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Part 1. For questions 1-6, listen to a talk about drugs and decide whether these
statements are True (T), False (F) or Not Given (NG). Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided.
1. A report of the UN Office reveals that new drugs are replacing the traditional ones.
2. Cannabinoids produce stronger response than marijuana.
3. Between 2010 and 2012 seizures of older synthetic amphetamine increased
4. Heroin addiction in Europe is diminishing thanks to a series of crackdowns
implemented by European governments.
5. Cocaine has been sold with higher quality.
6. Ketamine is mainly used in surgical procedures for animals.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Part 2. For questions 7-12, listen to a talk about the smart grid and answer the
questions. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the recording for
each answer in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
7. What happened throughout the northeastern United States and parts of Canada in
8. Which TWO adjectives does the speaker use to describe the current power grid
9. What does the local power plant has to do to power light?
10. What are the parties involved in the two-way communication that smart grid allows
11. What does the speaker call the electric power industry?
12. What does the speaker liken the convenience brought about by smart grid to?

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Part 3. For questions 13-17, listen to a discussion in which two people, Derek Grant
and Lucy Wadham, talk about the current state of mass tourism and choose the answer
(A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided.

13. From the figures quoted by Lucy, it can be concluded that

A most of the revenue generated from safari packages goes to the airline.
B mass tourism inevitably leads to poverty.
C hotels in developing countries do not have high standards.
D there aren't sufficient local products to cater for tourists.

14. What does Derek say about governments whose countries are tourist destinations?
A They are constantly trying to increase their profit margins.
B They ignore the negative impacts of mass tourism.
C They have very limited bargaining power.
D They are unfamiliar with aspects of modern business methods.

15. Derek's example of excessive water consumption caused by mass tourism shows how
A ineffective the laws are in developing countries.
B local food production can be adversely affected by it.
C difficult it is to find sources of pure water.
D valuable a resource water has become in recent years.

16. Lucy says that when a resort loses its appeal,

A the locals are left to fend for themselves.
B money has to be spent on a new infrastructure.
C the cost of package holidays falls considerably.
D it becomes vulnerable to natural disasters.

17. According to Derek, tourism

A does more harm than good in the long run.
B is too big an industry to be tampered with.
C is largely responsible for global inequality.
D promotes cultural sensitivity most of the time.
Your answers
13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
Part 4. For questions 18-25, listen to a report on new medical findings and supply the blanks
with the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the
recording for each answer in the space provided.
Preliminary findings from the UK showed that dexamethasone, a 18.________________,
could be lifesaving for COVID-19 patients on ventilators.

Kirsten Lyke, who runs a coronavirus vaccine trial at the University of Maryland, believes that
there are certain issues that need to be 19.________________.

As the press release only gives the brief results, she is waiting for more in-depth information from
the 20._______________. Also, it needs seven years to ascertain the
patients get positive results as hasty release and unreliable intervention might

In general, Lyke is 22.________________ about the outcome of the trial.

Doctors got into trouble with 23.________________ such as hydroxychloroquine and

azithromycin, but Lyke believes this is not the case for dexamethasone, which doctors are
familiar with.

People are becoming 24.________________ with the government’s inconsistent

guidelines on mandatory mask wearing.

America's 25.________________ is an Achilles' Heel when it comes to saving lives in a


Choose the word or phrase from A, B, C or D that fits each blank.

