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CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families


(This sheet is in the Student Assessment pack)

This form is to be completed by the assessor and used a final record of student competency. All student submissions
including any associated checklists (outlined below) are to be attached to this cover sheet before placing on the students
file. Student results are not to be entered onto the Student Management System unless all relevant paperwork is
completed and attached to this form.

Student Name: Heavendeep Sekhon

Student ID No: D4225
Final Completion Date:

Assessor Name: Rakesh Gudideveni

Unit Code/ Title CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

Please attach the following documentation to this form Result

 Observation Checklist in the Work Placement
Assessment Task 1- Record Book (1 assessor observation)
Observation & Logbook  Work Placement Record Book attached (2
workplace supervisor observations)
Assessment Task 2-
Written Test
 Written Test attached S / NYS

S = Satisfactory; NYS = Not Yet Satisfactory

Final Assessment Result for this unit C / NYC

C = Competent; NYC = Not Yet Competent

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, Signature: ____________________________

reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I
have provided appropriate feedback. Date: ____/_____/_____

Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed Signature: ____________________________

in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I also am
aware of my appeal rights. I also declare that the work Date: ____/_____/_____
submitted is my own, and has not been copied or
plagiarised from any person or source.

Administrative use only

Entered onto Student Management System  ________________

Date Initials

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families


This information which is in the Student Assessment pack is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment

Student Instructions

This assessment is to be undertaken in a fully equipped aged care facility.

For this assessment, you are to be observed on 3 separate occasions (2 observations by your
workplace supervisor and 1 observation by your assessor). For this assessment, you will need
to support relationships with carers and families.

1. For this task you are required to assess and respond to the needs of at least 3 different
people and their carers or family members in the context of their job role.
a. While you are working with the clients and their families, you will need to use strengths-
based solutions to respond to both routine and unpredictable problems related to care
2. While you are working with these three people you are required to keep a journal. This
journal should include the following information:
a. The strategies you use to work in a positive manner with each family.
b. The family patterns and structures and how they impact each person
c. The types of lifecycle transitions and the positive and negative impacts these create
d. The impact of the caring role on family members
e. The pathways each family take to enter the service and the implications for all
f. The attitudes, stereotypes and false beliefs that family members and other stakeholders
have about the person and the service
g. The carer support services and resources used by each person and their support team
h. How carer and family members supported the person
i. What changes occurred in the care relationship and how you respond to those changes
j. How you promote the carer rights, health and wellbeing during your work with each

Your 3 observations will be observed as follows:

 2 observations by your host employer / workplace supervisor that will be verified by your
assessor from your College
 1 observation by an Assessor from your College
(These are to be recorded in your Work Placement Record Book that will be given to
you by your assessor)

To be assessed on: Work Placement

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families


This information which is in the Student Assessment pack is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment

Student Instructions

This is an open book written test. Therefore, you are allowed to bring books/ resources that
can help you to answer the test.

Your assessor will set a date and time for this open book written test.

On the test date:

1. Your assessor will set ground rules including no phones, talking, etc.
2. Your assessor will pass a copy of the assessment to you.
3. Your assessor will allow time for reading and questions before commencing
4. You will have 1.5 hours for this assessment. Your are not to leave the classroom within
15 minutes of commencement of the assessment.
5. Once assessment has commenced, no communication between students is allowed.
6. If you repeatedly talk, or are caught cheating, you will be removed from the classroom,
and reported to student administration. Your assessment will be marked as “incomplete”
7. Remember – assessments are a participatory process, so your assessor can help re-
word questions, but cannot lead to answers.
8. Once completed, your assessment will be marked accordingly.
9. In the event that a question is not answered correctly, your assessor will discuss the
response with you to determine if you did not know the answer, or did not understand the
10. In order to achieve competency, all questions MUST be answered correctly.

This assessment will be done on: 11/05/2020

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families


Please complete below

Student Name:
Heavendeep Kaur Sekhon

Student ID No:
Date: 10/05/2020

Please refer to the instructions below regarding completing this assessment
This is an open book written test. In the time allocated, you are to answer all of the following questions. Make sure you:
 Print Clearly
 Answer all questions
 Use a pen. Assessments written in pencil will not be accepted.
 Ask your assessor if you do not understand a question. Whist your assessor cannot tell you the answer, he/she may be able to re-
word the question for you
 Do not talk to your classmates. If you are caught talking, you will be asked to leave and your assessment will not be marked.
 Do not cheat or plagiarise the work of others. Anyone caught cheating will automatically be marked Not Yet Competent for this unit.
There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule.


