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Republic of the Philippines

Caraga Administrative Region

Butuan City Division

Feasibility of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)

fiber as potential oil absorbent

Geraldine S. Babia
Christia Joy C. Cuenca
Jayzel R. Peñalver

Ms. Marinelle L. Ramos

Project Adviser

(An entry for the Division Level)


Title Page……………………………………………………………………………..…..…… i

Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………...………ii



Chapter I. Introduction………………………………………………………………...………2

Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………...…….3

Statement of the Hypothesis………………………………………………………........4

Significance of the Study………………………………………………..………..……4

Scope and Limitations of the Study…………………………………………..….….…4

Chapter II. Materials and Methods………………………………….….……………..….…..6

A. Preparation of Water Hyacinth Fiber ………………………….………………….6

B. Oil absorption Test ………………………………………………….…………….6

Chapter III. Results and Discussion…………………………………………………..…… 7

Chapter IV. Conclusion and Recommendation…………………………………………… 16

References ……………………………………………………………………………….... 18

The researchers would like to express their sincere gratitude to the following persons that

extended help and assistance to complete the study:

To our Almighty God Who never failed to bestow wisdom, knowledge, and

understanding upon the researchers necessary to make the study successful.

To Ms. Maria Divina Cabarlo, Ms. Marinelle L. Ramos, and Mr. Jeffrey Tablon, who

guided and gave their best effort to the researchers by organizing the study and making it


To the speakers from the Science Investigatory Project Seminar and Workshop for

imparting knowledge and skills unto the researchers;

To the respective family and friends of the researchers who willingly assisted them

financially and provided moral support.

Thank you for your help.


It is known that plant can absorb oil due to its high content of fiber (Wong et. al, 2016).
In this study, water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) was used as an oil absorbent and determined
the mass of oil that has been absorbed. The stem of water hyacinth was cut into small pieces and
dried for three days. In the four set-ups namely—water-oil solution, pure oil, water-diesel and
pure diesel, the dried water hyacinth fibers were submerged for 15 minutes in 3 replicates. The
results showed that the pure diesel was absorbed more by the water hyacinth fiber with a
percentage of 91.87%. The results using T-test assuming equal variances in Table 1 was 1.91x10-
, Table 2 was 6.5x10-18, Table 3 was 7.5x10-5, Table 4 was 1.9x10-8, Table 5 was 1.5x10-8, and in
Table 6 was 0.4. Tables 1,2,4, and 5, was lower than the 0.05 level, rejected the null hypothesis
stating that there is no significant difference in using water hyacinth fiber as oil absorbent
material for diesel and cooking oil. Table 3 was also lower than 0.05 level, rejected the null
hypothesis implying that there was a significant difference in the absorption of water hyacinth
fiber of used diesel and used cooking oil. Table 6 was above the 0.05 level, accepted the null
hypothesis stating that there is no significant difference in the absorption of water hyacinth
(Eichhornia crassipes) fiber of used diesel and used cooking oil. This implied that water hyacinth
(Eichhornia crassipes) fiber can be used as potential oil absorbent material.

Oil has become a necessity in a person’s life as the most in-demand source of energy

(“Why Oil is Important”, 2019). It is used primarily for cooking (Food and Agriculture

Organization, 2019) and transportation purposes in the form of petroleum and diesel (U.S Energy

Information Administration, 2018). Oil becomes harmful for both environmental and human

health upon improper way of its disposal and accidents involving tankers, barges, pipelines,

refineries, drilling rigs, and storage facilities (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2019).

When it is emulsified with bodies of water, it creates a heavy sludge or known as mousse (Global

Marine Oil Pollution Information Gateway, 2005). This new substance is more viscous than oil

itself and attracts a number of aquatic and feathered animals (Environmental Protection Agency,

1993). Also, it can damage the mangroves, coral reefs, sea grasses, and estuaries which are fish

habitats. The longer the oil that is in the water, the severe its effect to its surroundings. Which

results to health problem and ultimately death (NOAA, 2018). Because of its heavy sludge the

normal way of cleaning is not that effective and it cost lots of money to government (Haq, 2010).

There are numerous methods to clean up oil spills such as, oil boom, in this case oil boom

act like a fence to prevent the oil from further spreading or floating away. Second way is using

skimmers, this is a machine that is used to separate oil from water (MI News Network, 2019). A

Louisiana resident named Jessie Shaffer in 2010 created an oil sucking vacuum to clean oil spill

that sucks up 12 gallons of oil spill within 39 to 40 seconds (Associated Press, 2010). These

methods are very expensive that range from thousand to million pesos depending on the oil spill.

