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What does young academic leadership mean?

Marks for Introduction, problem statement, thesis statement, Argumentation, and conclusion


The issue of academic leadership is a powerful statement that canopy student intelligent

to lead in a different field that is suitable for themselves. Academic leadership displays

individual intelligence in leading people to foster growth and development for a better world.

Young academic leadership is a human resource, which is the talent and skill that people possess

as leaders to make a difference in people's lives. The writer is seeking to determine the essence

of academic leadership. Thus, this essay seeks to explore young academic leadership and how it

plays an integral role in society.

A young academic leader must have charisma, intelligence, good character, be socially

involved with the community, and willing to bring about a change in people's lives. These gifts

help to harness confidence and courage by followers who look at young academic leaders as a

role model for others to emulate and embrace. Moreover, a young academic leader takes up

multiple roles in society such as politicians, teachers, lawyers, managers, businesspersons, and

managers. These fields help to show their strength and abilities for others to emulate. Some kinds

of young academic leaders are autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, charismatic, servant, and

transformational. The young academic leader should adopt is democratic leadership role because

it allows followers to form their own opinion. Another style of leadership that one should adopt

is transformational and servant leadership because these styles help to transform people for the

betterment of society. According to Bass and Avolia (1994), transformational leadership is

leaders that develop colleagues and followers to higher levels of ability and potential and
motivate colleagues. They also motivate colleagues and followers to look beyond their own

interests towards those that will benefit the group.

Furthermore, young academic leaders start from the primary level of education, where students

are involved in public speaking, to build their diction and bravery to deliver speeches to the

public. This also goes further afield in secondary school, where young academic leaders are

trained to be responsible for holding a public debate and to lead in hosting assembly forum. An

example of a young academic leader was Dr. Martin Luther King who helped to champion the

cause of equal rights and justice in the American state and by extension the world. In his tenure

to lead as a young man, he showed his bravery to honor his people, to seek results, and address

for the better society between cultural and ethnic likeness among people. As a result, people

would have a better foundation among people for human rights. Another young academic leader

to mention is Finland’s new prime minister-elect Sanna Mirella Marind. At the age of 34, she is

the world’s youngest prime minister-elect to become prime minister for a country.

Furthermore, a young academic leader must also have emotional and psychic skills to deal with

his or her peers, mentally physically, socially, and spiritually. This is also concern with

motivating people when their academic is below average. The leader should inspire them to

improve their academic performance in school.

In summary, young academic leaders are inspirational, motivating, colorful in thinking, and

always seek to make a difference in any learning institution and by extension the world, which

he or she should seek to bring out the best in people and curb the current state that exists in

people lives.

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