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Brandi Harbaugh

SRT 280_45


1. Trace the sequence of events according to each Gospel’s resurrection account (What happens
first, second, etc.)

Matthew- Mary Magdalene and other Mary went to the tomb. An earthquake happened and
then an angel came down from heaven to roll the stone away and sat on it. The guards did not
move because they were so scared and then angel said, “Don’t be afraid…” and explained that
Jesus had been raised and to go tell his disciples to meet him in Galilee. They left afraid and
happy, to go tell the disciples and Jesus met them. They held on to his feet and worshipped him
and Jesus said to them to tell his brother to meet him in Galilee. The guards went into the city to
tell the chief priests what had happened. The elders formed a plan and told them to say that his
disciples came at night and stole his body. So the guards took the money and this is what they
told everyone. The eleven disciples met Jesus on the mountain in Galilee, they worshipped him
when they saw him but some doubted and Jesus said “All authority in heaven and earth had
been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have
commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Mark-Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome buy aromatic spices to bring to
the tomb. They were asking each other who will move the stone, but when they looked up at
the tomb the stone was already moved. Saw a man dressed in a white robe and he said to them
“Do not be alarmed…” and explained that Jesus the Nazarene had risen and to tell his disciple,
even Peter, to meet him in Galilee. After that they all ran out of them and told no one because
they were scared.

Luke-The Women went to the tomb. Saw the stone was rolled away from the tomb. They went
in, but Jesus’s body was not there. Two men appeared behind them and the women bowed to
them. Then the men said that Jesus was not here and told them to remember what Jesus had
told them and they remembered. They left the tomb and told the eleven disciples and all the
rest what they saw. Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the rest of the
women who were with them told these to the apostles. However they did not believe them.
Peter went to the tomb and only saw the linen cloth and wondered what happened. That same
day two men were walking to Emmaus. Jesus approached them and accompanied them on their
walk but they did not recognize him. The men were talking about what happened in Jerusalem
and Jesus asked about it. They told Jesus of the events with Jesus the Nazarene and how him
tomb was found empty this morning. Jesus says to them that they should not believe everything
the prophets say. They ask Jesus to stay with them still not knowing it is him. At dinner Jesus
broke the bread and the travelers recognized him, then Jesus disappeared. The men went to the
disciples and told them what happened. Jesus appeared, frightening everyone and Jesus told
them to believe it was him and they did. Then Jesus told them everything written about him
needed to be fulfilled. He explained that they were witnesses to this and that he is sending what
his Father promised. Then he blessed them and ascended to heaven.

John-Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw the stone slab moved and ran to Simon Peter
and the other disciple saying that they have taken Jesus and she doesn’t know where they put
him. Simon Peter and the other disciple ran to the tomb, Peter going straight into the tomb and
seeing the linen cloth and face cloth lying there. The other disciple then entered the tomb and
he believed. The disciples went home then but Mary stayed, weeping. She looked into the tomb
and saw the angel sitting there and the angel asked why she was weeping. Mary told them that
people had taken the Lord and when she turned around she saw Jesus, but did not know it was
him. After some conversation with him Mary realized who he was and Jesus told her to tell his
brothers and she did. Jesus appeared to the disciples as they gathered and they rejoiced. Jesus
breathes on them and says that they can forgive sins and retain them. Thomas did not believe,
not until he saw the wounds from the nails on Jesus’s hands. Eight days later Jesus appeared to
the disciples again to prove to Thomas he was real and who he was. Jesus then appears to the
disciples at the Sea of Tiberias where they were unable to catch fish and when he appeared he
told them how to catch some fish. They pulled the net full of fish ashore where Jesus had a
charcoal fire with a fish on it and bread ready for them. Then Jesus asks Simon three times if he
loves him and he replies yes to them all. Then Jesus explains Simon Peters death to him vaguely.

2. Who went into the tomb?

Matthew-It does not say they went into the tomb itself, but we can assume that Mary
Magdalene and other Mary looked into the tomb before they left to go tell the disciples.

