Southern de Oro Philippines College: Julio Pacana ST., Licuan, Cagayan de Oro City

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Southern de Oro Philippines College

Julio Pacana St., Licuan, Cagayan de Oro City


A Course Module
English 7 is a combination of language arts and literature.
The literacy skills of reading, writing, speaking, listening,

COURSE DESCRIPTION comprehending, and thinking are taught. Students gain

practice in grammar, punctuation and writing skills. The
writing process includes ideas and content, organization,
sentence fluency and voice. In literature, we read classics and
contemporary literature, including short stories, novels,
dramas, and nonfiction. Personal connections, interpretations
and responses to literature are made to show understanding of
the text. Vocabulary instruction and growth is emphasized
throughout the year.

Students with internet connection:

Tuesday and Thursday (10:00AM – 11:30AM)
Through: Google Classroom, Google meet and
Facebook Messenger.
Students without internet connection:
Phone Calls/Text Messages

MODE OF DELIVERY Flexible/Blended Learning

Term Examination

COURSE REQUIREMENTS Examination questions will reflect in the materials covered

during the lecture and assignments. Term examination will be
assigned 25% of the grade. Each student should take the
exam every end of the quarter with the schedule below:
Third Quarter Exam February 22, 23, 24

Each student will answer activities in the module provided.
Activities are Pre-Test, Formative Test and Summative Test
or Post Test because these will be placed on their Portfolio.


Each student will do important tasks as their project which
will be uploaded at Google Classroom or at Facebook
messenger or will be presented during the Google meetings.

20% - Term Examination

GRADING SYSTEM 50% - Performance Tasks

30% - Written Works and Attendance
REFERENCES Melissa Marie Velayo Geturbos – Bautista (2017), English
Language and Philippine Literature, CDO City: CAJ
Publishing House.

Internet: Google, YouTube

COURSE MODULE English Language and Philippine Literature

CONFIDENTIALITY Unauthorized distribution and copying of this material are
CLAUSE strictly prohibited.

A Course Module
Subject: ENGLISH 7

MODULE 3. English Language and Philippine Literature

1. Identify the following story elements from the epic poem Biag ni Lam-
2. Explain imagery as “word pictures” in the Poem Candles by Danton
3. Define prepositions and explain their usage.
4. Recognize and define pronouns from other parts of speech.
5. Discuss the important events in the story.
6. Explain the rules for subject-verb agreement.
7. Discuss and reflect on the message of the poem “I Can No More Hear
Love’s Voice” by Jose Garcia Villa.

Wee Course Learning Performance Indicators Topics
k Outcome
1 Identify the following story Discuss the significant Experience Literature:
elements from the epic poem characteristics of Pre-Colonial Biag ni Lam-ang.
Biag ni Lam-ang Literature in Biag ni Lam-ang.
2 Explain imagery as “word Discuss the poem “Candles” Experience Literature:
pictures” in the Poem Candles using the provided graphic Candles
by Danton Remoto. organizer.
3 Define prepositions and Enumerate the prepositions Grammar: Preposition
explain their usage. found in the poem “Candles”
4 Recognize and define Distinguish between singular, Grammar: Pronouns
pronouns from other parts of plural, subject, and object
speech. pronouns.
5 Discuss the important events Value the literary text by Experience Literature:
in the story. sharing student’s views on the How My Brother Leon
transience of life. Brought Home A
6 Explain the rules 1-4 for Write a bio poem observing Grammar: Subject-
subject-verb agreement. subject – verb agreement rules Verb Agreement.
(1-4) using the provided
acrostic sheets.
7 Discuss and reflect on the Describe how love appeal after Experience Literature:
message of the poem “I Can reading the poem. I Can No More Hear
No More Hear Love’s Love’s Voice by Jose
Voice”. Garcia Villa.




Identify the synonyms to words written in bold form from the story The Life of Lam-Ang
by encircling your answer. Choose your answer from the boxes below.

1. Before Lam-ang was born, Don Juan went to the mountains in order to punish a
group of their Igorot enemies
discipline excuse pardon spare

2. After nine months of waiting for his father to return, Lam-ang decided he would go
look for him.
hesitated determined refused declined

3. Namongan thought Lam-ang was up to the challenge but she was sad to let him go.
solution answer objection approval

4. Lam-ang was furious when he learned what had happened to his father.
moderate tranquil placid ferocious

5. Upon returning to Nabuan in triumph, he was bathed by women in the Amburayan

defeat achievement beating loss


A popular Philippine epic is the Ilocano Lam-ang. The hero Lam-ang dreams that his father is
being killed by the Igorot, the traditional enemies of the Ilocano, and awakes to slaughter a group
of Igorot. "The Life of Lam-ang") is an epic poem of the Ilocano people from the Ilocos region of
the Philippines influenced from the Indian Hindu epics Ramayana and Mahabharta. Recited and
written in the original Ilocano, the poem is believed to be a composite work of various poets who
passed it on through the generations, and was first transcribed around 1640 by a blind Ilocano
bard named Pedro Bucaneg. Biag ni Lam-ang is pre-Hispanic epic poem of the Ilocano people of
the Philippines.

The theme of the epic revolves around the bravery and courage of the main character portrayed
by Lam-ang, who was gifted with speech as early as his day of birth, who embarked on a series of
adventures which culminated in his heroic death and subsequent resurrection. This series of
adventures started with his search for his lost father who was murdered by the head-hunting
Igorots in the Igorot country. While on his way, he met a certain Sumarang, whose name
connotes obstruction, who tried to dissuade him from proceeding and who taunted him into a
fight. The fight that ensued proved fatal to Sumarang as he was blown “three kingdoms” away
with a spear pierced through his stomach. This encounter led to another when he met a nine-
headed serpent who, like Sumarang earlier tried to dissuade him from going any further. The
serpent having been ignored challenged him into a fight which cost the serpent its heads. Lam-
ang went on until he found it necessary to rest and take a short nap. While asleep, he dreamed of
his father’s head being an object of festivities among the Igorots. He immediately arose and
continued his journey until he found the Igorots indeed feasting over his father’s head.

FORMATIVE TEST. To deepen your understanding of the lesson, answer the
Instruction: Identify the following story elements from the epic poem Biag ni
Title and Author

Main Characters

Supporting Characters




SUMMATIVE TEST. To master understanding of the lesson, answer the following

questions below:

1.) How did Don Juan and his wife Namongan live in Nalbuan, before Lam-ang was

2.) How did Lam-ang show how furious he was after he learned what happened to his

3.) How could other people tell about Lam-ang’s greatness?

4.) How did Lam-ang catch the attention of the suitors of Ines?

5.) How did the parents of Ines show to Lam-ang their agreement to arrange the marriage
with their daughter if Lam-ang would give them dowry valued at double their wealth?

5.) How did Lam-ang catch the attention of the suitors of Ines?




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