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CLR is Common Language Runtime and it forms the heart of the .

framework.All Languages have runtime and its the responsibility of the runtime to take
care of
the code execution of the program.For example VC++ has MSCRT40.DLL,VB6 has
MSVBVM60.DLL , Java has Java Virtual Machine etc. Similarly .NET has CLR.Following are
responsibilities of CLR
√ Garbage Collection :- CLR automatically manages memory thus eliminating
memory leakes. When objects are not referred GC automatically releases those
memory thus providing efficient memory management.
√ Code Access Security :- CAS grants rights to program depending on the security
configuration of the machine.Example the program has rights to edit or create
a new file but the security configuration of machine does not allow the program
to delete a file.CAS will take care that the code runs under the environment of
machines security configuration.
√ Code Verification :- This ensures proper code execution and type safety while
the code runs.It prevents the source code to perform illegal operation such as
accessing invalid memory locations etc.
√ IL( Intermediate language )-to-native translators and optimizer?s :- CLR uses
JIT and compiles the IL code to machine code and then executes. CLR also
determines depending on platform what is optimized way of running the IL
CTS defines all of the basic types that can be used in the .NET Framework and the
operations performed on those type.
All this time we have been talking about language interoperability, and .NET
Class Framework. None of this is possible without all the language sharing the same data
types. What this means is that an int should mean the same in VB, VC++, C# and all
other .NET compliant languages. This is achieved through introduction of Common Type
System (CTS).

In order that two language communicate smoothly CLR has CTS (Common Type System).
For example in VB you have "Integer" and in C++ you have "long" these datatypes are
not compatible so the interfacing between them is very complicated. In order to able that
two different languages can communicate Microsoft introduced Common Type System. So
"Integer" datatype in VB6 and
"int" datatype in C++ will convert it to System.int32 which is datatype of CTS.

CTS provides a type system that is common across all languages.CTS defines how data
types are declared,used,&managed in the code during runtime.It also defines rules that
ensures that the data types of object written in various languages are able to interact
with each other.

WHAT ARE Assemblies ?

Assemblies are similar to dll files. Both has the reusable pieces of code in the form of classes/
functions. Dll needs to be registered but assemblies have its own metadata.
Assembly is a single deployable unit that contains information about the implementation of classes,
structures and interfaces. it also stores the information about itself called metadata and includes name
and verison of the assembly, security information, information about the dependencies and the list of
files that constitute the assembly.
Assembly also contains namespaces. In the .Net Framework, applications are deployed in the form of
An assembly is a single deployable unit that contains all the information about the implementation of :
- classes
- structures and
- interfaces
An assembly stores all the information about itself. This information is called METADATA and include
the name and the version number of the assembly, security information, information about the
dependencies and a lost of files that constitute the assembly.
All the application developed using the .NET framework are made up of assemblies.
Namespaces are also stored in assemblies .
NET Tools
Visual Studio .NET is Microsoft’s flagship tool for developing Windows software.
Visual Studio provides an integrated development environment (IDE) for
developers to create standalone Windows applications, interactive Web sites, Web
applications, and Web services running on any platform that supports .NET.
In addition, there are many .NET Framework tools designed to help developers
create, configure, deploy, manage and secure .NET applications and components.

what is .NET?
Microsoft .NET (pronounced “dot net”) is a software component that runs on the Windows
operating system. .NET provides tools and libraries that enable developers to create Windows
software much faster and easier. .NET benefits end-users by providing applications of higher
capability, quality and security. The .NET Framework must be installed on a user’s PC to run
.NET applications.
This is how Microsoft describes it: “.NET is the Microsoft Web services strategy to connect information,
people, systems, and devices through software. Integrated across the Microsoft platform, .NET
technology provides the ability to quickly build, deploy, manage, and use connected, security-
enhanced solutions with Web services. .NET-connected solutions enable businesses to integrate their
systems more rapidly and in a more agile manner and help them realize the promise of information
anytime, anywhere, on any device.” See Microsoft for more information. Common Language
Specification (CLS)
The CLS is a common platform that integrates code and components from multiple .NET programming
languages. In other words, a .NET application can be written in multiple programming languages with
no extra work by the developer (though converting code between languages can be tricky).
.NET includes new object-oriented programming languages such as C#,Visual Basic .NET, J# (a
Java clone) and Managed C++. These languages, plus other experimental languages like F#,
all compile to the Common Language Specification and can work together in the same application.
What is the history of .NET?
.NET started as a classic Microsoft FUD operation. In the late 1990s, Microsoft had just successfully
fought off a frontal assault on its market dominance by killing the Netscape Web browser with its free
Internet Explorer. But Microsoft was facing a host of new challenges, including serious problems with
COM, C++, DLL hell, the Web as a platform, security, and strong competition from Java, which was
emerging as the go-to language for Web development.
Microsoft started building .NET in the late 90s under the name “Next Generation Windows Services”
(NGWS). Bill Gates described .NET as Microsoft’s answer to the “Phase 3 Internet environment,
where the Internet becomes a platform in its own right, much like the PC has traditionally been…
Instead of a world where Internet users are limited to reading information, largely one screen at a
time, the Phase 3 Internet will unite multiple Web sites running on any device, and allow users to read,
write and annotate them via speech, handwriting recognition and the like,” Gates said. We are
certainly approaching that vision.
Microsoft announced .NET to the world in June 2000 and released version 1.0 of the .NET
framework in January 2002. Microsoft also labeledeverything .NET including briefly Office to
demonstrate its commitment and dominance on this new thing called the Web. But out of that grand
FUD campaign emerged the very capable and useful .NET development environment and framework
for both the Web and Windows desktop.

What are the benefits of .NET?

.NET provides the best platform available today for delivering Windows software. .NET helps make
software better, faster, cheaper, and more secure. .NET is not the only solution for developing Web
software—Java on Linux is a serious alternative. But on the Windows desktop, .NET rules.
For developers, .NET provides an integrated set of tools for building Web software and services and
Windows desktop applications. .NET supports multiple programming languages and Service Oriented
Architectures (SOA).
For companies, .NET provides a stable, scalable and secure environment for software development.
.NET can lower costs by speeding development and connecting systems, increase sales by giving
employees access to the tools and information they need, and connect your business to customers,
suppliers and partners.
For end-users, .NET results in software that’s more reliable and secure and works on multiple devices
including laptops, Smartphones and Pocket PCs.

Which versions of .NET are available?

The newest version available today is NET v3.0, but most PC users have v2.0 installed.

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