Mark-Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James

Luke-The women (Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and other women)

John-Simon Peter, the other disciple, and Mary Magdalene

3. Who first sees that Jesus has been raised?

Matthew-Mary Magdalene and other Mary

Mark-Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James

Luke-Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the other women

John-Mary Magdalene
4. Who does Jesus appear to first (What does He say?)

Matthew-Mary Magdalene and other Mary—Jesus said to them to get his brothers and meet
him in Galilee

Mark-no one sees Jesus

Luke-Cleopas and Simon—Jesus says nothing to them when they recognize who he is because
he disappears.

John-Mary Magdalene—Jesus tells her to tell his brothers that he had risen.

5. What is the last thing Jesus does with the disciples?

Matthew-The disciples meet Jesus on the mountain in Galilee and Jesus tells them to teach
others and to forgive their sins on his behalf.

Mark-Jesus does not appear to anyone

Luke-Jesus appears to his disciples and tells them to believe him and they do. Then he explains
how he needed to fulfill the writings about him and his disciples were witnesses to this. Then he
blessed them and ascended to heaven.

John-Jesu explains to Peter his vague death and then that the one disciple will live if he wants
him to, but it does not matter because they follow him.

6. Angel sightings? (What did the angel say?)

Matthew-outside the tomb the angel tells Mary Magdalene and other Mary to not be afraid and
that Jesus had risen.

Mark-in the tomb the angel tells Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James to not be
afraid, that Jesus has risen and to tell the disciples.

Luke-two angels appeared and told them to remember what Jesus had said to them and they

John-in the tomb the angel appeared the Mary and asked her why she was weeping.
7. What do the 4 accounts agree on? (list some things)

They all agree on Mary Magdalene being present near or in the tomb to witness Jesus’s raising,
Jesus rising on the third day in the morning, the tomb was empty, and an angel appears in/near
the tomb.

8. What do you think each of the authors is trying to communicate? Are they trying to give a
historical report? Do the differences in the stories hurt the credibility of the disciples or help it?
Are they even trying to tell exactly what happened? Explain!

Matthew—This author is trying to make the Jewish people understand why Jesus is the Messiah.
By giving the accounts of how he had risen three days after being crucified and how he sacrificed
himself for the people. This author wants his audience to understand what Jesus had to go
through so that the sins of their time could be forgiven, and they could be sent into heaven to
the Kingdom of God. I think that the author was trying to mix historical correctness in with
stories to engage the audience and sway them to believing what he wanted them to believe,
which was that Jesus is the Messiah. In total I do not see this being a historical report, but more
of a persuasive writing that uses historical points and fact to make their opinion believed.

Mark—This author is trying to communicate that Jesus is the Messiah that everyone was
expecting from the Old Testament. Through the accounts of the resurrection of Jesus, this
author is trying to show that even though it is frightening we simply cannot understand all that
God does because he is the ultimate being. That is why this author depicts Mary Magdalene,
Mary the mother of James, and Salome running away scared from the tomb after the angel tells
them that Jesus has risen. This author is trying to communicate that even though we are
frightened of it, God will still be working to show us he is here for us. I believe that this author is
trying to give the most accurate historical information to persuade their readers into believing
what they do.

Luke—This author is communicating that Jesus is the Messiah and that people need to spread
the word of God in Jesus’s name because he has died for the sins of all. By explaining that Jesus
had told the women that he would rise again, and that the angel tells them to tell others, this
author has shown that they want Jesus’s story to be heard by all. By providing some historically
correct information about what Jesus had done this author gives the reader reasons to believe
that this is true and did happen.

