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Can be created by Animate Dead spell undead Type Requiremerts Requires intact head or sl fo 2 coporeal creme, aswel as 2 onyx gemstones wert 100, Beneaded “gp. Cretor must als cast Ar Walk or Fy Beeting Faning Grabbing sereaming ‘arming Base creature mustbe a corporeal vermin wth an Bioskeleton “sosieleton Requires a corpse, an amount fice that weighs ‘Such asthe Corpse. and 2 blue topar or frosten ‘srquos tat cot at east 100 gp exch Variants Yes (se below) variare Requirements Miriam Requred caster Level Counts ae +1 HO Counts ae +1 HO Covntsae + Ho Covntsae + HO Counts a5 #2 HD eta HDerbeng Beheaded, STHO fom seaming cuastytsel) Ackstional Notes undead Type E Necoerat ‘Sialeton Requiremerts Requires the head ofa Small or Medium sized creme thathas at least eye tact. Caster must ‘sp cast Carausience/Ciarvvance or Lote Objet and Ar Vs, Fy. Leva, or Wind Wa Crestor must use a minimum of5 undead rogues (other corpses), and somehow physealy tach the ereatre's parts together ‘lung, sewing, et) The crestor mustthen ‘ast vale hole and Anmate Dead The materiel amponent cosTettne Primate Dead spells S09 er HD ofthe tral Necroerat. Base creature musthave a corporeal body wth 2 ‘eleal suctre Bloody uring Miohiog Base creature requres a corporeal body Fas Plague Sunbatad variare Variants Requirements No butte crestire crested ‘ery customzable. The lager tne Necocratthe more cusiamzatons ean have Yes (see below) Yes (se below) Crestor must alsa cast Hass or Ramoe Paras Crestor must also ‘cast comagion Corpse must be let outin the ‘un br T2 hours, and sakes Requred caster Level counts 35 double HD counts a5 double HD Counts 35 oxble HD AckStional Notes Doss nt tonaratne HD contre tot samt Miriam undead Vaart Reaured Addtional Type Requirements Variants Requiemerts Caster Level" Notes each hur. Atematively. ght “hat caurts as sunaghtcan be prowdes bya spel. cambmed wth Osseo ‘Younus east Animate Dead (onthe corpse atthe endof the process when dec sunlghts onthe comse. Crestor mist eeate an OilofanimeteDendintend teasing’ spell. Requies ahebless (owing) {argetto ingest he 0 of dma Dead. lowed by the peronmance of 26 hourlong ual that east This creature has 00D gol the end ofthe rua he target es “he ese “hen okass Wil sae. Metres uceeeds 3 DR Perna nenbie ‘O20 Wil save, the tage ses 353 vere uty Can be created by Create Undead spell rim Undeas Variant Requred ype Requirements Variants Requremerts caste Level ‘Aesitiona Notes Conse mustbe ofa humanoid Crestor must ie ie be able te cast Crushing ‘isperer Despair and Fear Corpse musthave been ded byan area-tetect [Fre] spel or ete, and Bas ust have ed wit he Sis "ast 2¢hours cus Yes (se below) cus Type Bone Priest cenanima ng Ting Requremerts ‘cid Shadow Freezing Shacon Lhtning Shadow Reuires a heap ofbones compased ofa easttivee ‘Medium or Large animals. ‘Soler seletons canbe used, but you must double ‘he mau nanber of “Beletne Requires the severed hand ‘fa Medum zea (or ‘Sal humanois Giant Crawing Hand Crestor mst also east eleort variare asia Requiremerts Austhave been led by an ‘dea-otetec Pei] spelior ‘fect he Zed uns ‘Most have been led by Supematural old, be the Kd retedby conal Wieser an Musthave been led by 20 [Bectity| pet or eft ee Somat Vengeance ortsiUghiring = CLI Yes (se below) Requires hand fora Large {ortarger humanoid ‘resort asa cast Bvage Person cus Required caster Level ‘Acitonal Notes cn cn cus i ‘ener Requremerts Corpse mustbe decaptated Creators also cast Contagion, ore conse musthav been ied bya smog disease efec. Necot Sis. Corpse must be wearing Heavy Amor Hotow Helm Giant Phantom Amor Phantom Lanoer Armor asia Yes (see below) Compse must be wearing Heavy Amor Compse must be wearing Heavy Amor Corpse must be wearing heavyarmor. and 3 eresure variare Requiremerts cus cue Nirman Required caster Level ‘Acitonal Notes cu cm cu cu The fal sat ofamoris anumated andthe corpse (Seeaies othe amor upon cau ‘oesion Onyhelmetis ‘somated and ihe cose dizsohe® to ‘he amor upon The fal stot ‘inated and ‘he conse dizsoher to ‘he amor upon The fal stot "pmerand Type E variare asia Requiremerts abe tobe a mount must be weaiing baring Requremerts Corpse mustbe ofa Clete tt ‘he copse isnot ofa Clee ‘wih an Ea alge you most suoeed 9 DC 0 caster level heck . Crestor mst alsa cast Enero. orb able to infer negatvelevelsin some heresy . : Yes (6e2 below) crestor musthave the Some Sool eat” Cost, te adi a spalto amar 's dependant ies the lesser or greater version, 25 ‘he Spelsabed Mumens casterlavel &the apploale Spetscived Mummy spels varybeiween the tw. Pequtes 3 complete adult ‘lephant selon . Nirman Required caster Level baring are snmated and the cases of ‘he nder and mount disse Into the armor pon creation cunt cunt cue cus cue ‘Acitonal Notes