1.I’m afraid Jennifer’s very ______ She believes everything she’s told.
A. gullible B. trustworthy C. credible D. honest
2.In the hands of a reckless driver, a car becomes a _____ weapon.
A. lethal B. fatal C. mortal D. venal
3. I slept badly last night and am feeling particularly ______ this morning.
A. slow-witted B. far-reaching C. off-hand D. top-heavy
4.Radio and television make it possible for the news to be widely______ .
A. disseminated B. dislocated C. dismantled D. expressed
5. You can’t bury your head ______ and hope that this problem goes away, you know.
A. in the mud B. in the pool C. in the sand D. in the water
6.Unanswered, the demands for nuclear deterrents have _______ fears of civil war.
A. flashed up B. prognosticated C. sidetracked D. stoked up
7.This evidence should prove ______ that he was telling the truth
A.once and for all B.from time to time C.over and above and then
8.A new computer has been produced, which will ______ all previous models
A.overdo B.supersede C.excel D.overwhelm
9. My cousin was nervous about being interviewed on television, but she rose to the _____ wonderfully.
A. event B. performance C. incident D. occasion
10. My decision to drop out of university after a year is one I now _____ regret.
A. painfully B. harshly C. heavily D. keenly
Choose the most suitable options to complete each sentence
1. Both the favourite and then the second favourite pulled out. Naturally, we thought we were ______ a
A in with B up for C in for D up with
2. His company went bankrupt, three years of hard work ______ the drain.
A. into B. in C. down D. low
3. Don’t quote me. What I am about to say is ______ the record.
A. on B. off C. without D. above
4.I was so tired that I just ______ in the armchair
A.flaked out B.broke up C.dropped out D.fell over
5.The subject of sex equality seem to ______ in every discussion lesson in my school
A.burst out in C.crop up D.harp on
6.Our teacher tendsto ______ certain subjects which she finds difficult to talk about
A.boil down B.string along C. skate over D.track down
7.It’s a good idea to ______ people before taking them into your confidence
A.tumble to B.root out on D.size up
8.Some people can just ______ a cold,but my colds seem to linger for weeks
A.shrug off B.cough up C.pull through D.stamp out
9.The man in the market was selling leather coats very cheaply: they were such bargainsthat were soon
______ .
A.cleared off B.done for C.bought out D. snapped up
10.I couldn’t remember where I had left my car , when it suddenly ______ me that I didn’t have a car any
A.dawned on B.ran into C.went through D.tumbled to

Choose the answer which best complete each sentence

1. It’s great here. Have had ______ ever since we arrived. We’re having a wonderful time.
A. broken sunshine B. unbroken sunshine
C. unbroken light D. unbroken clouds
2. Palair Airlines offers excellent ______ entertainment, with the latest movies and music.
A. on-flight B. during-flight C. in-flight D. over-flight
3. The cottage is in some wonderful ______ countryside on the edge of a dense forest.
A. far B. unspoiled C. great D. spoilt
4. As students, David, Kevin and William were as thick as ______ .
A. thieves B. boy scouts C. a team D. thistles
5. Whenever I feel embarrassed I always go as red as ______ .
A. a rose B. lipstick C. a raspberry D. a beetroot
6. He might look kind and sympathetic, but deep down he’s as hard as ______ .
A. nails B. a mountain C. a gangster D. an iceberg
7. Nagging Susan to stop smoking has no effect on her. It’s like water off ______ .
A. a windmill B. a duck’s back C. a dripping tap D. an umbrella
8. My father ______ when he found out that I’d damaged the car.
A. hit the roof B. saw pink elephants
C. made my blood boil D. brought the house down.
9.My mother ______ for an anvironmental group. She helps raise money to protect wildlife
A. indentifies B. encourages C. shares D. volunteers
10.At the 1952 Olympics, speed skaters who had taken amphetamines became ______ ill.
A grimly B. gravely C. solemnly D. rigorously


Passage 1: Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or answer the
question. (5 pts)
Life originated in the early seas less than a billion years after Earth was formed.
  Yet another three billion years were to pass before the first plants and animals appeared
 on the continents. Life's transition from the sea to the land was perhaps as much of an evolutionary
challenge as was the genesis of life.
What forms of life were able to make such a drastic change in lifestyle ? The traditional view of
the first terrestrial organisms is based on megafossils ― relatively large specimens of essentially whole
plants and animals. Vascular plants, related to  modern seed plants and ferns, left the first comprehensive
megafossil record. Because of this, it has been commonly assumed that the sequence of terrestrialization
reflected  the evolution of modern terrestrial ecosystems. In this view, primitive vascular plants first
colonized the margins of continental waters, followed by animals that fed on the plants, and lastly by
animals that preyed on the plant-eaters. Moreover, the megafossils suggest that terrestrial life appeared
and diversified explosively near the boundary between the Silurian and the Devonian periods, a little
more than 400 million years ago. Recently, however, paleontologists have been taking a closer look at the
sediments below this Silurian-Devonian geological boundary. It turns out that some fossils can
be  extracted from these sediments by putting the rocks in an acid bath.The technique has  uncovered
new evidence from sediments that were deposited near the shores of the ancient oceans ― plant
microfossils and microscopic pieces of small animals. In many instances, the specimens are less than
one-tenth of a millimeter in diameter. Although they were entombed in the rocks for hundreds of
millions of years, many of the fossils consist of the organic remains of the organism.
             These newly discovered fossils have not only revealed the existence of previously
unknown organisms, but have also pushed back these dates for the invasion of land by multicellular
organisms. Our views about the nature of the early plant and animal communities are now being revised.
And with those revisions come new speculations about the first terrestrial life-forms.

