High Level Accuracy Method With Little To NO Draw Down

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High Level Accuracy Method With

Little To NO Draw-down

• First Post: Feb 3, 2019 2:24pm | Edited Feb 5, 2:55pm

Greetings Ladies & Gents,

I've been trading for almost 30 years. I'm going to show you some stuff that's going to blow your mind away... but first...
Let's get some stuff about me out of the way...

It's been a fun, and a scary journey Trading Currencies. Google never existed 30 years ago. I had the pleasure to use AOL
and Yahoo! Search engine, all from a 56Kbps modem. So you could imagine finding resources to learn from was scarce
(minimal) at its best. All I had to learn from was OLD Stock Trading images and reverse engineer the Technical Analysis
Tools as we see today such as the RSI, Momentum, Moving Averages, etc, I would spend up to 18 hours a day studying.
Some days longer. 7 days a week for YEARS AND YEARS!

I'm very analytical / thorough in my thinking, Mathematics is my forte and pattern recognition is what has helped me
basically know all there is about Trading successfully - ALL of what I'm about to show you can work on any Compression
(Time Frame), as well as Stocks, Equities, Commodities, Futures - you name it, anything that has a chart attached to it, it
will work...

I do not expect everyone to have these traits (abilities) and if you're a person who doesn't, do not worry yourself. This
can be learned quickly - I have a knack of shorting that learning curve - IF you put the time in!

Oanda was the first platform I physically practiced on in 1995 before moving to FXCM in 1999, which I later left as MT4
(MetaQuotes) came on board in 2002.
For MANY years I used technical analysis tools as I have previously mentioned. It wasn't until my 10th year into Trading
Currencies I took on a whole new world of Analysis. Pure Price Action with Japanese Candles & Bar Chart Trading. It blew
my mind away and I have never looked back since - it's VERY, VERY rare I would use any Oscillating Analysis tools like the
RSI, Moving Averages, etc, and you will see why as I illustrate how awesome these very kept closed to the public secrets
There are literally over 100 highly laser focused Advanced Price Action approaches I have mastered, some though my
own findings and others who I have had the pleasure to personally meet in person - mostly Floor Traders & Market
Makers. However, in this document I will provide just 2 of them.

Let's get the dirty stuff out of the way first.

I am not in any way affiliated with Forex Factory dot com. They have NOT paid me to be here. I am here at my own free
will - I like to spend these boring days mingling with Day Traders alike and help guide newbies where I can from making
mistakes from people who still think they know how to trade properly - aside from the Trolls you see here from time to
time which has given FF a bad name in my opinion - there should be MILLIONS of people here, not a fraction of the 500K
that are currently members.

My hopes is that we can change that, maybe these Trolls who just make people's life worse due to their own
unsuccessful attempts to make them feel happier is to bring you down to their level. Please, just IGNORE them.
Concentrate on you! Be the best you can. And most of all, be polite to those who are helping you. And NEVER GIVE UP!
Quitters Never Win and Winners never quit!

I am also NOT here to sell anything. I do have my own Forex Training Businesses, and I will not supply you any links, and
you will not find them on search engines by searching for FXCyborg either. And I am not going to give you my name, you
can call me "Mr. X", if you have to.

I will ask you to take my words lightly in the terms of how my attitude may come across to you - I type 120-150 words a
minute and I hardly go back to re-read what I type - so this note is an advanced apology if I may come across wrong - I
mean no disrespect.
I am NOT Arrogant - people mistake that for CONFIDENCE - which I have LOTS of and you need confidence when you're
Day Trading too. I am NOT an Egotistical Narcissist either - I could care less if you like me or not. I just want you to WIN
in this ugly market / world we live in as Day Traders. When I heard for the first time how Market Makers make their
money. I was livid! So now I'm going to show you TWO very powerful approaches that anyone can do, using nothing but
PRICE ACTION!!! No Indicators - so throw them away!

I am NOT here to compete with anyone. Each person has their own way of trading. OK sure, I may chime in and help add
more insight as to what people here and elsewhere should be looking out for, or correcting their terminology which has
been skewed/altered over the years. Or how to draw trend lines in properly, or how to use the Fibonacci correctly... I'm
a perfectionist by heart - I treat this very seriously - it's what I do and I'm REALLY good at it.

I don't want to sound like some dickhead who can't even get the terminology correct. If I'm going to remain ignorant on
the simplest things as saying terminology correctly, I would stand no chance in building my career as an Advanced Price
Action Day Trading Professional. And neither will any of you - I'm not sure what your overall goal is Trading the Forex -
But let me just say there is no Holy Grail and if you try to rush this and mess up your money & risk management or if you
don't focus, you will lose. That much I can guarantee. But I can NOT guarantee you will be successful, or if you pull off
100-200-300% weeks as I have done and still to this day do. Not by over leveraging my account, but by HTF (High
Frequency Trading - performing MANY trades per day over a course of 4-10 hours).

If you want help, ASK by replying to the Forum thread / Post I made. Show your images and it will be my pleasure to
assist you.

