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door, and makes an extremely loud chime if rang.

The interior of the tower is protected by a powerful perma-

nent guards and wards spell, cast by a previous owner of
the tower long ago. The command word for the spell has
been passed from owner to owner, but is currently unknown
by to the city officials (which is why they have not been able to

James M. Ward
enter with any level of saftey). Unless otherwise stated,
there are no light sources active within the tower.
This is a free d20 adventure brought to you by Fast
Per the PHB the guards and wards spell has the following
Forward Entertainment, for mid-level (5th-7th) characters.
effects at 15th level of ability. Over the years some of the
It's meant to be a simple towern you can place in any cam-
effects faded, leaving just the ones listed below.
paign setting, complete with treasure and a few nasty crea-
tures that could be the death of your players. We will be
Fog: Fog fills all corridors, obscuring all sight, including
posting more towers over the coming months, so check
darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has one-
back often for more mysterious and threatening towers
half concealment (attacks suffer a 20% miss chance).
locations. The all text below written in bold and italics is to
Creatures farther away have full concealment (50% miss
be read to the players.
chance; the attacker cannot use sight to locate the target).
Spell resistance: No.
The Scarlet Tower, named so for its red brick constr-
cution, became the property of a nearby city due to
Webs: Webs fill all stairs from top to bottom. These strands
taxes owed by the resident mage, who then left the
are identical with those created by the web spell, except that
tower rather than argue with city officials. The city
they regrow in 10 minutes if they are burned or torn away
reposessed the structure with plans on re-selling it at a
while the guards and wards spell lasts. Spell resistance:
later date to some up-and-coming wizard or cleric. The
sale is done so with no guarantees, and includes every-
thing within the previous owner may have left behind.
Confusion: Where there are choices in direction-such as a
The price is a firm 4,000 gold pieces, which includes the
corridor intersection or side passage-a minor confusion-
tower, the four acres of land that surrounds it, and all
type spell functions so as to make it 50% probable that
taxes and tarifs for the coming year.
intruders believe they are going in the exact opposite direc-
tion from the one they actually chose. This is an enchant-
The wizard who left the tower wasn't very powerful (less
ment (mind-affecting) effect. Spell resistance: Yes.
than 10th level), but he mastered enough magic to lay a few
deadly traps around for any that would claim it as their own.
Magic Mouth: Located in two places. The voice speaks of
While not evil, the mage was very upset with the city and
doom and gloom should the PCs continue to move throught
what he considered to be unfair taxes on his estate. The
the tower.
wizard and some friends of his once saved said city from the
attack of a vile demon, and there reward was the ravings of
Suggestion Spell: Placed where ever the DM wishes, typ-
a tax collector looking to milk his last gold piece. The mage
ically to lure an unsuspecting PC into trouble. This is an
could have paid the tax, but decided instead to leave.
enchantment (mind-affecting) effect. Spell resistance: Yes.
The tower stands three stories tall with a major crenella-
tion at the top. There is only one door into the structure, and
there are no windows or other apparent exits. The tower is First Floor
constructed of huge, thick red dressed stone blocks, and Location #1: Entrance
even on the brightest day the top is wrapped in a light fog. The steel portions of the door are covered in runes, which
The front door is solid wood (considered strong wooden, can be deciphered with a simple read magic spell. If the
DMG #108) and is banded with steel plates and hinges that spell is cast and the runes read, the following letters
are visibly etched with runes (which convey a magical mes- become apparent to the caster:
sage, see below). A large silver bell hangs to the right of the
MESIT ERETH KKOCN Aside from spoiled food and kitchen utensils, there is noth-
ing of value here. The majority of the spoiled smell comes
The message is scrambled front to back for the words, and from the storage area.
also for each individual word. Deciphered the message says
“Knock Three Times”, which is all the PCs need to do to Location #4: Storage
enter the tower. The door has an arcane lock spell cast The door to this chamber is magically sealed with an
upon it, and if the command word is not spoken then the arcane lock spell, the same as the entrance door to the
spell has to be bypassed to enter the structure. The arcane tower. The door itself is considered a good wooden door
lock was placed there by the previous owner of the tower, type for the purposes of breaking and entering. Once the
and was cast at only 7th level of ability. The door is consid- door is breached read the following:
ered to be strong wooden (stats on DMG page #108), and if
it is somehow broken the door magically regenerates in one Once past the magically barred portal, yet another blast
hour. of stale and foul air assaults your senses. Something
through the fog is extremely rotten, even worse than
Location #2: Entry Chamber the kitchen behind you. The smell is so bad you’re find-
There are no lights in this room, and per the guards and ing it difficult to hold down your breakfast.
wards spell the room is filled with fog. Once all of the PCs
have entered the room read the following: The DM should make this room as unpleasent as possi-
ble. Large patches of black, wet mold drips from the ceiling
This entry chamber is void of light, and filled with a thin through the foul mist. Anything the mold touches is stained
mist as you enter. A worn wooden bench and a tattered black, and breathing in the spores can make someone
looking tapestry are the only items in this chamber extremely ill. Anyone breathing the air here must make a
other than the door across from the entrance. As you Fortitude save (DC 18) or suffer a -1 to all rolls for 1d4 days
take in these meager furnishings, the door you entered or until any type of cure spell is applied. An extended stay in
through can no longer be found--only the one leading this chamber requires another save every five rounds, with
deeper into the tower is visible. failed saves incuring cumulative penalties.

