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These legal concepts are found in Article 3, sections 1-22 of the 1987 Philippine
Constitution. I encourage everyone to read it. The aim of this task is to test the student’s skill in
research and discover for themselves these basic concepts of the Constitution in the hope of
knowing their importance not only for academic considerations but as a responsible citizen who
ought to know his/her basic rights, to espouse practical knowledge that will be beneficial for their
future endeavors.

ESSAY. Search for the following and answer the questions as ask.

1. What are the three main branches of the government and explain their importance and
different functions.

2. Enumerate and define the three inherent powers of the State.

3. What is a Constitution and why they are of vital importance in protecting the rights of the

4. Explain what is “due process of law” and what is “equal protection of law”?

5. As a student, what is the reason Article III of the 1987 Philippine Constitution is a must-
know for all the Filipino citizens alike?

6. Stress the importance of freedom of speech, of expression, or of the press as embodied in

Sec. 4, Article 3 of the Philippine Constitution.

7. What is “MIRANDA RIGHT” and why you need to know it.

8. Do you think the State or the government can mandatorily impose a specific religious
teaching, why or why not?

9. Read section 6, Article 3 of the Philippine constitution, and enumerate the grounds, where
the government can impair the right of travel of one person

10. What is the right of suffrage?

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