1. The word “drastic” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.

A. widespread B. radical C. progressive D. risky
2. According to the theory that the author calls “the traditional view,” what was the first form of life to
appear on land?
A. Bacteria B. Meat-eating animals
C. Plant-eating animals D. Vascular plants                      
3. According to the passage, what happened about 400 million years ago?
A. Many terrestrial life-forms died out
B. New life-forms on land developed at a rapid rate.
C. The megafossils were destroyed by floods.
D. Life began to develop in the ancient seas.
4. The word “extracted” in line 16 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. located B. preserved C. removed D. studied
5. What can be inferred from the passage about the fossils mentioned in lines 17-20 ?
A. They have not been helpful in understanding the evolution of terrestrial life.
B. They were found in approximately the same numbers as vascular plant fossils.
C. They are older than the megafossils.
D. They consist of modern life-forms.          
6. The word “instances” in line 21 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. methods B. processes C. cases D. reasons
7. The word “they” in line 19 refers to ______.
A. rocks B. shores C. oceans D. specimens
8. The word “entombed” in lime 19 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. crushed B. trapped C. produced D. excavated
9. Which of the following resulted from the discovery of microscopic fossils?
A. The time estimate for the first appearance of terrestrial life-forms was revised.
B. Old techniques for analyzing fossils were found to have new uses.
C. The origins of primitive sea life were explained.
D. Assumptions about the locations of ancient seas were changed.
10. With which of the following conclusions would the author probably agree?
A. The evolution of terrestrial life was as complicated as the origin of life itself.
B. The discovery of microfossils supports the traditional view of how terrestrial life evolved.
C. New species have appeared at the same rate over the course of the last 400 million years.
D. The technology used by paleontologists is too primitive to make accurate determinations about
ages of fossils.

Passage 2: Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or answer the
question. (5 pts)
Animation traditionally is done by hand-drawing or painting successive frames of an object, each
slightly different than the preceding frame. In computer animation, although the computer may be the one
to draw the different frames, in most cases the artist will draw the beginning and ending frames and the
computer will produce the drawings between the first and the last drawing. This is generally referred to as
computer-assisted animation, because the computer is more of a helper than an originator.
In full computer animation, complex mathematical formulas are used to produce the final sequence of
pictures. These formulas operate on extensive databases of numbers that define the objects in the pictures
as they exist in mathematical space. The database consists of endpoints, and color and intensity
information. Highly trained professionals are needed to produce such effects because animation that
obtains high degrees of realism involves computer techniques for three-dimensional transformation,
shading, and curvatures.
High-tech computer animation for film involves very expensive computer systems along with special
color terminals or frame buffers. The frame buffer is nothing more than a giant image memory for
viewing a single frame. It temporarily holds the image for display on the screen.
A camera can be used to film directly from the computer's display screen, but for the highest quality
images possible, expensive film recorders are used. The computer computes the positions and colors for
the figures in the picture, and sends this information to the recorder, which captures it on film.
Sometimes, however, the images are stored on a large magnetic disk before being sent to the recorder.
Once this process is completed, it is repeated for the next frame. When the entire sequence has been
recorded on the film, the film must be developed before the animation can be viewed. If the entire
sequence does not seem right, the motions must be corrected, recomputed, redisplayed, and rerecorded.
This approach can be very expensive and time consuming. Often, computer-animation companies first do
motion tests with simple computer-generated line drawings before selling their computers to the task of
calculating the high-resolution, realistic-looking images.
1. What aspect of computer animation does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The production process B. The equipment needed
C. The high cost D. The role of the artist
2. According to the passage, in computer-assisted animation the role of the computer is to draw the____.
A. first frame B. middle frames
C. last frame D. entire sequence of frames
3. The word "they" in the second paragraph refers to____.
A. formulas B. databases C. numbers D. objects
4. According to the passage, the frame buffers mentioned in the third paragraph are used to____.
A. add color to the images B. expose several frames at the same time
C. store individual images D. create new frames
5. According to the passage, the positions and colours of the figures in high-tech animation are
determined by____.
A. drawing several versions B. enlarging one frame at a lime
C. analyzing the sequence from different angles D. using computer calculations
6. The word "captures" in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to____.
A. separates B. registers C. describes D. numbers
7. The word "Once" in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to____.
A. before B. since C. after D. while
8. According to the passage, how do computer-animation companies often test motion?
A. They experiment with computer-generated line drawings.
B. They hand-draw successive frames.
C. They calculate high-resolution images.
D. They develop extensive mathematical formulas.
9. The word "task" in the 4th paragraph is closest in meaning to____.
A. possibility B. position C. time D. job
10. Which of the following statements is supported by the passage?
A. Computers have reduced the costs of animation.
B. In the future, traditional artists will no longer be needed.
C. Artists are unable to produce drawings as high in quality as computer drawings.
D. Animation involves a wide range of technical and artistic skills.