The exit to the tower is magically hidden from the PCs Mold covered and rotting food lies in bags, jars, and small
once they’re inside. To make the door reappear the words crates throughout the chamber. If any of these containers
magically written on the outside of the door, “Knock Three are inspected creatures such as cockroaches, large flies,
Times” must be said aloud. If the door was broken down to and millipedes pour forth by the hundreds and thousands.
enter it magically reforms once everyone enters, then quick- There is nothing else of value here.
ly disappears until the command word is spoken. There is
no clue to this command word here, but can be encounters Location #5: Study
later on. The door to this chamber is magically sealed with an
arcane lock spell, and is iron shod and three inches thick
Location #3: Kitchen (considered to be an iron door type). Also, the fog in this
Read the following as the PCs enter the room. Be sure to chamber is thicker than the rest of the tower (30/70% miss
keep in the mind the presence of the fog throughout the chance, see above), the result of the guards and wards
tower. spell being cast from this chamber.

A sharp, pungent smell pierces the fog in this chamber, As the PCs move through the fog they find a well-appoint-
stinging your nostrels with the order of something rot- ed study with comfortable chairs and writing tables . There
ten. Stepping through the mist you see you’re in some are bookcases on every wall, filled with scrolls and tomes
sort of kitchen, leading you to believe the smell is that detailing the surrounding countryside and other local geo-
of spoiled food. A large table adorns the center of the graphical features and histories. A single podium stands in
room, with dozens of pots and pans hanging above it. A the center of the chamber, a book open upon it. If anyone
huge oven fills one wall and an even larger woodpile is comes within five feet of the poduim a small magical light
beside it. The kitchen looks as if someone was fixing illuminates the book so it can be read more clearly. PCs sit-
food, then suddenly departed. ting in the easy chairs experience the same convenient
lighting. and a box of slightly rusted nails. Aside from these items
there is nothing of interest here. All chests are empty, and a
The book on the podium is written in elvish titled “THE casual inspection (Spot DC 8) reveals that they have not
INTRICACIES OF SOMATIC SPELLCASTING” by the High Mage been opened for some time.
Vesparian Moondancer. Though none of the books are
magical, the collection is quite impressive. On the open Location #8: Trophy Chamber
market the tomes and scrolls will fetch 2d20x100 gold While the previous owner of the Scarlet Tower was con-
pieces to the right buyer. If a wizard class PC were to study sidered somewhat of a pacifist, the title-holder before him
these books over the course of a year the DM can award was something of an outdoorsman and a hunter despite his
1,000 experience for the knowledge gained. chosen profession. This chamber served as his trophy
room, a place where his greatest triumphs could be kept
There are also stairs in this chamber that lead up to the preserved for his future enjoyment. Included in the wizard's
second level. The stairway is filled with fog and webs, and list of kills is:
transversing it is not an easy task.
Y The full plate armor of a death knight carrying a greataxe
Location #6: Dining Room (mounted upright on a floor stand)
Read the following as the PCs enter the chamber:
Y A full-sized stuffed owlbear (stuffed in standing position)
As you pass through the arched entryway to this cham-
ber the fog seems to get thicker the further you walk in. Y A shadow mastiff (head mounted on the wall)
The mist seems to swirl in circular, almost hypnotic pat-
terns in seemingly random directions. The edge of what Y Twenty stirges (mounted individually hanging from the
may be a long wooden table edges out from the fog, ceiling to imitate a swarm).
along with a few chairs and an exotic looking plush rug.
Y The upper torso of a yuan-ti (mounted on the wall at a
If the edges of the chamber are searched, four finely height of six feet).
woven tapestries can be found on the walls (worth 300gp
each). Against the wall across from the entrance is a china Y The head of a wyrmling white dragon (mounted on the
cabinet filled with an exquisite silver plated dinnette set. To wall)
the back of the area is a large stone throne at a high table.
Several cabinets against the walls are filled with quality sil- Y A deactivated flesh golem (standing in the center of the
ver plates and cups. (dining services worth 100 gp). room, drained of all the magic that animated him)