1. For this task you are to write an information pamphlet for community service employees
about supporting relationships with carers and families. Your pamphlet will need to cover
the following sections:
a. Including carers and family members as part of the support team
b. Assessing and responding to changes in the care relationship
c. Monitoring and promoting carer rights, health and well being
d. Roles and responsibilities of clients, family members, friends and support
e. How discrimination and privacy, confidentiality and disclosure are managed

a. The role of a carer in life of client and for economy of a country is very important. The clients
need physical and mental support when they are unable to carry themselves in some stages of
life. Many people take care of their friends and family members as carers. It provides emotional
and mental support to clients and help them to recover fast. Caring our close ones is not an easy
task as caring unknown people in aged cares. People who work as personal carers for their
family members face many difficulties such as financial, physical and mental hardhips.

As a professional worker, everyone also respect the decisions of a carer and client both.
Sometimes, the carer and client might be father and son/daughter relatioship and refuse to take
and give shower. Then, they should be respected and not forced to do unwilling taks.
b. While doing extra care of the closed persons, the carers may find difficulties with the needs
and demands of the clients. The carers may need peer support, recognition for the played role,
choice for performing willing or unwilling tasks, education and inclusion.

The refusal to perform some responsibilites and co-operate with each other can create a gap
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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

among re;ationships. Also, some other factors are responsible in breakdown of relationships
such as increase or decrease of demand for care or availibilty, death of client, deteriorating
health condition of client, personal and health issues of carer and behaviour of both parties.
3. This is the responsibility of organisation to take care of the carer's rights, health and well
being. The carer should be known about his rights and policies of the organisation such as duty
of care requirement, organisational code of conduct and organisational requirement.
In the delivery of care to carers, the organisation must incorporate the duty od care
requirements to make sure that the carers do not get injury or harm on duty, especially by any
professional worker.
d. Carers and support persons have the responsibility to:

1. Respect the humanity and dignity of the client.

2. Consider the opinions and skills of professional and other staff who provide assessment,
individualised care planning, support, care, treatment, recovery and rehabilitation services to clients.
3. Cooperate, as far as is possible, with reasonable programs of assessment, individualised care
planning, support, care, treatment, recovery and rehabilitation.
4. Contribute to and participate in the development of social, health and mental health policy.
5. Respect for their confidentiality have responsibility to:

Family mambers and friends have responsibility to:

1. Comprehensive information, education, training and support to facilitate their care and support
2. Provide information concerning family relationships and any matters relating to the mental state of
the client to health service providers.
3. Receive support for their own difficulties that may be generated through the process of supporting,
caring for a person who needs support.
4. Respect for their confidentiality and privacy.

Clients have the responsibilities to:

1. Respect the role of care.
2. Encourge and motivate the carer by praising their work.
3. Keeping patience, having positive attitude and polite behavior.
4. To respect their decision to play a role.

e. Discrimination: - It is important to make sure that the person with any physical and mental
disability should not be disciminated and critisized by anyone and be respected and treated as
same as other clients. They also should be awared about the disability discrimination law to
take stand for themselves.

Privacy, confidentiality and disclosure are managed by:

1. Clients documents are kept under special observation in lockers securely.

2. Their personal and confidential information should not be shared with third parties without
3. if needed to disclose the private information with third person, first discuss with the supervisior
before taking any step.
4. Clients medical history should not be shared with anyone.
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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

2 . What are the basic principles of person-centred practice, strengths-based practice and
active support.

Person-Centred Practice: - In the person-centred practice a person stands in the centre of everything a
carer do for him. A carer helps that person to fulfil his social, emotional and practical needs in which
the needy has his partnership and trust. It has some principles below: -

Principle 1: - Being a person-centred means to afford people's respect, dignity and compassion for
client and carer both.

Principle 2: - The person has partnership in the care of his health, and his health and wellbeing should
be focused more to care about, not the illness and other conditions.

Principle 3: - Achieving a person-centred culture requires a change in behaviour and mindset

supported by a system that puts the person at its heart.

Principle 4: - Provide coordinated care, treatment and support.

