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Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1213 – 1221

Solvent improvement for separating C4 with ACN

Zhigang Lei a,*, Hongyou Wang b, Rongqi Zhou b, Zhanting Duan b
The Key Laboratory of Science and Technology of Controllable Chemical Reactions, Ministry of Education,
Beijing Uni6ersity of Chemical Technology, P.O. Box 35, Beijing 100029, People’s Republic of China
Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua Uni6ersity, Beijing 100084, People’s Republic of China

Received 20 November 2000; received in revised form 9 October 2001; accepted 4 March 2002


This paper reports the work to find the best additives added to acetonitrile (ACN) for improving the separation of C4 mixtures
with the help of computer-aided molecular design (CAMD). CAMD is programmed to provide necessary information for our
search of the additives. The two types of additives we seek, liquid solvents and salts, are designed by CAMD. The selected
additives are then tested by experiments. It is found that the addition of salt is more efficient than the addition of liquid solvents
(including water) for improving the separation ability of ACN. After taking implicit properties into consideration, salts NaSCN
and KSCN, are the best candidates to improve ACN. As a strong tool, CAMD greatly reduces experimental working in
separating C4 by extractive distillation with ACN. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: CAMD; C4; ACN; Salts; Extractive distillation

1. Introduction grounds in this aspect by largely reducing experiments

(Venkatasubramanian, Chan & Caruthers, 1995;
We are well aware that a suitable solvent plays an Joback & Stephanopoulos, 1995; Churi & Achenie,
important role in the economical design of extractive 1996; Marcoulaki & Kokossis, 1998; Mavrovouniotis,
distillation. Among C4 mixtures (n-butadiene, 1-butyl- 1998; Meniai, Newsham & Khalfaoui, 1998; Ourique &
ene, trans-butylene-2, cis-butylene-2, 1,3-butadiene Telles, 1998; Pistikopoulos & Stefanis, 1998; Raman &
etc.), 1,3-butadiene is a basic organic raw material. In Maranas, 1998; Sinha, Achenie & Ostrovsky, 1999;
industry, 1,3-butadiene is usually separated from C4 Harper, Gani, Ishikawa & Kolar, 1999; Hostrup,
mixtures by extractive distillation with solvent acetoni- Harper & Gani, 1999). The application of CAMD in
trile (ACN) (Coogler, 1967; Bannister & Buck, 1969). chemical engineering is mostly based on the UNIFAC
However, a relative large amount of recycled ACN and group contribution. Incalculable feasible molecules will
high solvent and feed mass ratio up to 8 in the current be formulated by UNIFAC groups in accordance with
commercial process lead to much consumption of en- certain rules, but in terms of given target properties, the
ergy. To solve the problem, it seems inconvenient to desired molecules are screened by computers. The
substitute ACN with other solvents. Therefore, a better groups of UNIFAC provide building blocks for assem-
way is to add some substances to ACN to make into a
bling molecules. CAMD is essentially the inverse of
mixture solvent. As an alternative, we adopt the strat-
property prediction by group contribution. Given a set
egy to add some substances to ACN.
of desirable properties, it is proposed to find a combi-
It is tiresome to choose the best additive from thou-
nation of structural groups, satisfying the property
sands of different substances for a system through
specifications. In most cases, more than one solution is
experiments. The computer-aided molecular design
produced. Thus, a screening is needed since only one of
(CAMD) developed in the 1980s may break new
the alternatives must be chosen for the specified prob-
lem. At this point, factors such as corrosion, prices,
* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 86-10-6443-3695; fax: + 86-10-
6442-9057. source, etc. should be taken into consideration. Of
E-mail address: (Z. Lei). course, it is a procedure after CAMD.

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1214 Z. Lei et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1213–1221

