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~~~~~T~t~sttL~I~~~~ Felix Harrington

Nam e:_____
Candy Corn Bitch
{lLOODL1JjE9 ● DDD;~a~I~DDD Experience 205 _
Sire: _ 19 Ilcalth is Stmnina+3
19 Spent Exp 63 _
Lilith Vampire, Living Hades, Underworld Clan
Apparant Age: _
Appearance:'----- Felix stands at a height of 6'1" (~185 cm). He has_ o
blonde hair, blue eyes and a three-day beard. When he's not wearing a lab coat, his style would be described as Assamite ofittingRavnos
business-casual-ish, wearing well shirts with its sleeves rolled up
most of the time, well-fitting but definitely not skinny dark washed jeans or chinos, and fashion sneakers or fashionable boots. Everything always kept in rather dark colours, if not always black. He has broad shoulders, a tiny waist and well-toned muscles, giving
his upper body a masculine V-shape. With all that comes, of course, a large cock, ~11 inches to be exact. True Age: _ o Brujah o Setite
o Cangrel o Toreador
• • • • •000000pO,00
o Giovanni o Tremere
0000000000 ;'\1'(" i'M.Y I',t:llL\n: I
o Lasomhra o Tzimisce
o Malkavian o Ventrue
0000000000 o Humau o Ghoul o Nosferatu o Caitiff
WilllXlwcr is Conviction+Sclf~COlllrol 0 Nagaraja
- - - - - - - - - - - - A t t r i b u t e s ------=----=------
Distribute 8 points as you sec tit. Can"! raise any higher than 4 ewept Appearance at creation. NoslCralu canl10t raise Appearance above O.
x20 x10 Physical x20 x10 Social x20 x10 Mental
Strength ●●
●● ●.000000000 Charisma ●●●
.000000000 ●●
●● ●
Perception _ _.000000000
Dexterity ●●
●●●.000000000 ●●●
Manipulation_.OOOOOOOOO ●●
●● ●
Intelligence _ _.OOOOOOOOO
Stamina ●● ●● ●● ●●
.000000000 Appearance __OOOOOOOOOO Wits ●● ●
Allilities: Spend 5/5/5 points as you sec iiI. Can'! mise UIlY higher 1huI14 at creation.

x20 x10 Talents x20 x10 Skills x20 x10

Athletics ●● 0000000000 Firearms ●
0000000000 Computer ●
Brawl ●●●0000000000
●● Melee ●●●●●
0000000000 Finance 0000000000
Dodge ●● ●0000000000
●● Lockpicking 0000000000 Occult ●
Intimidation 0000000000 Stealth ●●
0000000000 Medicine ●
Suhterfuge ●● 0000000000 Ettiquette ●
0000000000 Politics 0000000000
Investigation●● 0000000000 Survival 0000000000 Science ●●
-------------Disciplines - - - - - - - - - - -
Neonates: You gel I point ill each base Clan Discipline. No additional poinlS. NI'C: Consul1 Gr\'l. II umanlChoulrrhinblood: None.

Maga ●●●
_ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000
_ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000
_ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000
------------Backgrounds - - - - - - - - -
Spend 4 points as you sec til.

