessee (34-2) vs. Notre Dame
Wednesday’s Semifinals
Charlotte (27-9) at Toledo (27-
(29-7), 7 p.m. 8), 8 p.m. Continued from page 6A
SPOKANE REGIONAL Southern Cal (23-12) at Illinois 0-0, Josh Mendoza dh/3b 2-0-1-0, Airic Umpires: HP: Jason Dreier; 1B: Jason right field that landed in between
Regional Semifinals State (24-10), 8:05 p.m. rifice fly, scoring Kyle Steagall 1b 3-0-0-0, Greg Franks ph Rusnzak the SJU second baseman and right
1-0-0-0, Miles Richardson cf 3-0-1-0,
At Veterans Memorial Arena Saturday’s Championship Niermann (Napoleon). In Anthony Cianci ss 1-1-1-0, Kyle Trainer ---- fielder, adding two more runs for
Spokane, Wash. At TBD the ninth inning the Beavers 2b 2-0-0-0, Doug Paullin ph/2b 2-1-2-0. Cincinnati.
Saturday’s Results Semifinal winners, 3 p.m. Totals 34-3-7-3.
UC baseball suffers walk- Cincinnati was clinging to a
Gonzaga 76, Louisville 69 ----- started to show signs of life Mount St. Joseph 14 (10-7,3-0 HCAC) off defeat in extra innings 4-3 lead before its fortunes turned
Stanford 72, North Carolina 65 Women’s Basketball with an Anthony Cianci ab-r-h-rbi QUEENS, N.Y. – The in the ninth inning. Bearcats
Today’s Regional Invitational (Ravenna/Southeast) single, Pasquale dh 3-0-0-0, Flannery ph/dh 0-0- University of Cincinnati baseball
Championship Sunday’s Championship 0-2, Stroube lf 6-1-4-4, Denny ss 4-0-2-2, starting second baseman Sam
a Doug Paullin (Jeromesville/ Lakamp ph/ss 2-0-0-0, Norton rf 4-1-1-1, team lost to St. John’s University Vandenheuvel (Chandler, Ariz./
Gonzaga (31-4) vs. Stanford (32- Result Ottaway 1b/c 3-1-0-0, Daugherty c 4-0- 5-4 in extra innings on Sunday at
2), 9 p.m. UAB 68, CS Bakersfield 60 Hilsdale) two-bagger and a Hamilton) was moved to pitcher
1-2, Lippert ph/1b 1-1-1-0, Shanks 2b Jack Kaiser Stadium. with a runner on second base and
Kyle Niermann 2-run double 2-3-1-0, Shelton 3b 4-4-3-0, Edwards cf With one out and runners at
NBA Glance 4-3-2-3. Totals 37-14-15-14. one out in the ninth to try to close
to left field. However, MSJ Score by Innings:
first and second in the bottom of out the game but gave up a single
was too much to handle as Bluffton. 000 000 012 - 3 7 1 the 10th inning, St. John’s fresh- to SJU infielder Matt Wessinger
The Associated Press Portland 42 31 .575 6 1/2
Mt St. Joseph.... 002 042 33X - 14 15 2 man catcher Frankie Schwindel that tied the game 4-4
EASTERN CONFERENCE Utah 36 38 .486 13 the Lions finished off anoth- E: Stephenson(11), Denny, Shanks. hit a walk-off single to left field,
Atlantic Division Minnesota 17 57 .230 32 Senior RHP Nick Johnson
W L Pct GB Pacific Division er HCAC victory over the LOB: Bluffton 8, MSJ 10. 2B: Stroube scoring pinch runner Kevin Grove
2, Niermann(4), Paullin(1), Edwards. Sac: (Delphos/St. John’s) allowed three
y-Boston 51 21 .708 — W L Pct GB Beavers, 14-3. Pasquale. SF: Margolies(1), Flannery. SB: to end the game. runs (two earned) while striking
Philadelphia 37 36 .507 14 1/2 y-L.A. Lakers 53 20 .726 — The Bearcats, who trailed 2-0
New York 35 38 .479 16 1/2 Phoenix 36 36 .500 16 1/2 Brandon Bouley (3-2) Norton. out two in five innings pitched
New Jersey 23 49 .319 28 Golden State 32 42 .432 21 1/2 picked up the win, throwing IP H R ER BB SO through four innings, exploded for before being replaced by junior
Toronto 20 53 .274 31 1/2 L.A. Clippers 29 45 .392 24 1/2 Bluffton University four runs in the fifth. With bases
Southeast Division eight innings while giving J. Kruse (L,2-2)4.2 7 6 6 3 2 LHP Cory Hough (Springboro,
Sacramento 20 52 .278 32 1/2
Ben Roeschley1.1 3 2 2 0 2 loaded and two outs, sophomore Ohio/Springboro) in the sixth
W L Pct GB up only four hits and one Matt Calhoun 1.0 3 3 3 1 1 Jake Proctor (Cincinnati, Ohio/ inning. Hough threw 3.1 innings
x-Miami 51 22 .699 — x-clinched playoff spot
x-Orlando 47 26 .644 4 y-clinched division unearned run. Sophomore Kelly Barnes 1.0 2 3 3 3 1 Oak Hills) chopped a ground ball with three strikeouts before
Mount St. Joseph over St. John’s third baseman
x-Atlanta 42 32 .568 9 1/2 ——— starter Jordan Kruse Bouley (W,3-2)8.0 4 1 0 2 4 Vandenheuvel was moved to the
Charlotte 30 42 .417 20 1/2 Sunday’s Results Sean O’Hare’s glove to drive in
Washington 17 55 .236 33 1/2 Sacramento 114, Philadelphia 111, OT (Napoleon), who fell to 2-2 Schafer 1.0 3 2 2 0 0
two runs. The next batter, senior
pitching mound.
Central Division Memphis 111, San Antonio 104 on the season, took the loss, WP: Kruse(3), Calhoun. HBP: by Kruse Peters finished the game 2-for-
W L Pct GB Atlanta 99, Cleveland 83 (Norton), by Roeschley (Ottaway), by shortstop Chris Peters (Tipp City, 4 with two RBIs and two runs
y-Chicago 53 19 .736 — Miami 125, Houston 119 tossing 4.2 innings. He gave Bouley (Mendoza). BK: Bouley. PB: Ohio/Tipp City), hit a fly ball to scored to lead the UC offense.
Indiana 32 42 .432 22 Boston 85, Minnesota 82 up seven hits and six earned
Milwaukee 29 43 .403 24 Oklahoma City 99, Portland 90
Detroit 26 47 .356 27 1/2 Golden State 114, Washington 104 runs.
Cleveland 14 58 .194 39 L.A. Lakers 102, New Orleans 84 Bluffton University will
WESTERN CONFERENCE Dallas 91, Phoenix 83
Southwest Division Today’s Games travel to Albion College for
W L Pct GB Milwaukee at Charlotte, 7 p.m. a non-conference clash on
x-San Antonio57 16 .781 — Boston at Indiana, 7 p.m.
x-Dallas 52 21 .712 5 Orlando at New York, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, slated for 4 p.m.
New Orleans 42 32 .568 15 1/2 Philadelphia at Chicago, 8 p.m. (Game 1)
Memphis 41 33 .554 16 1/2 Portland at San Antonio, 8:30 p.m. Bluffton University 0 (7-9,0-2 HCAC)
Houston 38 35 .521 19 Washington at Utah, 9 p.m. ab-r-h-rbi
Northwest Division Tuesday’s Games Kyle Niermann rf 3-0-0-0, Miles
W L Pct GB Miami at Cleveland, 7 p.m. Richardson cf 2-0-0-0, Nick Broyles ss
x-Oklahoma City 48 24 .667 Houston at New Jersey, 7 p.m. 3-0-1-0, Tyler Wright lf 3-0-0-0, Tyler
— Golden State at Oklahoma City, 8 p.m. Stephenson 3b 3-0-1-0, Tim Webb c
Denver 44 29 .603 4 1/2 Phoenix at Sacramento, 10 p.m. 2-0-0-0, Tad Margolies ph 1-0-0-0, Josh
Mendoza dh 2-0-1-0, Anthony Cianci ph

NHL Glance
1-0-0-0, Airic Steagall 1b 3-0-2-0, Kyle
Trainer 2b 2-0-0-0. Totals 25-0-5-0.
Mount St. Joseph 6 (9-7,2-0 HCAC)
The Associated Press Columbus 75 33 31 11 77 200 230 Pasquale dh 4-1-3-1, Stroube lf 4-2-1-0,
EASTERN CONFERENCE Northwest Division Denny ss 4-0-2-2, Norton rf 3-0-1-1,
Atlantic Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Ottaway 1b 3-1-1-0, Daugherty c 1-1-0-0,
GP W L OT Pts GF GA y-Vancouver 76 50 17 9 109 247 175 Shanks 2b 1-1-1-1, Shelton 3b 1-0-0-1,
x-Philadelphia 75 45 20 10 100 238 200 Calgary 77 38 28 11 87 235 226 Leytze cf 3-0-1-0. Totals 24-6-10-6.
x-Pittsburgh 76 45 23 8 98 218 183 Minnesota 75 35 32 8 78 188 213 Score by Innings:
N.Y. Rangers 76 41 30 5 87 218 181 Colorado 74 28 38 8 64 207 262 Bluffton University. 000 000 0 - 0 5 1
New Jersey 75 34 36 5 73 155 189 Edmonton 75 23 41 11 57 180 249 Mt. St. Joseph.... 140 010 X - 6 10 1
N.Y. Islanders 76 29 35 12 70 210 241 Pacific Division E: Rodesky(2), Denny. DP: MSJ 2. LOB:
Northeast Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Bluffton 5, MSJ 6. 2B: Norton, Ottaway,
GP W L OT Pts GF GA San Jose 76 44 23 9 97 224 199 Shanks. 3B: Denny. Sac: Daugherty,
x-Boston 75 42 23 10 94 226 178 Phoenix 77 41 25 11 93 219 212 Shelton. SF: Shelton. CS: Pasquale.
Montreal 76 40 29 7 87 200 196 Los Angeles 75 43 26 6 92 207 181 IP H R ER BB SO
Buffalo 75 38 28 9 85 222 210 Anaheim 75 42 28 5 89 214 217 Bluffton University
Toronto 76 34 32 10 78 201 232 Dallas 74 38 26 10 86 208 210 N.Rodesky (L,0-3)1.2 5 5 4 1 2
Ottawa 76 29 37 10 68 175 233 Tyler Gibson 4.1 5 1 1 2 0
Southeast Division NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for Mount St. Joseph
GP W L OT Pts GF GA overtime loss. Ernst (W,1-1)7.0 5 0 0 1 5
x-Washington 76 44 22 10 98 205 182 x-clinched playoff spot WP: Rodesky(2). BK: Rodesky(2).
Tampa Bay 75 40 24 11 91 223 228 y-clinched division Umpires: HP: Jason Rusnzak; 1B: Jason
Carolina 75 35 30 10 80 211 224 Dreier
Atlanta 75 32 31 12 76 210 246 Sunday’s Results (Game 2)
Florida 76 29 36 11 69 185 209 Pittsburgh 2, Florida 1, SO Bluffton University 3 (7-10,0-3 HCAC)
WESTERN CONFERENCE Atlanta 5, Ottawa 4, SO ab-r-h-rbi
Central Division Vancouver 4, Columbus 1 Kyle Niermann rf/cf 5-1-1-2, Tim Webb c
GP W L OT Pts GF GA Boston 2, Philadelphia 1 3-0-1-0, Kevin Martin ph/rf 2-0-0-0, Nick
Detroit 75 44 22 9 97 242 213 Today’s Games Broyles ss 3-0-0-0, Tad Margolies ph/c
Nashville 76 41 25 10 92 202 179 Chicago at Detroit, 7:30 p.m. 0-0-0-1, Tyler Wright lf 3-0-0-0, David
Chicago 74 40 26 8 88 239 204 Colorado at Anaheim, 10 p.m. Ianiro ph/lf 0-0-0-0, Tyler Stephenson
St. Louis 75 34 32 9 77 212 219 Tuesday’s Games 3b 3-0-0-0, Matt McKinney ph/dh 1-0-

