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[J. Ferment. Technol., Vol. 65, No. 4, 441-447.


A New Composting Model and Assessment of Optimum

Operation for Effective Drying of
Composting Material



Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shizuoka University,

Hamamatsu 432, Japan

A new model is proposed to deal with the composting reaction. This model made
it possible to calculate the courses of the rate of carbon dioxide evolution, volatile matter
conversion, temperature, and moisture content under various aerating operations.
The prediction by the model was compared with measurements in laboratory a n d
commercial scale compostings, and was found to agree satisfactorily with the measure-
ments. The model was then used to search for the optimum conditions to obtain
sufficiently dry compost.
There are two key factors that affect the rate of water vaporization in eomposting:
the aeration rate and the reaction temperature. These two factors are interrelated.
The optimum reaction temperature for biological reaction was approximately 60°Q
regardless of the aeration rate in the parameter range studied. The calculation based
on this model suggests that water can be eliminated most effectively when the aeration
is so controlled as to keep the reactor at its optimum reaction temperature i.e., 60°C.
The drying efficiency was evaluated in terms of the rate of water removal and the total
amount of water removed in one batch operation.

Since c o m p o s t i n g is a b i o l o g i c a l process, is i n t u r n d e p e n d e n t on a e r a t i o n . M a c g r e g o r
a m i c r o b i a l p o p u l a t i o n is essential for it to et al.l) e v a l u a t e d t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n
function. A i r m u s t b e p r o v i d e d to s u p p l y the a e r a t i o n a n d d r y i n g b y a field-scale
demands imposed by organic decomposition. experiment. The composting temperature
T h e air, w h i c h is h e a t e d b y the c o m p o s t i n g was c o n t r o l l e d a t t h r e e set levels, 45, 55, a n d
m a t e r i a l , d r a w s w a t e r , thus d r y i n g it to 65°C b y r e g u l a t i n g the a e r a t i o n rate. I n
a degree. T h e r e g u l a t e d a i r s u p p l y in effect r e a l i t y the e o m p o s t i n g pile was so large
leads to the control o f h e a t r e m o v a l . T h u s , (6000 kg) t h a t it was n o t possible to a t t a i n
one c a n keep the c o m p o s t i n g t e m p e r a t u r e a t a u n i f o r m t e m p e r a t u r e t h r o u g h o u t t h e pile.
the o p t i m u m level for m i c r o b i a l a c t i v i t y C o n s e q u e n t l y the c o m p o s t i n g r e a c t i o n d i d
t h r o u g h the c o n t r o l o f a e r a t i o n . A e r a t i o n not p r o c e e d uniformly. Nevertheless, it was
a n d d r y i n g a r e n a t u r a l l y i n t e r r e l a t e d , b u t it stated t h a t the m o i s t u r e c o n t e n t decreased
is b y n o m e a n s simple, because the d r y i n g is the most w h e n the c o m p o s t i n g t e m p e r a t u r e
l i n k e d to the h e a t g e n e r a t i o n associated w i t h was c o n t r o l l e d a t 45°C i n s t e a d o f h i g h e r
the d e c o m p o s i t i o n o f o r g a n i c m a t t e r b y t e m p e r a t u r e s , i.e., 55 a n d 65°C. T h i s t e m p e r -
a m i c r o b i a l p o p u l a t i o n , o f w h i c h the a c t i v i t y ature, 45°C, is lower t h a n the o p t i m u m
r e a c t i o n t e m p e r a t u r e . Therefore, it has been
* To whom all correspondence should be addressed. c o n s i d e r e d t h a t the o p t i m u m t e m p e r a t u r e
** Research Laboratory of Resource Utilization,
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Nagatsuta, Midori- for w a t e r r e m o v a l is l o w e r t h a n t h a t for
ku, Yokohama 227, Japan m i c r o b i a l reaction. T h i s conclusion, how-
442 NAKASAKIet al. [J. Ferment. Technol.,