____ ● _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000

_ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000
_ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000
--------------Virtue s-----------
$9,910 Add 7 of your choice
Conviction .000000000 Self-Control .000000000 Courage .000000000
- - - M e r i t s - - - - - - - Flaws - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Merits/Flaws: Add ns Inuny Fln"s us yOll like. Add I'dcrils worth lip to thm Inuny points
Acute Sense (-2 diff to Perception, Sight and Hearing)
Cost Flaw Cost
Ambidextrous (No penalty for off-hand)
Bardic Gift (-2 difficulty to social rolls)
Charmed Existence (Ignore a single one on every roll)
Black and White
Curiosity ■■■■■■■■■■
Coldly Logical (-1 diff on sense deception and related) Impatient
Common Sense (Tell me when I'm being dumb)
Abilitiy Aptitudes (-2 diff on Computer and Science)
Intrigue Junkie
Cupid's Gift (-2 diff on Seduction)
Danger Sense (Perc Wits rolled by GM)
Incorrigible Flirt
Daredevil (+3 dice to risky shit)
Supporter (-2 diff social, +1 dice to group efforts for all) Sensation Junkie
Enchanting Gaze (-2 diff social when eye contact) Stalker
Enchanting Voice (-2 diff social when using voice) Stubborn
Fast Learner (+1 xp each story) ● Blood Per Turn
Flirt (+2 dice on flirting) Derangements: Nympho, Perfection, Sadism, Masochism)
Friendly Face (-1 diff Social)
Good Judge of Character (-2 diff assessing people)
Hatred: Cats, Sushi
Derangements: OCD, Paranoia, Sociopathy
Good Night Vision (-2 diff perception at night) Paranoia, Extreme ●●●●●●●●
Talented Liar (+2 diff to be sensed lying) Geas (Never decline a fuck offered by a super hot girl)
Graceful (-2 diff social) Hunger
Great Liar (+2 dice lying)
Healthy Skepticism (-2 diff perceiving lies)

0 Total: 22

Points Available: 22
[Cal] [ Type ] [Qty]

Combat Knife (diff 4) STR+1 Pocket N/A N/A

N/A N/A ____
N/A N/A ____
N/A N/A ____
N/A N/A ____
N/A N/A ____
Phone (gone), Computer, Knife, Wallet (Cash, ID etc.), Clothes for various occasions, condoms, work clothes and equipment ____ Tesla Model 3 Black
1 large cocaine brick - partially used ____
Bag of toll coins to the Underworld ____
lockpicking kit ____
Antigen Merc + its gear _

Across from the Clinic Apartment middle-class apartment, two bed-rooms, a kitchen, living room, bath-room.
Nice furniture, basic equipment such as computer, TV, radio and the like

Celerity ●●●●●●●●●●
Leanna Harrington Dead Big Sister/Lover Hot Big Sis (Margot Robbie), Fucking her super tight pussy sometimes, sometimes get fucked
Potence ●●●●
Miranda Onus Alive Ex GF/Stalker
with strap-on, works at the sperm bank as nurse, good relation
Crazy bitch who suddenly started acting weird (Looks like Kendall Jenner though)
Annie & Lacy Mills
Adamiel & Evelynn Harrington
Deceased (?)
Childhood friends
Adoptive parents
Grew up with them, suddenly they became fucking hot, would fuck
Who knows where I would be without them Fortitude ●●
Rosie & Tiffany Alive Colleagues Fucking Hot and smart, would love to fuck both of them

Backstory Indifferent
Born 19th October 1999 in Siren
The Christian that never goes to church
Left at doorstep of Harrington's as baby
Got adopted Male
Went to school all fine
Parents had "car accident", car found in ocean, no corpses, 14 years old at that time Male
Money sufficed for fuck all, stuck in Siren, now assistant and research facility

Likes to fuck
Just hot girls dude, where the pussy at
To be done, sorry

It's unclear where or when Felix was born, but the 19th October 1999 was the day the Harringtons found him on their doorstep. The two did not officially adopt him, but rather use their contacts
at the hospital and so it says on Felix's birth certificate that he's their son and stuff.
Miranda was a girl he grew up with, everything was fine really until they hooked up at some point, they were both only 17 at that time. They ended up in a relationship that was actually pretty
good up until it wasn't. That just happened recently when Miranda started acting really weird to the point Felix just couldn't really deal with it anymore and broke up with her. Miranda... hasn't
really accepted the breakup, even though Felix has told her several times. And now he's pretty sure she stalks him like a crazy person or something.

The problems they had were pretty strange to begin with. She started refusing to come out during the day, and would only hang out at night, and she refused to eat around Felix. She would also
get really jealous when Felix spent a lot of time with his half-sister Leanna ('that' sort of time), almost like she somehow knew... which she was never really able to pick up on before, even
though she never specifically called him out on it.