Another method is using human hair and chicken feathers, which was used in Guimaras oil spill

in 2006 (Macairan, 2006). 

Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), is a perennial aquatic plant that belongs to the

pontederiaceae family (“Main Aquatic Weed Problems in Africa”, n.d). It can only grow to fresh

water such as river and swamp. Thus, it causes problem in many countries especially in tropical

and subtropical areas of the world. Too much of it will clog irrigation, block canals and rivers

causing flooding, plummets oxygen in water that can lead to fish kill (Elserafy, et al, 2012) . To

give value of water hyacinth, this plant is a good source of carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC)

since it has high cellulose content (Handaya et al.,n.d).

Plant fibers are good absorbent of oil (Wong et. al, 2016). Water hyacinth, has a high

cellulose fiber content that is used in natural fiber textile (Chanana et al, n.d). In connection, the

result of this study may reveal that water hyacinth is an effective oil absorbent due to its high

fiber content that can be found in its stem. This research also can be the solution for oil spill that

is low cost unlike other methods.

Statement of the Problem

The researchers aim is to make an oil absorbent out of water hyacinth as potential oil

absorbent. Specifically, the study sought to find answers to the following questions:

1. What is the water hyacinth mass after the absorption of the following?

1.1 Water – oil

1.2 Pure oil

1.3 Water – diesel

1.4 Diesel
2. Is there a significant difference between the water hyacinth mass after the absorption of water

– oil, pure oil, water – diesel, and diesel?

3. Which form of oil is more absorbed by the water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) fiber?

Statement of the Hypothesis

H0 There is no significant difference in using water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) fiber

as oil absorbent material for used diesel and used cooking oil.

Significance of the Study

This study sought to raise awareness on the hazard brought about by improper waste,

specifically oil, disposal and its mismanagement. Since oil spillage and water pollution were

both worldwide concerns, the researchers wanted to raise the attention given to it. Furthermore,

the study aimed to impart knowledge and innovative, alternative, and practical solution for the

said problem.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study was conducted at Brgy. Libertad, Butuan City, Philippines. The researchers

focused on using chopped water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) stem, used diesel, and used

cooking oil. Alpha level was tested at 0.05 level of significance ensuring a 90% margin of error

for the results.

Chapter 2


A. Preparation of Water Hyacinth Fiber

Water hyacinth were cut into small pieces leaving only its stem. Roots, leaves, and

flowers of the plant were thrown. The chopped pieces of the stem were put into a sack and was

placed to the direct sunlight, it was dried for three days.

B. Oil absorption test

There were four set ups namely: water – oil, pure oil, water – diesel, and diesel. In

each set up, there were three replicates. The table below shows the description of each set-up in

three replicates.

Experimental Set ups Description

Water - oil Water (500 g) and used oil (100 g)
Pure oil Used oil (100 g)
Water – diesel Water (500 g) and used diesel (100 g)
Diesel Diesel (100 g)

After that, the researchers placed the water hyacinth with a mass of 45 grams into a

mosquito net (1.9 g) then it was submerged into the set up. The researchers submerged the water
hyacinth fiber for fifteen minutes then it was placed into a plastic cup (3.4 g) then weighed using

a digital scale. It was repeated for three times for each trial.

Before water hyacinth was applied After three trials

Before water hyacinth was applied After three trials

Before water hyacinth was applied After three trials

Chapter 3

1. What is the water hyacinth mass after the absorption of the following?

1.1 Water-oil Solution

600 Figure 1.



mass after
113.6 111.7 108.6
of water-

1 2 3
Replicates solution
Based on the graph, Replicate 1 of the chopped water hyacinth was able to gain 131.6

grams. Replicate 2 on the other hand gained 130 grams. Lastly, Replicate 3 gained 131.7 grams.

The average mass of the absorption of the water hyacinth fiber after being submerged in 600

grams water-oil solution is 111.3 grams or 18.55%.

1.2 Pure Oil (Used Cooking Oil)

100 Figure 2.
83.3 81.2
83.6 Water

70 hyacinth
60 mass after

30 absorption
of pure oil

1 2 3
Based on the graph, Replicate 1 of the chopped water hyacinth was able to gain 83.3

grams. Replicate 2 on the other hand gained 81.2 grams. Lastly, Replicate 3 gained 83.6 grams.

The average mass of the absorption of the water hyacinth fiber after being submerged in 100

grams pure oil solution is 82.7 grams or 82.7%.