Yournsthave 3 caster level ‘gfenterthan the HO ofthe Undead youre ceaing Nirman desc Variant Reauired Type Requremerts asia Requiemerts Caster Level Ackticnal Notes Crestor mst also cast Ehervation Be able to ‘Skeletal infeenegaivelevesin some jon her nay : cunt ‘Theze eestion rules are implied: While a Skeletal age ‘snot stated anywhere tobe created by the Create Undead spellitis stated nits deserpton that Skeletal Mages Crestor mst alsa ‘nd Skeletal Champions are cast Enero. orbe able to ‘created through the same infcenegaive Teel n sre process Use ts ereature st heresy - cunt your own disereton. ‘These are the est ofereing "Soma skeleton vt of Combat Trained heavy hose ig ie A ig i so cue I ATicloshe usually stops ‘blowing ts masters orders ater competing task natner Garza Undead heck iSrequredto regan command ‘Conta over CLS says ‘Tolshe : : retin cota Corpse must have ded “The Tuyewera is only loyalto’s shin 3 days ofereaton, ‘ear uhle they wear «small ‘corpse must prepared by pouch that contans a sal removing tstongue and fandt afte ashe crested Twenera —‘Severng ts legs atthe - CL1s famine Tuyerers tongue and Type Requremerts ees. The tongue and legs ‘mustthen be coated in Spesal medicines, then Blmede aznes porto casing the spel. Crestor mst also whe ast eration isihwing Requires a Sts cose Crestor mst alsa cast Ehervation Be able to variare asia Requiremerts Nirman Required caster Level cus cunt cunt Ackticnal Notes legs ine pouch everlost, “he Tuyewera becomes Uuncorroled.ATuyeuera can "ie wthowt helms and tongue being bured, but il ‘be uncoated. angie cretue eer sees tongue of Tegs. twit atack t's creator. the Tuyeners ever seesthe ashes offs omer body pans. & Uilotanlytum on ret bul all uneringly seek out thatlocaten anyanere nthe ‘wold Gsthe Locse reat spl, but wn range Ti) and ate o kl them, Preerabiyin et sleep ‘Thezeeeation ules are implied. While a Zombie Lordz ot stated anywheretobe created by the Create Undead spell izstatedin multiple places that Zombie Lodz are equivalent to Skeletal Campion: and are created through the same proces Use This ereaureatyour own ‘discretion, Can be created by Create Greater Undead B Banshee E Bonestom Devourer Beamer Numeites reste Requiemerts Crestor must alee cast heanty Requires the ompse ofa female lf.reator ris aso oat Pear and iu ofthe Banshee Must be rested on an Ed-agned Outer Pane (Gosh a Het 20badon ort Ayes Crestor mustbe a Ceri, Sorosrr, of Wear FRequred 16H worh ofunanimstedcorses tehin a 100 fot aus ofthe crestor. These corpses maybe separated fom the rater by ath or wale Requires a corps tobe embalmed. wth ts ‘organs (as Fomite bran) removed and replaces ath special etbs apd fowers.andits Slentested wih special as. The brain must be Injeced wth chercals and tattooed wah herogiphs. Body must hen be wrappedin ‘Speaally prepared inens marked wth empouerng herghphs.Ater this prooess, rene Cremer Undead is cast onthe prepared Variants Mirman Required variare “Caster Requiremerts Level AckStional Notes cus cuz cuz ‘Aer comping atash fr ts ‘remo teve fea 10% chanoe the Bonet breaks ‘fee toms controler “érater Cons Undead checks resuredto cu Tegan command cuz cuz Required Undead Vaart “Caster ype Requirements Variants Rechiremerts evel Action Notes Yes see shaton Below) retor must ‘iso cas Shadow Greater Shadow cue specke cue “otenmaske Ceetormustbe a Clerc cue Wehiee Requires the comse ofa Hag cue ‘wih cue Atypical Creations Undead Caster Level Type Reauiremeres Reauiremert Aekitiona Notes cherie Ales can create these ferent kinds of barue 8 Levels of chemist ‘ombies 353 ascovery Because a copsetechrically cout as an bec you can make verypowerdimisons (rach srongee {han norma skeen o Forbes) ts oot count towards youre HD ofundesd you an cana at Creator must east Primate Objects and Pemmaneney (or “re consiered Consuls natead of Undead an imated have the Cat Constus #2, ypu wish scualynwest hat are not susceptible to Negative or Postive ‘Soet ‘cansbus estan) ene Od ofsteat th evel must wig give te spit vert undeath in aul that rus oor atthe heat of Sahrae___Sharea ofnecomantcay empowered standing anes, CL (nds) Undead Type ‘Wasis ‘iastte Requirements Canna be crested, but canbe surenaned. Summoning sual request ceaton of2 "Canope Stone (crating 13 Canopie Sone requires a CLof 2 te abltyto cat ‘rents Undead and age, 14400 gol, andthe Cot ‘Wondereu: tem et) Made using Void Sticks. (Crating 2 Voidstick requires (Lots te abatyio casi Animate Dead and Deseeste 5 ranksin Frowledge (eon), 1720 gol, andthe cad, ‘Wnderour tern et) Caster Level Requremert CL 12 nda) Ls @inds) kitonal Notes Upon the canopi stone's ereaon he Vikas ‘is nounder the oreo contal ofthe sreter Whoever holds the canope stone i spy spared forthe taste murderous rampage

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