ever, was derived from ill-controlled experi- T h e overall heat balance is in Eq. (I) where
mental conditions as described above, the qa (Eq. 3) is the heat eliminated by aeration,
validity of which is questionable. q,, (Eq. 4) the latent heat of water vapori-
The objective of this study is first, to zation, ql (Eq. 5) the heat loss from the
present a new model that can describe the reactor's outer surface, q, (Eq. 6) the sensible
composting process better than any other heat change in composting mass, and qr
models reported to date in the literature; (Eq. 2) the heat generated metabolically
second to elucidate the relationship between by microorganisms.
the aeration and drying by using the new
qr=qa+qw+q~+qs (1)
q,=QoGo(Zo--Z,') (2)
N e w Composting Model qa=CpgGo[(1 +~Zc') T-- Tg0] (3)
Previous work Numerous models qw=0_wa0[(1+~Zo')y'-yo'] (4)
have been proposed for the composting q1= UA(T-- T,o) (5)
reaction. *-7~ However, only simple equa- q~=(,,w,,+c~,wr)
tions have been used to describe the ×dT/dO (6)
reaction. *-5) Composting is very compli-
cated and can not be effectively described Where, A is the surface area of the reactor,
by a simple equation. In fact, no comparison Cpt the heat capacity of i component, Go
was made between the models and measure- the molar flow rate of dry supplied air,
ments3 -4) Prediction based on models were Q0 the amount of heat generated metabolical-
compared with measurements by Finger,5) ly per mole of oxygen consumed, Q , the
Kawakami,8) and Bach.~) The oxygen latent heat change per mole of water vapori-
limited case was treated by Finger. 5) In zation, U the overall heat transfer coefficient,
practice, however, the air supply is con- T the temperature of the composting mass,
siderably in excess of the stoichiometrically T,0 the ambient temperature, Wi the
required value to obtain a well dried product weight of i component, y', yo' the molar ratio
in high rate composting. Consequently, of water vapor to dry exit gas and to dry
the study of the oxygen-limited case is of supplied air, respectively, Zo, Z,' the molar
little practical use. The prediction of the fraction of oxygen in dry supplied air and in
course of the reaction such as temperature dry exit gas, respectively and Zc' the molar
and moisture content was made by models, n,7) fraction of carbon dioxide in dry exit gas.
in which the mass and heat balance equations The subscripts r, s, and w represent reactor,
were solved simultaneously. Satisfactory dry solid, and water, respectively. ~ refers
agreements were observed between the pre- to the molar increment of total dry gas per
dictions and measurements. T o obtain heat mole of carbon dioxide evolved.
generation, however, the calculations based The q~ can also be described using the
on these models need measured reaction oxygen consumption rate, --ro2 as
rates at every step. T h a t is, the prediction q~= --ro,QoW, (7)
of the reaction rate was not possible. For
this reason the usefulness of these model The rate of change in temperature of corn-
studies are limited. posting material is:
Present m o d e l We deal with a model d T/dO= (q,--q,--q.,--q~)/
for a semibatch composting reactor, where air (c,.w,+c,,,w.+co~wd (8)
is continuously supplied into stationary corn-
posting material. The reaction is thought to Mass balance equations for dry solid and
be homogeneous in terms of temperature i.e., water are shown respectively in Eqs. (9)
the solid and air temperatures are assumed to and (10).
be identical all the time within the reactor. d W~/dO= -- YGoZ" (9)
Vol. 65, 1987] A New Composting Model 443

