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Action Dice

Action dice give a player the means to improve important rolls. A character begins each session with 3(d6) action
dice plus 1(d6) per five levels they achieve. Action dice replenish at the beginning of each game session.

The GM can reward a player for a particularly heroic, daring or creative action or role-playing performance with
an additional action dice that last till the end of that session. GM and players are encouraged to role-play the
often over-the-top scenes and situations the use of action dice may provoke.

The GM may also remove dice from your Action Pool if he feels you are dragging something longer than it
should be, or acting so uncharacteristically without reason that it warrants punishment.

Action dice can be used for many different things. They are the following:

Improve a Base Skill Check: You may roll action dice (Any number you possess) to improve the result of a
base skill check (Such as Weapon Attack or Defense). The roll may be done after the initial roll is made, but
must be done before the results of the roll are known. This expends the Action Dice you rolled.

Improve a Core Skill Check: You may roll action dice (Any number you possess) to improve the result of a core
skill check (Such as Treat Injury or Swim). The roll may be done after the initial roll is made, but must be done
before the results of the roll are known. This expends the Action Dice you rolled.

Improve a damage roll: You may roll action dice (Any number you possess) to improve a damage roll. This may
be done after the damage dice are rolled but before the opponent actually takes the damage. This expends the
Action Dice you rolled.

Regain one use of an ability that has a daily limit: By expending 2 Action dice, you may regain the use of an
ability that has a daily limit (Such as Rage). This may be done as long as you have action dice, on a 2 per use

Remove Fatigue: You may remove fatigue from you by expending 1 action dice.

Remove Exhaustion: You may remove exhaustion from yourself by expending 2 action dice.

Extra Release Rounds: You may roll one action dice to gain extra time in a released state (such as Bankai or
Ressurrection). By rolling the dice, you gain that many more rounds of that activation of your ability.

Dramatic Entrance: You may expend 1 action dice to make a dramatic entrance. A dramatic entrance must be
done when you are not the focus of attention for the game. You arrive instantly, even during an enemy's turn, and
in a suitably dramatic fashion (Crashing through a wall, Flash stepping in through a cloud of smoke, Dramatically
blocking an attack for an ally, etc.)

Extra Action: You can spend 1 Action Dice on your turn to gain an additional standard or move action this turn.
You may only expend one action dice per turn in this fashion. You may only spend 1 such Action Dice per turn.

Act Out of Turn: You can spend 2 Action Dice to take your turn immediately. Treat this as a readied action,
moving your initiative to just before the currently acting creature. You may only take a move or a standard action
on this turn.

Cheat Death: A character can spend 3 Action Dice to cheat death. How this plays out is up to the GM, but
generally the character is left alive, with negative hit points but stable. For example, a character is about to be
slain by a critical hit from an arrow. If the character spends 3 Action Dice, the GM decides that the arrow pierced
the character’s zanpakutou, reducing the damage enough to prevent him from being killed, and that he made his
stabilization roll at the end of his turn. The character can spend Action Dice in this way to prevent the death of a
being with a connection to the player character (Such as a hollow companion or cohort), but not another

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