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Where originally are you from? And where do you live/ what you do for a leaving?

I'm from Beijing China, my mother is Hua Hin District Thailand and my father is from China but was
raised in the United state I lost my father when I was 4 years old.

But currently, I'm now in Thailand. I'm a pilot, I'm working on a contract with Thai Airways so currently,
I'm my small company apartment in Thailand right now.

Have you ever been married with kids before?

I have been single for 6 years now because I am very busy with my work and I'm living in my

company apartment in Thailand I am an honest man is very difficulnt for me to

believe in love now I was hurt by my ex 6 years ago and that made me not believe in love again I saw my
ex kissing

someone else which hurt me deeply I want to be happy

with someone that is ready to settle down and get married

I want to live a simple life with my future wife and I will always make her happy.

Tell me about your experiences with people around here and how many guys have you chatted with
before now?

With the Experience you have had so far do you really believe that you can find your soul mate through
this means?
As for me, I believe and also have the courage that I will find the woman whom I which to spend the rest
of my life with. I do believe in soul mates. I have friends

that have found theirs and live very happily with them, and I have decided a while ago that I would
never "settle" for anyone less than my soul mate.

If I may ask can you tell me more about your self?

Well for me I'm from Beijing China but I was raised in the United States, after the death of my father, I
and my mother we relocated to Thailand and from there, I join the

school of aviation and now I'm a pilot. My father died of brain cancer and after a few years later my
mother died in my hands after I became a pilot and also after i

sign a contract with the Thai Airways putting my mother as a beneficiary and spouse in the contract that
is why I'm looking for someone who I can trust and she will trust me because I want to make her the
beneficiary to my retirement funds because very soon I will be getting my retirement fund.

Once my contract expires my company is going to pay me the sum of $4.8 million dollars which I want to
use to invest in a business and buy a house of my choice but the rules of my company state that

all pilot contract fund should be paid to spouse or wife. Please don't disclose this to anyone because this
is our secret and you should keep it to your self.

My father died of brain cancer and after a few years later my mother died in my hands after I became a
pilot and also after i sign a contract with the Thai Airways putting my mother as a beneficiary and spouse
in the contract and right now that my contract is almost over my company want me to bring someone
who will stand and receive my contract funds because the rules of my company states that all pilot
contract should be paid to spouse or beneficiaries and right now you are the only one i have in my life
because my daughter is still 13 years and she not reach the legality to enter into any contract Honey I
trust you so much and i would like you to help me receive the funds and after that i come to United
states so that we can settle down and invest with the money in other for you and i to leave a better life
because I want to make you the beneficiary to my retirement funds my company is going to pay me the
sum of $2.8 million dollars which I want to use to invest in a business and buy a house of my choice and
also settle down with yo the rules of my company state that all pilot contract fund should be paid to
spouse or wife. Please don't disclose this to anyone because this is our secret and you should keep it to
your self.

Do you believe that falling in love with someone you have talked or written to but have never met is the
most genuine way to come to love a person?

Are you careful with your money?

Do you have a problem with racist jokes?

Have you ever taken part in fundraising events for charity?

Do you believe in a distance relationship?

Yes, I do believe in a distance relationship, because I do have the faith I will meet the woman who will
love and cherish me as I do.

Are you willing to relocate if you find your soul mate?

To me it depends on my soul mate; if she willingly wants me to relocate to her house of living its okay
with me, but if she wants to relocate to any of my house its okay with me also, or if she wants us both to
relocate to a new location, that again will be okay with me.

What are Your Hobbies?

I enjoy, swimming, and reading, walking on the beach, fishing, camping, scrabbling, playing checkers and
seeing good comedies. I love the outdoors mountain biking,
camping, fishing, horseback riding, outdoor photography, cooking

My favorite colors are both white and red because the white stands for a pure heart and the red stand
for love, so when you add the both of them together you have a

pure-hearted love, that is me because I do have a pure heart for love and Also I like blue cause I've blue

So tell me how big is your family? I mean how many brothers and sisters you have? What about your

Unfortunately, my both parents are dead and I am the only child my parent.I'm very sad whenever i
remember the past.