Second Floor
The DM can make up more trophies for the entertainment
of the players. However, the annoying fog and the trophy
creatures here offer the DM a chance plant a bit of paranoia
Location #7: Servant's Quarters
in the minds of the PCs. Use the fog (if present) and the
The first door revealed through the fog after the PCs
statues to gloat the party into a mock combat. The DM could
ascend the stairs is the entrance to a servant's quarter that
use such statements as, "As you walk through the fog the
has been vacant for some time. The last master of the tower
figure of a huge armored knight appears out of nowhere-his
did not have any servants, though the one before him did
axe upraised for a killing blow!" The DM should even go so
have a houseboy.
far as to roll initiative in the mock battle, allowing the PC to
win and get an initial attack.
There are seven beds in this spacious chamber, each with
an empty chest beneath it. Barren tables and empty chairs
Location #9: Meeting Chamber
also dot the room, and along one wall hang various tools
A door in the trophy room leads to this chamber. The room
used to repair and clean the structure--a broom, hammer,
is dominated by a circular table surrounded by a dozen plain
chisel, and even some blacksmithing utensils hang on the
wooden chairs. As the PCs approach the table through fog
pegs of a wooden rack. Beneath the rack is a disassembled
seven red glowing runes can be seen arranged in a circle at
loom, some candle-making equipment (minus any wax),
the center of the table. The runes are clearly magical, and
detects as such if mystically probed. tower. If the PC at the top of the stairs steps one foot further,
the invisible stalker attacks.
As you stumble through the fog of the chamber you
find this to be some sort of meeting room. At the center Invisible Stalker: Large Elemental (Air); Hit Dice: 8d8+16
are a set of quality chairs and a huge circular table. (52 hp); Initiative: +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative);
Scarlet runes adorn the center of the table, their glow Speed: 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (perfect); AC: 17 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +4
shimmering through the fog like a beam of light danc- natural); Attacks: Slam +10/+5; Damage: Slam 2d6+6;
ing along a glass window. Along one wall is a cabinet Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.; Special Qualities: Elemental,
filled with bottles of wine and small casks on one shelf, natural invisibility, improved tracking; Saves: Fort +4, Ref
and several expensive looking goblets on another. An +10, Will +4; Abilities: Str 18, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 14, Wis
unraveled scroll rests on the edge of the table, scrib - 15, Cha 11; Skills: Listen +11, Move Silently +15, Search
bled with notes regarding the summoning of some type +11, Spot +13; Feats: Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative,
of extra-planar fiend. Weapon Focus (slam); AL: N; CR: 9

The previous owner of this tower valued his privacy, espe- Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stun-
cially when meeting with important colleagues or concocting ning. Not subject to critical hits.
devious strategies of questionable nature. The mystical
marks on the table shields the room from all attempts at Natural Invisibility (Su): This ability is constant, allowing
scrying from any magical source outside the power of a god. the stalker to remain invisible even when attacking. This
However, if even one of these runes is dispelled then the ability is inherent and not subject to the invisibility purge
entire enchantment is ruined. spell.