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Engagement Engagement ‘Wimpy Kid’ rules

weekend with
$24.4M opening
By DAVID GERMAIN While the “Wimpy Kid”
The Associated Press sequel and “Sucker Punch”
combined to deliver more
LOS ANGELES — A than $40 million in revenue,
wimpy kid has delivered a Hollywood’s long box-office
knock-out punch to a band of dry spell continued.
warrior vixens at the weekend Overall business totaled
box office. $120 million, down 7 percent
The 20th Century Fox fam- from the same weekend last
ily sequel “Diary of a Wimpy year, when “How to Train
Kid: Rodrick Rules” debuted Your Dragon” debuted at No.
as the No. 1 movie with $24.4 1 with $43.7 million, accord-
million, according to studio ing to box-office tracker
estimates Sunday. The girl- Hollywood.com.
power action fantasy “Sucker Domestic revenues this
Punch,” released by Warner year are dragging at $2.2 bil-
Bros., opened at No. 2 with lion, a 19 percent drop from
$19 million. 2010, whose first quarter was
The previous weekend’s unusually strong because of
top movie, Relativity Media’s big business from 2009 hold-
sci-fi thriller “Limitless,” over “Avatar” and a few other
slipped to third with $15.2 hits.
million, raising its total to Business was so-so for the
$41.3 million. rest of 2010, with movie-tick-
“Rodrick Rules” did a bit et sales sagging during the
more business than its prede- summer and holidays, the two
cessor, “Diary of a Wimpy periods that account for about
Kid,” which opened a year 60 percent of Hollywood’s
Grubenhoff/Wiley ago with $22.1 million. The annual theatrical revenue.
“Wimpy Kid” movies are Hollywood.com analyst
Spears/Tobe Mike and Terri Grubenhoff of Delphos announce the
engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth Grubenhoff, to
based on the children’s books Paul Dergarabedian said
Lindell and Susan Spears of Delphos announce the by Jeff Kinney about a timid he expects the opposite to
Ben Wiley, son of Mark and Ruth Wiley of Beavercreek. youth trying to cope at school occur this year. He predicts
engagement of their daughter, Nicole, to Nathan Tobe, son The couple will exchange vows on Sept. 24 at St. John and home. Hollywood will have a strong
of Elmer and Marianne Tobe of Ottawa. the Evangelist Catholic Church. summer that will offset this
The sequel casts wimpy kid
The couple will exchange vows on June 25 at Trinity Elizabeth is a 2004 graduate of Delphos St. John’s Greg (Zachary Gordon) into year’s weak start, with stu-
United Methodist Church in Delphos. High School and Wright State University, with a masters sibling rivalry and bonding dios potentially rebounding to
The bride-elect is a graduate of Wright State University, of business administration degree. She is employed by the with one of his chief tormen- haul in record revenue for the
with a degree in early childhood education. She is a first- College of Medicine at The Ohio State University Medical tors, older brother Rodrick year.
grade teacher at Delphos City Schools. Center. (Devon Bostick). “This is a big downturn, but
Her fiancé is a graduate of Rhodes State College with Her fiancé is a 2000 graduate of Beavercreek High Though its main characters I think summer is on the way to
an associates degree in applied science. He is employed at School and Ohio University, with a bachelors degree in are boys, the movie drew fam- save the day with some really
General Dynamics. business administration. He is a manager with Accenture. ily crowds of both sexes, said big titles,” Dergarabedian said.
Fox distribution executive “I’ll take a strong summer and
Bert Livingston. The appeal fall and holiday over a strong
Aretha Franklin dances, sings at 69th birthday party of the story is in the title, he
first quarter any day.”
Estimated ticket sales for
“‘Wimpy,’ because Friday through Sunday at
By NEKESA said Franklin, showing off More than 100 friends Puente Jr. all gave mini- every kid knows that feel- U.S. and Canadian theaters,
MUMBI MOODY her noticeably thinner frame and family gathered to cel- concerts at the soiree. ing. That’s why ‘Spider-Man’ according to Hollywood.com.
The Associated Press in a flowing white and gold ebrate Franklin, who just a But after former works. Everybody thinks that Final figures will be released
gown as she sat at a table few months ago underwent Temptations frontman they could be the outsider today.
NEW YORK — Aretha with several gifts. surgery for an ailment she Dennis Edwards serenaded who could be Spider-Man,” 1. “Diary of a Wimpy Kid:
Franklin proved her voice is Bennett, who called has declined to disclose. In her with a couple of riveting Livingston said. “I think any- Rodrick Rules,” $24.4 million.
still divine at 69 as she gave Franklin “one of a kind” recent weeks, she’s made songs, she joined him and one can associate with that, 2. “Sucker Punch,” $19 mil-
a brief but rousing perfor- was one of those who came more public appearances they both sang “The Way and I think that’s why we got lion.
mance at a swank birthday with a present — and his and is set to resume her stage We Were.” fathers, mothers and young 3. “Limitless,” $15.2 mil-
party in her honor. was unique. performances in May. At the Afterward, Edwards and people, male and female.” lion.
“Sucker Punch,” from 4. “The Lincoln Lawyer,”
Tony Bennett, Smokey “I also paint, so she party, Franklin seemed full the crowd sang “Happy $11 million.
Robinson, music mogul knows about that,” he said. of energy, greeting guests Birthday” to Franklin, and director Zack Snyder (“300,”
“Watchmen”), follows the 5. “Rango,” $9.8 million.
Clive Davis, Bette Midler “A long time ago, she said, and dancing to the music. she cut her birthday cake. 6. “Battle: Los Angeles,”
adventures of a group of young
and Gayle King were among ’I’d love to have you do Franklin wasn’t billed The Detroit native women (Emily Browning, $7.6 million.
the celebrities on hand to a painting of me,’ and I as the evening’s entertain- planned to stay in New 7. “Paul,” $7.5 million.
Abbie Cornish and Vanessa 8. “Red Riding Hood,” $4.3
pay tribute to the Queen of remembered that, and when ment. Instead, she had other York for at least a day more, Hudgens among them) who
Soul on Friday night at a I heard I was coming here, acclaimed musicians on but don’t expect much more million.
escape a mental hospital into a 9. “The Adjustment
late-night birthday party at I just knocked off a quick hand to perform for her: jazz celebrating for Franklin. fantasy realm of dragon slay- Bureau,” $4.2 million.
a Central Park Hotel. sketch tonight and gave it to musician Roy Ayers, singer “I will be in a horizontal ing, samurai combat and bat- 10. “Mars Needs Moms!”,
“It’s a fabulous moment,” her tonight.” Nnenna Freelon, and Tito position tomorrow, all day!” tles with zombie soldiers. $2.2 million.

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Slaying suspect expresses regrets

By DORIE TURNER up. The hostages were ques- in and freed the hostages. appeared to be hurt. Holeman barricading nearby roads. scared. You finally could tell
Associated Press tioned by police afterward. Hood was sentenced to 12 said Hood was armed during As the search intensified, that he was scared of the whole
The manhunt for Hood came years in prison in 1997 for the standoff, but he would not Hood reached out to police situation. He was ready to get it
ATHENS, Ga. — A man to a dramatic close around 11:15 armed robbery and was released release additional details. around 3:40 p.m. Friday and over with. He was tired, he was
charged in the slaying of a p.m. Friday when he walked out in 2009. In 2001, while Hood Police had been searching asked to talk to authorities about worn out.”
Georgia police officer and who of an apartment complex shirt- was serving time, his 22-year- for Hood since Tuesday, when surrendering, Keenan said. He Television cameras trained
reportedly held nine hostages at less and surrounded by five of old brother Timothy Hood was Christian was shot and killed. told police he was afraid for his at the apartment’s door showed
an Athens home days later told a the nine adults and children that shot and killed by an Athens Officers had stopped Hood life and that he would harm the him emerging along with the
television news crew that he had had been held captive for hours police officer. Investigators while he was in an SUV in West hostages if his demands were not remaining hostages around
regrets about what happened. as he negotiated with federal, said at the time that Timothy Athens around 1 p.m. Tuesday, met, Keenan said. Hood declined 11:15 p.m.
As Jamie Hood was being state and local authorities. Hood pulled a gun on an officer seeking to question him in to answer a TV reporter’s ques- Jennifer Hood said that her
taken into custody late Friday, he “I just thank God it’s all and was shot when the weapon connection with a carjacking tion whether he had threatened brother coached a children’s
told WXIA-TV reporter Doug over,” said Jennifer Hood, the jammed. and kidnapping. The vehicle’s to harm anyone Friday. football team and played sports
Richards in a brief interview, “I suspect’s sister, on Saturday. Keenan said Hood insisted driver was arrested, but police After hours of negotiations, in high school, and that he never
regret killing that officer.” The “It’s finally over.” that his surrender be broadcast say Hood got out of the vehicle Hood agreed around 9 p.m. to missed a family event. She said
NBC affiliate in Atlanta aired The tattooed, head-shav- live by a news camera crew and shot another officer, Tony free four hostages, which author- he came to her house Tuesday
the interview Saturday night. en Hood was immediately to ensure he was not harmed. Howard, in the face and upper ities saw as a promising sign. morning, hours before the shoot-
When Richards asked him swarmed by tactical officers WXIA-TV served as the pool body. Hood then fatally shot Former University of Georgia ing, but she was in the shower
what he meant, a handcuffed in green fatigues and wielding camera crew. Investigators said Christian as he sat in the patrol football player Bryant Gantt, and he left before she could see
Hood said, “That officer. That high-powered guns, patting him they believe Hood was using car, authorities said. Howard is who knew Hood in passing, said him.
innocent officer. I regret that. He down and ordering him to the cocaine on Friday. recovering. he had posted a message on his “I wish there had been some-
didn’t deserve that.” ground. He did not resist. An initial court hearing The manhunt led authori- Facebook page offering to help. thing I could have said or done,”
Asked why he did it, Hood “He was convinced he was for Hood had not been set by ties to several locations around As police closed in, friends put she said.
said, “You know, they killed going to be killed by law enforce- Saturday afternoon. His defense Athens-Clarke County, about Gantt in touch with Hood by Police are expecting thou-
my brother. They were going to ment,” said Georgia Bureau of attorney, Jim Smith, did not 75 miles northeast of Atlanta, telephone. The former football sands of people to attend
kill me.” Investigation Director Vernon return a message seeking com- as they received a flurry of tips player told WSB-TV that he Sunday’s funeral for Christian,
The 33-year-old Hood was Keenan, who an hour 2 COL earlier X
7”Saturday. about where he might be hid- helped FBI negotiators talk with who was an 8-year veteran of
being held Saturday with- had gone before TV cameras to Authorities said the nine hos- ing. Officers descended on an the suspect. the Athens police department.
out bond on murder and other promise Hood that he would not tages included a toddler, an infant area in east Athens, surround- “It was up and down, you Christian, 34, was married with
charges at the Hall County be harmed if he turned himself and a 13-year-old girl. None ing an apartment complex and know,” Gantt said. “He was two young children.
jail. He is charged with fatally
shooting Athens-Clarke County
police officer Elmer “Buddy”
Christian and wounding another 
 Travelwithchoice.com
officer on Tuesday.