I know the there is an old saying: "You can't teach an old Dog new tricks", well... that's complete and utter bollocks
(Bulls**t / Rubbish). Please don't have the attitude that you know better than anyone else. I did, and it didn't get me
that far. But now, I'm so far up that ladder it's hard to find a fault. I'm not saying I'm free from any faults because that
would be a total lie. I know where my faults are. And I know I still have more to learn & master. I will always have my
eyes and ears open just in case I do find another perspective I could use and adopt.

I've been on Forex Factory LONGER than what it says on my Profile (Nov 2014). I was one of the very first people to be
on FF. But I left because of the Trolling going on. When I was new here, I just like you came to learn something new and
when I perfected it I wanted to share - that's when the Trolls came in to attack me. I left and never came back for years.
When I did come back for a 2nd time, you guessed it, the Trolls came out of their wood works. So, I left again.

I think in hindsight this was a God send. It sent me a massive message that I should stay well away not just from this
forum, but all Forex Related Forums - It took away the important time I needed to not only focus on my perfecting Price
Action recognition and the Tools that came with Trading Stations/Platforms, but to focus on myself. To truly tune in on
my instincts and learn how to read them.

I was almost convinced that Forex was a Scam. I mean, how many times would my SL's get hit? Too many to mention. It
was like as if someone was looking over my shoulder ready to stop me out. I was beyond annoyed. I was starting to
develop a complex. Was I really ready for this? Is it really for me? Is it really this difficult as it appeared to be based on
previous experience of losing all the time? It cost me a fortune in the mid 6 figures I had lost and still had no way of
breaking even. Not even close. Looking for a Job came to mind many times.

BUT NO! I stuck it out. Roll on 30 years I'm kicking butt and taking names. And I want to share with you two very
powerful techniques that you can apply right now. It does NOT matter how much experience you have. If you were a
person who just found out about Forex, you can do this too. You just need to use some common sense, follow
instructions and most of all, PRACTICE on a DEMO ACCOUNT (Live Simulated Platform - Virtual Practice Money). And
don't be afraid to ask questions.
As a Community, I would like you to help others if they ask questions (Only if you're sure you know the answer). This is a
Global Speaking Forum; the forum is open 24 / 7. I cannot be here all the time. And I do have a life too. It's my wish that
you all be kind to each other and help each other move up that ladder of success and finally beat the brokers at their
own game and make money together.

I do also ask, don't rely on anyone but yourself when it comes to placing a trade. You have to understand why it is you
are placing that trade you are going after. And you do so at your own risk. And if you mess up you only have yourself to
blame. Not me, or anyone else who has mastered what I'm going to show you. This is why it is VERY important you
PRACTICE on your demo account.

Use a $1,000 Demo account, do not open a $10,000 or a $100,000 demo account, that's not your reality (even if it is,
start low). Heck, if $1,000 is out of your comfy zone when you are prepared to go Live, open a $500 demo account (enter
$500 in the box instead of choosing one from the drop-down menu, if you are able to).
Quadruple your demo account first, once you have done this with 90% success rate it may be time for you to consider to
open a live account. To start with, and if the Broker allows it deposit $100 or $200 to begin with. You may lose this
amount the first time. Trading is not just about understanding how price moves and perfecting a pretty powerful price
action approach, but it's about how you can deal with and come up from the ashes when you experience adversity and
the adrenaline rush that comes with trading real live cash. Once you master that, the worlds your Oyster and that's
when life really starts - it's a real nice feeling when you can start printing your own cheques / Checks at will.

One day, you will get there... Again, don't give up. If you find yourself struggling. Take a day off. Listen to music while
Trading, drink plenty of water, eat plenty during the day to keep those energy levels up. Rest some more if need be. And
most of all, double check your work/analysis before pulling the trigger with sensible Risk & Money Management.


Since we have many people from all over the world. If English is not your native language and if you wouldn't mind,
kindly download this document and translate it into your native language - this will help reduce any misunderstandings
of what I'm trying to illustrate. Once you have done so, please upload it to Dropbox, or some free file storage website
and I'll download it and I'll edit the post and add to this post.

Thanks so much!


This is for educational purposes only. At no time are you allowed to use this and pass it off as your own. Or sell it. If
anyone is found doing this. I will contact the customer and demand that they get a refund and or perform a charge back
and re-direct them to this thread.

I own the rights to this material and it's FREE! And it should remain that way!


At the bottom right hand corner of every post here on FF, there's a Thumbs UP icon... Give it a click! to anyone who has
helped you or made a post. Help build other people's confidence, it makes a huge difference in their and your
performance. And subscribe to their FF profile too, click their username, you'll find the word "Subscribe" - give that a
click too, so when they do make a reply here showing their work, you will be notified!

On that note... Let's kick some butt!

Good luck everyone!

EUR/USD Compression - Advanced Supply & Demand

~~~ Side Note ~~~

Know your trend bias - is the trend going up, or down? If it's going down, we're looking for sells and vice versa -
~~~ End Side Note ~~~

I've named these images as 01, 02, etc these are the order in which you should view them. If you set your FF settings to
have images show up in a light-box rather than a new window, it might be more convenient to view them?