d XvM at 0-----2 through the integration of

+3Zo')y'--yo'] (10) Eqs. (8), (10), and (I1). Figure 1 is again
where, M,, is molecular weight, Y the used to obtain the carbon dioxide evolution
conversion factor (g organic matter reduced rate for given T and XvM at 0 = 2 . An
per mole of carbon dioxide evolved), y the interpolation and extrapolation technique
water generation factor (g water generated may be used in Fig. I. T h e preceding
per mole of carbon dioxide evolved). procedure was continued to calculate the
Equation (9) can also be written using the courses of the reaction rate, volatile matter
CO2 evolution rate, rco, as, conversion, temperature, and moisture con-
tent given the initial conditions and the
dW,/dO=--rco, YW~ (11) aeration rate.
T h e details of heat and mass balance equa- I f the initial rco, is zero, the above calcu-
tions were described in our previous paper.7) lation can not be done, therefore, it was set
In this model, heat and mass balance as 1 × 10-~ mole CO2 evolved/h/g dry solid
equations, (8), (10), and (11) were solved of compost on the basis of the following
simultaneously together with Eqs. (3), (4), experimental findings. T h e specific carbon
(5), and (7), where the dependence of the dioxide evolution rate of mesophilic bacteria,
reaction rate on temperature and degree of which are dominant in the initial stage of
organic matter decomposition as shown in composting, is of the order of 10 -14 to 10-15
Fig. 1 was incorporated. The data in Fig. 1 mole CO2 evolved/cell/h, and the initial
were obtained using an isothermal reactor number of mesophilic bacteria is between
in our previous work. s) The initial con- 10~ and 10Seells/g dry solid of compost.
ditions used were: Equation (7) was used to calculate the heat
generation due to microorganisms. The
r c o , : 1 × 10 -7 mole CO2 evolved/h/g
oxygen consumption rate was evaluated from
dry solid of compost
Eq. (12):
Xv~ = 0 %
T : T0°C at 0----0 --ro,=rco,/RQ (12)

Using the above initial conditions, T and where RQ. refers to the respiratory quotient
X w at time 0 = 1 were calculated from the for a given temperature. T h e values listed
mass and heat balance equations. Then the in Table 1 were those obtained in our
carbon dioxide evolution rate at time 0----1 previous work, 9) except the one for 37°C.
was found from Fig. 1 for given (or calcu- The RQ value increased in accordance with
lated) T and XvM at 0=1. The resultant the increase in the reaction temperature.
values in turn were used to obtain T and However, its dependence on the conversion
of volatile matter was small within the
2o experimental range studied. Thus the aver-
age RQ values, with respect to the conversion
of volatile matter (as listed in Table 1) were
used. T h e RQ value for 37°C was arbitrary
~,,~ 12
chosen as 0.5, however, the RQ. variation
between 0.4 and 0.8 caused little difference
in the final result. This is because the time
required for the composting material to rise
from room temperature to 37°C is sub-
o stantially smaller than the total reaction time.
o 10 20 30 40 50
Conversion of vH (%)
Fig. 1. D e p e n d e n c e o f COg evolution rate on re-
Materials and Methods
action t e m p e r a t u r e a n d volatile m a t t e r conversion. Laboratory composting experiment Experi-
444 NAKASAXXet al. [J. Ferment. Technol.,

ments were done to assess the validity o f the model. had a constant aeration rate, 4.97× 10-SmS/initial
T h e reactor used was an autothermal packed bed kg/h. For R u n I-B, the aeration rate was regulated
reactor (300 m m in diameter, 4 0 0 m m in depth). to keep the reactor temperature at 60°C. The corn-
This reactor was covered with a cubic styrofoam posting operation was halted when the temperature
insulator (1.2 × 1.2 × 1.2 m s) to reduce heat loss from decreased to 45°C, and temperature control by
the reactor wall. Temperature was measured at the aeration became impossible.
bottom, center, and upper parts o f the reactor. C o m m e r c i a l composting experiment The
Temperature difference between upper a n d bottom reactor characteristics o f the M i n a m i t a m a Waste Water
parts o f the reactor was 2°C at the most. Dewatered Treatment P l a n t in Tokyo were investigated in the
sewage sludge cake from the M i n a m i t a m a Waste Water same way as was done in our previous paper?):
Treatment Plant was used. T h e sludge contains lime temperature, the rate o f COs evolution etc. were
and ferric chloride as dewatering agents. The raw measured. T h e commercial scale experiment is called
material used was a mixture of sludge, seed, and rice R u n 2 in this study. The inlet conditions are listed in
husks. The rice husks were added as a bulking agent. Table 1. T h e reactor is o f the horizontal bin type
The physical properties o f the raw mixture are listed in (17.5 m l o n g , 2 m wide and 3 m high). T h e sludge was
Table 1 together with other experimental conditions. mixed with a composting product, which was used as
Two kinds o f experiments; R u n 1-A and R u n l-B, seed. T h e rate o f inlet raw material was adjusted to
different in aerating operations were done. R u n 1-A 3500wet kg/d. Cross-flow aeration was applied

