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(UKBM Bahasa & Sastra Inggris Kelas XII KD 3.1)

So … that dan such … that

Kegiatan Belajar 2

Sebelum melakukan kegiatan belajar 2,, perhatikan dan amati gambar dibawah ini dulu...

Picture 1

Picture 2
Setelah mengamati ilustrasi gambar diatas kalian bentuk kelompok dan diskusikan :

Ayoo Berlatih !

Setelah kalian memahami materi pada kegiatan belajar 2, cobalah berlatih soal-soal berikut ini

Exersice 1 (Dikumpulkan)

A. Complete these gaps.

1. The cloud seemed ... dark thing that we were afraid of hanging out that day
2. The room looks ... weird place that nobody wants to hide there
3. Kevin held the light ... a heavy thing that he looked
4. Jess illustrates the explanation ... briefly
5. The folk are ... friendly community that we feel a warm welcome

B. Arrange these jumbled words into good sentence.

1. is - so - that - hot - I - switch on - the fan - today - all day - need to
2. house - was - a king’s - that - Larry’s - we - the toilet - palace - ten hours - such - need
to get
3. the - has - man - so - works - to do - he - hardly - a rest - many - that - gets
4. found - so - in - the kitchen - she barely - get into - for having - a glass of water - Kelly -
many trash – that - could
5. such - a princess - you - that - all the eyes - look - enchants
Exercise 2 (dikumpulkan)

Soal Uraian

Topik: So / Such ... that ... Nama : ........................

Tanggal Kuis: ........... Kelas : ...........................

Berilah jawaban yang benar!

1. She is ... funny! She always makes me laugh.

2. Sarah and Ed are ... crazy people. I never know what they are going to do next.

3. James has ... much money that he could actually buy that Ferrari.

4. Although most of the audience had never been exposed to ... beat music, they
thoroughly enjoyed the performance of the Tibetan folk choir.

5. The movie was ... good that I saw it five times.

6. Terry speaks English ... fluently that I thought he was American.

7. Most students never discuss ... political topics in class, but I think it is important to
teach our children to question the media.

8. Jerry had never seen ... high mountains. He thought they were spectacular.

9. Fred is ... a clown! He is always telling jokes and making people laugh.

10. There was ... little interest in his talk on macroeconomics that the room was half
empty by the time he stopped speaking.

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