  
Hood’s brother was killed by
an Athens police officer in 2001 


while Hood was serving a prison
sentence for armed robbery.  EASTER�MUSICAL�(Blue�Gate-Shipshewana)�-�April�15�-�$82
Meanwhile, police said


Saturday they are trying to deter-
mine how long Hood had been
staying at an Athens apartment

 



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Sex discrimination case going to Supreme Court

By MARK SHERMAN The question is crucial to the viability of discrimination Theodore J. Boutrous, Wal-Mart’s California-based law-
Associated Press claims, which become powerful vehicles to force change yer, said there is no evidence that women are poorly treated
when they are presented together, instead of individually. at Wal-Mart. “The evidence is the contrary of that,” Boutrous
WASHINGTON — Christine Kwapnoski hasn’t done too Class actions increase pressure on businesses to settle suits said.
badly in nearly 25 years in the Wal-Mart family, making more because of the cost of defending them and the potential for The company is not conceding that any woman has faced
than $60,000 a year in a job she enjoys most days. very large judgments. discrimination, but says that if any allegations are proven, they
But Kwapnoski says she faced obstacles at Wal-Mart- Columbia University law professor John Coffee said that are isolated. “People will make errors,” said Gisel Ruiz, Wal-
owned Sam’s Club stores in both Missouri and California: the high court could bring a virtual end to employment dis- Mart’s executive vice president for people, as the company
Men making more than women and getting promoted faster. crimination class actions filed under Title VII of the Civil calls its human resources unit. “People are people.”
She never heard a supervisor tell a man, as she says one told Rights Act of 1964, depending on how it decides the Wal- Ruiz paints a very different picture of the opportunities
her, to “doll up” or “blow the cobwebs off” her make-up. Mart case. offered women at Wal-Mart. She joined the company straight
Once she got over the fear that she might be fired, she “Litigation brought by individuals under Title VII is just from college in 1992. “In less than four years, I went from an
joined what has turned into the largest job discrimination too costly,” Coffee said. “It’s either class action or nothing.” assistant manager trainee to running my own store,” she said.
lawsuit ever. Illustrating the value of class actions, Brad Seligman, the “I’m one of thousands of women who have had a positive
The 46-year-old single mother of two is one of the named California-based lawyer who conceived of and filed the suit experience at Wal-Mart.”
plaintiffs in a suit that will be argued at the Supreme Court 10 years ago, said the average salary for a woman at Wal- Kwapnoski, who works at the Sam’s Club in Concord,
on Tuesday. At stake is whether the suit can go forward as a Mart was $13,000, about $1,100 less than the average for a Calif., is one of two women who continue to work at Wal-
class action that could involve 500,000 to 1.6 million women, man, when the case began. “That’s hugely significant if you’re Mart while playing a prominent role in the suit. The other is
according to varying estimates, and potentially could cost the making $13,000 a year, but not enough to hire a lawyer and Betty Dukes, a greeter at the Walmart in Pittsburg, Calif.
world’s largest retailer billions of dollars. bring a case.” “It’s very hard for anyone to understand how difficult that
But the case’s potential importance issue goes well beyond The company has fought the suit every step of the way, is and what courage that is,” Seligman said of Kwapnoski and
the Wal-Mart dispute, as evidenced by more than two dozen Seligman said, because it is the “biggest litigation threat Wal- Dukes. “They’re Public Enemy No. 1 at Wal-Mart and they
briefs filed by business interests on Wal-Mart’s side, and civil Mart has ever faced.” are known for their involvement in this lawsuit. Nevertheless,
rights, consumer and union groups on the other. A trial judge and the federal appeals court in San Francisco, they get and up and go to work every day.”
over a fierce dissent, said the suit could go forward. Kwapnoski didn’t want to discuss any issues she faces at
But Wal-Mart wants the high court to stop the suit in its work as a result of the suit.
tracks. The company argues it includes too many women with She said she has seen some changes at Wal-Mart since the
too many different positions in its 3,400 stores across the suit was filed in 2001. The company now posts all its openings
country. Wal-Mart says its policies prohibit discrimination electronically. “It does give people a better idea of what’s out
and that most management decisions are made at the store and there, but they still can be very easily passed over.” she said.
Answers to Saturday’s questions: regional levels, not at its Bentonville, Ark., headquarters. “But before you didn’t even know the position was open.”

Interstate 95 cameras spark controversy

The most Mars-like environment on earth, according to
the National Aeronautical and Space Administration, is in
northern Chile, in the Atacama Desert, which has the driest
and most lifeless soil on the planet. By BRUCE SMITH opposition from state lawmak- driver appeared on a moni- around the nation as well.
The character The Gray Champion, created by Nathaniel Associated Press ers and sparked a federal court tor in the van. The unaware Last year, Arizona ended a
Hawthorne, was the first superhero in American fiction. The challenge. motorist continued north, but two-year program with cam-
Gray Champion was an aged ghostlike figure who stands up RIDGELAND, S.C. — Ridgeland Mayor Gary could expect a $133 ticket in eras on Phoenix-area express-
alone against British troops advancing toward colonist gath-
ered on a Boston street.
As Interstate 95 sweeps past Hodges said the cameras in the mail in a couple of weeks. ways and other roads, in part
Today’s questions: this small town along South his town about 20 miles north “I just don’t think it’s right,” because of perceptions they
What day of the year ranks second only to Thanksgiving Carolina’s coastal plain, motor- of the Georgia line do what said James Gain of Kissimmee, were being used to raise rev-
when it comes to highest food consumption in the U.S.? ists encounter cameras that they are designed to do: slow Fla., one of the lawsuit plain- enue.
What are apple slices traditionally dipped in during catch speeding cars, the only people down, reduce accidents tiffs who got a ticket last year But Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
the first holiday meal of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New such devices on the open inter- and, most importantly, save while driving between his began using cameras last sum-
Year? state for almost 2,000 miles lives. home and Greensboro, N.C. mer on busy I-380. Police there
Answers in Tuesday’s Herald. from Canada to Miami. But lawmakers who want “If you get a ticket you should said during the first month of
Today’s words: The cameras have nabbed to unplug them argue the sys- be stopped by an officer, know operation, violations dropped
Hebesphalmology: the study of juvenile delinquency thousands of motorists, won tem is just a money-maker and you have been stopped and 62 percent.
Pightle: a small field accolades from highway safety amounts to unconstitutional have an opportunity to state Hodges said since
advocates, attracted heated selective law enforcement. your case.” Ridgeland, working with iTraf-
“We’re absolutely shut- Gain paid the fine, saying it fic Safety, became the first
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s p o n s o r, e n d o r s e, ap p r ove o r h ave any r e s p o n sib ilit y fo r this p r o m oti o n . B E ST B U Y, th e B E ST B U Y logo an d th e t a g d e sign s ar e trad e m ar k s of B BY S o lu ti o n s , In c .
* NO PURCHA SE NECE SSARY. MUST BE 18 Y E ARS O F AG E O R O LD ER WITH A VALID D RIVER’S LICENSE . D o n ati o n of $20 p e r v ali d te s t- d r i ve u p to 300 tot al te s t- d r i ve s fo r a m a x im u m tot al d o n ati o n of $6,000 p e r eve nt . Lim it o n e (1)
B o o s te r Clu b d o n ati o n p e r h o us e h o ld . Lim it o n e (1) B e s t B u y G if t C ar d p e r eve nt . Lim it o n e (1) p r ize p e r e ntr y. **N O PURCHA SE , TE ST- D RIVE O R SALE S PRE SENTATIO N NECE SSARY. A PURCHA SE WILL NOT INCRE A SE YOUR CHANCE S
OF WINNIN G. MUST B E LEGAL RE SID ENT OF THE U. S ., 18 ye ar s of a ge o r th e a ge of m aj o r it y in th e ir s t ate of r e si d e n ce. Vo i d w h e r e p r o hib ite d . Swe e ps t ake s e n d s 12 / 31/ 11. F o r e ntr y an d of f i cial r ule s w ith co m p le te eligib ilit y, p r ize

WIN: $100 Best Buy Gift Card

d e s cr ip ti o n s , o d d s d i s clo su r e an d oth e r d e t ail s , go to d r i ve o n e 4u r s ch o o l .co m . Sp o n s o r e d by F o r d M oto r Co m p any, O n e A m e r i c an Ro ad , D e ar b o r n , MI 48126. † B E ST B U Y ® is n ot af f iliate d w ith F o r d M oto r Co m p any. B e s t B u y d o e s n ot
s p o n s o r, e n d o r s e, ap p r ove o r h ave any r e s p o n sib ilit y fo r this p r o m oti o n . B E ST B U Y, th e B E ST B U Y logo an d th e t a g d e sign s ar e trad e m ar k s of B BY S o lu ti o n s , In c.
www.delphosherald.com Monday, March 28, 2011 The Herald — 1B

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Closed on Sat.
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#NC636 #NC694
LS pkg., 6 spd., auto. trans., 1 LT, 4 cyl., P.W., P. lock, #NT626
BOB GROTHOUSE MARK GROTHOUSE JOSH BRINKMAN DICK GERMAN 10 airbags, ABS, remote start, cruise, LT pkg., remote start,
36 MPG EPA Hwy. Est. 33 MPG EPA Hwy. Est. auto. trans., chrome pkg.