Table 1. Composition and properties o f raw composting materlals and the values
used for model calculation.

Laboratory scale Commercial scale

R u n no.
I-A 1-B 2
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

R a w mixture
weight (kg) 4.03 5.83 3500
moisture content (%) 59. 5 60. 3 50
Dried raw mixture
weight (kg) I. 63 2. 31 1750
heat capacity (keal/kg/°C) 0. 29
R a w sludge
dry weight (kg) 0. 91 1.05 750
V M ratio (%) 47 65 62
weight (kg) 7.95
heat capacity (kcal/kg/°C) 0. 28

Temperature o f (°C) 20 12 18
supplied air

V M consumed
Y= CO~ evolved (g/mol COs) 22 16 18

H 2 0 generated
Y= CO~ evolved (g/mol CO~) 15

Overall heat transfer (kcal/kg/°C) 0. 195 24


R- O~ consumed 0.79 0.71 0.65 0.55 0.50

U..= CO~-e~]ved (--) (70°C) (62°C) (56°C) (46°C) (37°C)
Relative humidity o f (%) 50
supplied air
Vol. 65, 1987] A New Composting Model 445

to the reactor, which was divided into three regions so

90 =~
of different aeration rates (see Fig. 4). The reaction ~-_s0
progress was monitored through the measurement of ~v_.
the COz evolution rate, moisture content, temperature, ,0 <~ 808
and conversion of volatile matter. The operation of
the Minamitama plant is continuous with 240 h :,= ,2 IE" X
of residence time. For the sake of mathematical ~'~ 8
simpilfieation, however, it was treated as a batch ~ 20 "~
operation with the reaction time equal to the residence ~~ 0
time of the continuous operation, 240 h. 20 40 60 80 100
Time (h)

2. C,ourses of temperature (T), CO2 evolution

Results and Discussion Fig.
rate (rco=), moisture content (M), air flow rate
Assessment o f the m o d e l The (F) and conversion of volatile matter (VM),
relative humidity of supplied air was varied XvM during composting in Run 1-A. Solid lines
refer to measured values and the dotted lines
between 10 and 90%. T h e calculations
refer to calculated ones. g ds refers to g dry solid
based on the model indicated that the
of compost.
variation in the humidity had little effect on
the reaction rate, temperature, conversion
of volatile matter, and the moisture content needed to calculate the aeration rate necessary
(or the eliminated water quantity). This to control the reactor at 60°C. T h e figures
is because the exit gas temperature was m u c h indicate also that the decrease in the moisture
higher than that of supplied air. I n other content is larger in R u n l - A (from 60.3%
words, the vapor pressure of the exit gas was to 44.2%) than in R u n I-B (from 59.5% to
m u c h higher than that of the inlet air, and 58.5%). T h e model was also applied to
thus the reaction rate, temperature etc. can a commercial scale composting reactor at
not be affected significantly by the variation M i n a m i t a m a Waste Water T r e a t m e n t Plant.
in the humidity of the supplied air. T h e Illustrated in Fig. 4 are the calculations
water generation factor 7, which was calcu- (dotted lines) and measurements (keys).
lated in our previous work s) as 15.3 g water Excellent agreements can be seen between
generated/mole CO2 evolved, also had little them for the moisture content and volatile
effect on the reaction rate, temperature etc., matter conversion, but the agreements are
because the quantity of water eliminated by only fair for the carbon dioxide evolution
aeration was substantially larger than that rate and temperature.
generated metabolically. Therefore, we The above comparisons between the calcu-
chose just one set of data for these values in lations and measurements for R u n l-A,
the following model calculations i.e. 50% R u n I-B, and R u n 2 have thus demonstrated
for the relative humidity of the inlet air, and a high credibility of this model for the
15 g water generated/mole CO2 evolved for
80 u.

