Viva Question of Ferrous Ion

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BTech I Sem (2020-2021)


Viva-voice question (Determination of Ferrous ion)

Q 1 -Name the ores of ion?

Ans - Haematite ( Fe2O3 ), limonite (Fe2O3.H2O) and Magnetite ( Fe2O3.FeO) are the main ores
of Iron.

Q 2 –What is Mohr’s salt?

Ans - Mohr’s salt is ferrous ammonium sulphate FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O.

Q 3 – Name the external indicator used in determination of ferrous content.

Ans – Potassium ferricyanide K3[Fe(CN)6] is used as external indicator.

Q 4 – What is the IUPAC name of K3[Fe(CN)6]?

Ans - Potassium hexacynoferrate (III)

Q 5 – What is the oxidation state of iron in K3[fe(cn)6]?

Ans K3[Fe(CN)6]

1 * 3 + x + (-1) * 6 = 0

x = +3

Q 6 – What will happen if K2[Fe(CN)6] used as internal indicator in this titration?

Ans – The indicator will immediately react with Fe2+ ions producing the deep blue color. The
Fe2+ ion thus combined will not be available for oxidation and also detection of the end point
will not be possible.
Q 7 – Why ferrous sulphate is not used in titration instead of ferrous ammonium sulphate?

Ans – Ordinary FeSO4 cannot be used, as its standard solution cannot be prepared by direct
weighing because it is readily oxidized by atmospheric oxygen and loses its water of

Q 8 – Why it is necessary to add dil. H2SO4 when ferrous ammonium sulphate is prepared?

Ans – Dil. H2SO4 is added in the solution because Ferrous sulphate hydrolyses to form ferrous
hydroxide which is readily oxidized to Fe(OH)3 by atmospheric oxygen. Thus, dil. H2SO4
prevents the hydrolysis.

Q 9-Define external indicator.

Ans – External Indicator: An indicator, which is not added to the reaction mixture. A drop of
reaction content is taken out and put on a drop of the indicator already placed on a white glazed

Q 10 – Name two external indicators.

Ans – (i) Potassium Ferricyanide (ii) Uranyl acetate

Q 11 – Write the complex ion given by K 3[Fe(CN)6]

Ans – [Fe(CN)6]3- .

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