MSRP ...................$18,100 MSRP ...................$23,740 30 MPG EPA Hwy. Ext.
Disc. ............................305 Disc. & Rebate .........3,940

17,795* $
MSRP ...................$22,015
Disc. & Rebate .........4,385

Lease for
178.19 per mo.** $
Lease for
221.46 per mo.**
#10F95 #10C30
Silver, 21K mi. Extd. cab, 24K mi.

Was $34,500 Was $15,700

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CXL pkg., chrome wheels,
luxury pkg., convenience pkg.

Turbo, 4 cyl., leather,

luxury w/an attitude
72 mos. • 1/2 TONS
MSRP ..........................$34,790
MSRP ...................$30,495
2007 2004
0% APR Lease for Lease for
29275 per
377 $
black, sunroof,
DVD, chrome
60 mos. • 3/4 & 1 TONS mo.** mo.**
leather, 31K mi. wheels
* Add sales tax, title, doc fees. ** All leases require $2011.00 down & tax, title, doc fees. 1st mos. payment &
Was $19,900 Was $12,995 security dep. 12K miles per year. 20¢ per mile for excess miles.

18,500 NOW
2010 Chevy Malibu 1LT white ............. 15,900 $

2010 Pontiac G6 Stock sunroof.......................... $14,900

2010 Buick Enclave CXL 21K ........... $31,900
2010 Chev Equinox 1 LT, black ..................... $20,900
2010 Pontiac G6 Silver, sunroof......................... $16,900 2010 Chev Silverado 1/2T crew, 4x4 ......... $27,900
2007 2007 2010 Chev HHR Dk. blue, 25K ............................... $13,900 2009 Chev Traverse All wheel drive........... $23,900
CHEV CHEV 2010 Buick LaCrosse CXL chrome wheels ... $25,500 2009 Chev 1/2T, XTD cab, 4x4, silverado ......................... $25,500
IMPALA IMPALA 2010 Chev Impala Lt. gray ............................... $15,900 2007 Pontiac Torrent 29K mi., red .......... $15,200
49K mi., 1 LT
Red, 56K mi.
2010 Buick Lucerne Silver, 23K ................. $24,500 2007 Toyota Highlander Black .......... $17,500
2010 Chev Cobalt LT black ....................... $12,900 2007 Chev Colorado P.U. XTD cab ............. $14,300
Was $13,300 Was $12,495 2009 Buick Lucerne 15K mi, red................ $19,900 2007 Buick Rendezvous CXL sunroof, leather. $18,500
2008 Chev Impala 24K mi. blue....................... $14,900

11,300 10,300
2007 Silverado Crew 1/2T 4x4 .................. $21,900
$ $ 2008 Chev Malibu 1 LT, silver........................... $14,900
2008 Chev Impala Leather, sunroof................ $14,900
2007 Chev Suburban sunroof, DVD .......... $31,700
NOW NOW 2008 Pontiac Grand Prix GT, red ..... $13,900
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2005 Ford Escape XLT red......................... $9,995
2010 2004 2008 Chev Impala sunroof, leather................. $13,900
2005 Buick Ranier 42K mi., red...................... $15,500
CHEV DODGE 2008 Chev Impala Red, sunroof...................... $14,900
2007 Chrysler 300C Heritage ...................... $20,500 2005 Chev Equinox gray................................ $10,500
SILVERADO RAM 2007 Chev Impala LT, gray............................... $11,900 2005 Chev Equinox Black.................................... $9,150
Crew cab, 4x4,
6 cyl., auto, 1/2 ton 2007 Chev ImpalaLS 3 available from ...... $10,900 2004 Olds Silhouette Premier, DVD......... $10,500
53 V8
2007 Buick Lucerne CXL sharkskin, sunroof $19,900 2004 Dodge Ram ST, silver ...................................... $6,995
Was $28,800 Was $6,995 2006 Chevy Impala 1LT gray mist............ $4,995 2004 GMC Sierra 1/2T, 4x4, extd........................ $12,900
2002 GMC Envoy SLT 4x4, red ....................... $7,995

26,900 5,695
2002 Pontiac Grand Prix GT sunroof ...... $7,595
$ $ 2001 Pontaic Grand Prix silver .............. $2,195 2002 Buick Rendezvous 3 seat................ $7,995
2001 Chevy Express pass. van, leather seats $9,250
NOW NOW 2001 Chev Malibu gold ........................................... $5,995
1996 Pontiac Grand Prix 4 dr. ................ $2,395 1999 Chevy Silverado 4x4 1/2 ton pickup ...... $4,595


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Cotte r m a n &
Comp a n y . . .
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and ��
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To place an ad call: 419-695-0015

Rieman, S 16 Q SE
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Place Your Ad Today

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Township, to Sharon
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black dog on Lincoln Hwy. grain and freight, full and
���� �call �� � �� ��
� to identify. part time. Very clean� � � � � �� � �� � Raines
������� �������� Includes
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��� �� ����� �� K.�������� Siebeneck and
Please Place your����� �����������������
Ad Today tor. ����
����� 387 W. 3rd
St.,�� Otto-
����� �� ���
Auto Repairs/ ��������������
Anthony ��� N. Niese.
(419)203-9440 �������� BMV, Place
��������� 2+ years your Ad experiToday
�- ������������������� ville.
���� (419)453-3956
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Sharon K.
���� ����� ���
�������������������������������� (419)203-6481 ������������Cash for Gold ���� ��� ���� ��� ��
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Gary T.
BILL HOFFMAN FOUND: SET ���of��� ����keys
car ����������� ��������������������� Scrap Gold, Gold Jewelry, 2 BDRM Apt. 317 S. �� �� ��� ����
Ca- ���� ���� ��� � ������� �����
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�������Church��� Financial
Silver coins, Silverware, nal St. (419)695-2761
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for the�� best buy on�� your Midwest Ohio Niese ���and ����Amy L.
of Christ around the begin- Pocket Watches, Diamonds. 419-863-1000 �����������������������������
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Niese, S 15 Q SW 20.0
new or used vehicle. ning of March. 1 Ford key 2330 Shawnee Rd. �������������� ���� ����
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Auto Parts

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and 4 other keys on ring ��� ���� ���� ������� ���� ��
��� ��
Duplex ��� ��
For� Rent
��� �� ���� ��� �� ���� ��� ���
������������� Greensburg
IS IT A SCAM? The Del- Lima
TOM�A �������� ��������� ����������� as well as a grocery swipe phos Herald urges our � ��� ������������������������������
����� �� ��� ����� ������ ��� � � ���� �� ����
���HL ���
card. Call 419-642-2681 readers to contact The
(419) 229-2899 ����������������
���� ����
����� ������
� ������
����� � ��
������ ��
���� ��
to Mary
Lou Rieman LE.
���������� ���������
������� 617 KING AVE., LIMA, OH 45805
with any information. Better Business Bureau,
���� �� �������� �� ��
415 E. 8th,���
�� � �������
2 BR
�� ���
���� �� �

� ���
Installed, New ����������� ���������

Robert V.� Tobe Jr.

(419) 223-7010 or All electric appliances, Lights, Grills, Fenders,Mirrors, ������������������
419-228-3413 300
������ ���� ����������
Household Goods ���� �������� ��� ��������
������ �� ���� �
Must see beautiful 3 bedroom, 1 bath ranch with 2 car garage

����� Jim Langhals Realty010 CELL 419-296-7188

entering��� into ����
any agree-
curtains, lawn
close to park and schools. Fireplace, 22x22 great room, large�������
optional. 419-236-9301/
open �����
����������� Hoods,
����� Radiators ����� �����
���� �����
���� and
����� ��� Pamela
��� �� A. Tobe,
���Hwy, Lima����
S ���� 7����Q �����
NE 5.001 acres,
������������� ������������ kitchen, new roof and furnace, appliances stay. Move��� in ready.
����������� ������ �����
4893 Dixie ��������� ��������
����� ���� ���
���� �� � � ment
�� �� involving
������ financing, Available immediately. 419-692-7441 ���� ���� ������ ����� ���� �������
���� ����
���� ��� ����� ��� �� �� �
� ��� can��� �������
business opportunities, or NEW,
�� Call for QUEEN pillow-top . OPEN SUNDAYS 2-4
showing 419-863-9480 ����������������� 1-800-589-6830
�������������������� �����
�� ������ ��������� Ottawa
����������� � ������
��������� Township, to
House OPEN HOUSE ���������������
Auction 800 Michael S. Westrick
9 YOU work at home
Must opportuni-
see beautiful mattress,
3 bedroom, 1 bath never
ranchused,with still
2 car garage
House For Sale
s Realty ��� �������������������������
place a 25 word classified �������� �� ����� ���
����� ������������ � �� �����
and Sandra J.
1 to 3 p.m. ��������� ����
ties.close ThetoBBB����and
park will schools.
assist Fireplace,
sealed in22x22 originalgreatwrapper.
room, large open ���� ����� ������ � ��
���������������������� ����� ����������
ad in more than 100 news- in the investigation of $75. Call (260)749-6100. HELP WANTED �������� ��
Tuesday, April 26th, 2011 - 6:00 p.m. �����������
papers with ������
over one ��� ����
and ������
kitchen, �������
new roof (This
and furnace, appliances stay. Move in ready. Mobile Homes �������� ��� Westrick.
����� ����������
����������� these businesses. � ������������������� �������� ���� ���� �������

���������������� 504 E 7th St
����Steven E.
���� ���� ������ �����
218 S. Franklin St.,����
���� ���������� Available immediately. ������� ���������������� ����� ��������� ���� � ������
��������� ��������
a half million�total ������� �����notice
circula- ������ ����� ���� ��� a���
realty.com Delphos provided as cus- Corner lot 2-3 bedrooms,
������� ������������ �������� ��������� �� �����
���� ������
����� ����� ����� �� ��������� ���������
���� �� �������
���� ��� ��
Building Materials 2 ��Donaldson, Laura
����� ��������������� ������tion���across Ohio for $295.
��������������� tomer service
Call ���
for �� ��� 419-863-9480
showing The Del- . OPEN SUNDAYS 2-4 living/dinning ���� ���� �����
Spacious , 2 ��������
� ��� ������������ ����������������� �� ������

� ��� RENT OR� �������
Rent to Own. ���
It's easy...you place one phos Herald.)
Sun., March 9 �������������������������������������
������������������������������������������������������� �����
car garage ���� w/bonus ����� room,
� �� ���
������� �� ��� � ���� �� � ���
��������� bath mobile
��� �������� 1����
���� ���
��� ��� ���� Donaldson,
����� ��
1 to 3 p.m. FEATURED HOMES ����������������� order and pay with �����one���������������������� possible free 1yr home
����� ��� ������ ���
�� ����
������ ������� ������ ������� 270
� ����� ���� home. ���� ��� ���� ����
check through Ohio ��� ��� �� ������ ����� �� � ����
��� � ����� ���� �� � ��
�� � ���� ���� Auctions
����� STEEL ARCH Buildings! warranty Cindy Gustwiller
� �� ��� � ���� �� � ����� ��� ���� ��
����������� ��� ��������
Scan-Ohio Statewide HELP WANTED
� �������� Off
������� Spring������� 419-799-1050
AmeriMade � ������ ������� ����
������ ���� �� ���
����� ��������� � �����
Donaldson, Marilyn
890 Simon, Gregory
Classified Advertising Net- ��������� ������������������ ����� �������������� ��������� �����
����� �� �������

PART-TIME ����Autos � for��� Sale

��������������������� ���������������� �� ����� ������ ����� Clearance! Canceled Or-
����������� ���� ���������������� Realty Attention
����� agents ����������� �����������
work. The Delphos Herald �� �� ��� �� ���
����� ����� ����� ���� ����
����� ������ � �� ��������� ����
� ������������������ ��������������� Simon, ���� ��Harold
�������� ������������������ ders, Surplus. 20X30, Commissiom plus $500.00 ����������������
��� ������������ ���������������� �������������������
� ��������������� ���������
��� �������� �� ����
��� � ������� ��������
advertising dept. can set
�������� ��� up��for���you. No other PUBLIC ���������������������� ����������������
16X24, 33X34, others. b o n u s
������� ��� ���� ���
������� � �����������
���� ����
detailswww.AmeriMade- ������������� ����������
Limited supply selling for � ������� �� ���� ���� ����
�������Donaldson, S
���������������������� ���� ����������������������� MLS SERVICE �������������������������
classified ad buy is sim-
Balance�� ��������� ������������ ������������ �����
���������������������� ������������

AUCTION �������� ��� �������� ���� ���� ���

Owed. Additional Home.com ������� ��� ���� � ���� ��� ��
Central Air - Attached Garage - 3 Bedrooms pler
������� ������������������� ������������������������������� TRICO REALTY IS OPEN SATURDAYS
� ������or more cost effective. ����� ������ �� ��������
������� ���������� �������� �� � � ��� ���
���������� ��
��� ������ Q SE 1.0 acre,
���������������������������� �������������� ���������� FROM 8:30 TO 12:30 TO SERVE YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Display Program Savings.
����� � � �� �� ���� ��������
����Call ���� �� ��
419-695-0015, ext ��������������
Monroe Township, to
����������� the��� �������
Description: Ignore past listing price
�������� as
������ this
��� ���� 866-352-0469 � ����� ���� ���������
��� ������ ��� � ������
HOMES home will undoubtedly
������ ������ ������ � ��� ���������
sell���� a very ��
for����� �����
reasonable 138.
��������� ��� ������������������� ���
Every �
��� ��� � ����
�� �
�� � �� ��� ��� MOTORCRAFT
���� �� ® � ��������� �� ����� ���
Rickie L. ��� Donaldson

���� �������
607 W. 7th�St., Delphos.

��� �����������
�������������� ���
����� ������ ���������
���� ������
� ������� ��
price to a very lucky ��� buyer. ������ GO
�� TO YOUR ���� ������������
FROM 6pm1-3 P.M.
��and Sandra K.
� ���������������������������������
���� ���� �� ���� �� ��� ����� � �
0 Down, Home Warranty
������� �� � �� � ��
����� ������
� ����� ��
ER TODAY TO������ For Rent or Lease
GET APPROVED, so you can �� ���� ���� � �� ��� ���� ���� �����
������ � �
���� ������������ ��
1109 S. Clay Large St., Variety
�����h of
os���� ���
����� �� �� ������ ��� �� Free appliances.
take advantage����� of this
� ���������������� � �������� ���� �� � �� ��
��� ���
� � �� ����
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����� � � Merchandise 419-586-8220 ������ � � ��� ��� ����� �� ���
����� ����������������������
����������������� FOR FIRST TIME
������ ������������������
����������� ��
Everyone ����
�������� ������
SELF Storage
chbsinc.com TESTED ������� �� �� ����� � ������
� ���
��� �������������
����� ��� ���
� ������ �������� ��HOME ���������� BUYER
������������� �� ��� �������������������� LAMP REPAIR
���� �� � ��
���� ���
��� ����
������������ on Gressel Drive: Maxi- ��� ��� ���� ������������� ���������� TOUGH MAX ® ����� ����� ��� ������ ���

������������� ���������� � ����� �
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� ����

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�� ������ MLS SERVICE ������� �������� ������
�������� ���� ����
������� ����
����� ���������� Table or floor. ��
���� �� ��� ��� ����
mum � �������
security �����
achieved���� � ��
in- 708 LIMA ����������Ave. �������������� � ������� � �� �� � ���� ������
property is �selling to settle
����������������� an estate
�������� so come
��������� ������ ����� ���� 19326 CO. � ���Rd. 60 ���� ��� � BXT65-650
Come to our store. VISA ������� � ��� ���� � ���� �� � �� �� � �
�� ����� �� �� ���� ����

������������� �����a��� TRICO REALTY IS OPEN SATURDAYS
��� ������������������������ � Grover ���� Hill, �OH
��� ����� ������� side our fenced facility Newer 3 bedroom, 2 bath
to buy home that������
���������� is perfect
������ for first time
�� � ����������������������� � �� � � �� ��� � ��������Hohenbrink TV. ������������
�� ��� with access via your per- ranch, Open�� ������� plan,�������������������
With 100-month warranty ����� ���� ������ �� ���
For info call
���������� If����
you�� are FROM 8:30
a��landlord TO love
you’ll 12:30 theTO great

����� (419) 587-3770
������ ��� �� �
�� ���� ���� �� ��� ��� ��� �
������ ��� ������������ ����� �
���� ��� �
��������� ���������
positive cash ����flow this investment will provide. ����������������������� �����������������������
sonal gate code. Why set- R e l a x i n g b a c k y a r d , ��� ��� ��� ��������
Shop Herald Classifieds for By newscarrier,
����� ��������������������������� tle for less? Phone any- Walk-in closets, � ��� ������ �� ��������
TERRIFIC INVESTMENT FOR LANDLORDS ��������� ������ ����� ����

time 419-692-6336. www.708limaave.com 415 ��� ������ ������ ���
������� �� ��
9 FROM 1-3 P.M. newstand � or online
�������� ������� ����� ����� ���� � �����
include 3 bedroom, 1 ½ baths, attached TH
419-692-SOLD Great Deals
Features Some vehicles slightly ���� higher
��� ����
�� �� ��
� ������ ��� �����
���� �����
... subscribe � to bring
������� Installation extra. ��� ��������� �������������� ����
garage and a basement. Not often will you have an
��� ����������������� ��
1109 S. Clay St., Delp h os SUNDAY, MARCH 9 TH
FROM 3:30-5 P.M.
OPEN �������������
��� �������� �� �� ����
����������� ���� ���� �����
all� �� the latest in local
opportunity to purchase so much house for such a Price valid with exchange.
������� ������� ��������
928 N. Franklin ����
St., ��������������
Delphos 12505
����� Bloomlock
�������� Rd.�� 648
��� S. Jefferson St., St. See Service Advisor for limited-
������������ ��� ������
���������� reasonable
�������price. Buyers must be pre-approved �������� warranty details. Taxes extra��� �� �� and
� ������news
before the auction so w w
see your w banker
. t l r enow! a.c o m ����� ��� ��� �� Delphos HOUSE Delphos Delphos ���� ���
sports to your
��������� ��������� ����������� ����������� ���GENUINE
����������� �����
Judy Bosch 419-230-1983 Janet 419-236-7894 Janet 419-236-7894
�� ������ ����� ���� ��� 2 ������������������� Dawn to Dusk
�������������������� SUNDAY 12 - 1:00 �� � � � � � � � ��� �� � �� ��� ��� ���� ��� �� �� ���� ����� MOTORCRAFT
��� � � ��� ���®
��� ����
With interest rates low and property values lower, Fri.,
���Sat. ��� � � &
� ���� �� �� � ���� �� � ��� � �
������������������� ��� � ��������


� ������ ����� ���� � � � � � � � � � ����� ��� ����
11260 �� ����Rd.,
Elida � ��� Delphos
there has never been a better time to buy! Call
���� ������ ����� ���� � ������ ������� �
����� ����������
604 W. 7t h St., D elp h os at theMonday, March 10 M 7:30-8 ������� � �� �� � ���� ������
419-238-5555 or visit our website at ����
�� ���������������� Delphos Public Library
��������������� ���������� ���� ��� � �� ��� ��� �� �� � �������������� A wonderful 3 bed. home with 3 car garage! It has gas heat, wood floors, T-F 7:30-6:00; �� Sat.�� 9-2 ����� ���� ��������
www.beegeerealty.com for more information. 6 PM
� � �� ��� � �������� ���� ��� ���������������“Put �� ��� your dreams in our �����hands”
���� �����
and a brand new roof. The purchase price for this home is $70,500.
Which includes up to $3,500 for your closing cost, $1,000 allowance for
419-692-0055 �����
405 N. Main St.
� Terms: 10% of purchase price as earnest ���money 202 N. Washington Street Office: 419-692-2249
M��� AX
������ ������������
��� � ��
�� ���
� ��
�� ������ � �� ��
�� ���
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� ��� ����
�� �����
�������� � ��� ��� �
�� ������ ��� �� �
� ���� ���� � appliances, and 1 year home warranty. 419-586-8220 chbsinc.com Over
������ ����� �� ��� �������� �� ��� ������ ����������� � ��������� 85 years ���
is due day of auction.
confirmation by the
� �
� � ���
����� ��
�� � �
���� is��
�� � ����
�� ������
�� ��
�� � ���
to �����������
� ���
� � � �
Delphos, OH 45833
Schrader ��������
Fax: 419-692-2205
.......................419-233-3737 OPEN HOUSE 2 OPEN HOUSES with
serving 100-month
Delphos, Ohio
SUN.,Staley 419-695-0015
These are just a few of our listings, call us we have more!