Part 2: Read the following text, then the missing paragraphs. Choose from paragraphs A-H the one
which fits each gap (56-62). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.
Lang Lang, the virtuoso Chinese pianist
I. When Lang Lang was nine, his father told him to kill himself. Four years before, his father had decided
that his only son should become the No 1 classical pianist in China. He gave up his job as a policeman
and took his son to live in Beijing, leaving Lang Lang’s mother behind, planning to get the child into the
prestigious Central Conservatory of Music.
II. Unbelievably, when Lang Lang's father heard the news, he demanded that the boy take his own life.
'It's really hard to talk about. My father went totally nuts,' says Lang Lang quietly. 'He said: "You
shouldn’t live any more - everything is destroyed."' The father handed his son a bottle saying, 'Take these
pills!' When Lang Lang ran out on to the balcony to get away from him, his father screamed: 'Then jump
off and die.'
III. Now twenty-eight, Lang Lang has surpassed his father's ambition. The musician's recitals and
concerts sell out in every major city in the world and he is the first Chinese pianist to be engaged by the
Vienna and Berlin philharmonic orchestras. The pianist is now based in New York and lives a rock-star
lifestyle, but he began his career in a Beijing slum under a super-strict regime of practice overseen by his
unforgiving father, Lang Cuoren.
IV. Lang Lang's parents are from Shenyang, an industrial city northeast of Beijing. They married at the
end of the Cultural Revolution. Lang Lang says: 'People were starting to connect with the West, and the
piano was becoming an important instrument. My mother had always wanted to be a musician and my
father played in the air force orchestra before the budget was cut and he had to become a policeman. My
parents bought our piano before I was born - it cost half their annual salary.'
V. Lang Lang explains: 'My father quit his job as a policeman and off we went. My mother didn't come -
she needed to earn money for us.' In Beijing, Lang Lang's father had to be both mother and father. Lang
Lang says: 'He didn't like to cook or do the laundry, because my mum had always done it. We couldn't do
much, because we only had Mum's salary and had to pay for expensive piano lessons once a week, and if
there was a competition, twice a week. It was really hard.' Lang Lang's father does not understand
English, but in the past, he has spoken about the way he pushed his son. He said: 'The way I see it is
pressure always turns into motivation. Lang Lang is well aware that if he fails to be outstanding at playing
the piano, he has nothing.’
VI. Indeed, the musician has always had as much faith in himself as his father has. But it was after
Professor Angry had told Lang Lang some home truths, that the boy’s relationship with his father hit an
all-time low. But they did not return to Shenyang afterwards. 'For three months, I didn't touch the piano,'
says Lang Lang. 'We stayed in Beijing, I don't know why. Probably because having to go home would
have resulted in shame for us.'
VII. So began nineteen months of intensive practice as father and son redoubled their attempts to get
Lang Lang into the conservatory. Finally, when Lang Lang was ten, he was admitted on a full
scholarship. He and his father remained in their slum until he was fifteen, when they left for America to
continue his studies in Philadelphia.
VIII. Does Lang Lang think he would have succeeded without his father? 'Yes, absolutely,' he says
emphatically. 'Over the years I have seen so many different cultures and different ways of bringing up
kids. I believe that no matter how you train your kid, you need to give them love. Sometimes my father
pushed me too much, but he loved me.’
From The Guardian