SELL / SHORT Pending Orders and or Instant Market Orders

What we are looking for is an area where price has accumulated orders. Essentially were price was not really making any
significant highs or lows - basically going sideways from a standing view point. These are more easily identified on 1 & 5
M Compression (Time Frames)

Once we have found / identified this area we are looking for a revisit back to that zone - it must revisit back to this zone
in short order (come back reasonably quick) - if it takes far too long to come back to that area it's generally best to
ignore the setup.

In this accumulation zone where orders are being created, we're looking for two BULL candles of reasonable / healthy
body sizes (ideally body sizes should be almost the same size) going in the same direction followed by a 3rd Candle, a
BEAR bar creating an engulfing pattern.

When you find this setup WITHIN that accumulation zone, place a box (Or draw in a horizontal trend line) starting from
the CLOSE of the 1st BULL bar and the OPEN of the 2nd BULL bar and extend the box (Or draw in a horizontal trend line)
to the highest wick out of the 3-bar formation. Remember, the 3rd Bar is our Engulfing Bar and it will be the opposite
type, in this case, a BEAR Bar. It's close must close Below the Open of the 2nd Bull Bar's Close.

Place your pending order, or execute an instant market order (real time execution) at the bottom of the box / horizontal
trend line and place your SL above the box / upper horizontal trend line by 2-5 pips (experiment with it) ... You do not
need to go any higher than this for your SL (Stop Loss) for 1 min TF's.

R:R (Reward to Risk ratio) will be anywhere between 3 to 50 to 1 reward of your risk! I know, sick/crazy right? And
people wonder who I manage 100%+ weeks!

PLACING YOUR TP's (Take Profit Levels).

Here's the easiest part.

Locate the previous structural Low. Locate the closes/open of those two bars that forms that structural low and put your
TP there.


BUY / LONG Pending Orders and or Instant Market Orders

It's the opposite of what we do for SELL/SHORT Trade setups.

Identify the accumulation. Locate the 3-bar setup WITHIN that zone. Place your box or horizontal trend line on the
CLOSE of the 1st BEAR bar and the OPEN of the 2nd BEAR bar. Drag your Box (or add your horizontal trend line) to the
lowest wick of the 3-bar setup. The 3rd Bar, the Bullish Engulfing Bar must close higher than the 2nd Bear Bar's Open.
Wait for a revisit to this area we just drew in. And execute a pending order, or wait and execute a real time market order
at the top of the box / trend line. Place your Stop Loss below of the box / horizontal trend line by 2 - 5 pips!

PLACING YOUR TP's (Take Profit Levels).

Here's the easiest part.

Locate the previous structural high. Locate the closes/open of those two bars that forms that structural high and put
your TP there.



BTW, there are opportunities to take on if these levels are missed / does not reach our desired low draw down entries...
But these will do you for now.

I hope you enjoyed this!

Submit your images of any back testing or live forward images (before the revisit happens) and I will help you and or
confirm if it’s done correctly!


Yes you can do this on any time frame.... I've only provided up to the 30 min compression/time frame
Yes there are Forex Cyborg mentions out there.. BUT THESE ARE NOT ME! YOU WILL NOT FIND MY STUFF OUT THERE
showing you here will set you up for good!
• Feb 3, 2019 3:18pm

Here is the setup... however, Bull bar #2 is not of the same or near body size as Bull Bar #1
You have to remember, the area you drew in on the far right has no bearish engulfing pattern formed and the two
recent Bull bars are not of same or near body sizes. I hope this image below helps?

P.S. Having saying all that, the pin bar next to the setup was triggered
• Feb 3, 2019 3:18pm

Just to add, the 2nd image you drew in, is actually a Drop Base Drop / Imbalance zone (the 2nd method I was going to
draw / explain out but I didn't have the time).
There's a huge gap there, this needs to be filled (at some stage)... so this can go one of two ways... 1) trigger the gap and
close below it then head up to the imperfect setup. 2) Trigger the imperfect setup and then drop to close below the gap.

• Feb 3, 2019 3:53pm

Here's EURCHF H1 - real time setup - using the most extreme setup... not really the ideal one as the body sizes are
slightly too small for my liking. I like to see healthy bodies on these two bull bars.
• Feb 3, 2019 4:00pm

Here's a 15 Min: GBPCAD - SELL

• Feb 3, 2019 4:09pm

Here's USDCAD - 30 Min - SELL

if miss option 1 can we reenter on option 2 setup ? attached pic EURCHF H1. tq

p/s = also at how many bars after setup if not trigger order should we void the order ?


• Feb 3, 2019 4:19pm

No, that level is now invalid, orders were collected.
HOWEVER - please refer to the image I posted in the initial post. Find the one where there is 4 touches. Look at how
close each candle is that triggers that line. Bulls and Bears were fighting in real time.
What we have to understand here, is that once these levels have been hit/triggered and some time passes, the Banks
and MM'ers care less about that level now, as you depict from my image above. They are now looking for new / FRESH
liquidy levels.

