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LK 1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri


Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Biography
2. Historical Recount
3. Fables
4. Legend
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1 Daftar peta konsep (istilah Biography is a detailed description of person life
dan definisi) di modul ini
It’s function to know persons story about her/his life
outside of any accomplishment.

The characteristic of Recount text is always written by

in third person

Generic structure
 Orientation
 Events
 Re-orientation

Language features:
 Paste tense
 Temporal sequence
 Focus on specific participant
 Use of action verb

Historical recount is related to the history of a place or

an object which is very memorable and considered
important throughout life.

The function is to describe past historical experience by

retelling chronological events by involving the
important character, place of the events

Characteristic of Historical Recount:

 Retelling the past historical event
 Upholding the history of a place or object
 Written scientifically or imaginatively
 Purposing for informing or entertain

Generic structure
 Orientation
 Event
 Re-orientation

Language feature
 Specific participant
 Pronoun
 Material process
 Adverb
 Past tense
 Adjective
 Evaluative words
 Time connection

Fable is a fictional story, foem, or prose with a specific

moral or lesson that is conveyed to the’s talked
about the animal which speak and act like human

The function is to entertain,to amuse and to convey

moral lesson

Characteristic of Fable:
 Using at least one character
 Simple plot/character
 Involving a character who is sly is clever
 Using animal
 Continuing moral lesson
 Personification
 Reflecting cultural reflective

Generic structure
 Orientation
 Complication
 Resolution

Language feature
 Common and non specific place/time
 Past action verb
 Adjective
 Connection/conjunctin
 Using dialogue

Legend is a story of human events or action that has

not proved not decumented in real history.

It’s function is to present story of human action

 Set in specific place
 The main character is human
 Fiction
 Heroes perform greet deed
Generic structure
 Orientation
 Complication
 Resolution
 Re-orientation

Language feature
 Adjective
 Time connection
 Past verb
 Saying verb
 Thinking verb
 Use dialogue
2 Daftar materi yang sulit - The term of a biography, a biographical work
dipahami di modul ini and Curriculum Vitae almost has similar
situation. Fables, Fairy tales, Legend.It make
the student confiuous and difficult to describe
the meaning of them.
3 Daftar materi yang sering Beberapa pendapat
mengalami miskonsepsi
berisi kisah seorang tokoh yang ditulis oleh orang

Auto Biography
berisi kisah seorang tokoh yang ditulis oleh orang
itu sendiri

adalah suatu teks yang berisi tentang
sesuatu yang terjadi pada masa yang

Cutticulum Vitae
daftar riwayat hidup yang berisi data dan informasi yang
diperlukan untuk melamar pekerjaan

fables = dongeng hewan

fables adalah cerita yang tokohnya
merupakan hewan

selain yang diatas ada lagi yang di sebut

fairy tale = dongeng peri
fairy tale dongeng yang tokohnya berupa
fiksi misalnya cinderrela sama harry potter

Legenda merupakan cerita atau hikayat

yang memiliki karakter atau ciri-ciri yang
serupa dengan mitos

Legenda adalah cerita prosa rakyat yang

dianggap oleh yang memiliki cerita sebagai
sesuatu yang benar-benar terjadi

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