Unfortunately, my both parents are dead and I"m the only child my parent.I'm very sad whenever i
remember the past. i lost my father when i was at the age of 4 years. My father died of brain cancer
because that was what my mother and my step mother told me my mother also died of heartattack and
i have 1 step brother and 2 step sisters but they are all in your various family and they all have children
and it has been long i saw them due to some family issues we all has before, so i only have i and my
littel daughter left in this world.

How has your present marital life affected you so far?

Being lonely has really affected me a lot because as humans we all need someone to lean on in hard
times and someone to talk to and share those cheerful moments with.

What's your religion?

Well, this is a very deep question...My mom had baptized me in the Pentecostal church, but she was
good Christian and My father just believed in God. I am a searcher for the truth between earth and
heaven since very young so I had to study very deeply all the religions. Nowadays I say that all the
religions are good, but we interpreted every one like we want and I believe in some superior power,
(you can be called God, Universe, the power of the mind, anything you want) I believe that we are not
alone, we are not the only planet that has a life. I believe in Cosmoethic...that meaning to be ethic and
respect everyone in this earth, and that if you think wrong of someone, you are doing the wrong to your
self first.

Are you a God fear woman?

I am a God fearing man, I do have my Christian faith to credit for my life, attitude and success; however,
I don't use the name of God to attract women for my

the character speaks for itself. I am not the type of man who is focused entirely on himself.

Do you seek for a particular age before going into a relationship and How old are you?

I do not seek for a particular age, because I feel age is numbers, you do not know where love can hit you
up from. It can be someone younger than you or perhaps older

than you. I'm 47 years old.

How often do you like to go out; I mean going partying?

I do not go out often that much ever since I lost my late wife, because going out alone seems not
enjoyable to me, so the few time that I go out must be with my

daughter and I will be looking forward to going out with that special lady(you) someday.

What inspires you in life?


Do you believe in true love?


Do you know what went wrong in your past relationship?

Cheating and lies made my last relationship ended. I am a very compressive person, when there is
something wrong with my relationship, I don’t fight, and be
hysterical, I like to talk. A better conversation is always the best solution for everything.

But of course with every experience, you learn more how to deal, and always there is something new to
you discover.

What are your goals or dreams in life?

My goals and dreams in life are to be with the woman of my life whom I will call my wife, who I will love
and we will both live together and have a loving family


Do you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol or do drugs?

I had never smoked in my life neither used drugs and never pretend too, it's not for me. If I drink
alcohol, Well I drink socially, if I go out with some friends and

they are drinking something light its okay.

Do you like sports? And what are your favorite sports?

I have a passion for sports and my favorite sport is football

Do you have any favorite sports team you support in particular?

Manchester United football club that’s my team, I love their pattern of playing when I am in town I love
traveling going to watch their match together with my daughter.

What turns you off?

Anything fake, lies, deceit, cheating, quarreling and argument turns me off.

How do you feel when someone upset you? And what will you do to calm yourself down?

I do feel unhappy for that moment; go to quite a place and listening to cool music that will calm me
What is your favorite word?


If you could change something about yourself, what would it be and why?

I would change how I tend to dwell on the's really dragging me down lately.

What's the best dream you've ever had?

After my father died suddenly in some years ago I dreamed he was alive sitting in my small company
apartment in Thailand.

So tell me what is your favorite food?

My favorite food is Spaghetti and Fried Chicken both stewed.

What’s your favorite drink?

My favorite drinks Red Wines, but I'm always on Champagne because of its availability.

What's your favorite thing in this word?

I love Rainbows so much, they give me hope that tomorrow will always come and that it will always get

I love Rainbows so much, they give me hope that tomorrow will always come and that it will always get

I'm motivated by life itself because life is what you made it.

What attracts you to a man?

Truthfulness and respect. It really makes me get closer to a lady is the person inside, I do consider that
more important because beauty fades with time but the

the person inside appreciates with time.

What do you go for in a man?