Many studies in this field have been made, yet most for the synthesis of liquid solvents. CAMD for liquid
are limited to unit operations, such as gas absorption, solvents is conducted in the following four steps.
liquid–liquid extraction, etc. The application of
CAMD in extractive distillation has seldom been sys-
tematically reported in references (Pretel, Lopez, Bot-
tini & Brignole, 1994). Moreover, in general, CAMD
2.1.1. Group sorting and pre-selection
focuses on the design of organic molecules instead of
Molecular design makes full use of the group con-
salts. In recent years, extractive distillation with salt
cept raised by Franklin (1949), which is built on the
addition has been applied more and more widely in
UNIFAC groups (Jorgensen, Kolbe, Gmehling &
the industry (Duan, Lei & Zhou, 1980; Lei, Duan &
Xu, 1982; Zhang, Qian & Jiang, 1984) and it is very Rasmussen, 1979; Gmehling, Rasmussen & Fre-
important to extend the range of CAMD to the addi- denslund, 1982; Macedo, Weidlich, Gmehling & Ras-
tives including salts. In this work, liquid solvents and mussen, 1983). The groups must be systematically
salts are both designed by CAMD and then tested by ordered to facilitate their use.
experiments. On this basis, the best additives for C4 There are different approaches to sorting the
separation by extractive distillation with ACN are se- groups (Gani & Brignole, 1983; Gani, Nielsen & Fre-
lected. denslund, 1991; Gani & Fredenslund, 1993; Pretel et
al., 1994). The approach we adopt is that a certain
group is determined by the number of attachments
2. Selection of liquid solvents present in a given group (or the valence number of
the group) and the degree of difficulty that the group
2.1. Procedure of CAMD for the liquid sol6ents combines other groups (or the type of attachment).
The UNIFAC groups are sorted and listed in Table 1.
The UNIFAC groups are used as building blocks If a group belongs to several different classes, it
means that this group takes on different types of
Table 1 characterization in different molecules.
Attachment type characterization of UNIFAC groups
Since the groups in Table 1 are based on the UNI-
Type of Groups FAC definition of functional group, they can be used
attachment to obtain the values of some properties related to
UNIFAC-based methods. For the computation of
other properties based on certain group contributions,
CF3 CH3SH CH3CN Furfural
HCOOH DMSO (CH2OH)2 CH2Cl2 but not related to UNIFAC-based methods, new
CHCl3 ACRY DMF NMP parameter tables for the groups in Table 1 have been
CH3NH2 CS2 CCl3F CHCl2F developed using information on the group contribu-
tions and their corresponding parameter tables
Morph AmHCH3 Am (CH3)2
(Joback & Reid, 1987; Reid, Prausnitz & Poling,
(M,1) (CH3)
(J,2) (CH2)
(L,1) (CH2Cl) The attachment types are indicated as ordered pairs
(L,2) (CHCl) (i, j ), where i is the type of attachment and j, the
(K,1) (CH2 =CH) (OH) (CH3CO) (CHO) number of i attachment. Five types of attachments
(CH3COO) (HCOO) (CH3O) (CH2NH2) are put forward for non-aromatic groups:
(CH3NH) (C5H4N) (CH2CN) (COOH)
(CHCl2) (CCl3) (CH2NO2) (CH2SH)
N= Single molecules as a group having no at-
(I) (BR) (CH =C) Cl(C= C)
(SiH3) tachment with other groups, such as H2O
K= Severely restricted attachment, such as OH
(K,2) (CH= CH) (CH2 = C) (CH3N) (C5H3N)
(CCl2) (CHNO2) (C= C) (DMF-2)
L= partially restricted attachment, such as
(COO) (SiH2) (SiH2O) CH2Cl
(K,1) (L,1) (CH2CO) (CH2COO) (CH2O) (CHNH2) M= unrestricted carbon attachment in linear dual
(CH2NH) (FCH2O) valence or single valence groups, such as
(I,1) (ACH) (ACF) CH3
(H,1) (ACCH3) (ACOH) (ACNH2) (ACCl)
J= unrestricted carbon attachment in radial dual
(ACNO2) valence groups, such as CH2
(H,1) (M,1) (ACCH2)
(H,1) (J,2) (ACCH) For aromatic molecules, two new attachments are
flZ. Lei et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1213–1221 1215