To protect his magical table, the wizard trapped each rune Improved Tracking (Ex): Invisible stalkers are consum-
with an electrical glyph. If anyone attempts to dispel, or mate trackers and make Spot checks instead of the usual
even touch the runes they're zapped with an arc of electric- Wilderness Lore checks to trace a creature's passage.
ity (Reflex save for half, DC 20) that inflicts 4d8+8 points of
damage. In addition, if one of the glyphs is triggered the

Third Floor
room fills with dancing lights (per spell as if cast by a 15th
level sorcerer) to further deter such actions.
All of the doors on this level are trapped with an electrical
Also within this chamber is a secret door that leads to the
glyph that inflicts 4d6 hit points of damage (Reflex save for
upper levels of the tower. A combination of the fog and the
half, DC 15) when ever someone attempts to push or pull on
superior construction of the door requires a Search roll ver-
a door. The command word "STOP" deactivates that glyph
sus a DC 20 to discover the passage.
for one turn. A detect magic easily reveals this trap. Once a
glyph has been discharged it is gone.
Location #10: Passage Up
After the PCs breach the secret door in the meeting room
Location #11: Private Quarters
and begin their way up, relay the following:
Read the following when the PCs open the door at the top
of the staircase.
You're halfway up the darkened stairway when a low,
booming voice proclaims, "I am the guardian of this
The mist in this chamber is a bit thinner than previous
passage. Leave now or I must kill you." The voice
rooms, and as you pass through the door you see this
seems to come from thin air, as no one but you is on the
area is some sort richly appointed sleeping quarters.
staircase. The fog is somewhat thinner here, and a door
There's a huge curtained canopy bed, a large chest at
can be seen at the edge of your illumination only a few
its head, and another large cabinet against a wall. There
feet away.
is also an expensive writing table against one wall, with
an ink well and quill resting next to an open leather
This passage is guarded by an invisible stalker, left by the
bound book.
last owner in retribution for the city's unfair taxes. He cast
the spell via a scroll left behind by a previous master of the
The previous wizard owner took nearly all of his posses- them out. Should the PCs accidentally destroy or somehow
sions before he left the tower, but did leave a few things never find this book, they will eventually starve to death
behind. The cabinet is full of expensive scarlet robes (10 at unless they can magically transport out or can otherwise
25gp each), five pointed hats (5gp each), and two iron-shod come up with some other convincing way to escape.
quarterstaffs. The cabinet is trapped with the same electri-
cal glyph as the doors on this level, and will discharge if Location #13: Alchemy Storage
someone tries to open it. The chest at the foot of the bed is Once the door to this location is breached, read the follow-
empty. ing to all who enter:

The bed has closed blocking curtains all around, and any- An enormous cloud of glittering golden particles swirls
one parting the curtains is hit with a glitterdust spell, for about this room, making it extremely difficult to make
which the victim and anyone standing behind him will have out items within. You seem to be able to make out a row
to make a Will save (DC 15) or be blinded as per the spell. of shelves against one wall and a small glass cabinet
There is also a door in this room to the tower's magical against the other, all the while shielding your eyes from
study, but it is masked by an illusion that makes the door the scintillating mass that fills the chamber.
appear as a wall. Spells that detect magic, illusions, or hid-
den portals will reveal its location. A permanent glitterdust spell encompasses this chamber,
and is activated and deactivated by command words (on:
Location #12: Magical Study GLITTER, off: PYRITE). The shelves here are lined with
Once the PCs find the hidden door to this chamber, read spell components, everything from eyeballs to spider webs
the following once a few of them have entered: to lizard scales. There is a 30% chance for there to be any
1st or 2nd level wizard (or sorcerer) spell component on this
As you move around the swirling fog you discover shelf (though the DM has the final word on distributed com-
you're in some sort of study. There are towering book- ponents), as well as a few for higher level enchantments.
shelves all about this room, and at the center is a large
worktable covered in wands, staves, rods, exotic crys- The small glass cabinet contains 500gp in gold dust in a
tals, and two closed tomes of considerable thickness. small coffer, 100gp in silver dust in a glass jar, seven blue-
white flawed diamonds each worth 20gp, and two sacks of
The wands, rods, and staves do not test as magical; they poor quality rubies with a total worth of 300gp-all of which
are empty shells waiting to be enchanted. There are 14 are components for various spells.
wands, eight rods, and 4 staves (worth a total of 250gp if
they're sold on the open market). The crystals are worth- There is also a secret door in this chamber, leading to a
less. The books are decoys, planted by the previous owner, hidden spellcasting chamber. The presence of the glitter-
and trapped with explosive runes. The runes detonate when dust spell, however, makes finding the door with a Search
read, dealing 6d6 points of damage. Anyone next to the roll exceedingly difficult (DC 30) unless it is somehow dis-
runes (close enough to read them) takes this damage with pelled (then DC 15).
no saving throw. Others within 10 feet of the runes take half
damage if they succeed at Reflex saving throws. The object Location #14: Spell Casting Chamber
in which the runes were written also takes the damage (no Due to enchantments in this room the guards and wards
saving throw). spell has no effect here.