Missing paragraphs

A. Then one day at school, his fellow students hectored Lang Lang into playing some Mozart. He laughs:
‘They asked me to play, and I said no, I don’t play anymore. Then they just applauded and applauded.
They gave me a score and forced me to play. I started and realized that I actually loved to play the piano.
So I went home and told my father, “Find me another teacher, I’d like to play again.’”
B. The ‘Lang Lang effect’ is credited with inspiring China’s forty million classical piano students and, in
2009, he was listed in Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World. His name, Lang Lang,
has even become a trademark.
C. Lang Lang says: ‘When we came to America, my father could see that the American system was much
more relaxed. At that time he said he still believed in the Chinese way. But as we met different musicians
from different countries, his opinion changed. He is fifty-eight now and his personality has totally
changed, he doesn’t push me anymore. When I turned twenty-two, he let go.’
D. However, his teacher in Beijing, nicknamed Professor Angry by Lang Lang, had other ideas.
‘Professor Angry didn’t like me and she always gave me a hard time,’ he remembers. ‘One afternoon she
said that I had no talent, that I shouldn’t play the piano and I should go home. She basically fired me
before I could even get into the conservatory!’
E. Lang Lang explains: ‘I started lessons when I was three and a half. In the beginning I just played a
little but, when I was five, I played my first recital, and from that point my parents had high hopes for me,
especially my father.’
F. Born during China’s one-child policy, the young musician became his parents’ sole focus. When Lang
Lang was nine, his father and his piano teacher decided that he must leave Shenyang for Beijing, home of
the Central Conservatory of Music. If his father had been strict before, he soon became a lot harder.
G. ‘I got totally crazy, too,’ says Lang Lang. ‘I was beating the wall, trying to prevent myself from being
a pianist by destroying my hands. I hated everything: my father, the piano, myself. And then somehow,
we just stopped.
My father went out or I ran out -I can’t remember, but somehow we stopped. After that I didn’t want to
play piano any more. I said, “OK, fine. Let’s go home.’”
H. Lang Lang disagrees. ‘I think that attitude is wrong because there are a lot of things you can do in the
world,’ he says. ‘When I was nine, I didn’t like my father. I knew he had dedicated his life to me, but I
thought it was too much. I found the pressure unnecessary because I was a workaholic from the very
beginning. I could understand if I was lazy and didn’t care, but I didn’t.
Read through the text (I-VIII) and missing paragraphs (A-H) to answer the following questions

8. Which word captures the idea of high status? (I)

9. Find an example of a euphemism, (II)
10. Find two examples of language used for emphasis, (V)
11. Find an expression which means: an unpleasant fact about a person told to him/her by somebody else,
12. Which expression is normally used in a work rather than an academic situation? (D)

Part 3: Read the following passage and answer questions 68- 80

A. The medical profession is currently under siege as never before with a spate of high profile
malpractice cases. This attack is taking place at a time when the National Health Service
undergoing a “culture change” brought about by a shift in the public’s attitudes to authority, in
general, and, more specifically, by the demystification of medicine. The perception that doctors
are a race apart is finally beginning to wane.
B. These forces have, fortunately, already led to a number of radical developments in the last five or
six years in the way doctors are being trained, with greater emphasis now being laid on a more
patient-oriented approach. Whilst, in the past, communicating effectively with patients was left
basically to chance, this is no longer the case. As part of their final assessment, doctors now have
to take a practical examination where their communication as well as clinical skills are carefully
C. If you ask most people what makes a good doctor, they will not say someone with sound medical
knowledge. The first thing that will spring to mind is a good bedside manner; in other words, good
communication skills. But what does a good bedside manner, or communication skills, entail?
D. All too often people complain about the lack of sensitivity of the doctors they encounter whether
they be generalists or specialists. Some other frequently voiced criticisms are that doctors sound as
if they are delivering a lecture when talking to patients; pontificating from on high. Or that they
lack basic social skills; or indeed that they are bad listeners, concerned only with delivering their
message rather than becoming involved with any kind of negotiation with the patient. So it would
be safe to say that the most important aspect of a good bedside manner is good interpersonal
E. From the patients’ point of view, the interaction they have during their consultation with a doctor
is very personal and hence emotional, while for the doctor it is merely a logical and objective
process. And so, the chances of the doctor/patient communication breaking down are high if the
doctor is not sufficiently skilled in handling the patient’s emotional needs. A doctor must be able
to deal with the full range of a patient’s feelings showing sympathy and empathy especially when
handling difficult situations, like breaking bad news, etc.
F. Another aspect of the good bedside manner, which is more often than not overlooked, is having
the ability to talk to patients using lay language that they understand, while at the same time,
avoiding any hint of condescension, or being patronising. The inability to do this has a number of
effects. When doctors use medical jargon, patients feel that they are trying to hide something.
Doctors can also give the impression that they do not know what they are talking about, or even
that they do not know the solution to a problem,
G. It is also essential that the doctor at all times is able to maintain authority . For example, the
doctors need to deal with some patients’ belief that medicine is infallible, i.e. that the doctor has
the panacea for every woe! This is certainly no easy task, as most people ‘s expectations are raised
by the daily diet of wondrous developments in medicine.
H. The other side of the coin is that, as people’s awareness and knowledge have increased, albeit
often misinformed by the internet, etc., the stronger their doubts about the medical profession have
become. And coupled with the rise in general educational awareness, the public have consequently
a lower regard for doctors. This, in turn, has affected the doctor’s ability to communicate. They
are not able to hide behind the veneer that technical jargon created.
I. At last, the pendulum has swung in the patient’s direction. The onus is now upon doctors to adapt
themselves to the patient’s needs rather than the patient approaching some awesome god-like
figure. The veil has been lifted and the temple violated.
Reading Passage has 9 paragraphs (A-I). Choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph
from the List of headings below. Write the appropriate numbers (i-xv) in Boxes 68-75 on your
answer sheet.