We could take these on. BUT... we are taking on high precision entries that have high probabilities of working out in our
favor. Once you start to think like a MM'er, you'll be on their gravy train before the train departs

I hope this helps?


P.S. - Refer to this statement: "using the most extreme setup" - price will always go to most extreme levels.

As that too with the Asian session. The Asian session depicts the Banks/MM'ers spread/commission. Price will try to
find/reach those highs or lows of the Asian Session. If it does not break the previous day's high of the Asian session, then
the price will more often that not, drop. As that with the Low, if the Asian session low is not broken, price will increase...
there's more to this - but that's the basics of it.
• Feb 3, 2019 4:46pm

Here's NZDUSD H4 - lots of opportunities here - as price moves we will need to take another look and re-
evaluate - just because I have drawn this out - I will not go in blindly as there are too many buy and sell
confluence levels - So I will wait for price to develop one way or the other and take another look then smack
this out of the park. ATB

Here is a AUDUSD H1 Imbalance RBS Flip Zone (This was going to be the 2nd method before I ran out of
time to write the info down)
• Feb 3, 2019 5:19pm

Quoting knkie
{quote} Hello fxcb i like this trigger Just one question about image 01: You are taking a short setup here...but n the
quote above you say that we should also have a trend bias. In image 01 if I go up to higher frames it seems the trend was
Bullish and this is a short setup. - Are you determining trend within M1 only? or higher frames? - Do you ever take a
setup against the trend ? thank you very much in advance
@knkie Hi,

Thanks for your question

It's all relative - if you refer back to the first image, notice the box I drew in? Now notice the highs the wicks created? Are
they going up, or down?
Once you answer that, please refer to STEP 2, which is the part you're missing out on to get the overall picture - I'd
The first image is STEP ONE as denoted in the Orange text at the top
STEP TWO is the same chart, but this time I took out the box and other elements and started to add in my order levels

I trust this helps?


• Feb 3, 2019 6:33pm

Quoting skyway Here you go {image} {image} @skyway Hi again
OK, we need to be just a little bit more precise here. You see the GBPUSD 15 Min where you have entered your Blue
You have this on the Engulfing bar.. No no my friend, we add it IN-BETWEEN the two Bull Bars next to it on the left -
that's our entry. You need to get another line out and place that on the wick of the bear bar.. that's our Breach Line...
and from there we add our SL by 10-25 pips
As to the structural low, the bottom right corner where the yellow up arrow is, yes that's correct for our TP
May I suggest to MIMIC exactly how I illustrate my images, it will become less confusing over time
Kindly do the same for the other pair in this post of yours too. Thanks.
I trust this helps?

• Feb 3, 2019 6:41pm

Quoting dornachum203 Thank you for sharing. Are you consider this as a valid setup? {image}

@dornachum203, Hi

Thanks for your submission,

I personally would not, no.. this level has already been triggered...
Kindly take note to the left a little bit where all the upper wicks are... have a guess what that is telling is? Notice how the
red pin came back to collect, then a re-attempt where your aqua arrow is, then TP is hit? We've now visited this level
twice now. And there is very slim to no chance it will be respected again, but I would not chance it even if it did. I'd
simply would look on different pairs and find a better setup for a sick entry.
Any how, those upper wicks... It's a highly responsive level, it's where all the liquidity is - i.e, ALL the sellers! That's why it
dropped where you have your current setup.
However in hindsight - these two setups are the same, but the first one is far more powerful then the most recent. Both
have the same sell zone entry and the same TP exit
As the saying goes "Once bitten, twice shy" ~ I prefer to only take setups that are FRESH! I hope this helps?

• Feb 3, 2019 6:50pm

Quoting LDFX {quote} Hello dude, are you using bid on your chart ? I am asking because if you do not use average,
especially on the 1m TF when the spread widen you can get an engulfing only because of the spread while the real price
would not show you that, that is the problem with very low time frame using bid or ask and candlestick pattern instead
of average. However I am curious of how much you risk per trade to make 100%/week ?

Hey there,

That's a very good question. I'm glad you brought that up. I have ZERO spread on my EURUSD so the bid/ask doesn't

But yes, you are quite right more so for pending orders. So this would need to be allotted / accounted for when creating
pending orders.

To add, I don't generally do pending orders - I'm more of a get in dirty do it myself and enter manually kind of guy

I prefer to watch them rather than monitoring 25+ pairs with pending orders. I'll switch to another pair if I feel the will
be a while before the pair moves to the zones I'm looking out for... If it's moving fairly fast, then I will just scalp the heck
out of the pair in question until it dies off and repeat and spin on another pair.

One could adopt an alert indicator/EA where the script would ping you to let you know the price has been reached so
you can re-evaluate if the need arises.

I risk around 6-8% per trade of my free available equity - however do NOT recommend anyone to do that - I've been
doing this for a while now and I could go in deeper. But that's my comfy zone.


• Feb 3, 2019 7:07pm

Quoting LDFX
{quote} I do not mean to troll but basically you trade engulfing pattern at support / resistance, what did I not understand

No, I'm trading liquidity areas where the sellers and buyers are.. these are hidden / advanced supply and demand areas.