������ �� ����
����� ������ ���� �����
Dick CLARK Real Estate

������ ���� ����� � � ��� you!
Visit our Website at�www.BeeGeeRealty.com ������ �������������
Ruth Baldauf-Liebrecht ..........419-234-5202 SUN., MARCH 9, MARCH 9, 3:00 - 4:30
������ �������� ��� �� �������������������������
419-586-8220 415 ��������� �www.delphosherald.com
to view the Auction Calendar and�� see 1:00 - 2:30 ����������������
��������� � ����more Amie Nungester ......................419-236-0688
www.creativehomebuyingsolutions.com www.raabeford.com ����� ������ ���� �����
information/photos of this auction ���and
������� all
����������� Janet Kroeger .........................419-236-7894
����� ���
Dick CLARK Real Estate

��� ���� �� ���� Some

���� vehicles
� ����� slightly
����� higher
���� ����
upcoming auctions. �������������� �� ���� ����
TH Stephanie Clemons .................419-234-0940 ��� ��� ����� Cass ���
Installation extra.
���� ��� �����������
Price valid with exchange. ���� �
� ��������������������� Judy M.W. Bosch ....................419-230-1983 ���� ���
See Service��� ����
Advisor for � ��������
Rita A.�� Miller
928 N. Franklin St., Delphos
������ Estate
������� ���� ����� ������� 12505 �������� Bloomlock � Rd. 648 S. Jefferson St., St. ����� limited-warranty details. Taxes extra.

����County Probate Molly Aregood .........................419-605-5265
���� �����������
.c o m ������ ����� Court �����
Jon Moorman
���� ����� � ����� ����
����� ������������
���� ����
11970 Sarka Rd.Delphos 408 W. Third St. Delphos 1310 Joshua St.
����������������Barbara � ���� Osting Executor
�������� ��������Craig
� ���������� Attorney
�������������� �� �����������������
Judy Bosch 419-230-1983 Spencerville Janet 419-236-7894
- $104,900 Delphos - $104,900Janet 419-236-7894
Delphos - $249,000 ������������������������
� �������
�������� www.BeeGeeRealty.com �������� Auctioneers:
�������������� ���������������������� ������� ���� ���� Call for showing ... ��� ����������������� ®
122 N. Washington �St. �������������� Bob Gamble,
����� ��� �� CAI,
��� Broker, OF PROPERTIES & OPEN �
$99,500 -Delphos SD
��� �� �����
��� � �� � ����� ���� ��� ���� ��� � ��� �
�� �� �����
����� �
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������� ��� � ���� ��������
��� Van Wert, Ohio 45891 �������� Dale Butler, �� ����
Broker �� �
and�������������� Ideal Opportunity
���������������� � � ���� �������10��� ��
����� ��� ������� Monday, March
���� ������� ������� �������������������������������


� ������������

419/238-5555 �������������� Ron
������ � �� ��
Broker �� �
� � �� � ��� �� ����������������������������� ������������� ��������� ������������
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�� Member of Ohio & National Auctioneers��
� �������� � �
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���������������� ����������������� �
������ �� ��� � � at ����
the Delphos�����
Public ��� Library
Dick CLARK Real Estate

��� �������� ������������� �����������������������

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����������������������� �������������������������� ����� ���� ���� � -Van Wert SD
���������� TOUGH
AT YOUR March Madness$ Sale
$99,900 ����� ����������� � � ���� �������� ��� �� ����������������� ®
���������� �������� ������ �������������������� ����� �� Add Finishing ���� To This Home!
����� ����������� � � ���� �������� ���
Dick CLARK Real Estate


� ����� ����� ������
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� ����������� ��� �� �����
�� just a few
�� �� ����������������������
����of our listings,
�����������call us�we
�������������������� ���������������������
have ����more! OPEN HOUSE �������������������� 2 OPEN HOUSES
� � ���� �������� ���� with 100-month warranty
����� ������� �������������
Dick CLARK Real Estate

����������� ����������������������� �
���� ������
������� � $47,000 -Delphos SUN., SD MARCH 9, �����SUN.,
����� MARCH � 9,� 3:00����- 4:30 �������� ���
���������������������� ��������������������� �������������������
��������������������� ��
������������������������ ���� ����������� �����
� ������ ��� ���������
A Fine Fix- up Find
������������������ ���������������������� 1:00
��������� �� �� � ���������������� ������������������
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� ����
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����������� ���� �������
Dick CLARK Real Estate

Some vehicles slightly higher

�������� ����� ����� � ����� ���� ��� � ��� �� ��� �
������ �
��� �� ��� ������ ���� ���� ��������������� � � ���� �������� ���� ���������� ���
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��� ������ � ������� ���� ���� � ���� ����� ��� ������������������������� $74,900 -Delphos SD
����� ����������� ������ Two-story That Needs Some TLC ������ ������������� � ��� ���� �������� ��� $ extra.
������������������ �������������������������� ������������������������� �� � � � � � �� � � Price valid with exchange.
6875���� ����� ���� SABLE PREMIER � ��� ���� FWD,����� ��� ���
���������������� ����������������� �������������������
������������������� ������������������ ������� ��������� ��������������������������� ��������������������� ��������� 2008 MERCURY 4 Dr, 6 cyl, light sage, 10K miles See...............................................
Service Advisor for $20,495
�������������� � ��� ���� �������� ����
������������ ��
������������������������ �
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�� ���� ������ �
�� ���
MKZ V-6 � � ����
FWD, Leather,
���� ���
roof, Headrest DVD’s,limited-warranty
white suede 34,530 details.milesTaxes
........extra. KNIP PEN
2008�FORD�����TAURUS LTD � ����chrome wheels, merlot 22,819 miles .......... $18,495

6858 ���� � ���� FWD,����� Leather, moonroof,
Dick CLARK Real Estate

950 ��������� 950

��� ����������������� � ��������
�� ��� �� � ��� � �� ������ ��
������������� ����������������� ���
���������������� �������������������Miscellaneous Lawn Care
���� �� ����
� � ���� ��� ������������������� $199,000 -Elida SD 6879�� 2008 FORD FUSION
���� SE � � ���� 4Dr, FWD, 4���
cyl, Red,��35K ����� ����������
�� miles ......................................................... $14,995
��� ���������������������

������ ������������������������ ������������������������� � �� � �
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Exquisite Sense Of
����� �� �� ��� �
��� ��� �
�� �� �� �
Sarka Rd. ������
6878 408
- 500
SE � � 1310
� ��� Joshua
4Dr, FWD,
- $249,000
cyl, Silver,
��� �� ��
37K miles ....................................................... $14,995
Dick CLARK Real Estate

�������� ��������������������������� Spencerville

����������� -���
��� 6834 �
������ 2007
���� FORD
����� LIMITED �
������ � ���� ����� ���
Leather, chrome��� �� white,
wheels, ������
50,416 miles ������ ������������
............................ $14,495
19” to 60” screen sizes
��������������������� �
���������������������� � � ��� ����
Buy with service
�������������������� ���������������������� Home
������ ���������� ���� ������
�� �� �� � �
� � ��

�� �
�� �� � TOP SOIL
� ����������������������� ��������������������������
2006 �
6799 �����
� ����
� ����
LTD One �����
LTD 4 Dr., leather,
��� ��
owner, leather,
heated ��
�� seats, moonroof, 62,000
�� GOld, 70,384
seats, ��miles
� ����
� ��� ���
miles �
$13,895 ���� ���
��� ����������������� �
CANYON Improvement
after the sale!
Ask about rebates!
����������������������� $99,500 -Delphos SD

���������������������� Ideal Opportunity




� � � ��
�� �� ��� ��� Large
$77,000 -Ft Jennings SD
& Luxurious
1 - 1 / 2 Story ���� ��� ������ �����
6818 2008
����� ���
���� �������
� ���
����������300 TOURING

�� ��
�� �����4���
������ Dr., 4����
� ���� 4 Dr., Navigation,
���� Black, 27,683 miles .............................. $13,895
�� full power, Dark Blue, 83K miles ........ $10,995
� ���������
������������������������������� ������������������������
���� �� �����
������ ����� 6760A��2005 CHRYSLER
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� � ��� � ��������� ����������� ������ ���� �� � � �� ���������������������� 6829A 2006 CHEVROLET MALIBU LTZ 4 Dr, Remote start, leather heated seats, adjustable pedals ................. $7,995
������������������������ ������ Windows,
���������� ���� Doors,
��� ���
����� ��� �������� ������
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207 S.� Gina Fox
�� St.
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� �� � � ��������������
��� �� �� � ���� � ��� �
������� ��� ���
Roofing, ��
��� ����
��� ��������� � ���
��� �� ���� �
�� �����
���� ���
�� ��� 6757C
� �� �� �� � ALERO
� ����
��� � �� �� �� 4
Dr, Keyless
���� ���
2 Dr.,���
Entry, Spoiler,
�� �� Silver, 62K miles .......................................
�� spoiler, alloy wheels, black ................................. $4,895

Dick CLARK Real Estate

����������� ���� ��������� ��� ����

������������ ��� ��� �� ��
��� ��
������ ����������� ����������� On S.R. 309 in Elida 1996 TOYOTA CAMRY cyl,����� moonroof,
���������� Delphos
� ������������
����� �����
�� �������
�� ��� ����

���� ��
$148,500 -Elida
Sunrooms, A Charming Personality SD
��������� ������� ���������
���� � ��� ������
� ����� ����
��� � ������
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email: dangerd@wcoil.com
���������������������� ������ �����Got��
� ���$99,900
Add���� �
��������� -Van Wert
����� CHEER
��� �����UP To���
��� This
��� Home!