One of the headings has been done for you as an example.

NB. There are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use all of them
Example: Paragraph A Answer: xv
13. Paragraph B
14. Paragraph C
15. Paragraph D
16. Paragraph E
17. Paragraph F
18. Paragraph G
19. Paragraph H
20. Paragraph I
Lists of headings
i. Still maintaining authority and patients’s raised expectations
ii. Medicine mystified
iii. What makes a good doctor?
iv. The burden now on doctors
v. Good personal skills
vi. Good interpersonal skills
vii. The essence of medical training
viii. Emotion and logic
ix. Avoiding medical jargon
x. Doctors - born or made?
xi. Doctors’ status lowered
xii. Changing attitudes effect changes in doctors’ training
xiii. The swinging pendulum
xiv. Meeting patients
xv. A culture change in the National Health Service


Passage 1: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word for each of the blanks. (5pts)
Why did you decide to read this, and will you keep reading to the end? Do you expect to understand
every single part of it and will you remember anything about it in a fortnight’s
(1) _________? Common sense (2) _________ that the answers to these questions depend on
“readability”- whether the (3) ________ matter is interesting, the argument clear and the (4)___________
attractive. But psychologists are trying to (5)__________why people read - and often don’t read certain
things, for example technical information. They also have examined so much the writing as the readers.
Even the most technically confident people often (6)__________ instructions for video or home
computer in favor of hands - on experience. And people frequently take little notice of consumer
information, whether on nutritional labels or in the small print of contracts. Psychologists researching
reading (7)__________to assume that both beginners and competent readers read everything put in front
of them from start to finish. There are (8)__________among them about the roles of eyes, memory and
brain during the process. Some people believe that fluent readers take in very letter or word they see;
others (9)___________ that readers rely on memory or context to carry them from one phrase to another.
But they have always assumed that the reading process is the same: reading starts, comprehension
(10)___________ then reading stops.
1. A. term B. gap C. period D. time
2. A. informs B. transmits C. suggests D. advises
3. A. text B. content C. subject D. topic
4. A. layout B. assembly C. pattern D. formation
5. A. value B. determine C. rate D. ensure
6. A. pass B. miss C. ignore D. omit
7. A. tend B. lead C. undertake D. consent
8. A. contests B. arguments C. objections D. separations
9. A. direct B. insist C. press D. urge
10. A. issues B. sets C. establishes D. occurs

Passage 2: Read the following passage and mark the latter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. (5pts)
Why is it that many teenagers have the energy to play computer games until late at night but can’t
find the energy to get out of bed (1) ________ for school? According to a new report, today’s generation
of children are in danger of getting so (2)_______ sleep that they are putting their mental and physical
health at (3)_______. Adults can easily survive on seven to eight hours’ sleep a night,
(4)_______teenagers require nine or ten hours. According to
medical experts, one in five youngsters (5)________ anything between two and five hours’ sleep a night
less than their parents did at their age.
This (6) _____ serious questions about whether lack of sleep is affecting children’s ability to
concentrate at school. The connection between sleep deprivation and lapses in memory, impaired reaction
time and poor concentration is well (7) _______. Research has shown that losing as little as half an hour’s
sleep a night can have profound effects (8) ______how children perform the next day. A good night’s
sleep is also crucial for teenagers because it is while they are asleep (9)______ they release a hormone
that is essential for their ‘growth spurt’ (the period during teenage years when the body grows at a rapid
rate). It’s true that they can, to some (10) ______, catch up on sleep at weekends, but that won’t help
them when they are dropping off to sleep in class on a Friday afternoon.
By Tim Falla and Paul A.Davies, Solutions Advanced. OUP
1. A. behind time B. about time time D. at time
2. A. few B. less C. much D. little
3. A. jeopardy B. threat C. risk D. danger
4. A. or B. because C. whereas D. so
5. A. puts B. gets C. brings D. makes
6. A. raises B. rises C. results D. comes
7. A. organized B. arranged C. established D. acquired
8. A. in B. on C. to D. at
9. A. at which B. which C. where D. that
10. A. rate B. extent C. level D. point