The way you are thinking of has a higher DD level... mine are laser focused.. more refined because I know how to read
the price better than the average approach we've been accustomed to when it comes to Engulfing patterns.

An engulfing pattern is a TWO bar setup.. ours are 3 bar setups... WHY?

Because the 2 bull or bear bars we see before the engulfing is the clue where s*t hits the fan before she tanks/ or goes
up. (depending on the setup) - kindly take a look at a 2 bar Engulfing setup... you will notice many of them are short
lived, and or takes a while before we see our move...

My setups are far more responsive, there is an immediate response!

• Feb 3, 2019 7:13pm
Quoting pipcruiser Hi again is this a valid set-up? EURCAD 5 M 1. feb. Or does it lack of upper wicks on the left side from
a previous level? Thanks! PC {image}

That's it mate , the first peak there, is the setup. Then a revisit and it does NOT hang around, it just tanks and that
move was almost enough to pay off ones mortgage lol j/k - trade sensibly (On a demo first please Ladies and Gents).
Well done, let's see more. ATB

• Feb 3, 2019 7:31pm

Quoting okshop {quote} GBPJPY M30 is this valid for market open ? {image}
No, that's a Bull Flag, and the 2nd bull bar is not of the same or near size as the 1st bull bar's body length...

tighten in on those when you look for setups! AND try not to get involved in setups that are currently developing.. FIND
ones that have already before they have been reached! You will have a higher success rate


• Feb 3, 2019 11:07pm

Quoting hibra68 {quote} Im not sure but i think you need accumulaion/structure/ranging action just before the candle
pattern. So cyborg correct me if im wrong. You need some sort of build up before pattern.

Hi and Thanks for replying to help... yes indeed, you are correct. Ideally on lower time frames - Higher time frames not
so much, but one can still follow the same principle as lower time frames. On higher time frames, when we find a 3 bar
setup, we navigate down to a lower time frame to perfect the entry

I trust this helps?


• Feb 3, 2019 11:55pm

Quoting skyway Nice pips from 1hr setups {image} {image}

That's a bit better, but kindly focus on the body of the two setup bars before the 3rd opposite bar comes in... we need to
see more buying power in these bodies. The result is much better

Don't forget to put in your TP levels too

• Feb 4, 2019 12:05am

Quoting tradur
{quote} Are those profits made with the same method presented here in this topic?
Thanks for your question.

Yes Sir, most of them are, off the 1 & 5 Minute Compression (TF's) - it's how I manage to clock up some serious returns (I
would generally do about 20-50 trades per day) when I'm feeling I'm up for it (If I have nothing else better to do) -
though when I'm running my businesses, I tend to opt for 30 Minute & 1 Hour compressions and set my alert indicator
to ping me when the entry level horizontal trend lines have been triggered by the currency price.

• Feb 4, 2019 12:18am

Quoting okshop EU friday p/s was this a long trigger setup {image}

@okshop OK we need to squash some of these mate. And tweak them some more.
Please identify TWO BULL BARS then a BEAR bar for a SELL setup, the BEAR Bar's BODY, MUST engulf the 2nd BULL Bars
Body. Once you have, do the following:

1) Place your H-Trendline in the middle of the two BULL BARS (on its first bar's close and 2nd bar's open). This is your
ENTRY trigger as price comes back for a revisit.

2) Find the highest Wick out of all 3 bars - place a H-Trendline in there. This will act as your Breach Line. Then place your
SL above there.

3) Find the most RECENT structural LOW for these sell setups... this will act as your TP
• Feb 4, 2019 12:29am

Quoting broketrader
Hi FXCyborg, thanks for your thread and your sharing ! I'm subscribed and will see when and how I can add this to my
trading... I think that this was a correct setup on USDCAD H1 some days ago, do you confirm ? It's just still not clear to
me how would have you put the TP and SL, if you can give any direction on this one, I would appreciate. Thanks. {image}

@broketrader Hi, Thanks for your submission.

OK...this one is a rare instance. Kindly notice the bear engulfing. When I see the 3rd bar that doesn't significantly engulf
is neighboring bar to its left. I will move to a lower compression (TF), in this case, the 30 M and see if the setup is visible
there and if so, and should there be a significant drop created by the 3rd bar in our setup, then yes, I will take the
position on. If not, I will move lower to the 15 M and so on.

I trust this helps?

• Feb 4, 2019 12:40am

Quoting MrGreen95
It would be interesting to made a Dashboard who monitor all TF of all pairs that alerts you when this situation occur..


Hello Sir, thanks for your suggestion. Not a bad idea. However, the more charts you have open and more algo sets
running in the background has a tendency to slow ones PC down of much needed resources.

I would suggest to run a search on this forum a for a trendline alert indicator - Once you find the setup in question, add a
H-trendline and mark it / label it "sell" or "buy" and as price reaches that trigger level, you will be alerted.

