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Lesson Plan in Science 6

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. define what is energy;
b. determine the different types of energy and their transformation;
c. appreciate the importance of energy in daily living through essay;
d. make a poster about energy.

II. Subject Matter:

a. Topic: Energy
b. References:
c. Materials: Laptop

III. Methods
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminaries

a. Prayer

(Let us pray) : Student will lead a prayer

(Amen) : (Amen)

b. Greetings

Good morning, class! : Good morning, sir!

c. Checking of Attendance
(The teacher will check the attendance)
Is everybody present?
: Yes, sir!
Very good!

d. Review

Yesterday, we have discussed the effects

force on the shape of an object.

Now, who can give me a short summary of

the lesson?

Yes, Terrence?
: force can change of material. (Change

Very good!

B. Motivation
Now class, I have here pictures. I want you to
describe the picture. Is that clear class?
: Yes sir.

What do you see in the picture? Yes,


Very good, Reyjhun! : the picture shows different energy sir

What else Terrence?

Answer may varry
What do you think our topic for today class?

Very Good! : Energy sir?

Before we start our discussion. Kindly read

our objectives Hardy.

:a. define what is energy;

b. determine the two types of energy;
c. write the importance of energy in daily
Thank you, Hardy. living.
d. make a poster about energy.

C. Presentation and Discussion

So, let’s procced to our topic class.

What is Energy? Do you have any idea class?

Yes, correct Answer may varry
:Energy, in physics, the capacity for doing
Energy is defined as the ability to work
do work. Energy comes in various forms.
Here are 10 common types of energy and
examples of them.

Mechanical Energy
Mechanical energy is energy that results from
movement or the location of an object.
Mechanical energy is the sum of kinetic
energy and potential energy.

 An object possessing mechanical energy has
both kinetic and potential energy, although the
energy of one of the forms may be equal to zero.
A moving car has kinetic energy. If you move the
car up a mountain, it has kinetic and potential
energy. A book sitting on a table has potential

Thermal Energy

Thermal energy or heat energy reflects the

temperature difference between two systems.
Example: A cup of hot coffee has thermal energy.
You generate heat and have thermal energy with
respect to your environment.

Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy is energy resulting from changes

in the atomic nuclei or from nuclear reactions.

Example: Nuclear fission, nuclear fusion,

and nuclear decay are examples of nuclear energy.
An atomic detonation or power from a nuclear
plant are specific examples of this type of energy.

Chemical Energy

Chemical energy results from chemical

reactions between atoms or molecules. There are
different types of chemical energy, such as
electrochemical energy and chemiluminescence.

Example: A good example of chemical energy is

an electrochemical cell or battery.

Electromagnetic Energy

Electromagnetic energy (or radiant energy) is

energy from light or electromagnetic waves.
Example: Any form of light has electromagnetic
energy, including parts of the spectrum we can't
see. Radio, gamma rays, x-rays, microwaves,
and ultraviolet light are some examples of
electromagnetic energy.

Sonic Energy

Sonic energy is the energy of sound waves. Sound

waves travel through the air or another medium.
Example: A sonic boom, a song played on a
stereo, your voice.

Gravitational Energy

Energy associated with gravity involves the

attraction between two objects based on
their mass. It can serve as a basis for mechanical
energy, such as the potential energy of an object
placed on a shelf or the kinetic energy of the
Moon in orbit around the Earth.
Example: Gravitational energy holds the
atmosphere to the Earth.

Kinetic Energy

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion of a body.

It ranges from 0 to a positive value.

Example: An example is a child swinging on a

swing. No matter whether the swing is moving
forward or backward, the value of the kinetic
energy is never negative.

Potential Energy
Potential energy is the energy of an object's

Example: When a child swinging on a swing

reaches the top of the arc, she has maximum
potential energy. When she is closest to the
ground, her potential energy is at its minimum (0).
Another example is throwing a ball into the air. At
the highest point, the potential energy is greatest.
As the ball rises or falls it has a combination of
potential and kinetic energy.

Ionization Energy

Ionization energy is the form of energy that binds

electrons to the nucleus of its atom, ion, or
Example: The first ionization energy of an atom is
the energy needed to remove one electron
completely. The second ionization energy is
energy to remove a second electron and is greater
than that required to remove the first electron

So, class cab you give examples of

transformation of energy.
D. Application
Class, we will have an activity.

Direction: Read each statement below
carefully. Write the word True if the
statement is correct and if not, underline the
word statement that sentence incorrect and
write the correct answer on the space
________ 1. Kinetic energy or heat
energy reflects the temperature difference
between two systems.
_________ 2. Ionization energy is the form of
energy that binds electrons to the nucleus of its
atom, ion, or molecule.
_________ 3. Kinetic energy is the energy of
motion of a body. It ranges from 0 to a positive Answer may varry
__________ 4. Mechanical energy is the energy
of sound waves. Sound waves travel through the
air or another medium.
___________ 5. Chemical energy results
from chemical reactions between atoms or
molecules. There are different types of chemical
energy, such as electrochemical energy and

1. Thermal Energy
2. True
3. True
E. Generalization 4. Sonic Energy
5. True
1. What is energy?

2. How Many different Energy that we


3. Give 3 types of energy.

: Energy is defined as the ability to

do work. Energy comes in various forms.

: 10 sir

: Kinetic energy, Sonic energy, Chemical

F. Evaluation
Direction: Explain the importance of Energy in your daily living.


G. Assignment

Choose 1 energy and make a poster.


Relevant to the topic- 20%

Originality - 15%
Cleanliness - 10%
Total of= 45%

Prepared by:
Michael Francis C. Tejero

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