Close test 1: Fill each blank with ONE word. (10 pts)
Cell phones have been popular in Japan since the early 1990s, but it was not (1) ____ 1999 that their
use really took off. The age of cell phones has emerged, but with it come problems.
Cell phones are used on buses and trains, in restaurants, and in all (2) ______ of life. They cause
problems when they (3) ______ during meetings, concerts, wedding, or even funerals. What’s more,
people speak loudly in public, and students read and text messages during lessons. More seriously, when
a cell phone is used near a person using a (4) ______ to regulate his heartbeat, its radio waves may (5)
______ with the functioning of the pacemaker.
Now, something is being done to (6) ______ these problems. In many places, new technology is
being used to block cell phone calls. Airline (7) ______ are requested to stop using cell phones while on
board. Concert halls ask their audience to switch their phones to the (8) ______ mode. However, phone
users fear that if they do not answer their phones, they will (9) ______ valuable business opportunities.
That’s why many do not (10) ______ off their phones even when they are asked to.
Close test 2: Fill each blank with ONE word. (10 pts)
The Importance of Being Sporty
It is a multi-million dollar industry and  that attracts some of the most talented individuals alive, it
generates further millions (1) ______  advertising revenue and has spawned a whole celebrity culture of
its (2) ______  . But what role does sport play in our ordinary lives?
Few people are untouched (3) ______  sport. We all have (4) _____ favorite football team or tennis
player or, at least, support our national side in major sporting events like the Olympics. How can it be,
then, that so (5) ______  people actually play sports and that obesity is becoming a major threat in the
developed world?
Well, in part, the answer is (6) ______ the question. Obesity is not a problem in the developing
world (7) ______  participation in sport is still high. True, there may be few organized leagues but
children the world still go out to play games like football with other children and this comes the
supremacy of countries like Brazil in the world of football.
So, what is stopping the British or the Americans? After (8) ______  , they still have organized
sports in schools and a myriad of clubs and teams to join in their spare time. What they lack is a public
space for children to play unsupervised outdoors. As a result, they are kept indoors and encouraged to
play online (9) ______ of getting our in the fresh air. They may of course still develop a love of sport as
spectators but this is unlikely to do much to lower levels of obesity (10) ______  the young.


Part 1: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the given word. (10 pts)
1. I gather that in the meat trade the illicit profits to be gained from selling _____ unfit meat as
manufacturing beef are large. SCRIPT
2.You look rather _______. Are you worried about something? OCCUPY
3. There are very few _______ places on earth today. Man has been nearly everywhere.
4.The doctor gave him an injection to _______ the pain. DIE
5. Nowadays people may no longer suffer from lifetime physical _______. NORMAL
6. Home-made ice-cream is one of our _______. SPECIAL
7. The meeting has been _______ arranged for 3 p.m next Friday. PROVIDE
8. The government’s _____ approach has brought criticism. COMPROMISE
9. The artist has created a work that is _____ beautiful. NATURE
10. These ties had resulted from a relatively small number of _____ unions, most of them formed
during the latter half of the nineteenth century. RACE

Part 1. Read the following extract about space for an increased population and use your own words
to summarize it. Your summary should be between 140 and 160 words long.
The growth of cities and suburbs is often seen as a threat to the environment. However, in fact the
increasing amount of land consumed by agriculture is a far greater danger than urban sprawl. Stopping the
growth of farms is the best way to preserve many of the world’s remaining wild areas. But is a dramatic
downsizing of farmland possible? Thanks to the growth of agricultural productivity, reforestation and “re-
wilding” has been under way in the industrial countries for generations. Since 1950 more land in the US
has been set aside in parks than has been occupied by urban and suburban growth. And much of what was
farmland in the nineteenth century is now forest again. Taking the best Iowa maize growers as the norm
for world food productivity, it has been calculated that less than a tenth of present cropland could support
a population of 10 billion.
In The Environmental Game, a vision of a utopia that would be at once high-tech and environmentalist,
Nigel Calder suggested that “nourishing but unpalatable primary food produced by industrial techniques-
like yeast from petroleum may be fed to animals, so that we can continue to eat our customary meat, eggs,
milk, butter, and cheese – and so that people in underdeveloped countries can have adequate supplies of
animal protein for the first time.”
In the long run, tissue-cloning techniques could be used to grow desired portions of meat by themselves.
Once their DNA has been extracted to create cowless steaks and chickenless drumsticks, domesticated
species of livestock, bred for millennia to be stupid or to have grotesquely enhanced traits, should be
allowed to become extinct, except for a few specimens in zoos. However, game such as wild deer, rabbits
and wild ducks will be ever more abundant as farms revert to wilderness, so this could supplement the
laboratory-grown meat in the diets of tomorrow’s affluent.
 The abstract discusses the potential of methods applied to eliminate the widespread
consequences of environment. Generally, it is believed that the upsurge in the quantity of land
consumption in agricultural activities even poses higher threat than urbanized extension. As a
result, preventing the skyrocket of farms is expected to be the most feasible way to protect the rest
of wildlife all over the world. Moreover, far less land would be required to feed the world’s
population if the productivity of farmland could be enhanced worldwide. On top of that, industrial
food produced from animals could potentially allow people, irrespective of destitute ones, to
greater access to the source of protein supply. Furthermore, DNA from domesticated animals was
used to help manufacture meat by tissue-cloning methods, which eventuates in the extinction of
such species. Additionally, game could also be widely available.
 Part 2. The graphs provide information about worldwide energy consumption, the countries
with oil reserves and the world oil prices from 2000 to 2025.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons
where relevant.
The provided pie charts correspondingly compare the amount of energy consumed for dinstinctive
purposes and the global oil subtitutes recorded in different countries in the same year 2005. Meanwhile,
the given line graph illustrates the shifts in the value of oil all over the world over the timespan of 25
years, commencing in 2000.