I have a similar one, but my script hides my order from the Brokers and auto trail steps the PIPS after XYZ PIPS have
been made and moves my SL further into Profit. However I only tend to do these on H4 time frames, but to be honest, i
spent a s**t load of money during Xmas and the new year of 2K19 - I'm whacking out as many trades as I can off lower
compressions instead

ATB & welcome to the thread - I hope to see some screenshot submissions?

• Feb 4, 2019 10:06am

Quoting Impenia
Hey mate, much appreciation for sharing your trading approach. Would the chart below have been considered a valid
setup based on your rules...even though price retraced shortly below the entry level? {image}
@Impenia Hi

Welcome, thanks for your submission.

Yes this is valid, If we do not see a 1.15200 revisit, this is going to 1.13xx to complete the Quasimodo setup.

We still have time to see if that pair revisits our entry zone, if not, then EU will continue to drop.

Once you have placed in your Breach Line, don't forget to add the SL above that line: 25-50 pips should be ample.
However I would suggest to load lower time frames to reduce this SL to 2-5 pips.


• Feb 4, 2019 10:23am

Quoting iamsovereign
great thread to the op question... On your first post with the 5 min chart EU. you show a setup that comes back to the
level some time later.... how long Is a valid return to level good for? Please see the chart that I have posted....... I am
showing a valid set up just before the one you are showing..... and the set up that you are showing is the return trigger
for the set up that I am showing on my chart...... is the one I show on the chart valid? Just wanting to understand how
long you use a return to level as a valid trigger..... Hope this made...

@iamsovereign Hi Thanks for your submission, both of those images are valid and both were triggered.

re: how long are we to wait for these setups to revisit and be triggered. It's generally much better to see these revisits
come back in short fashion. I'm sorry you missed the post that mentions this.

I always prefer to have setups come back fairly quickly. Anything can change after more time passes. Nonetheless, a
valid setup is a valid setup.. It's just a matter of ones own preference. Wait longer than normal for the trigger to get hit,
or opt to choose another pair - personally, since I know the shortest revisits in terms of duration are far better for my
comfy zone, that's what I will stick to Otherwise if I hold on (like people do to losses), the unknown it's lurking is ugly
head and that bothers me.
So it's a coin toss to the trader.
• Feb 4, 2019 11:11am

Quoting reinis92
Thank you for posting this idea. Could you please explain a little bit more in detail, what should happen before the
candlestick pattern? In the main post you wrote: {quote} But then in some graphics, you pointed out the candlestick
pattern with no previous price accumulation. For example - the last two graphics in the main post ( EURUSD, M15 and
EURUSD, M30). Thank you in advance!

@reinis9 Hi

Kindly refer back to the first image: the first post - STEP 1 of 2

To add as per your question in terms of 15 and 30 M.

1M's need accumulation zones to identify. As that preferably with 5 Min... We call them compressions because they are
compressed from another time frame. i.e, 3 x 5 min bars are compressed into a 15M TF... 2 x 15 Min bars are
compressed into a 30 M time frame.

This is not to say that we can not identify these areas on larger compressions (TF's) - the perfect setups will ALWAYS
come from these ranging areas / zones.

A 1 Min TF is a composition of 60 seconds compressed into the 1 Min Bar. Since we do not have a "1 Sec" bars on most
platforms, it's hard to distinguish from a stand point where the accumulation is coming from (Unless we use the MT5
Platform and load up the D.O.M - Level 2 (Depth of Market) or where it currently is, in the present or the past. Note: the
MT5 DOM - Level 2 console is only a representation of the Broker you are with. Not on a global scale. When I
subcontracted for a Bank in 2010 through a private company we got to see all the orders around the World. It gave
me goose bumps.

It's good to note and to understand why price stops and goes sideways for a period of time - these are areas in which the
market is accumulating orders.
When price stops, it's because there are a lack of orders in the direction it's going in - thus price stalls to accumulate
more orders, so price ranges for a while until one side dominates the other.

This is where the market makers/banks and global elites hang around to trap a LOT of people.

When you see a accumulation level / zone and you notice the first two bars of our setup... let's say for example.. we're
looking for a SELL setup.

We notice a range being developed where no significant highs or lows are being made - followed by a Bearish Engulfing
Pattern. Market Makers will force the price up into the upper range then let go of their positions and dominate the long
orders in which they induced the sentiment of "we the traders" to go Long.

Then BOOM, they let go and head the other way... When the market revisits this area there are trapped positions up
there - these are identified by the Wicks - it's trapped money or money lost by "we the traders" who were induced to go
long to catch out break out traders.

This is why its SO IMPORTANT to find the best setups with healthy bodies, not small/tiny ones... The body represents
the active positions in, until such time a wick is formed. Since the MM'ers are putting so much volume into the Currency
Pair in question (It takes $50 million to move a pair 1 PIP/10 Points) we are looking at, in short bursts, they too have
trapped positions in there, so they come back to revisit that area to pick it up. Once they revisit, BOOM, they go back the
other way because they let go of their long positions and prepare orders to trap the market (we the traders) once more
and head in the other direction.
To truly understand how price moves, I highly recommend to study this video.. Have 1 hour spare and jot down any


I trust this has helped?