I= aromatic carbon ring attachment, such as 1991; Gmehling, Li & Schilleer, 1993) and most of
ACH the UNIFAC binary parameters and group parame-
H= substituted aromatic carbon ring attachment, ters are known to us. Many properties can be
such as ACCl calculated from these parameters.
4. In general, a molecule is composed of not more than
Types M and J attachments are extended to aromatic eight groups and the polar groups cannot be over
groups. three. The groups in a molecule must accord with
the following attachment criterion: K= M+ J/2+2
M= unrestricted attachment in a carbon linked to for aliphatic compounds; I+ H= 6, H5 2 or H53
an aromatic carbon, such as ACCH2 for aromatic compounds; for aliphatic–aromatic
J= unrestricted attachment in a radial carbon compounds, these restriction must be satisfied simul-
linked to an aromatic carbon, such as ACCH taneously. Otherwise, this molecule is unsteady un-
der normal condition.
The number of the molecules combined by groups at
The chemically feasible molecules will be generated random is often too large to be processed by a com-
from the above characterized UNIFAC groups in terms puter in a short time, which is the so-called combina-
of the rules that must be met in the formation of a tion explosion. In the molecular design, we should be
molecule and are to be mentioned afterwards. Not all cautious to avoid its occurrence.
of the groups in Table 1 need to be used in CAMD for Assuming that there are n kinds of different groups
a specific application. The groups may be screened in and the molecule combined by them has only m groups,
advance. The pre-selection of groups is conducted on then the number of ways to combine the molecules
two criteria: without other restrictions is:
1. Availability of interaction parameters. The predic-
tion of solvent properties requires the availability of (n+ m− 1)!
UNIFAC binary parameters. Therefore, the first (n− 1)!m!
criterion of the selection is the availability of binary
parameters for the synthesis groups. When the number of groups is in the range of 2–m,
2. Elimination of unsteady compounds and corrosive, the number of such molecules is:
toxic materials. Sometimes for a specialized separa-
tion process, we need to bear in mind that a lot of m
(n+m− 1)!
groups could be excluded in advance. For instance, %
m = 2 (n− 1)!m!
some groups that may cause corrosion to the equip-
ment are avoided for distillation processes. If n= 12 and m= 6, the number of combination
By sticking to these criteria, the number of partici- ways is very high with 18,551. Therefore, the assembled
pating groups is reduced and the time the computer rules must be considered to effectively decrease the
takes to fulfil the combination of groups is saved. combination ways.

2.1.3. Prediction of target properties

2.1.2. Combination of groups Different problems have different sets of properties
The most difficult part in molecular design is assem- as constraints. For CAMD for extractive distillation,
bling groups into one molecule. The assembly must fit such properties as relative volatility (h ij ), selectivity
to the following rules: (S
ij ), solubility capacity (SP), molecular weight (MW)
1. The chemical valence of a molecule must be zero. and boiling point (Tb) are important. Specification of
2. The neighborhood effect of groups must be avoided. the problem type identifies the corresponding target
Fortunately, many researchers (Gani et al., 1991; properties. As not all the target properties are com-
Gani & Fredenslund, 1993; Pretel et al., 1994) have putable, it is convenient to classify them as explicit
discussed the assembly rules from different stand- target properties and implicit target properties. Predic-
points and given different restrictive conditions. tion methods for explicit target properties are available
Their work is helpful for us to program CAMD. and can be realized automatically by computer. Predic-
3. The group parameters and group interaction tion methods for implicit properties are not presently
parameters must be known ahead of time. We have available and thus a combination of experience, infor-
collected 109 groups (Jorgensen et al., 1979; Gmeh- mation from the open references and experiments is
ling et al., 1982; Macedo et al., 1983; Tiegs, Gmeh- needed to determine them. As a result, implicit proper-
ling, Rasmussen & Fredenslund, 1987; Hansen, ties are generally obtained manually. The prediction
Rasmussen, Fredenslund, Schiller & Gmehling, methods for explicit properties are given in Table 2.
1216 Z. Lei et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1213–1221

