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HD: d8

Skill Points: 6+int

class skills: all, taken individually
starting gold: 5d4x10
BAB: like cleric
Saves: poor fort, poor reflex, good will

1rst: - - - - -
2nd: - - - - -
3rd: - - - - -
4th: 0 - - - -
5th: 0 - - - -
6th: 1 - - - -
7th: 1 - - - -
8th: 1/0 0/- -/- -/- -/-
9th: 1/0 0/- -/- -/- -/-
10th: 1/1 1/- -/- -/- -/-
11th: 1/1 1/0 -/- -/- -/-
12th: 1/1 1/0 -/- -/- -/-
13th: 2/1 1/1 0/- -/- -/-
14th: 2/1 1/1 0/- -/- -/-
15th: 2/2 1/1 1/0 -/- -/-
16th: 2/2 2/1 1/0 -/- -/-
17th: 3/2 2/2 2/1 0/- -/-
18th: 3/2 2/2 2/1 1/0 -/-
19th: 3/3 2/2 2/1 1/1 0/-
20th: 4/3 3/2 2/2 2/1 1/0

class table:
1rst: Academic Lore, Martial Lore, Trap Finding, Cantrips
2nd: Talent Lore, Renaissance Man
3rd: Sneak Attack +1d6, Ranged Aid Another, Inspiration
4th: Arcane Lore, Talent Lore, School or Bloodline, Arcane Pool
5th: Orisons
6th: Talent Lore, Sneak Attack +2d6, Featured Ability (1rst level)
7th: Studied Combat
8th: Divine Lore, Domain, Mystery, or Patron, Talent Lore
9th: Sneak Attack +3d6, Featured Ability (3rd Level)
10th: Talent Lore
11th: Alchemical Lore
12th: Talent Lore, Sneak Attack +4d6, Featured Ability (5th Level)
13th: Rapid Aid Another
14th: Talent Lore
15th: Sneak Attack +5d6, Featured Ability (7th Level)
16th: Talent Lore, Certain Ability
17th: Mass Aid Another
18th: Talent Lore, Sneak Attack +6d6, Featured Ability (9th level)
19th: Better Than Average
20th: Talent Lore, Mass Inspiration

Academic Lore: as Bardic Knowledge, Savant level + Int mod in place of knowledge
check. failure doesn't prevent normal Knowledge check afterwards.

Martial Lore: Martial Initiator, using half class level as Initiator level. Choose
any 3 disciplines, and use better of int or their chosen stat for dcs and effects.

Trap Finding: As Rogues, may find traps and disarm them, pluss gain +1/4 level
bonus to find, disarm, and ac and savesagainst them.

Cantrips: you get 2 arcane spells of level 0. you can cast them at will, like all
pathfinder cantrips. Uses Int instead of normal stats for saves and effects

Talent Lore: take any Talent from any class you meet the prerequisites for, or gain
a bonus feet you meet the prereqs for.

Renaisannce Man: may use any Knowledge skill as if it had 4 ranks less than your
highest Knowledge Skill, and may do the same for Craft Skills, unless ranks are

Sneak Attack: it's sneak attack.

Ranged Aid Another: may use Aid Another checks at a range of 5'/2 class levels,
instead of being adjacent. May Also help flank, and recieve flanking bonuses, at
this distance.

Inspiration: pool of d6s you can add to skill checks and attack rolls of yourself
or an ally within your Ranged Aid Another range equal to half level + Int Mod. Only
usable on skills you are trained in, or any attack roll.

Arcane Lore: Cast Arcane Spells with half class level as caster level, drawn from
any Arcane List.

School or Bloodline: Choose an Arcane School from Wizard, or an Arcane Bloodline

from Sorceror. it scales with your Savant level for features gained.

Arcane Pool: pool of points equal to half class level + int mod to spend on talents
that need them, or buff your weapon temporarily.

Orison: gain 2 level 0 spells, from any divine list. they are at will, using Int

Featured Ability: When Preparing Spells and/or Manuevers, can gain a 1rst level
feature from a class you don't already possess. For example, could gain Smite Evil
or Channel Energy, but not Sneak Attack or Spellcasting. It uses your full savant
level for effects, but is otherwise only that feature. Every 3 levels, gain an
additional feature up to the level indicated when doing so, or can spend them on
multiple lower tier options from other classes.

Studied Combat: use move action to study an enemy. For int mod rounds afterwards,
gain 1/2 level bonus to attack and damage rolls against the studied target. May
spend Inspiration to pass this benefit to an ally, instead.

Divine Lore: Cast Divine Spells with half caster level, drawn from any divine list.

Domain, Mystery, or Patron: choose a domain, mystery, or patron. gain it's bonuses,
scaling with Savant level.

Alchemical Lore: May learn Alchemy formulae as spells.

Rapid Aid Another: Aid Another becomes a Free action, once per turn per ally.

Certain Ability: can take 10 on any test, even under pressure, so long as you have
at least 8 ranks in it.
Mass Aid Another: may use a full round action to apply Aid Another bonuses to all
checks and rolls allies within your Ranged Aid Another range make for that turn.
being attacked or you making AoO breaks this effect.

Better than Average: Taking a 10 gives you your ranks in the skill as the result,
instead of 10, int mod times per day.

Mass Inspiration: may spend 2 Inspiration points to give 1d6 to all allies once for
the turn with Inspiration, or one ally or self gains 2d6 when not targetting all

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