• Feb 4, 2019 11:17am

Quoting dragos_ {quote} And one more, allthough I think is not fresh. Looking forward for your feedback, thanks {image}
That's good, well done, one thing though, its a High not a Low ATB
• Feb 4, 2019 11:23am

Quoting digiff {quote} FC, thanks for taking the time to freely share your knowledge from your vast experience. Before I
post my charts, I have a couple of questions/confusion about where you consider to actually place the order. I am clear
about the 3 bar setup, just not the entry points. I used your charts from the first post to annotate the confusion.

@digiff Hi Thank you for your post.

re: the first image, you will notice my other image has this position already noted

re: 2nd image, yes you are correct, however I used a RBS as my TP. However, see the wicks just below the entry, when
navigating to the 1 Min TF, this will be our Str-Low.
re: 3rd image, yes, if you want to be laser focused and drill down to the Lower TF, you may of caught this. Many here
would not have and I simply wanted to create an illustration that shows these areas quite easily to be identified by those
reading this thread.

re: 4th image, exactly, that's why I pointed out two entries of 0.3 and 0.6 pip DD's respectively.


• Feb 4, 2019 11:32am

Quoting MrGreen95
{quote} Hello Sir, don't call me Sir, please! I understand what you're saying, but i mean to open only one chart with
the dashboard that analyzes all pairs and TF. So, you just need one chart and in this case we'll don't have to slow our PC:
i find this way more easy and stressless, just wait the alert and then we can open the second chart with the setup..
Anyway, this could be an opportunity, right? EURAUD / H4: {image}

Hi Mr. Green

In all honesty, it's the same thing, it still as to load up that data. And it's pointless, don't use crutches Mr. Green. It takes
literally a few seconds to click those tabs.

I'm noticing a common oversight here with some setups which need to be indentified correctly for a PERFECT setup...

I would like to kindly ask that everyone concentrates on the body sizes. They need to the same size or very close to it.
This sentiment of the body is extremely important!

The setup you show with the tiny body, is a bull trap. This will retrace to the DBD then head lower to complete phase 3


• Feb 4, 2019 11:54am

Quoting lddd
{quote} Hey there. Good topic. Here's a newbie question. How do you determine whats "far to long" to come back to the
consolidation area for a revisit? What ist long what is quick? Some example? Isn't that relative to what time frame you
look at and therefor how much time is spend for each new candle. Also could you recommend where to start here as a
complete newbie to forward practice these entry setups. I would like to mainly trade the EU session without having to
watch multiple markets for multiple time frames at once. I see you post charts for...
@lddd Hi,

Welcome and thanks for your post

The image you have quoted, is one. the ONLY reason why this setup was chosen is because the level in which I drew
out is ALSO an Imbalance zone - so we have confluence of events. If these are not present and the duration takes as long
as the image shown, then I will ignore the setup.

I'm just showing you two pieces of analysis.. If i were to add more candle patterns, fibo laws, harmonic laws, E.W.A etc
to find more confluence areas, then it would just confuse everyone here even more. So I'm just illustrating the easiest
ones to learn that doesn't require any experience to master.

Quoting lddd Also could you recommend where to start here as a complete newbie to forward practice these entry

I'm some what confused by this question. Where to start? I think you may overlooked some posts that specifically says
where to start. Locate the accumulation zones, draw out the analysis setups and execute once price revisits.

Quoting lddd I see you post charts for all kind of different time frames and markets so i am bit confused.
You shouldn't be Sir, it does not matter what Time frame you are on. Analysis will always remain the same.

Quoting lddd To me something like a trading plan i could build around such strategy would help, like what markets to
trade, what time frame to focus on. If i have to do any kind of multiple time frame analyse to first identify the longer
term trend

All charts use the same analysis.. so, if you want to go for longer term positions where you're not jumping in and out of
trades like I do - then start off on a smaller time frame, enter your analysis, then go up a time frame and find more
setups... and so on, as price moves in your favor, secure your profits by moving your SL into profit (click it and drag up or
down in the direction of where your profit has been made - and leave it under the recent structural lows for buys or or
above highs for sells - as price will retest these areas, so to keep those SL's secure and prevent them from being hit to
close your position out at a respectable gain.)
Quoting lddd And could you tell me if i locate the 1-2-3 bear engulfing setup on the chart you posted correctly?

Yes Sir

I trust my replies have been satisfactory?


• Feb 4, 2019 11:59am

Quoting lddd {quote} Same questions here. On some of the charts posted such previous price accumulation is missing
somehow? As far as i did understand correct this is essential. So you not simply identify such setups during an extreme
level during some intact up or downtrend, right? Further this leads me to the question how you determine what a side
ways market has to look like depending on the time frame you're looking. If you say accumulation/sideways is where
price is not making new highs or lows, for how long this has to be? So for some this might be a period...
@lddd Hi,

I apologise for the confusion.

arh ha, I see where you're coming from..