Table 2 2-Butylene and 1,3-butadiene are key components

Properties estimation for liquid solvents
(Asatani & Hayduk, 1983) in C4 separation because
Property Method their separation is difficult. So, it is reasonable to
only consider 2-butylene and 1,3-butadience as the
Relative volatility k 0
i pi representatives of C4 mixtures for solvent evaluation.
ij = 0
kj pj In this work, CAMD has been programmed with Vi-
sual Basic for Windows. This program can provide
Selectivity k
ij = much information necessary for the extractive distilla-
tion. CAMD is an easy-to-use software with user
Solubility 1 MWi friendly interface. One with a little knowledge of ex-
SPi =
capacity k
i MWj tractive distillation can become familiar with it in a
Molecular weight Pure component data bank or by adding few hours.
group parameters (Reid et al., 1987) Fig. 1 shows a block diagram of CAMD for liquid
Normal boiling Pure component data bank or by adding solvents.
point group parameters (Joback & Reid, 1987; Reid
et al., 1987)
Vapor pressure Pure component data bank or by Antoine
equation (Reid et al., 1987)
Azeotropic By drawing the curves of x–y to judge 2.2.2. Results of CAMD
judgement CAMD is herein used for the separation of C4 by
extractive distillation with ACN. The restrictions of
additives for the ACN/C4 system are listed in the
following order.
1. Pre-selected group type number: 10 (CH3OH, H2O,
2.1.4. Selection of additi6es CH2CN, CH2NH2). The groups are selected on the
Although explicit properties can be computed ac- basis of the criteria listed in Section 2.1.1.
cording to the methods of Table 2, relative relativity 2. Expected group number: 2–6
is the key to the extractive distillation process. For 3. Maximum molecular weight: 150
this reason, compounds are ordered by the values of 4. Minimum boiling point: 323.15 K
their relative volatility. But we know that evaluation 5. Maximum boiling point: 503.15 K
of implicit properties is also required for the selection The conditions of additives for the ACN/C4 system
of additives. For CAMD for extractive distillation,
are given below:
implicit properties such as toxicity, cost, stability and 1. Temperature: 303.15
material source are important. The compounds that 2. Minimum infinite dilute relative volatility: 1.35
do not satisfy the implicit properties are crossed out 3. Concentration of additive in ACN: 10 wt%
from the order. The remaining compounds ranked in 4. Key components: 2-butylene and 1,3-butadiene,
front of the order are the object of the best possible which are at infinite dilution
additives we seek. As a result, by CAMD, the work
CAMD has been performed on a PC (Pentium 2
to search for the best additives is reduced. The final
286 MHz). The calculation in this case needs :10
additives will be tested with only a minimum number
min. The design results of liquid solvents are obtained
of experiments.
by means of CAMD and given in Table 3, where
superscript stands for the condition at infinite dilu-
2.2. CAMD for separating C4 tion.
Table 3 shows the sorted list of possible molecules
2.2.1. Program of CAMD according to the values of relative volatility. Some
Extractive distillation is widely used in purification have been found in the literatures, such as H2O, No.
of 1,3-butadience from C4 mixtures. ACN is a fre- 1. It indicates that the designed results are reliable to
quently used basic solvent and is inconvenient to be some degree. After considering such implicit proper-
completely replaced by other solvents to enhance the ties as toxic, boiling point, chemical stability and hy-
relative volatility of C4. Therefore, water is usually drolysis, the molecules, No. 1, 4, 5, 6 and 9 are
added to ACN as a cosolvent (Coogler, 1967; Bannis- regarded as the possible additives.
ter & Buck, 1969). But the mixed ACN is a disadvan- However, we find from Chen (1997) that C4/
tage as it tends to give rise to hydrolysis, which methanol and C4/ethanol can form azeotrope, which
contributes to the loss of ACN and corrosion of does not correspond with the CAMD results. It mani-
equipment during production. So, a more efficient ad- fests that the acceptance of CAMD depends on the
ditive is required to substitute water. accuracy of the computation methods used for the
Z. Lei et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1213–1221 1217

Fig. 1. Block diagram of CAMD for liquid solvents.

1218 Z. Lei et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1213–1221

Table 3
Results of CAMD for liquid solvent

No. Molecular structure MW Tb/K h

12 S
12 SP Azeotropic judgement

1 and solvent 2 and solvent

1 H2O 18.0 373.2 1.66 2.16 0.38 No No

2 2CH2CN 80.0 495.3 1.51 1.97 0.37 No No
3 CH2 CH2CN OH 71.0 462.5 1.46 1.91 0.36 No No
4 CH3 3CH2 CH3COO 116.0 399.2 1.46 1.90 0.40 No No
5 CH3 CH2 CH3CO 72.0 352.8 1.45 1.89 0.40 No No
6 2CH2NH2 60.0 390.4 1.44 1.88 0.38 No No
7 CH2 OH CH2NH2 61.0 443.5 1.42 1.85 0.36 No No
8 CH3OH 32.0 337.8 1.42 1.86 0.38 No No
9 CH3 CH2 OH 46.0 351.5 1.39 1.81 0.39 No No

properties. Even though the prediction methods have 3. Selection of the salt
been extensively used, they should be considered only
as an approximation for the estimation of solvent prop-
erties. This is where the limitations of CAMD lie. 3.1. CAMD for the salts