I go for the inner beauty, it radiates and it speaks for itself over time and for women like you who are
family oriented is an added advantage to me.

What are your likes and dislikes?

I like real things; I like honesty, truthful, caring and obedient person I dislike dramas, cheating, lies,
disrespect, and racist. I want someone that will love me for

me, regardless of age, distance, language barrier, cultural differences and all that. Because I do believe
love knows no barriers and is the conqueror of it all and

all things. a052330505

So what do you expect from me?

I want you to treat me right, be truthful and honest with me because I do believe in the gospel truth and
that is I want a long term relationship with someone

real.......I am in search of true love and happiness with the right lady. I desire to shower the real lady
with lots of love, respect, loyalty, happiness, and care.

Are you a left or right-handed person?

I am a right handed person

Do you have any tattoos and body piercings?

I don't have any tattoos or any piercing in any part of my body.

Can you drive a vehicle? Do you have a car?

Well for me I can drive but the cars I have is been provided by my company Thai airways and I'm also
looking up to by my own when my funds are been released by my

company to my beneficiary because I'm making plans on that and also buy a car for the lady who
happens to be the apple of my eyes and that I believe I will accomplish

very soon.

What is your biggest fear?

My biggest fear is losing anyone and I don’t want to lose anyone close to me again.

What has been the best decision you've ever made?

Although it's was very hard for me to decide but it was the best decision I ever made by signing a
contract with the American

Describe the perfect vacation you have had?

Flying to Paris, then taking a train through France, Switzerland, Italy, Yugoslavia, and Greece.

What languages can you speak? Which would you like to learn?

I speak English fluently and understand little of the Chinese language.

What do you spend most of your money on?

I have a daily limit of spending and restricted mode also due to the nature of my Job. During shopping
for my needs, I collect the items I need to take them to the
counter where I have to fill a form after which, I present my ID card containing the company's contacts.
this is how I do my spendings.

Do you think you can be trusted by your man?

Yes, I can be trusted, because I am ready to open up my mind and my heart and also lay down my life for
the woman I love.

How do you normally spend your leisure time?

Listening to music, Cuddling up reading a magazine or watching TV, Cooking.

If you are found guilty of a crime, would you admit yourself and accept your mistakes?

I will admit my self, accept my mistakes, and face the consequences because I am a God fearing man,
and I do abide by the truth.

If you see somebody you don't know who needs help, would you be of any support?

Yes, I would help in any way, because God in heaven says it is good to help those that are in need, and
he loves a cheerful giver.

In a relationship how do you see a situation whereby the woman earns more money than the man?

A good relationship where two lovers understand each other, they're concerned for each other and they
respect one another, I don’t think that there will be a problem

about that, to me is no problem as far as they both love their selves.

Are you financially stable?

Yes, of course, I am financially stable, I do receive a high income there is no need for me to be afraid of
any financial situation.
What is Your Best Moment?

My best moment was the day I went to the hospital when my wife was giving birth and I heard the voice
of my daughter crying and then I knew I'm a father with so much

joy in my heart.

Your worse moment in life?

Was when my late wife had an accident and rushed to the hospital and before getting there to meet her
she was dead. And since then I have made my promise to take good

care of Angelina and to put a smile on her face.

Do you like holding hands and exchanging casual kisses with your partner?

Yes. Holding her close and make her feel the warmth of my body while kissing her.

What positive lessons have you learned from your past relationships that will help you succeed in future

Love, trust, understanding.

Have you ever thought of leaving your country in search of the man you want to be within the future?

Yeah and that was why I came into online dating. I am glad I have met a real lady I am talking with and I
hope that can fall out to be the type of lady I am searching


What's Your Favorite Sexual Fantasy?

I love to have sex out in the rain on a hot summer day so the rain can cool our hot sweaty bodies, or in a
beach....or to have sex in an elevator, or in the stairs of

a very high in the movie 9 1/2 weeks of love something like this. ( with Mickey Rourke,
Kim Basinger.

What is your favorite Position in Sex?

Have you talked about your feelings with someone else?

Yes, and you are the only person whom I am sharing my feelings with.

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