John—This author is trying to communicate that Jesus is the Messiah and has died for the sins of
all humans. Providing the reader with the accounts of Jesus’s resurrection this author pushes
the belief that Jesus is divine, and that God has put him on this Earth to serve his will. I also
believe that by showing how much the people who followed Jesus cared about him shows the
reader that these people could identify with him, which means they could identify with God.
Thus, showing that people could truly put their faith into God and Jesus. This author has some
historical points in it to help prove his point, but I do not think it was meant to be a historical
report of Jesus.
All the Gospels have differences in their stories with certain accounts, like how the disciples act
when they are told that Jesus had risen, or even the people who saw the angels reacted.
Because of these differences in stories I do believe that it hurts the credibility of the disciples
and even of the text to be historically accurate. I believe that the authors are trying to tell what
happened but put their own spin on it so that the reading is entertaining enough to make the
readers want to read it. These writings were meant to persuade people into believing that Jesus
is the Messiah that was foretold about in the writings, so I believe that using pieces that were
historically correct but skimping on the truth to prove their point is most likely what transpired
across these Gospels.

Summary of McGrath:

McGrath’s writing was produced to give reason to believe that the story of the resurrection is a
historical event through seven reasons. The first reason is that it is mentioned in all four Gospels.
Because it is mentioned in all four Gospels where each of the Gospels may not have read or be aware of
the other Gospel follows the idea of having multiple witness accounts saying the same thing. Police
officers must do the same sort of evidence gathering as the historical evidence does along these lines of
making sure the stories match up. The second reason is that because the empty tomb has such an
important impact in each Gospel one can assume that it did happen. This story is told from different
accounts and because each Gospel says a woman found the tomb empty gives it more inclination to be
believed. This is because women back during this time were rendered worthless and what they said
could not be believed, so to have the Gospels all say that a woman(men) found the tomb empty it must
be true. This follows the idea of embarrassment when distinguishing historical fact or fiction. The third
reason is because in three of the four Gospels and in Acts Jesus makes appearances to the disciples. The
fourth reason is that Christianity made large strides after the events of Jesus’s resurrection. The disciples
go from being sad and sacred of what happened to Jesus and what the Jews would do, to spreading the
word of the Lord and proclaiming that he has risen from the dead. This dramatic change can surely
attest that these accounts are historically correct. The fifth reason is because the understandings of
Jesus and his acts were spread so quickly throughout Christianity. From the accounts of his resurrection
to the written material afterwards show us just how quickly they spread. The sixth reason is that as
Christianity developed itself after the resurrection of Jesus, the church used two sacraments that are
known as baptizing and communion quickly after Christianity formed. These sacraments are used to
symbolize rebirth and assurance of passage into heaven after death. The seventh and final reason this
author gives is that Christianity has formed this view of Jesus none other than as the Savior and the
Lord. This must mean that somewhere in history a man named Jesus died for the sins of the world. What
McGrath means when he says “better to believe the impossible probable than the improbable possible”
is that there are times where something may be impossible, but because of records and accounts it may
be probable, which is more likely to happen than something that is not probable because there are not
records, but it could be possible.
Summary of Garvey:

The meaning of myth is different from how people perceive it. To most people myth means that
something is not true but, its meaning is something that is true forever. Myths all depend on the
language they are told in. Because of the misconstrued understanding of the word myth there has been
a lot of debate in Christianity and the events that have been accounted for. People will doubt things,
which is understandable, but to doubt the truth of a traditional story just because it does not contain
facts and not being able to see it for what it is, is truly silly. His belief in the story of Adam and Eve goes
further than just the facts of what happened or the proof that it happened and is simply just that people
believed they wanted to be their own gods and have their own lives. However, people have a hard time
owning up to things that are embarrassing, and this is exactly what people must do in order to repent
their sins to God. All the stories can be seen to have truth in them and to rid the Bible of them is not the
correct way to do this. If any of these stories cannot be seen to be true, then how could the Resurrection
of Jesus? However, this author does truly believe that the tomb was empty and that no one can truly
comprehend the extent of what that means. The accounts of how Jesus must prove himself to be real
shows that the rising of Christ must deal with something real. It is historically proven that the tomb was
empty and myth leads people to understand what that means.

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