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Pair of testes Source of gamete or spermatozoa or spermatocyte

Spermatocytes will pass through:

Epididymis Storage;

Vas/Ductus Deferens Will enter the pelvic cavity passing through the external inguinal canal via
spermatic cord; passes over the lateral aspect of the urinary bladder crossing the
distal portion of the ureter. At the back of the bladder, the duct of vas deferens is
joined by pair seminal vesicles which are a pair of organs, size of an index finger,
forming one passage - ejaculatory duct, embedded in the one prostate gland.

Ejaculatory Ducts Inside the prostate and opens into prostatic urethra (common passage for semen
and urine) -> membranous urethra (urogenital diaphragm/deep perineal pouch -
w/c also contains pair Cowper’s gland)

Urethra Contained in the corpus spongiosum

*reproductive tract and urinary tract become one at the prostate

TESTES - a miniature abdomen, with complete layers of wall & viscera

SKIN Corrugated because of the underlying muscles

SUPERFICIAL FASCIA Fatty Camper’s - Dartos muscle/fascia (smooth muscle);

Membranous Scarpa’s - Colle’s fascia

DEEP FASCIA External oblique


CREMASTER MUSCLE/ Continuation of internal oblique and transversus abdominis


INTERNAL SPERMATIC Transversalis fascia over the spermatic cord of the scrotum

TUNICA VAGINALIS Internal and External layer; visceral and parietal layer

Structural Organization of the Testes

Tunica albuginea Dense connective capsule

Septa/Septula Testis Connective tissue partitions, 250 testicular lobules

Mediastinum Testis Supporting connective tissue

Functional Compartment: Parenchyma

Each lobule contains 1-4 seminiferous tubules

Tubuli recti Straight tubule; Directly receive newly formed spermatozoa

Rete Testes Network of tubules in mediastinum testes

Efferent Ductules/ Ductuli 10-20; Makes up the HEAD of the epididymis

Duct of Epididymis Convoluted tubule; Body and Tail of epididymis

Then will continue as vas deferens

Exocrine Portion Seminiferous tubules; cytocrine/ cytogenic - secretion itself is an entire cell

Endocrine Portion Interstitial cells of Leydig; secretes testosterone; once you have endocrine cells,
you must have capillaries in the vicinity, fenestrated capillaries

Seminiferous Tubule Wall: Stratified cuboidal epithelium; Lamina propria: fibroblast and smooth
muscle (myoid cells); Wall proper (younger = near basal lamina; older = near lumen)

Spermatogenesis - different stages of maturation of spermatozoa

Spermatogonium Small, rounded, rounded pale nucleus; rests on basal lamina; dense chromatin or
heterochromatin; patchy nucleus; will undergo spermatocytogenesis - primary

Primary Spermatocyte LARGEST; most numerous, longest (22days); chromatin pattern is tangled threads;
Meiosis 1

Secondary Spermatocyte Same with primary spermatocyte; could not been seen; short; undergo Meiosis 2

Spermatid Small cells, very dense nuclei, seen in groups near lumen; will not undergo cell
division, but will differentiate via spermiogenesis

Spermiogenesis - differentiation of spermatid to adult spermatozoa

Golgi complex Manufactures acrosomal granules will coalesce to form a vesicle that will cover
head or nucleus; Acrosomal CAP (with lysozymes, hydrolytic enzymes to penetrate
wall of ovum)

Nucleus Head

Cytoplasm Cover the TAIL; excess cytoplasm is discharged from cell as residual bodies w/c will
be phagocytized by sertoli cells

Centrioles Flagellum of tail; made up of microtubules made up as axoneme; 9+2+2

Mitochondria Middle piece; energy used for swimming; Pt of highest energy expenditure

Cell membrane Cover the ENTIRE CELL from head to tail

Sertoli cells Buddha cell/potato cell; nucleus is large, ovoid and pale, with prominent nucleolus;
Long cells span entire thickness of tubule; with branches or processes that
accommodate young developing cells (buddha);
Functions: physical support, nutrition, protection (blood-testis barrier), phagocytosis,
secretion of ABP

Blood Testis Barrier Process of sertoli cells joined by occluding junctions, which protects young
spermatozoa; for blood to pass through, must pass cytoplasm of sertoli cells

Interstitial cells of Leydig Endocrine cells; located in interstitial connective tissue; large, polygonal central
nucleus, foamy or pale acidophilic cytoplasm, numerous lipid droplets, abundant
SER (site of production of steroid hormones), mitochondria with tubular cristae

Appearance contains black granules called Crystals of Reinke


Straight tubule Initially lined by sertoli cells; distally by simple cuboidal epithelium

Rete Testis Simple cuboidal epithelium with single cilium and few microvilli

Efferent Ductules Alternating simple cuboidal epithelium with brush border and pseudo stratified
columnar with cilia (tall); gives appearance of wavy/festooned look of lumen

Epididymis Pseudostratified columnar epithelium with stereocilia with long microvilli

Vas Deferens Pseudostratified columnar epithelium with stereocilia; Thick muscular wall -
propel spermatozoa; 3 Muscle layers; Inner and Outer (Longitudinal); Middle

Ejaculatory Duct Inside the prostate; formed by union of seminal vesicles and vas deferens;
pseudostratified columnar, NON-ciliated, NO muscularis


Prostatic Urethra Transitional epithelium with muscularis; no glands; genital + urinary becomes one;

Membranous Urethra Shortest segment which traverses urogenital diaphragm (deep perineal space);
contains sphincter urethra muscles and Cowper’s glands; narrowest; surrounded by
erectile tissue of corpus spongiosum; pseudostratified columnar epithelium

Spongy/ Penile Urethra Longest; lined by pseudostratified columnar with glands of Littre (mucous

Accessory Glands

Prostate Single; w/ 30-50 tubuloalveolar glands in the dense fibromuscular stroma; lining
epithelium: variable - may be simple columnar, cuboidal, squamous,
pseudostratified columnar; secretes (PAP, citric acid, fibrinolysin, prostaglandin,
serine protease)

Transition zone - prone to development of benign prostatic hypertrophy,

Central zone -
Peripheral zone - glandular; common site of prostatic cancer; inferior and
somewhat posterior

PSA - prostate specific antigen -

Corpora Amylacea - prostatic concretion: calcified spherical glycoprotein w/c tends

to increase with age

Seminal vesicles Simple or pseudostratified columnar non-ciliated cells; fluid from this makes up
70% of the ejaculate - fructose, inositol, citrate, prostaglandins, fibrinogen; amino
acids, ascorbic acid; fingerlike bodies; distinctive feature, with processes or
branches - folded mucosa; interconnected folds (pockets of Lumen)

Bulbourethral glands Pea-sized; pair of glands; at urogenital diaphragm;purely mucus secreting cells
simple columnar epithelium; coats and lubricates the urethra

PENIS Each of three erectile bodies is enclosed by a thick tunica albuginea; loss of
campers and colles = areolar tissue; Layers: Skin, Superficial fascia (Areolar
Tissue); Deep fascia (Buck’s Fascia)

Three parts:

Root - fixed in urogenital triangle

Three erectile bodies: Two dorsally (Corpora Cavernosa) and one ventral
(Corpus Spongiosum)

Root portion two names: Two Crura (corpora cavernosa); and one BULB
(corpus spongiosum)

Ischiocavernosus - covers crura

Bulbospongiosus - covers bulb

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