������������� �������������������������������
��� ����������������� ������������������
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��� �
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���� � � ��� ������ � � ���� ����� ��� �� �
Dick CLARK Real Estate

���������������� ������� �� �� �� with

� ��one
�� of
� our ‘scent’sational
�� � � � ��� ��� �� ����� �� � �������������������� �������������������������� 6744 2009 FORD EDGE LIMITED AWD, V6, full power, leather, running boards ..................................... $26,770
��������������� � �������� candles! Ask how to��earn for FREE Pole Buildings, Delivery Available �� ��� ����� � ��������� �
����������� 6835B 2005 � � leather, moonroof, white, 73K miles .................. $24,995
Life Tastes
���LARIAT ���� ����� ��� ����
��� �� �� ��� � ���� � �
� � ���� ������� ���� �

��������������������������������������������� ����� ��� �
� �� � ���� ��� ���� ����� ���� ���� FORD F-350 Diesel,
��� ����4x4,crewcab,
$73,000 -Delphos SD
Dick CLARK Real Estate

��������� ��������� ����������� ������������� ��������� � ����

����� ����� ��
���� ��������
���� ���
������ Garages
������ ��������� �� And Privacy����
Peace ��� ������� 6846 2008 � HONDA RIGELINE
� �RTL ��� ����� ���
Dr., AWD, �� �� moonroof, White, 35,165 miles��
leather, ��
............................ $24,795
Good Again
����������� �������� ������ ����������������
�������������������� ����������������� Car
��� ���������������������
��� ������������������������������������� ��������������� 6845 2010 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 2WD, cap, bedliner, Red, 12,318 miles ........................ $23,895
���������������������� � ������������������������
���� �����
��� ��������� ����� ��
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�� ��� ����
����� ��
��� ��
� �
�� �����

���� ��
����� ���� ��� �
6840 2007 LINCOLN MKX
� ���� ����� LS,
��� ��CrewCab,
leather�� interior, 48K miles ............................................. $23,595 ���
Dick CLARK Real Estate

GREAT 1-Delphos ST
TIME SD�������������������������������������
Eating Gluten Free LAWN CARE
����� ����� 6855 2010 � MERCURY�MARINER ���� ����� ��� ������ SYNC, white, 17,692 miles ........................... $23,495
�������������������� TAX REBATE AWD ��� ���
Tan, ��
leather, �
Fine Fix- up Find ����������������������
-Delphos SD ���� � ������� 6821 2008 � FORD EXPLORER� ���� EDDIE BAUER ����� ���
4x4, � �� ����
moonroof, ��leather, Black, 34,025 miles ....................................... $22,995 � ����
����������������New Product Line MAKE ��� THE
��������� INCENTIVES
����������������������������������� $84,900
Enticing Two-story Total Lawncare &
���� � ����������� 6872 2007 � MERCURY�MOUNTAINEER ���� ��� �� �
�����Leather, �
��� DVD,�� � �
���� �Navi, Quad seating, white, ���� 61K ��� ����..........................
miles ���������������� $21,995

� ����������� ����� ������������������� �����
ARE ���������������������
AVAILABLE!!! ������ ��� �� ��������
������� ����������������
THAT SAYS����������
22.95* Snow Removal
��� ���� ���� ������������� �
Elida Health Foods
����� ��� ���������
101 W. Main Street �����
$ ���������������� ����
CALL US FOR Ph. 419-339-4938
�������� �������
���������� ������ ���
����������������21 Years


���������� � 6867A2006 TOYOTA
� SR5
� ��
4x4, ��
� � �
� �� DVD, white, 57K miles ................................... $21,895
V6, Leather, ����������� ���� ������� � �����
������ $21,595
Only��� � ������� ���������
��� ����� ��������� ����� ��� ��������
����� �����Elida, ����Ohio
� � 45807 ����
quarts oil INFORMATION
��������������� ���� ���� ������ ������ �� 6859 2008 � FORD EXPLORER� ���� EDDIE BAUER �����
������ � ����
� � ����
� ������ ��� 4x4, navigatioin, DVD, moonroof, white, 57,317
��� ���� miles ��
����� .......................
692-SOLD *up to$74,900 or 419-230-8128
������������������ ������������������������� ��� ����� �

-Delphos SD� ������������������������ Commercial & Residential 4Dr., FWD, vapor silver, 54,512 miles ................................................. $20,495
���� 6863 2008 FORD EDGE SEL
To view all listings go to www.DickClarkRealEstate.com
���� �� � ��� � �
������� ��Sat. 10:00-1 PM FLANAGAN’S
Two-story That Needs Some TLC �����
•LAWN MOWING• � �� �� �� ��
������������� 6839 2010 �
����� � �� � ����
��� XLT ����
����� ��� �� �
Navi, DVD, moonroof, leahter/heated, blue/tan, 45K miles ................ $19,895
���V6, ���
M-F PM, ���������������� ����������������� �������������������
•FERTILIZATION• FORD ESCAPE cloth interior, Blue, 1-owner, 41K miles ............................... $17,995
� ��� ����� ����������
��������������������������� ��������������������� ���������
������816 ���E. FIFTH ��
������ ST. �� DELPHOS Joe Wickey
���������������������� ����������
����� ���� 6826 2008 � FORD ��
ESCAPE� ����
XLT ����� ���
4DR., �� �� chrome wheels, red, 39K miles ........................... $16,595
V6 moonroof,
������� ��� �������� � 2008 �
6758 FORD F150�XLT ���� ��� ���
����Supercrew, 4x2, V8, full power, Bright Red ......................................... $15,295
������������������� ��������������� Ph. 419-692-5801
����� ������������������
8-6, Sat. 8-2 �������� Construction PROGRAMS•
6868 2004 � DODGE RAM � 1500����SLT 4x4, beige, 92K miles ......................................................... $13,995
Dick CLARK Real Estate

�� ������� ����������
������������� ����� • Pole Barns • Siding • Windows •LAWN AERATION• ����� ����� �����Quad
���cab,�� ��
$199,000 -Elida SD 6822 2006 FORD FREESTAR LTD VAN Leather, chrome wheels, DVD, spruce green, 67,742 �����miles ������ $13,895
������������������ Exquisite Sense Of
• Roof Replaements
•FALL CLEANUP• �� � ��� ��� ���� ���� � �
���� ���� ��� �� ��
4Dr., 3rd row seating, 2WD, silver, 75K ���� ����
miles ����������������������
..................................... $12,995
L.L.C. • Foundations
����� ������ �������� �� ��������� ���• Barn ����� ��������������
Restoration • Additions
MULCH �� ������� �� � 2007 �
���remote �� �� moonroof, green, 97,805 miles ............................ $11,895
Dick CLARK Real Estate

�������� ����������������������•����� ��� ��������

Houses ������ ������ � ��������������� 6866 2003 � � 1500���� ��� ���
�����CrewCab, �� cap, red, 142,050 miles ................................. $8,995
��� ���
������������ ��
Remodel Old
���•�� ����������
6841 2003 �
4x2, fiberglass
light green, 93,954 miles ............................................ $6,795 � � ��� ����
������ ��� ����� ����� • Basements New Houses ����� � �� �� ���
Rear DVD,�� ��
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Unfaithfulness Tomorrow’s

lay in the heart By Bernice Bede Osol

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

There is a good chance that

Dear Annie: I am a Toastmasters International in the next year you’ll be quite
65-year-old male who has (toastmasters.org). fortunate in areas where you had no
luck previously. For example, Dame
been involved in an exclu- Dear Annie: I read the let- Fortune may offer you numerous new
sive relationship for the past ter from “Not in the Cards,” ways to generate as much additional
four years. “Betty” is 56, and whose husband was seriously earnings as you desire.
we get along great, travel ill. She wanted his family to ARIES (March 21-April 19)
-- Good stuff is in store, and it will
frequently and have an active be updated about his medical increase in intensity with every new
sex life. condition, but they gave her a activity you undertake. The more you BLONDIE
Several months ago, I hard time about it. run around and circulate, the more
began to notice that Betty I want to let your readers good things can occur.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
was becoming quite distant, know about Caring Bridge -- Don’t be afraid to strive for large
emotionally and physically. (caringbridge.org). It is a free goals that usually tax all of your
I was frustrated, but didn’t website, supported solely by capabilities, because the harder you
make a big deal out of it. donations, that allows care- try to reach them, the luckier you will
However, quite by givers or family GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
accident, I discov- members to keep -- Your grasp of situations will be
ered that she was friends and fam- vast and accurate, and you’ll ably
handle both social and commercial
active on a dat- ily updated on the involvements. Put your ideas into
ing website. Upon medical progress of practice the way you think it should
further snooping, someone with a crit- be done.
I discovered four ical health issue. CANCER (June 21-July 22)
-- Something profitable might come
months of e-mail My daughter your way that could generate far BEETLE BAILEY
exchanges with has been using more revenue than your usual way of
another man. Some the Caring Bridge securing funds. What you tap into is
of the e-mails were website to keep likely to be extremely lucrative.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Follow
quite intimate, and us updated on the your impulses regarding partnership
a few had sexual progress of our arrangements. Instinctively, you’ll
references. I was Annie’s Mailbox “tiny angel” (our know how to handle things that will
devastated, to say granddaughter), be to your advantage, and to that of all
others involved.
the least. who was born after VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) --
I confronted Betty, and she 24 weeks gestation, weighing If you are of a mind, resurrect that
initially denied it. But when only one pound. Our grand- old project of yours that is quite
meaningful but needs adjustment.
presented with the evidence, daughter is doing amazingly Once you do, trouble spots will
she confessed. She said she well, and we are all thank- disappear and won’t recur.
met the guy twice but nothing ful that Caring Bridge has LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) --
sexual happened. I believe allowed family and friends Securing social acceptance isn’t
likely to be a problem for you. Your
her. She said the relationship all over the country to see charismatic personality will act like a SNUFFY SMITH
died out on its own, and the pictures and read the journal magnet on everyone you encounter.
e-mails seem to confirm this. of her progress. There were SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) --
She says she loves me and days when our granddaugh- Conditions that have a direct effect
upon your work-related affairs will be
wants to work it out. ter’s progress was hard to extremely favorable. Associates might
I will forgive her, but I’m talk about. The website has fail to score, but it won’t be a problem
having a hard time with it. I been a godsend and has saved for you to do so.
simply can’t get her betrayal my daughter from the stress SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec.
21) -- Plan something fun to do
off my mind and worry that of many phone calls and with friends, especially if you feel
I will never be able to trust e-mails during this difficult obligated to them in any way. You
her. How does one forget? time. -- Grateful Nana might find the prefect thing to do that
How does one repair what Dear Nana: Thank you so would prove enjoyable for all parties.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
has been lost? -- Lost that much for letting our readers -- Conditions could take a favorable
Trusting Feeling know about this useful and turn where your financial interests are
Dear Lost: It takes time, compassionate website. Our concerned. Be watchful for something
but it can be done. You must thoughts and prayers are with that you can take advantage of and
nurture for some time to come. HAGAR THE HORRIBLE
make a conscious effort to your family. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) --
push this betrayal out of your Annie’s Mailbox is written Good news is on its way concerning
mind, and Betty needs to be by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy a matter that you consider to be of
tremendous importance. If you have
completely transparent and Sugar, longtime editors of the to leave your office or home, let others
honest in all her dealings. Ann Landers column. Please know how to reach you.
Her behavior must be beyond e-mail your questions to PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) --
reproach since she has to earn anniesmailbox@comcast.net, You may be able to expect those who
love you to treat you in a generous
your trust again. If you can- or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, manner, but it would be a pleasant
not get there on your own, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 surprise if an outsider did so. That’s
please talk to a counselor, W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, exactly what could happen.
preferably with Betty, and Los Angeles, CA 90045. Copyright 2011, United Feature Syndicate, Inc.

work on this together.