The work of CAMD for salts is rarely reported in

2.3. Experimental measurement of the additi6es for liquid references despite the frequent use of salts as separating
sol6ents agents in chemical engineering. With the development
of extractive distillation, the extractive distillation with
A set of inert gas stripping and gas chromatography salt is becoming more and more applied in industry, as
equipment is built to measure the relative volatility of pointed out in Section 1. Therefore, it is interesting to
C4 at infinite dilution (Leroi, Masson & Renon, 1977; consider the salting effect in regard to CAMD.
Duhem & Vidal, 1978). In this case, either trans-2-bu- In this work as a simplified presumption, a salt is
tylene and 1,3-butadiene or cis-2-butylene and 1,3-bu- thought to be composed of one positive ion and one
tadiene are regarded as the key components. We negative ion which are regarded as the groups of salts.
measured the relative volatility of C4 mixtures at infi- It is consequently easy to assemble the ions into
nite dilution at 20 °C in the solvent ACN and at 50 °C molecules in the same way as liquid solvents. These ions
in the solvent N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF). The are collected and listed in Table 6. In the procedure of
experimental values are compared with the reference CAMD, the combination rule is simply that the chemi-
values (Chemical Engineering Department of Zhejiang cal valence of a salt must be zero, which is impossible
University, 1973) obtained by gas chromatography to lead to combination explosion because most
method and are in good agreement except for an error molecules are composed of just two groups, one posi-
of 12%, which may be due to the different methods to tive ion and the other negative ion. Therefore, both
measure the relative volatility. The results are listed in liquid solvents and salts can be designed in our pro-
Table 4, where we use the subscript (1 – 5) for n-butane, grammed CAMD, and this goes a further step in the
1-butylene, trans-2-butylene, cis-2-butylene and 1,3-bu- application of CAMD.
tadiene, respectively. On this basis, ACN blended with The key of CAMD for salts is the selection of an
additives produced by CAMD is used and the relative appropriate thermodynamic method to obtain the
volatility of C4 mixtures are measured. The results at target properties that are only attained by data bank
different additive concentrations are given in Table 5. search. The prediction methods for explicit properties
From the above it can be seen that water and
ethylenediamine are good potential additives of ACN Table 4
of all liquid solvents. If we consider the hydrolysis The comparison results of experimental and reference values
influence of ACN, ethylenediamine is the best substance ACN (20 °C) DMF (50 °C)
as liquid solvent that is added to ACN.
Thus, by means of the tool, CAMD, we can find the Ref. Exp. Error % Ref. Exp. Error %
best additive, ethylenediamine from a great number of
liquid solvents with only a few experiments. It is shown h
15 3.41 3.82 12.02 3.43 3.32 3.21
25 2.16 2.11 2.31 2.17 2.12 2.30
that CAMD can effectively decrease the amounts of h 1.70 1.81 6.47 1.76 1.79 1.73
experiments and help researchers explore the useful h
45 1.56 1.63 4.49 1.56 1.61 3.21
substances in a short time.
Z. Lei et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1213–1221 1219

Table 5
Experimental values of relative volatility of C4 mixtures at different additives concentration

Additives Concentration/wt% T/°C h

15 h
25 h
35 h

– 0 28 3.61 2.08 1.77 1.58

n-Butanone 10 28 3.55 2.08 1.75 1.57
n-Butanone 20 29 3.37 2.06 1.71 1.56
n-Butyl acetate 10 30 3.52 2.04 1.71 1.55
n-Butyl acetate 20 30 3.30 2.01 1.69 1.53
Ethyl alcohol 10 30 3.58 2.09 1.77 1.57
Ethyl alcohol 20 30 3.54 2.11 1.77 1.59
Water 10 29 4.06 2.16 1.84 1.62
Ethylenediamine 10 30 3.77 2.11 1.79 1.62
Ethylenediamine 20 30 3.81 2.15 1.83 1.60
Ethylenediamine 100 30 3.62 2.13 1.89 1.58

are listed in Table 7, in which the values of relative KI. On this basis, some experiments, just as we carried
volatility and selectivity are closely related with salting out for liquid solvents, were performed to investigate
coefficients. Salting coefficients are calculated by the the effect of salts. Table 9 shows the experimental
scaled particle theory (Masterton & Lee, 1970; Pierotti, values at 30 °C with salt concentration 10 wt%. The
1976). The scaled particle theory, deduced from ther- subscripts 1–5 represent n-butane, 1-butene, trans-2-
modynamics and statistical physics, has a defined phys- butene, cis-2-butene and 1,3-butadiene, respectively.
ical meaning and the required molecular parameters are
readily available. In particular, in recent years the study
of scaled particle theory has been further developed.
Table 6
Therefore, it is reasonable to deal with salting effect of Ions of CAMD for salts
extractive distillation with this theory, which is a great
theory and application prospect and should be given Ions Groups
more attention.
Cation Li+ Na+ K+ Rb+
Cs+ Ag+ NH+ 4 Cu+
Mg2+ Ca2+ Sr2+ Ba2+
3.2. Results of CAMD Be2+ Fe2+ Zn 2+
Al3+ Fe3+
The additive constraints for the system of ACN/C4 Anion OH− F− Cl− Br−
are listed in the following order. I− SCN− NO−3 NO−2
1. Pre-selected group type number: 8 (Li+, Na+, K+, CH3COO− ClO−
4 BF−