Figures 2 and 3 show comparisons between ~ 60

the calculations and measurements of the ~.~
courses of the carbon dioxide evolution rate, ~"
volatile matter conversion, temperature, and z~
moisture content for Runs 1-A and l-B, _o~'2
respectively. T h e experimental data for the ~= 8
moisture content are depicted by circles ~_ 20 "~

since the moisture content was measured oS~ 0 30 60 90 120 150 u

intermittently. Both Fig. 2 and 3 show very Time(h)

good agreement between measurements and Fig. 3. T h e course o f composting in R u n ]-B. For
calculations by the model. For R u n 1-B we details, see legend to Fig. 2.
446 N~z st a/. [J. Ferment. Teclmol.,

20 u. m o i s t u r e c o n t e n t were calculated for R u n

,s RE 1-B d a t a except the aeration, for w h i c h six
v ,0 - - - 0 .... 70--..
. . . . 0 T

F v'.
,oilr;- different conditions were chosen. T w o were
i 2O
__$:LJ I
}( "'°-'r'-~---...o_- c o n s t a n t rate aerations, 5.15 × 10 -8 or 1.72 ×
10 -2 mS/initial kg/h, a n d the other four were
~--~'.. rz02 w i t h controlled aeration, the rates of which
401 s were to keep the c o m p o s t i n g t e m p e r a t u r e at
, .~ . . . . . . ~ , ... 50, 55, 60, a n d 65°C. T h e calculations were
~o __~ /
~ _ _ -o f ¢ ~


144 192
stopped w h e n the c o m p o s t i n g t e m p e r a t u r e
Time ( h )
decreased to 40°C. T h e results are listed
Fig. 4. The course of composting in Run 2. Keys i n T a b l e 2, together with the average
for the measured values, [] volatile matter con- a e r a t i o n rate. T h e i n i t i a l moisture c o n t e n t
version, ~, COs evolution rate, O temperature was set as 60.3%. T h e reaction time
and O moisture content. Dotted lines refer to varies i n each o p e r a t i o n since the calculation
calculated values.
ended when the reactor temperature
decreased to 40°C. T h e lower the controlled
p r e d i c t i o n of the c o m p o s t i n g reaction, given t e m p e r a t u r e , the larger the average a e r a t i o n
p r o p e r i n i t i a l conditions a n d the d a t a i n rate b e c a m e for the a e r a t i o n rate i n
Fig. 1. the r a n g e of 5 . 1 5 X 1 0 -8 to 1 . 7 2 × 1 0 - a r e s /
Optimum operation for effective dry- i n i t i a l kg/h. W h e n the a e r a t i o n rate was
ing of compostlng m a t e r i a l T h i s model set as high as 3 . 4 4 × 1 0 - a m S / i n i t i a l kg/h,
has thus b e e n confirmed to represent the the c o m p o s t i n g reaction stopped because of
c o m p o s t i n g process satisfactorily. We now the excessive cooling due to aeration, al-
use the m o d e l to evaluate the d r y i n g t h o u g h for the sake of b r e v i t y the d a t a is n o t
efficiency i n the c o m p o s t i n g operation. T h e shown here.
courses of conversion of volatile m a t t e r a n d Tablc 2 indicates that thc volatile matter

Table 2. Coursesof moisture content (upper column) and volatile matter conversion
(lower column) calculated from the model under various aerations.