Overall, it is discernible that oil utilized the most prominent amount of energy among five categories
examined while Saudia Arabia was registered to store the largest quantity of worldwide oil. Additionally,
the year 2005 witnessed the dominance in oil costs over the remaining years.

Noticeably, oil experienced a predominant stance of energy usage, with data recorded 37%, followed by
28% recorded in coal purpose. This figure slightly outnumbered that for natural gas by a margin of 23%.
Meanwhile, hydro-electric and nuclear tended to share an identical pattern, in which 6% was
simultaneously registered in the proportions of energy intake.

Constituting 20%, Saudi Arabia holds the largest oil reserves around the world, making up sharply one-
fifth of worldwide stockpile. Other countries sector took up 18%, in comparison with 14% in Canada. The
other countries were ostensibly evenly distributed, with data recorded in each country was nearly the
same. By contrast, United States’ oil resources remained the lowest in the chart, bottoming out at 2%.

With regards to the worldwide oil worth, the first period of 5 years experienced an exponential upsurge in
the prices, hitting the highest point of 60 dollars in the year 2005. For the rest of the timeframe, it saw a
steady fall by more than ten dollars until 2010, prior to leveling off. Over the course of 5 years from 2020,
oil prices are projected to soar mildly before expectedly being estimated 53 dollars in 2025.

Part 3. Over the past 50 years, young people gain status and power but old people have lost. What
is the cause and is it a good development or bad development?

Write an essay of about 350 words to express your opinion. Give reasons and specific examples to
support your answer.
It is quite obvious that in this day and age, young people have a propensity for being dominant in almost
all fields, from politics to technology, which overshadowed the appearance of old one in such domains.
There ostensibly exists various motives behind it, and this essay below will point out some of them as
well as take into account whether these changes are a good sign or not.
To preface with, the first and foremost reason for the change of power from old generation to the young is
the achievement of higher education. They stand a chance of getting deeper insight into the specilized
knowledge in every field, potentially broading their horizons. Furthermore, young people nowadays have
more opportunities to follow the tertiary education, which, for old people, is such a rare experience. And,
as a result, the younger generation are mostly highly skilled and educated. They are all aware of the
present situation and they know how to face a threat with various methods. On top of that, when it comes
to cognitive capability, it is recorded that the former tend to be dominant over the latter, especially in this
modern era, when human-beings have witnessed a rapid revolution of technological devices, the young
can possibly get closer approach to such enhancement, as opposed to the old, when they find it a
challenge to catch up with these steady increases.
On the other hand, not all the times do the old have to give place to the outstanding performance of young
people. In fact, they achieve more work experience than their counterparts, which is a bid advantage for
them with regards to job fields. Moreover, they are also capable of managing much more fruitful than the
younger generation. However, in handling top positions, older individuals should make room for the
younger ones, as they have more potential and also, their longevity is much higher to live ahead.
Additionally, it is a necessary for them to provide direction to their followers in order for them to achieve
the same pursuit as they have. It is also a global law that in all facets of authority, the transition from the
old to new generation is inevitable. This helps eventuate in the fact that it cannot be classified as a
negative development.
In conclusion, the emergence of young generation as a driving force behind an organisation is a positive
sign once they make sense of the valuable counsel and direction of older in managing and retaining their

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