Strengths-Based Practice: - In this approach, focusing on the positive attributes of a client to support,
motivate and inspire them for developing their own feelings of strength and energy, rather than
negative. This approach can be applied in many ways such as counselling, leadership, social work and
so on. The principles are given below: -

Principle 1: - The basic principle of this approach is focusing on the strengths, abilities and postivite
aspects rather than difficulties and problems.

Principle 2: - Every person is a teacher and a learner at the same time everyday. The recognisiton of
the strengths and expertise of the participants makes them perfect and motivate to learn more.

Principle 3: - The participants should involve in making decisions in the purpose, process and content
of the group. The groups often play a vital role to give shapes what happens because we recognise the
strengths of the participants.

Principle 4: - Use Non-judgemental, future oriented and inclusive language that is strength based.

Active Support: - Active support is known as providing assistance to people to ensure that they are
actively participating in all activities from personal to daily tasks. It has some principles below: -

Principle1: - Being social and part of community.

Principle 2: - Having strong relationship and understanding with family and friends.

Principle 3: - Keep control over life and having choices.

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

3 . Briefly discus carer demographics.

In 2018 ABS surveys and other sources have shed light on carers in Australia. By better
understanding carers' characteristics and demographics, we are better able to advocate on their
behalf and provide advice to support them.

Some quick statistics:

1. In 2018 there were 2.65 million unpaid carers in Australia.

2. Around 861,000 carers (32.5%) are primary carers, those who provide the most informal
assistance to another individual.

3. The replacement value of the unpaid care provided in 2015 was $60.3 billion - over $1 billion
per week.

4. The weekly median income of primary carers aged 15 - 64 was 42% lower in 2015 than that
of non-carers.

5. Seven-out-of-ten primary carers (71.8%) are female.

6. The average age of a primary carer is 54.3.

7. 235,300 carers are under the age of 25, which equates to around 1 in 11.

8. One-third of primary carers provide 40 hours or more of unpaid care per week.

9. More than half (51%) of primary carers provide care for at least 20 hours per week.

10. 56% of primary carers aged 15 - 64 participate in the workforce, compared to 77% of non-

11. It is estimated that carers provided 1.9 billion hours of unpaid care in 2015.

Reference: -

4. What steps can you take to include carers and family members as part of the support

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

The carers are an important part of Australian health care department as they play an essential
role to take care of people of different age groups and with different health conditions such as
physical and mental. People who are in need for care in homes are less stresses and more
confident and recover fastly as compared to those who are living in aged cares. According to a
survey by ABS in 2018, 2.7 million unpaid carers exist in Australia which is a great a huge aid to
minimise the job of government. Also they are replacing the expenses of paying carers over $1
billion weekly by doing 1.9 billion hours of social work.

The role of a family memebr as carer is full of challenges for him as well as for the person in
need. The need for extra care even physically and emotional sometimes results in negative
outcomes and put profound impact on the relationships. Many carers invest large part of their
life to look after their loved ones unconditonally and face a lot of difficulites to support the living
conditions. In these situations, they also need some type of care support such as financial
support, emotional support, respite care, counselling support, educational services and social
services to support and care themselves.

The clients depending upon carers, either in home or centers have their privacy and some
confidential documents which he hands over to the carer. The carer and family member needs
to understand the privacy policies and keeps the information provided to him very private and
confidential. They should not share anything with third parties without taking permission of the
owner of documents and should discuss with the supervisior, if necessary.

5. List four types of legislation and government policies designed to protect you and the
people you work with.

The Privacy Act 1988

The Racial Discrimination Act 1984

The Sex Discrimination Act 1992

The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

6. What steps can you take to ensure that you maintain the confidentiality of clients, their
carers and related information?

1. According to The Privact Act 1988, do not disclose client's any information to anyone who is
unidentified and unauthorised or without taking his permission.

2. The carer should not leak or discuss personal issues of the client or carer with any third party.

3. To maintain the confidentiality, keeping important documents under the special observartion
with proper security.

4. Explaining the client and carer about your organisation's privacy policies and procedures as
well The Privacy Act 1988 before they join your services so that they can take best decision
before handing over their private information to anyone accordingly.

5. If required to share their information with any third party, do not take decision by your own
without discussing with your supervisior or manager or sometimes clients.

7. List four different issues that may affect carers.

1. Physical and Mental health issues: - The carers make themselves available to the person, who
needs help and assistant 24/7. This makes the carer depressed and physically unwell because
they can not take time for lookafter themselves.

