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Alvarez Ramírez Luis Fernando 6°01

International Marketing Environment

Date of delivery: December/ 3rd/2020
International marketing environment consists of global forces, such as economic, social,
cultural, legal, and geographical and ecological forces, that affect international marketing
decisions. International marketing environment for any marketer consists of internal,
domestic, and global marketing forces affecting international marketing mix.
Factors of International Marketing Environment can be classified into three categories
Global Factors (International Uncontrollable Environment), Domestic Factors (Domestic
Uncontrollable Environment) and Organisational Factors (Internal Marketing Environment).
Global Factors are related to the world economy. Every aspect of marketing decision is
also influenced by global factors. The main global factors include Micro and Macro
For Ex: A manager who deals with international marketing has to design his marketing mix
and marketing mix strategies in accordance with these forces. He also has to keep in mind
about the impact of such forces on his marketing decisions and also the levels of
opportunities and threats needs to be taken into consideration.
Market competition exists when two or more firms sell same or similar products and
services. The companies must take into account the way they approach the customers
and sell their products to the customer, what price and product differentiation they have for
their customer. These factors can be taken into account to get edge over their competitors.
the technological factors as the knowledge and skills used in production of goods. The
technology and materials used in production of goods and services
They are the main external and uncontrollable
factors that influence the organization's decision-
making, affecting its performance and strategies.
It consists of the great social forces that
influence the entire microenvironment such as
demographic, economic, natural, technological,
political and cultural. globalization, new
technological tools, telecommunications,
logistics models, makes the world create new
business models to satisfy the needs, desires
and motivations of new consumers.
International trade has never before had such a
broad and simultaneous impact between
countries, companies and individuals that it has today. in a time of globalization and high
competitiveness of products or services, as is the changing world of marketing. In the
macroenvironment of international marketing, suppliers, intermediaries, the market and the
marketing program are important.
The micro-economic factors and macro-economic factors during decision-making process
as these forces have a major effect on the marketing campaigns success. Thus marketing
environment forces can play a vital role in the success of a business, its marketing
strategies, marketing campaigns and its branding.

Bibliografía: RIQUE AND SUMEET . (February 9, 2019). International Marketing

Environment. DECEMBER/3rd}72020, de Global Marketing Professor Global Marketing
Alvarez Ramírez Luis Fernando 6°01

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