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1 Center beam adjustment

After the generator has been mounted to the system and is placed into operation, the center beam
needs to be adjusted, before the collimator is installed.

1.1.1 Required tools for center beam adjustment

In order to perform this adjustment, a center beam test device is required (91116).
Aditionally a pre collimator should be used for radiation protection during adjustment.(65699)

Fig. 1-1 Center beam test device and pre collimator -1
17. April 2012, 12:08 DRAFT
1.1.2 Setup for center beam adjustment

In order to do the center beam adjustment, the center beam test device has to be put on the gen-
erators output window. Insert the pre collimator first, in order to provide radiation protection (beam
will be limited)

Fig. 1-2 Setup for center beam adjustment

Horizontal and vertical image reversal (mirroring) and Image rotation must be inac-
tive in order to provide a correct readout of the image on the screen.

1.1.3 Procedure of center beam adjustment

Center beam adjustment is done in two steps:

• First: find the correct position of the center beam test device

• Second: adjust the generator position to get the image of the center beam test device into the
center of the screen

17. April 2012, 12:08 DRAFT Correct position of the center beam test device.

By shifting the position of the center beam test device, a concentric shape of the center beam test
device has to appear on the screen. This concentric shape may appear uncentered to the screen.

Center beam adjustment is done while screening.
Take care for radiation protection.

Fig. 1-3 Shifting the center beam test device

wrong correct
Fig. 1-4 wrong and correct position of the center beam test device -3
17. April 2012, 12:08 DRAFT Adjusting the generator position

The generator position can be adjusted in two directions:

− by the camshaft in order to shift the image of the center beam test device left and right
− by the generator attachment in order to shift the image of the center beam test device up
and down. Adjusting camshaft

Fig. 1-5 elements for adjusting the camshaft

In order to adjust the camshaft, the countering nut has to be loose.

By adjusting the generator camshaft, the concentric shape has to be centered to the image.
Only a left to right centering is possible by this adjustment.
Fix the coutering nut tightly after the adjustment is done (46Nm). Use two 17mm ring wrenches,
one for tightening the countering nut and one for keeping the adjustment in position.

17. April 2012, 12:08 DRAFT
Center beam adjustment is done while screening.
Take care for radiation protection.

Fig. 1-6 Adjusting generator camshaft

Fig. 1-7 Effect of camshaft adjustment -5
17. April 2012, 12:08 DRAFT Adjusting Generator attachment

If there is a top down deviation, this is adjusted by turning the generator attachment.
In order to to this, the fixation bolts have to be losened. (8mm allen key required)
Then the generator can be adjusted in a small range.
Fix the bolts tightly when the correct position is found (46Nm) .

Center beam adjustment is done while screening.
Take care for radiation protection.

fixation bolts

Fig. 1-8 Adjusting generator attachment

In the image above generator is removed in order to make the attachment visible.
For adjustment, the generator is not removed.

Fig. 1-9 Effect of generator attachment adjustment

Center beam adjustment is finished if the concentric shape appears centered to the screen.

17. April 2012, 12:08 DRAFT

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