Leanna on the other hand was always pretty calm, even when Miranda started pulling that stuff, an almost uncanny carefreeness, if that makes sense. The part that she and Felix occasionally
have a shag remains unchanged, they came to terms of it, since they're allegedly not blood-related as far as Felix is aware.

The "accident" the parents had happened when Felix was 14, their car was found in the ocean, but neither of them was. Leanna helped him a lot to get through this rough time. But since that day
Felix was plagued by Nightmares of which he's failed to make any sense of to this day.

Since Felix is not that stupid and has a thing for science, he now works in the research facility. Eventually however, he wants to get a degree. He mostly tried to just blank out on all the
nightmares and weird shit that has been going on, but it constantly haunts him.
Name:_____ {lLOODL1JjE9 DDD;~a~I~DDD Experience _
Sire: _ Ilcalth is Stmnina+3
Spent Exp _
Apparant Age: _
Appearance:'----- _ o Assamite o Ravnos
True Age: _ o Brujah o Setite
o Cangrel o Toreador
• • • • •000000pO,00
o Giovanni o Tremere
0000000000 ;'\1'(" i'M.Y I',t:llL\n: I
o Lasomhra o Tzimisce
o Malkavian o Ventrue
0000000000 o Humau o Ghoul o Nosferatu o Caitiff
WilllXlwcr is Conviction+Sclf~COlllrol 0 Nagaraja
- - - - - - - - - - - - A t t r i b u t e s ------=----=------
Distribute 8 points as you sec tit. Can"! raise any higher than 4 ewept Appearance at creation. NoslCralu canl10t raise Appearance above O.

×? !(SC)v(5+rating) Social Mental
Strength ×? !(SC)v(5+rating)
.000000000 Charisma Sex God .000000000 Perception _ _.000000000
Internal taste buds 6
×? !(SC)v(5+rating) Hypersensitive: Asshole (4) 8
Dexterity .000000000 Manipulation_.OOOOOOOOO
Ejaculatory Control (3 successes on SC Check) Intelligence _ _.OOOOOOOOO
Erogenously Sensitive Hypersensitive: Throat (4) 8
Stamina .000000000
!m0+0 # anal Appearance
Penis (11 inches) Wits .000000000
Tasty (5)
- - - - - -!m0+0
-- -----Abilities-----------
# cock Tongue Talent (5) +10
!m0+0 # oral TongueasLengthening
Allilities: Spend 5/5/5 points you sec iiI.(1)Can'!
+4 mise UIlY higher 1huI14 at creation.
Divine Texture (6) +6
!m0+0 # vaginal
Talents Skills Knowledges
Extreme Tightness (6) +5

Athletics +?0000000000
×? Firearms 0000000000 Computer 0000000000
Brawl +?0000000000
×? Melee Nine Lives (9/9)
0000000000 Finance 0000000000
Pain Tolerance (subtract 1 from wound penalties)
Dodge +? ×? Precocious (1/2 XP cost)
0000000000 Lockpicking 0000000000 Occult 0000000000
+? ×? Soothing Voice (+2 dice to voice)
Intimidation 0000000000 Stealth Tough as Nails
(Soak diff -1) Medicine 0000000000
Suhterfuge ●
Silence (-2 diff stealth)
Ettiquette 0000000000 Politics 0000000000
Investigation 0000000000 Survival 0000000000 Science 0000000000
-------------Disciplines - - - - - - - - - - -
Good Right Hook
Neonates: You gel I point ill each base Clan Discipline. No additional poinlS. NI'C: Consul1 Gr\'l. II umanlChoulrrhinblood: None.

_ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000

_ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000
_ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000
------------Backgrounds - - - - - - - - -
Spend 4 points as you sec til.

_ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000

_ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000
_ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000

--------------Virtues - - - - - - - - - - - Add 7 of your choice

Conviction .000000000 Self-Control .000000000 Courage .000000000
- - - M e r i t s - - - - - - - Flaws - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Merits/Flaws: Add ns Inuny Fln"s us yOll like. Add I'dcrils worth lip to thm Inuny points
Merit Cost Flaw Cost

Blood Per Turn



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