The bookcases are full of tomes on a variety of subject The first thing you notice about this room is there is no
(exact nature is up to the DM), but none are magical. Selling fog present. In a circle at the center of this chamber are
all of these books to a library in a large city will fetch around seven scarlet glowing symbols on the floor. Floating
500gp. There is one book of interest at the top of one of the above the symbols is a carved crystal head of a lovely
shelves, though finding it may be an impossible task. It is a woman. Swirling gold dust circles around the head in a
non-descript tome with no title on the binding, and inside is random fashion, bringing a certain beauty to the disem-
a list of magical passwords to all the enchantments in the bodied head.
tower. This is important because finding this book is the only
way to make the front door on the first level open and let
There are two things of note in this chamber: the head and for its duration. Bless, neutralize poison, or remove disease
the casting circle. The crystal head is a powerful living mag- kills the spores, as does sprinkling the victim with a vial of
ical item from the Outer Planes that has the power to holy water.
answer 10 yes or no questions per day, similar to a com-
mune spell. The results are always 100% accurate, regard- Stunning Screech (Su): Once per hour a vrock can emit a
less of any other magics that may prevent the answering of piercing screech. Every creature within a 30-foot radius
the question. The drawback to this magical item is that it must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 17) or be stunned for
cannot be removed from this chamber. If it is removed from 1 round.
the magical protections that ward this chamber, after the
next time the head answers a question it randomly teleports Dance of Ruin (Su): To use this ability, a group of five or
1d10 x 100 miles from its present location. more vrocks join hands in a circle, dancing wildly and chant-
ing. If they dance for 3 rounds, a wave of crackling energy
As for the magical circle, that is the most dangerous part flashes outward in a 100-foot radius. All nondemon crea-
of the chamber. Because of his hatred for the city, before the tures within the radius take 2d20 points of damage (Reflex
wizard left the tower he began casting a potent summoning half DC 15). Forcing the vrocks to break the circle stops the
spell--but left it unfinished on purpose. All that needs to be dance.
done to complete the spell is to break the plane of the circle
(it doesn't matter if you're stepping on the floor or not), and Summon Tanar’ri (Sp): Once per day a vrock can attempt
a savage vrock will be summoned to the chamber. The to summon 2d10 dretches or another vrock with a 35%
beast will do all it can to destroy its summoners, and then chance of success.
teleports to the nearby city to wreak havoc upon the mortals
of the Prime Material Plane. Skills: Vrocks receive a +8 racial bonus to Listen and Spot
Vrock (Tanar'ri): Large Outsider; Hit Dice 8d8+24 (60 hp);

Initiative: +2 (Dex); Speed: 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (average); AC: 25
(-1 size, +2 Dex, +14 natural); Attack: 2 claws +11 melee,
bite +9 melee; Damage: Claw 1d8+4, bite 1d6+2, rake
If the PCs are able to deactivate the magical traps and
1d4+2; Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.; SA: Spell-like abili-
defuse all other challenges, then the tower can be claimed
ties, spores, screech, dance of ruin, summon tanar-ri*; SQ:
as their own. Be sure to keep an eye out for more towers
Damage reduction 20/+2, SR 22, tanar'ri qualities; Saves:
from Fast Forward Entertainment by visiting our website at
Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +8; Str 19, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 14, Wis
14, Cha 12; Skills: Concentration +14, Hide +9, Knowledge
(Planes) +12, Listen +13, Move Silently +13, Search +13,
Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +12, Spot +12; Feats: Cleave,
Multiattack, Power Attack; AL: CE; CR 13
*Summoning does not function for the tanar’ri in the tower.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will: darkness, desecrate, detect

good, detect magic, mass charm, mirror image, telekinesis,
and teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects
only). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 12th-level
sorcerer (save DC 11 + spell level).