Reaction time (h) 50 75 100 125 150 175 2OO

Set temperature
50°C 54.6 51.7 50.0 49.2 48. 6 48. 1 47.6
(1"64 × 10-2 ma/initial kg/h)* 13.5 18.9 22.9 25.9 28.5 31.1 32.9
55°C 53.5 50.2 48. 6 47.7 46.9 46.5
(1.61 × 10-3 m3]initial kg/h)* 16.8 23.8 28.6 32.8 35.7 36.7

60°C 52.8 48.6 46.7 45.5 44. 8

(1.43 × 10-2 mS/initial kg/h)* 19. 6 28.3 34.3 38. 5 40. 1

65°C 54.4 51.0 49. 4 48. 3 47.5

(1.06 × 10-2 ma/initial kg/h)* 19.2 28. 3 33. 9 38. 0 39. 6
Set aeration rate
5.15 × 10-a m3/initial kg/h 59.9 59.1 58.2 57.4 56.7 56.2 55. 9
12.4 19. 6 26.3 32.5 37.5 41.4 43.3
1.72 × 10-2 m3/initial kg/h 56.7 52.4 49.4
16.5 26.5 31.3
* average aeration rate
Vol. 65, 1987] A New Composting Model 447

conversion holds the highest value at any for the drying efficiency as well. This is
moment when the reaction temperature is different from the conclusion by Macgregor
controlled at 60°C. Thus the optimum et al., x) in which it is stated that the optimum
reaction temperature appears to be at temperature for drying is lower than that for
approximately 60°C. Table 2 also indicates the reaction. Our conclusion is based on
that the moisture content at any time, and a model whose credibility has been confirmed
the final moisture content as well become the by well defined experiments, and we feel that
lowest for the 60°C operation. When the our conclusion is more reliable than that of
aeration rate was restricted to a low value, Macgregor et al.1~ in the parameter range
5.15 × 10-s mS/initial kg/h, the reaction studied.
temperature rose to a self-limiting value of
70°C, but the decrease in the moisture content References
was much less than that in the 60°C operation. 1) Macgregor, S. T., Miller, F. C., Psarianos, K. M.,
No great difference can be seen in the Finstein, M.S.: Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 41,
reaction rates between the 60 and 65°C 1321 (1981).
operations. However, the moisture content 2) Haug, R.T.: Compost Engineering, Ann Arbor
in the 60°C operation shows a higher level Science (1980).
3) Takabayashi, H., Kanaya, T., Karashima, K.:
of water diminution efficiency than in the
Kankyo G~utsu, 11, 197 (1982).
65°C operation. This occurs as a result of 4) Fujita, K.: Toshi to Haikibutsu, 10, 33 (1980).
the heat being used to increase the corn- 5) Finger, S.M., Hatch, R.T., Regan, T.M.:
posting mass temperature rather than to Biotechnol. Bioeng., 18, 1193 (1976).
decrease the moisture content in the 65°C 6) Kawakami, W., Watanabe, H., Nishimura, K.,
operation. The higher rate of heat loss due Hashimoto, S.: Gesuido Kyokaishi, 19, 43 (1982).
to the higher reaction temperature (in the 7) Bach, P.D., Nakasaki, K., Shoda, M., Kubota,
65°C operation) may have some effect on H.: J. Ferment. Technol., 65, 199 (1987).
the above result. 8) Bach, P. D., Shoda, M., Kubota, H.: J. Ferment.
In view of the preceding calculations we Technol., 62, 285 (1984).
9) Nakasaki, K., Shoda, M., Kubota, H.: Appl.
concluded that, in terms of the rate of water
Environ. Microbiol., 50, 1526 (1985).
removal and the total amount of water
removed, the temperature 60°(I, which is (Received March 9, 1987)
optimum for the reaction is also optimum

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