1.3 Water-Diesel Solution

600 Figure




131.6 130 131.7

1 2 3

hyacinth mass after the absorption of Water-Diesel Solution

Based on the graph, Replicate 1 of the chopped water hyacinth was able to gain 131.6

grams. Replicate 2 on the other hand gained 130 grams. Lastly, Replicate 3 gained 131.7 grams.

The average mass of the absorption of the water hyacinth fiber after being submerged in 600

grams water-diesel solution is 131.1 grams or 21.85%.

100 1.4 Pure
91.9 93 90.6








1 2 3

Based on the graph, Replicate 1 of the chopped water hyacinth was able to gain

91.9 grams. Replicate 2 on the other hand gained 93.1 grams. Lastly, Replicate 3 gained 90.6
grams. The average mass of the absorption of the water hyacinth fiber after being submerged in

600 grams water-diesel solution is 91.87 grams or 91.87%.

  Constants Diesel
Mean 20.3 63.87777778
Variance 0 6.786944444
Observations 9 9
Pooled Variance 3.393472222  
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0  
Df 16
t Stat -50.18214113
P(T<=t) one-tail 2.48576E-19
t Critical one-tail 1.745883676
P(T<=t) two-tail 4.97151E-19
t Critical two-tail 2.119905299  

2. Is there a significant difference in the water hyacinth mass after absorption of

water-oil, pure oil, water-diesel and pure diesel solution?

Table 1. Results using T-test Assuming Equal Variances for Constants and Diesel

The alpha tested was 0.05 level of significance on a two-tailed t-test. The p-value resulted

to be 4.91x10-8 which was lower than the 0.05 level of significance. This meant that the null

hypothesis stating that there is no significant difference in using water hyacinth fiber as oil

absorbent for used diesel and used cooking oil was rejected. There was a significant difference in

the weight of the water hyacinth before and after submersion in water-diesel solution.
Table 2. Results using T-test Assuming Equal Variances for Constants and Cooking oil

  Constants Cooking Oil

Mean 20.3 57.4
Variance 0 6.8025
Observations 9 9
Pooled Variance 3.40125  
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0  
Df 16
t Stat -42.67375791
P(T<=t) one-tail 3.26399E-18
t Critical one-tail 1.745883676
P(T<=t) two-tail 6.52799E-18
t Critical two-tail 2.119905299  

The alpha tested was 0.05 level of significance on a two-tailed t-test. The p-value resulted

to be 6.5x10-18 which was lower than the 0.05 level of significance. This meant that the null

hypothesis stating that there is no significant difference in using water hyacinth fiber as oil

absorbent for used diesel and used cooking oil was rejected. There was a significant difference in

the weight of the water hyacinth before and after submersion in water-cooking oil solution.

Table 3. Results using T-test Assuming Equal Variances for Diesel and Cooking oil

  Diesel Cooking Oil

Mean 63.87777778 57.4
Variance 6.786944444 6.8025
Observations 9 9
Pooled Variance 6.794722222  
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0  
Df 16
t Stat 5.271648547
P(T<=t) one-tail 3.79953E-05
t Critical one-tail 1.745883676
P(T<=t) two-tail 7.59905E-05
t Critical two-tail 2.119905299  

The alpha tested was 0.05 level of significance on a two-tailed t-test. The p-value resulted

to be 7.5x10-5 which was lower than the 0.05 level of significance. This meant that the null

hypothesis stating that there is no significant difference in the absorption of water hyacinth

(Eichhornia crassipes) fiber of used diesel and used cooking oil was rejected. There was a

significant difference in the weight of the water hyacinth before and after submersion in water-

diesel and water-cooking oil solution.

Table 4. Results using T-test Assuming Equal Variances for Constants and Diesel

  Constants Diesel
Mean 20.3 50.91111
Variance 0 80.08111
Observations 9 9
Pooled Variance 40.04056  
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0  
Df 16
t Stat -10.2621
P(T<=t) one-tail 9.57E-09
t Critical one-tail 1.745884
P(T<=t) two-tail 1.91E-08
t Critical two-tail 2.119905  
The alpha tested was 0.05 level of significance on a two-tailed t-test. The p-value resulted

to be 1.9x10-8 which was lower than the 0.05 level of significance. This meant that the null

hypothesis stating that there is no significant difference in using water hyacinth fiber as oil

absorbent for used diesel and used cooking oil was rejected. There was a significant difference in

the weight of the water hyacinth before and after submersion in pure used diesel solution.

