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In my own understanding, Meyer- Briggs is a kind of theory that identify your personality type. All
human beings enjoy categorizing things between things and concepts that might seem unrelated. The
Myers-Briggs theory is a test that has gained much popularity as a deeply insightful and accurate profile
of characteristics within a person. This is created by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Katherine
Briggs. There are Sixteen (16) Myers-Briggs Personality test that is based on Carl Jung’s psychological
types, in which you can put four (4) letters together to get your personality code. For instance, the first
letter is I and E that stands for INTROVERT and EXTROVERT. The first acronym is concerned with your
energy's flow. The different between the introvert is that they are shy or reserved. They most likely want
or need to be alone to recharge but it is how they derive energy from inner world. Extroverts, on the
other hand, they are energetic by interaction with people. This are some examples of Myers-Briggs that
so much more to shows your personality relates on other 16 personality types.

2. True colors by Birkman

There are many people doing different activities in their own lifestyle that they come in all shapes, sizes
and personalities. In my own opinion, there are certain ways to comprehend people's personal strengths
and needs, including your own, and gain insight into how to reach your full potential. The Birkman’s
Color is a personality analysis to describe your individual personality type, and they are measured by
four benchmarks: Usual behavior, Interest, Needs and Stress Behavior. Each of the four colors; red, blue,
green, and yellow, denotes significant characteristics that may influence your interests and behaviors.
Birkman method help you better understand yourself and develop your communication, performance
and decision-making skills.

3. Keirsey Temperament

The model of Four Temperaments is created by Dr. David Keirsey, Individual temperament is a
combination of your personality traits such as patterns of communication habits, values, talents and
personal needs. According to the Keisey there are four (4) types of temperaments, the Artisan,
Guardian, Idealist and Rational. Artisan is described as optimistic, playful, artistic action and they usually
find themselves in areas of social service. The Guardian is described as humble, dependable, Reliable,
cautious and dutiful. The key word to described Idealist are imaginative, passionate, kind-hearted
romantic and empathetic. While on the other hand, Rational is described as innovative, independent,
calm and logical.

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