Br−, Cl−, I−, SCN−, NO− 3 ). The groups are se-

lected because the salts formed by them are often
met and easily obtained in the industry. Table 7
Properties estimation for salts
2. Expected group number: 2
The conditions of additives for the system of ACN/ Property Method
C4 are given below:
1. Temperature: 303.15 Salting coefficients Calculated by Scaled Particle Theory
2. Minimum infinite dilute relative volatility: 1.40 ks
Activity Calculated by UNIFAC method
3. Concentration of additive in ACN: 10 wt% coefficient
4. Key components: 2-butylene and 1,3-butadiene that Relative volatility k 0
i pi
ij = 0
are at infinite dilution without salt kj pj
CAMD has been performed on a PC (Pentium 2 286 Selectivity without k
MHz). The calculation in this case needs a few minutes S
ij =
salt kj
and the results of CAMD are printed under the condi- Relative volatility h
s =h exp(kscs )
tion of these constraints. But it is known that the salts with salt
must meet the requirement of implicit properties, e.g. Selectivity with S
s =S exp(kscs )

chemical stability, oxidation, material source and solu- salt

bility in CAN, etc. These factors taken in, the results of Molecular weight Pure component data bank or by adding
group parameters (Millero, 1971)
the selected salts are listed in Table 8. Vapor pressure Pure component data bank or by Antoine
If the price factor is further considered, the salts equation (Reid et al., 1987)
NaSCN and KSCN are more attractive than NaI and
1220 Z. Lei et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1213–1221

Table 8 effective than liquid solvents in increasing the relative

Results of CAMD for salts
volatility of C4 at infinite dilution. Therefore, it is
No. Molecular MW Relative Selectivity S advisable to add a little salt to ACN as a mixture
structure volatility h
solvent for separating C4 by extractive distillation. Af-
ter some factors (implicit properties) are considered, the
1 Na+SCN−1 81.0 1.57 2.00 best salts are NaSCN and KSCN.
2 Na+I−1 150.0 1.56 1.98 It is evident that by CAMD, the experiment working
3 K+SCN−1 97.0 1.55 1.98
4 K+I−1 166.0 1.55 1.97
is greatly decreased in a search for the best additives.
CAMD as a useful tool plays an important role in
finding the additives and shortening the search time. It
Table 9 is believed that with the development of CAMD, it
Experimental values of relative volatility of C4 at infinite dilution would be possible to be applied in many more fields.
Salt h
15 h
25 h
35 h

NaSCN 4.03 2.19 1.85 1.64 References

KSCN 4.00 2.18 1.85 1.64
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and butene in possible extractive distillation solvents. Can. J.
A comparison of the results of Table 5 and Table 9 Chem. Eng., 61 (2), 227 – 232.
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Research of the separating power in extractive distillation solvents
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for C4 by gas-liquid chromatography. Petrochem. Technol.
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results show that the required solvent rate decreases ming model for computer aided molecular design. Ind. Eng.
11.8% and much energy is saved in the extractive Chem. Res., 53 (2), 3788 – 3794.
distillation column when salt is added. Therefore, the Coogler, W. W. (1967). New butadiene-recovery process. Oil Gas J.,
22, 99 – 101.
mixture of ACN and salt performs more satisfactorily Duan, Z., Lei, L., & Zhou, R. (1980). Studies of extractive distillation
than a single ACN solvent. Apart from this, the mix- with salt (I). Petrochem. Technol. (China), 9, 350 – 353.
ture has no problem with dissolution, reuse and trans- Duhem, P., & Vidal, J. (1978). Extension of the dilutor method to
port of salt, which is often brought on by salt. measurement of high activity coefficients at infinite dilution. Fluid
Phase Equilib., 2, 231 – 235.
Franklin, J. L. (1949). Prediction of heat and free energies of organic
compounds. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 41 (51), 1070.
4. Conclusion Gani, R., & Brignole, E. A. (1983). Molecular design of solvents for
liquid extraction based on UNIFAC. Fluid Phase Equilib., 13,
This investigation is concerned with the improvement 331 – 340.
Gani, R., & Fredenslund, A. A. (1993). Computer aided molecular
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