LK 1 Modul 5 Profesional

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LK 1 Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri


Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Procedure Text: Manual
2. Procedure Text: Recipe
3. Prosedure Text: Itinerary
4. News Item
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1 Daftar peta konsep 1. Procedure Text: Manual
(istilah dan definisi) di a. Meaning
modul ini Manual Prosedure is a text that tell the steps of making
something. It’s purpose to tell the steps of making and
doing something

b. Generic structure
 Aim/goal
 Material/equipment
 Steps/methode
c. Language features
 Simple present
 Using adverbial of sequeance
 Using imperative sentence
 Using action verb
 Using conjunction
 Using adverb of time

2. Procedure Text: Recipe

a. Meaning
Recipe is a text that explain or helps us how to make
or to cook something

b. Social Function
 recipe is used to describe how food is
completely made/cooked through a sequences
of series

3. Prosedure Text: Itinerary

a. Meaning
Itinerary is to make well-prepared program or travel
to make an effective journey or travel and to be
guideline in spending time during travelling.

b. Generic structure
 Goal
 Material/tools
 Steps: list of instruction to achieve the
objective in the correct sequences of step
c. Language features
 Use simple present tense
 Use action verb
 Use simple sentence or phrase
4. News Item
a. Meaning
News item is a text which informs readers about
events of the day. The event are considered
newsworrthy. It’s purpose to give information about
important events

b. Generic structure
 News worthy events
 Background of events/elaboration
 Sources/resource of information

c. Language feature
 Focusing on circumstances
 Using material process
 Short, telegraphic information about story
ccaptured in headline
 Using action verb
 Using saying verb
 Using adverb: time,place/manner

2 Daftar materi yang sulit 1.New Item

dipahami di modul ini
3 Daftar materi yang 1.differences of Procedure Text: Manual and Procedure
sering mengalami Text: Recipe

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