Assignment 1 - 189282J

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University of Moratuwa

M.Eng. / PG Diploma in Highway & Traffic Engineering and

M.Sc. /PG Diploma in Transportation
Department of Civil Engineering
Cover Sheet for Assignment

Name with Initials: Y.A.P.M Yahampath

Student Registration No:

Title of Assignment: Develop a road classification system for a municipal

level road network

Assignment No: Project 01 Group Individual x

Subject Code: CE 5606

Subject: Highway Planning & Managment

Lecturer: Dr. H.R Pasindu

Student’s Statement

I certify that I have not plagiarized the work of others or participated in unauthorized
collusion when preparing the assignment

Signature …………….. Date: 04/07/2020

Office use only

On/ before deadline Extension Given Late Submission

Signature: ………………………

Marks Given:
Selection of the road network

Werahera North GND situated in Kesbewa divisional secretariat of western province was selected to
identify suitable road classification based on selected criteria.

Figure 1 – boundaries of Werahara North GND

Figure 2 – Road network in selected GND

As per the figure 2, road network in the above figure it dosen’t belong to any of pre-defined road
network pattern. Outlined in red is the GND boundary of Werahara North. B388 (Borupana Road) can
be identified as the minor arterial road which collect traffic and feed to major arterial A02 road. And
also this road acts as the link which interconnects A02 (Galle road) and B084 Pamankada – Kesbewa
road. Janatha mawatha and Kaolin Refinery road can be identified as the other two collector roads which
are also connected to B388 (Borupana Road). All other roads are access roads which connects
households, business premise or any other establishment with collector roads. Primary role of these
access roads which are in the lowest level of the road network hierarchy of this GND division is
providing last mile connection. Following table will summarize key attributes of existing road network.

Road Connectivity Land Use Traffic

Name/Type Demand
Borupana It connects Piliyandala and It gives access to 2 schools namely, Moderate
Road (B Ratmalana. In the highlighted Hindu College and Blind School. Also Traffic
388) area it is connected to large it links with the Kotelawala Defence
number local roads. It connects University. Markets, retail shops and
to Galle Road and transfer the some settlements can be seen at either
collected traffic side of the road.

Janatha Connects with number of More settlements and few business are Moderate
mawatha access roads and provide direct available at either side of the road Traffic
access to B388.

Kaolin Connects with number of More settlements and few business are Low Traffic
Refinery access roads and provide direct available at either side of the road
road access to B388.

Access There are number of local Provides access to settlements Very low
Roads roads in the above section, and Traffic
most of them are directly
connected with B388 (minor
arterial) or a collector roads.
Issues Identified in the Road Network

1. Although the Borupana Road is a B class, minor arterial roads, in this section they function as
collector roads. There are no collector roads to collect the traffic generated in local roads to
transfer them to these minor arterial. There are number of access points and traffic congestion
and road side accidents are frequently seen.

2. Non availability of required road width to serve the traffic demand and also encroachment
along the minor arterials and collector roads.

3. With the rapid development in area after establishment of KDU hospital & university,
department of motor traffic prevailed hierarchy of roads has changed in great deal.

Classification Criteria
It is required to gather the relevant land use information and other relevant information before
classifying a road in a network. Following are the required information to be gathered for the
said purpose.

1. Whether road links any two of class A, B (Major or minor arterial) Roads

2. Average Daily Traffic

3. Number of settlements served

4. Number of Government or non-government service centers, social, religious centers

served by the road which generates and attract trips

5. Pavement condition and width of the road.

It is required to assign due weightage for the above attributes, to decide as to what category the
road under consideration falls into.
Road hierarchy level
Based on the criteria developed above roads belong to GND can be classified based on the weightage
assigned to them.

Criteria Weightage Classification

5 L1
Whether road links any two of
class A, B (Major or minor
arterial) Roads

4 L2
Average Daily Traffic

3 L3
Number of settlements

2 L4
Number of Government or
non-government service
centers, social, religious
centers served by the road
which generates and attract

1 L5
Pavement condition and
width of the road.

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