Spores (Ex): A vrock can release masses of spores from its

body once every 3 rounds. The spores automatically deal
1d8 points of damage to all creatures within 5 feet of the
vrock. They then penetrate the skin and grow, dealing an
additional 1d2 points of damage each round for 10 rounds.
At the end of this time, the victim is covered with a tangle of
viny growths. A delay poison spell stops the spores’ growth
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4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to Contributor unless You have written permission from the
use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, Contributor to do so.
worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact
terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. 12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply
with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are con- all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order,
tributing original material as Open Game Content, You rep- or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open
resent that Your Contributions are Your original creation Game Material so affected.
and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights con-
veyed by this License. 13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if
You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPY- breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All
RIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game
Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You 14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be
must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the
holder's name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original extent necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game Content you Distribute.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the
Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except Coast, Inc. System Reference Document: Copyright 2001,
as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Swords of Evil and all related
with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You Product Identity trademarks defined above are Copyright
agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with 2002, Fast Forward Entertainment, Inc.
any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with
a work containing Open Game Content except as express-
ly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the
owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The
use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not
constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product
Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open
Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and
to that Product Identity.
The d20 System® License version 1.0 System Trademark logos from your advertising, web site,
letterhead, or any other use. You must instruct any compa-
By downloading the enclosed graphic files and/or by return- ny or individual that You are or become aware of who is in
ing the Confirmation Card as presented in the file "card.pdf," possession of any materials distributed by You bearing the
the Licensee ("You") accept to be bound by the following d20 System Trademark logos to destroy those materials.
terms and conditions: You will solely bear any costs related to carrying out this
term of the License.
1. Copyright & Trademark
Wizards of the Coast, Inc. retains title and ownership of the 7. Penalty for Failure to Comply with Termination
d20 System trademark logos, the d20 System trademark, Instructions
and all other copyrights and trademarks claimed by Wizards If You fail to comply with the Effects of Termination, Wizards
of the Coast in The Official Wizards of the Coast d20 of the Coast may, at its option, pursue litigation, for which
System Trademark Logo Guide version 1.0, incorporated You shall be responsible for all legal costs, against You to
here by reference. the full extent of the law for breach of contract, copyright
and trademark infringement, damages and any other reme-
2. License to use dy available.
You are hereby granted the non-transferable, non-exclu-
sive, royalty-free license to use the d20 System trademark 8. Updates
logos, the d20 System trademark, and certain other trade- Wizards of the Coast may issue updates and/or new releas-
marks and copyrights owned by Wizards of the Coast in es of the d20 System Trademark logos without prior notice.
accordance with the conditions specified in The Official You will, at the earliest possible opportunity, update all
Wizards of the Coast d20 System Trademark Logo Guide material distributed by You to use the updated and/or new
version 1.0. (the "Licensed Articles") version of the d20 System
Trademark logos. You may continue to distribute any pre-
3. Agreement not to Contest existing material that bears an older version of the d20
By making use of and/or distributing material using the d20 System Trademark logo.
System Trademark under the terms of this License, You
agree not to contest the ownership of the Licensed Articles 9. Changes to Terms of the License
Wizards of the Coast may issue updates and/or revisions to
4. Breach and Cure this License without prior notice. You will, at the earliest
In the event that You fail to comply with the terms of this possible opportunity, conform in all respects to the updated
License, You will be considered to be in breach of this or revised terms of this License. For a period of 90 days
License. Wizards of the Coast will attempt to notify you in You may continue to distribute any pre-existing material that
writing by sending a Registered Letter to the address listed complies with a previous version of the License. Thereafter
on the most recent Confirmation Card on file, if any. You will written consent should be obtained from Wizards of the
have 45 days from the date the notice (the "cure period") to Coast. Subsequent versions of this License will bear a dif-
cure the breach to the satisfaction of Wizards of the Coast. ferent version number.
If no Confirmation Card is on file, you will be considered to
be in breach of this License immediately. 10. Updates of Licensee information
You may transmit an updated version of the "card.pdf"
5. Termination Confirmation Card at any time to Wizards of the Coast.
If, at the end of the cure period, the breach is not cured,
Wizards of the Coast may terminate this License without 11. Notices to Licensor:
further written notice to You. Wizards of the Coast
d20 System License Dept.
6. Effects of Termination PO Box 707
Upon termination, You shall immediately stop all use of the Renton, WA 98057-0707
Licensed Articles and will destroy any inventory or market-
ing material in Your possession bearing the d20 System
Trademark logos. You will remove any use of the d20
12. No maintenance or support
Wizards of the Coast shall have no obligation whatsoever to
provide You with any kind of maintenance or support in rela-
tion to the d20 System Trademark logos.

13. No Warranty / Disclaimer


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