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Gwyn Duus

ENG 331


Negative News Assignment

Facebook Post
The SMSU Mustang Market is providing free cereal for students! The Mustang Market is able to
receive a free pallet of expired cereal. Cereal lasts for a year or more after the expiration date,
and the image below shows how long cereal lasts when opened and unopened. More information
on the shelf life of cereal and other products can be found on the USDA Foodkeeper app as well
as this link: The cereal, along with
other food and personal hygiene products, will be available for free for students on December 11
from 11:30-1:30. For information on the Mustang Market, contact Crystal Watts at
Did you know that according to the USDA, over 1/3 of all available food goes to waste? The
Mustang Market has a new opportunity to provide students with free, expired cereal. This is not
an issue as cereal stays good at least a year after the expiration date. For more information on
food waste, visit this link: Do your part in preventing
food waste and come to the last Mustang Market of the year, located in the Center for Civic
Engagement from 11:30-1:30. For information on the Mustang Market, contact Crystal Watts at
Transmittal Letter




SUBJECT: Mustang Market Documents

Dear Ms. Watts and Ms. Scholten,

Attached are three documents you may be able to use that help to propose a way to incentivize
SMSU students to accept expired cereal from the Mustang Market. I have done research on the
shelf life of cereal as well and use that information in the following documents.

The first document is a Facebook post informs students of the cereal and provides them with
information on the shelf life of cereal. I have added an image with the post from the USDA’s
Foodkeeper app about the shelf life of cereal along with a link to the Foodkeeper website. The
second document is a Twitter post informs students of the cereal, some information on the shelf
life, and a link to information on food waste. I included a call-to-action for the students to do
their part in preventing food waste. Both documents include the date and time of the next
Mustang Market.

The third document is a flyer for the Mustang Market. I made the flyer fairly simple and easy to
understand. There is a call to action, to help prevent food waste, and I also mentioned that the
Market has free cereal. I provided a time, date, and location for the last Mustang Market of the
year, and aside from the Mustang Market logo, the only other image used is of cereal boxes.

Thank you for looking at the documents that I have provided. Please feel free to contact me with
any questions or concerns with the documents. I can be reached at


Gwyn Duus

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