Table 5. Results using T-test Assuming Equal Variances for Constants and Cooking oil

  Constants Cooking Oil

Mean 20.3 47.88889
Variance 0 63.12611
Observations 9 9
Pooled Variance 31.56306  
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0  
Df 16
t Stat -10.4172
P(T<=t) one-tail 7.75E-09
t Critical one-tail 1.745884
P(T<=t) two-tail 1.55E-08
t Critical two-tail 2.119905  
The alpha tested was 0.05 level of significance on a two-tailed t-test. The p-value resulted

to be 1.5x10-8 which was lower than the 0.05 level of significance. This meant that the null

hypothesis stating that there is no significant difference in using water hyacinth fiber as oil

absorbent for used diesel and used cooking oil was rejected. There was a significant difference in

the weight of the water hyacinth before and after submersion in pure used cooking oil solution.

Table 6. Results using T-test Assuming Equal Variances for Diesel and Cooking oil

  Diesel Cooking Oil

Mean 50.91111 47.88889
Variance 80.08111 63.12611
Observations 9 9
Pooled Variance 71.60361  
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0  
Df 16
t Stat 0.757644
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.229839
t Critical one-tail 1.745884
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.459678
t Critical two-tail 2.119905  
The alpha tested was 0.05 level of significance on a two-tailed t-test. The p-value resulted

to be 0.4 which was higher than the 0.05 level of significance. This meant that the null hypothesis

stating that there is no significant difference in the absorption of water hyacinth (Eichhornia

crassipes) fiber of used diesel and used cooking oil was accepted. There was no significant

difference in the weight of the water hyacinth in pure used diesel and used cooking oil solution.

3. Which form of oil is more absorbed by the water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) fiber?

Table 1. The Percent Absorption of Water Hyacinth Fiber in 4 Set-ups

Set-Up Percent Absorption Rank

Water – Oil 18.55% 4
Pure Oil 82.7% 2
Water – Diesel 21.85% 3
Pure Diesel 91.87% 1

The table shows that water hyacinth fiber absorbed most of the Pure diesel with percent

absorption of 91.87% and least absorbed the water oil solution with percent absorption of

Chapter 4



The average mass of the absorption of the water hyacinth fiber after being submerged in

600 grams water-oil solution is 111.3 grams or 18.55% while the average mass of the absorption

of the water hyacinth fiber after being submerged in 100 grams pure oil solution is 82.7 grams or

82.7%. The average mass of the absorption of the water hyacinth fiber after being submerged in

600 grams water-diesel solution is 131.1 grams or 21.85% while the average mass of the

absorption of the water hyacinth fiber after being submerged in 600 grams water-diesel solution

is 91.87 grams or 91.87%.

First, the researchers used T-test assuming equal variances and obtained a lower p-value

from the constant-diesel and constant-cooking oil variables with 4.9x10 -19 and 6.5x10-18

respectively. Tables 4 and 5 with p-values 1.9x10-8 and 1.5x10-8 was lower than the alpha tested

at 0.05 level of significance for the pure used diesel and used cooking oil solution. This meant

that tables 1 and 2 for the water-diesel and water-cooking oil solution findings and tables 4 and 5

for the pure used diesel and used cooking oil solution rejected null hypothesis 1 stating that there

is no significant difference in using water hyacinth fiber as oil absorbent material for diesel and

cooking oil.

Secondly, Table 3 showed that the p-value 7.5x10-5 with the use of variables water-

diesel and water-cooking oil solution was lower than the 0.05 level of significance. This meant

that null hypothesis 2 was rejected implying that there was a significant difference in the

absorption of water hyacinth fiber of used diesel and used cooking oil. Table 6 had a p-value of
0.4 which was above the 0.05 level of significance that meant the null hypothesis was accepted.

It implied that there was no significant difference in the absorption of water hyacinth

(Eichhornia crassipes) fiber of used diesel and used cooking oil upon using the variables pure

used diesel and used cooking oil solution.


Therefore, the researchers concluded that the water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)

fiber can be used as a potential oil absorbent material after being tested on 2 kinds of solutions:

water-oil and pure oil solutions. Additionally, the chopped water hyacinth fiber showed better

results in absorbing pure oil from the water-oil solutions.


The researchers recommend the use of a more thorough, scientific process in conducting

the experiment. If possible, future researchers are encouraged to consult local government that

specialize in scientific method and analysis such as the Department of Science and Technology

(DOST). This is to ensure that there will be less, if not totally deprived of, intervening variables

for a more accurate and reliable findings.


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