Dear Annie: I am a high
school senior and am really
quiet and shy. I want to be
more outgoing, but the prob-
lem is public speaking.
I freak out when I have
to speak in front of people.
We have a project coming
up that requires talking in
front of the class. I want
to be more confident, but I
get scared and whisper. Since
I’m going away to college
soon, I thought I should try to
overcome this. Can you help?
-- Quiet and Scared FRANK & ERNEST
Dear Quiet: First of all,
you are not alone. Thousands
of people suffer from some
form of speech anxiety. A lot
of this is from the mistaken
notion that the speech must
be perfect, and a great deal
of anxiety can be overcome
with relaxation techniques.
You can find some good
suggestions and tips through

Monday Evening March 28, 2011

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www.delphosherald.com Monday, March 28, 2011 The Herald — 5B

New site lets employers

put health care out to bid ‘Brain waste’ thwarts
Associated Press

CONCORD, N.H. — Self-

costs of employees’ medical
claims, typically contracting
with an insurer or third-party
administrator to administer
immigrants’ career dreams
insured businesses looking to the claims. By DEEPTI HAJELA from the Census Bureau’s He now spends 12 hours Montenegro came to the
cut out the middleman when Those large companies rep- Associated Press 2009 American Community a day, seven days a week, United States in 2004 to care
it comes to health care have a resent an enormous, untapped Survey, did not differenti- behind the wheel of a taxi- for her mother, who had been
new way to solicit bids direct- power to change a health care NEW YORK — After ate between legal and illegal cab. It’s a far cry from the diagnosed with breast can-
ly from doctors or hospitals. system that rewards volume finishing medical school in immigrants. work he’s done for much cer. She stayed after marry-
Created by a doctor, a over value, Crandlemire said. Bogota, Colombia, Maria Brain waste has conse- of his life, Singh said, and ing a man she met here, and
lawyer and a former ben- “If that group started say- Anjelica Montenegro did it quences for immigrants as the wages are much lower became an American citizen.
efits manager, Open Health ing, ’We want the provider all — obstetrics, pediatrics, well as American employ- than those he once brought She now lives in the New
Market is an online match- who delivers the most value emergency medicine, even ers and the larger economy, home. The whole experience York borough of Queens
maker of sorts: Employers to us, and we’re going to have surgery. By her estimate, she said Jeanne Batalova, policy has soured him on the idea with her husband and two
submit requests for proposals you providers start competing worked with thousands of analyst at the institute and of staying in America. He children.
for a category of medical ser- for the opportunity to start patients. co-author of a study on the plans to move back to India Language was the first
vices and procedures — knee serving our population,’ they None of that prepared her issue. in a couple of years, when barrier that Montenegro
surgeries, for example, or car- could effect profound change for the jobs she’s had since For immigrants, it means his son is done with his post- encountered. She needed to
diac care. Health care provid- in the market,” he said. “We she moved to the United bringing home less money graduate work. improve her English, but she
ers then submit competing think the only thing that’s States: Sales clerk. Babysitter. than they have the potential “I used to have money, also needed to work. She
bids, which are then evalu- really going transform the Medical assistant. to earn. For employers, it I used to have good life,” took a job as a sales clerk in
ated by the employer. system is the power of the That last one definitely means fewer skilled appli- Singh said. “Over here, I’m a local mall, and even though
If an employer accepts a market, and these companies rubbed raw at times. cants in their hiring pools. hand to mouth.” it felt strange to be a medi-
bid, the savings could then that spend $1 trillion saying, “I know I was working For the country overall, it Nikki Cicerani, executive cal professional working in
be passed along to employees ’We want something different in my field,” the 34-year-old means a missed opportunity director of Upwardly Global, retail, she said, the position
in the form of incentives to and we’re going to demand New York resident said. “But to leverage already trained a nonprofit organization that at least helped her polish her
go with the new provider, something different.’” that is medical assistant. I’m professionals in areas where helps legal immigrants find language skills.
such as a waived deduct- Lindsay Shearer, a spokes- a doctor.” there may be a desperate work in their chosen profes- Then came larger hurdles
ible, said Don Crandlemire, woman for health insurer Montenegro is hardly need for them. sions, said typically, immi- that no amount of perfect
the Concord lawyer who Cigna Corp., said she’s con- unique, given the high U.S. There’s a “loss when grants come from environ- English could surmount.
created the site along with cerned that Open Health unemployment rate these human talent and potential is ments where job-seeking is There’s a series of exams,
Dr. Leonard Fromer of Los Market would lead to a focus days. Her situation reflects not maximized in the fullest,” done differently. They may the first of which cost $1,000
Angeles and Peter Hayes, on discounting services with- a trend that some researchers Batalova said. not know how to navigate the alone, Montenegro said.
former benefits manager at out addressing other factors call “brain waste” — a term Mohan Singh, 55, thought system, whether it’s build- She also has to complete a
Scarborough, Maine-based that drive up costs. applied to immigrants who moving to the United States ing a network to learn about residency, a requirement for
Hannaford Bros. supermar- “It also does nothing to were skilled professionals in would be a smooth transi- job openings or having a all graduates of American
kets. drive or incent the quality of their home countries, yet are tion. Born and raised in India, resume formatted in a way medical schools. There are a
Crandlemire and his part- services provided and may in stymied in their efforts to he left his home country for that is familiar to American limited number of residency
ners won’t get involved in fact create disincentives for find work in the U.S. that Kuwait, where he worked in employers. slots overall which makes it
structuring any deals; they quality improvement,” she makes full use of their educa- air conditioning and eleva- Interviewing can be espe- a very competitive process
just handle the introductions. said. tion or training. tor maintenance. He lived in cially tricky. “In many other for everyone, but even more
The employer decides wheth- Open Health Market offi- Most of these immigrants Kuwait for 25 years, started countries, the resume and so for foreign medical school
er to pursue negotiations with cials counter that quality, wind up underemployed his own company and was the educational experience
any of the bidders. patient satisfaction and con- graduates.
because of barriers like lan- successful enough to send his is the clincher,” Cicerani Montenegro has one more
“It brings buyers and sell- venience also would be part
guage, lack of access to job daughter and son to college said, “whereas in the United exam to pass before she can
ers closer,” he said. “The fur- of the negotiations between
ther apart a buyer and seller employers and providers, who networks, or credentialing in the United States. States, the interview is make apply for a residency, a pro-
are in a market, the more inef- would have to meet the same requirements that are differ- At their urging, Singh it or break it.” cess that will take at least a
ficient that market is.” accreditation standards set by ent from those in other coun- came to the U.S. in 2000. American employers can year or two. There’s no guar-
Nearly 60 percent of U.S. the federal Medicare system tries. Some are held back He said he thought “that I’ll also have difficulty figuring antee that she’ll be accepted
workers who have health in order to join the site. even further because they’re be getting the same job, I’ll out if an immigrant would be for a residency; At times, she
insurance are covered by But Paul Fronstin of also in the U.S. illegally. be getting into a good field, the kind of employee they are fears she may never work as
employer-funded plans, the nonpartisan Employee An analysis by research- make a good life.” seeking, absent a ready way a doctor here.
according to the Kaiser Family Benefit Research Institute ers at the Migration Policy It took seven years to of understanding how for-
“So many times I want to
Foundation. In general, work- wonders whether employers Institute, an immigration complete the paperwork that eign educational or profes-
think tank, estimated that allowed Singh to work here sional expertise translates in get my things and my pass-
ers in large companies are are prepared to take on the port and go back to my coun-
more likely to be in a self- task of evaluating providers 1.2 million college-educated legally. When he applied for the U.S. job market, Cicerani
immigrants in the United jobs, would-be employers said. try,” Montenegro said. Over
funded plan: 93 percent of based on quality and other the years, she heard stories
covered workers in firms with factors. Even comparing cost States were underemployed, focused on the fact that Singh “They’re not really clear
5,000 or more workers are in is tricky, he said, because one out of a population of 6.7 had not worked in his field in how to evaluate a foreign about the lifestyles her doc-
self-funded plans. Under such provider’s costs may reflect a million. About another the United States. degree against a U.S.- tor friends in Colombia were
an arrangement, an employer sicker population, for exam- 350,000 were unemployed. “They cancel all my expe- educated candidate,” she able to afford as she worked
assumes responsibility for the ple, he said. The analysis, based on data rience,” he said. said. at various low-wage jobs.

NY remembers 1911 Capitol fire MARCH is National Colorectal

By CHRIS CAROLA estimated to have destroyed told the New York Post
Associated Press
ALBANY, N.Y. — The
about 500,000 books and
300,000 manuscripts; only
three years after the blaze
engulfed the entire western Cancer Awareness Month
“Things to Do...Now that I’m 50”
fire started in the Assembly 7,000 books and 80,000 portion of the Capitol, built
Library and quickly spread manuscripts were saved. The in the French Renaissance
down the hall to the nearby blaze also destroyed 8,500 style over a 32-year period
New York State Library, artifacts in the New York and completed just a dozen ✔Take that dream vacation ✔ Buy my dream car
finding plenty of fuel among State Museum, including years before the fire. ✔ GET COLONOSCOPY SCREENING
towering shelves jammed irreplaceable Seneca Indian Joseph Gavit, the
with books and cabinets craftworks. “Superintendent of the PLEASE CALL...be an informed consumer...GET SCREENED
filled with hundreds of thou- The Capitol blaze, com- Stacks” whose 50-year Take charge of your health!
sands of documents, many ing just four days after the career at the State Library
of them centuries old. horrific fire at the Triangle started in 1896, staunchly
It would be several days Shirtwaist Co. factory in believed the fire was started
before firefighters finally Manhattan, was the second by careless smoking during
doused the last embers of blow in a pair of pyrotechnic a boozy party held in a room
the state Capitol fire that disasters that led to legisla- near the Assembly cham-
started in the early morning tion in Albany strengthening ber, according to state librar-
hours of March 29, 1911. building codes and factory ians Paul Mercer and Vicki
Meanwhile, one man was safety laws statewide, and
dead and an untold wealth of eventually, nationwide. Weiss, co-authors of “The
New York’s history and her- New York is marking this New York State Capitol and
itage — from Dutch colonial week’s 100th anniversary The Great Fire of 1911.”
records to priceless Iroquois of the Capitol fire with an Officially, the blame
artifacts — had gone up in exhibit, a new documentary was laid on faulty wiring.
flames. film, a newly published book What isn’t disputed is that
The disaster, according and public lectures by state the blaze ignited around
to the man who served as librarians and historians.
the State Library’s director “Few realize the extent of 2 a.m. in what was then
the Assembly’s third-floor
before and after the fire, was the disaster of 1911,” James 2793 Shawnee Rd., Lima Toll Free: 1-877-4COLONS (1-877-426-5667)
unequaled in the history of I. Wyer, director of the State library, just down the hall
modern libraries. The fire is Library from 1908-1938, from the speaker’s office.

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