2. Isolation and lack of socialism: - Being available for the client everytime makes a carer isolate
and cut off with society. He needs to cancel his plans with friends often when his close family
member is helpless without him.

3. Changes in behaviour and habits: - Sometimes, because of the stress and isolation, they get
addicted to drug to help themselves to overcome this situation. Also, many changes occur in
their behaviour such as they become short temper, rude and low patience.

4. Unstable future plannings and career: - The young carers who take care of elders lose many
job opportunities to become 24/7 available for them. So, their furure becomes unperdictable for
uncertain times.

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

8. Why might care relationships change, and what do you need to do if care relationships do

1. The relationship between a carer and client is basically based on the care dependecy's reduction or

2. Secondly, if a carer is providing 24/7 services and sometimes he is unavilable to provide the
support when needed, it affects the bond between two.

3. Client's health also an important factor to be noticed. If the health of client deteriorates and carer is
unable to provide sufficient support at the right time. However, the carer's health conditios also effects
the relationships somewhere.

4.When a person dies, care relationship does no longer exist.

5. Behaviour of both parties towards each other also has profound impact.

6. When a child becomes mature and able to look after himself or some persons learn new things to
become independent and does not require more care.

The first step to take when changes take place in relatioships is adjustment. Adjustments can take
relationships longer and stronger in some situations such as if a aged parent becomes disable, then
carer child needs to do shower, cleaning, and feeding. Adjusting in these conditions may get them
more closer if there is no negativity. Secondly, counselling can be a best solution to overcome this
devasting situation. Morever, social interaction can also ease the pain of losing someone very close to

There are some types of support given below: -

1. Medical Care: - Medical aid is a basic need of every human and this can support a carer when

2. Emotional support: - They face so many ups and downs in some circumstances and need
someone to support them emotionally, which can be done by providng some counsellings.

3. Respite care: - Respite care support gives beneficial break to both parties from stressed and
hectic life for some time.

4. In Home support: - In home services helps the carer ease his daily chores and get some
relaxtion from physical and mental tiredness.

5. Educational Support: - Some carer needs more education to look after their loved ones such
as showering, medication, feeding and changing. The education can change their relationship
positively and help them to ease the difficulties in taking care.

6. Meals on wheels: - This is an option for those who are unable to cook at home due to some
issues and help them to sleep without hunger.

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

10. Briefly discuss the current best practice approaches for service delivery.
1. Right-Based Approach: - The client should be told and explained about all the his rights and should
be updated on time.

2. Person-Centred Approach: - This is most effective type of community service training approaches.
It mainly focuses on the person's needs and desires.

3. Strengths-Based Approach: - It is mainly about to focus on postive aspects only rather than the
negavtive ones. The community service worker needs to build a strong connection with the client to
understand that what motivates and inspires his client and what is the reason behind his strength and

4. The transperancy in the demands and services should be made.

5. The feedback to the clients should be positive, supported and effective. They should be motivated
or encourged to improve themselves, not degraded. It depends upon the selection of right words to
speak about feedback.

11. List at least six challenges that carers may face.

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

1. Lack of support

2. Feeling tired and finding time for themselves

3. Social isolation and loneliness

4. Future is a key consideration for carers

5. Emotinal and Mental health wellbeings

6. Financial Difficulties

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

12. Discuss four services that you may recommend to carers to assist them to continue caring
for their friend or family member.
dependent upon him to be raised. Such situations can demotivate them to take backward steps
from responsibility os taking care of someone. To help them overcome some mental conditions
and encourage them to go ahead with adjustments is essential for them.
2. Medical Assistance: - Medical aid is a basic need of every human in any situation. They also
should be provided with this to keep them healthy and fit.

3. Respite Assistance: - In every work or job, people get some short term or annual leaves to get
fresh and relax from the repetitive everyday tasks. This assistance also provide the carers a
short break for some time to change their lifestyle and thoughts and get relaxation.
4. Home Assistance: - The carers also need help in daily household chores such as cleaning,
cooking and loundry. Home help can help to reduce physical tiredness.

Before you hand in your written assessment, make sure that you:
1. Re-check your answers and make sure you are happy with your responses
2. Have written your Name, Student ID and Date

Result: Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory


Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, Signature: ____________________________

reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I
have provided appropriate feedback. Date: ____/_____/_____

Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed Signature: ____________________________

in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I also am
aware of my appeal rights. Date: ____/_____/_____

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092

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