IN fact the accumulation zone is not missing, kindly refer to this reply I made

In short the accumulation zone is found on the 1 Min TF


• Feb 4, 2019 12:42pm

Quoting hibra68 {quote} Ok, those were submitted from my phone. I am just posting the ones that I think were legit
setups and the entries were hit. I didnt place sl at the bottom of the lowest wick as per rule. Because, of the flash crash.
Let me know if these were correct. tnx.
May I ask - in image 1.. where i the bias of the trend ? the over all trend bias is short. With an interim of an uptrend
via the H4

Although there is a gap on the 4HR/Daily AUDCHF and a Bearish Harami/Inside Bar on the Daily and a gap to be filled
from Dec 2K18 which created the abandoned baby, price will tend to drop from there. However there are indeed sellers
up there where your TP is. Question is, how long are you prepared to wait for these levels to be hit. So my advice to you
would be to secure any profits as they are being created.

A worthy note for readers of this thread is that It's rare to have 4, or 5 consecutive bull or bear bars in a row. More so on
Daily and above. And if one is going to work off larger time frames, reduce your DD, the whole point of this setup is to
have LITTLE to NO DRAW DOWN... so one has to go down a time frame and find the same set up that was found on
higher ones. And you keep going until your DD is as low as it can be. When perfected, one will find their R;R will be in the
region of 200:1 or so.

re: image 2, no your TP should be at the Str-H which was developed via the DBD zone.

re: image 3, no, your str-high is in line with the Bear bar - when you move down a TF, you will see this
re: partial TP closes. Don't do them. it serves absolute no purpose to do so, and you're leaving money on the table - this
method of approach is completely stupid. I know this has been thrown out there to do this - OK, the approach sounds
logical to secure profits and get paid for your work. BUT in reality of things, this partial close of a position was
recommenced by traders who have no clue what they are doing or where price will go...

When you learn this what I'm showing you, you will never use a partial close again!!! Why? Because you will be able to
read the price better than 99% of the field!

Pro Tip: Let's use this as an example...

Assume you have a 100 pip gain at 1 standard lot. And let's assume you have a floating profit of a net positive $1,000.

You decide to reduce your lot size by half in any random area, taking half a standard lot off and adding in $500.00 to
your balance while leaving the remaining 0.5 lot active. And we move our SL into profit. But where are you going to put

But it does sounds great, right, adding money to our balance? We're risk free now. Cool - concept sounds appealing.

But I ask, why leave all that hard earned money on the table there for others to grab - especially since working off a
larger time frame like the daily or weekly?

In my mind it makes no sense. If we have a structural low for instance while we are Long and in profit by 100 pips. and
you knew where these were and you still took off 50% from your standard lot at that time. And I did the same but i
didn't take off my standard lot. Who's going to make more? You, or me?

Food for thought


• Feb 4, 2019 12:59pm

Quoting CrocodileRex let's see if this is good. Cadjpy H1 {image}

@CrocodileRex Hi

Welcome to the thread and thanks for your submission.

Kindly refer to my most recent posts where I have stated the first two bars body needs to be of the same or near size as
each other. I believe this is mentioned in the first post also.

Also, you're selling into a rising market, this is a bull flag. And it will go up from here.



• Feb 4, 2019 1:58pm

Quoting Impenia
{quote} Not sure I completely grab the complete mechanics of the system as yet. My understanding of structural low
would be the most recent swing low or support. Not sure if a change in terminology helps your understanding. What TF I
recommend? I'm not sure I'm in a position to say. Personally, I would trade any TF from D1 to M15. If, however, I'm
trading H1 and above, I'd like to zoom in on M5/M15 to see if I can take a sniper shot with minimal DD. Looks like that's
what the OP recommends.
Nice explanation



• Feb 4, 2019 2:03pm

Quoting Impenia
{quote} How would you know the setup is valid if the 3rd bar has not completely formed. You can't preempt an Engulfing
candle, you need to wait for it to close.
Perfect answer, thank you.

I would like add as I have once done before, but in this instance I think its important to note again.

"Don't shadow the price, ie, be up its back, locate previously formed setups - mark them out and wait for the revisit"


• Feb 4, 2019 2:09pm

Who caught the 5 Min GBPUSD setup for a short scalp? That trade made me 1.1% 50 more of those would be nice

See how quickly in short order they push off these levels?

Proof is in the podding baby!

To add, notice the several wicks created by the GBPUSD as noted in the image?

That's where there is selling liquidity, so I will be buying back to that level and sell again.


• Feb 4, 2019 2:17pm

It's pouring down of free cash

• Feb 4, 2019 2:25pm

As it happens - live.. see attached

• Feb 4, 2019 2:28pm

As it happens - live.. see attached

• Feb 4, 2019 2:35pm

Who can see the confluence levels with E.W.A on this one? Corrective Impulse wave A is imminent

• Feb 4, 9:33pm

Ladies and Gentleman. I appreciate you all very much.

I have gone way above and beyond giving you all insights of not only about how this market works, I have given you a
method of approach you can use - for FREE. And we're starting to go off course here... As much as I would love to give
you more info on this, that and the other, but its not the scope I laid out for each of you to follow. That is reserved for
those under my wing, so to speak. I can't sit here as much as I would like to give full in-depth answers to questions that
really have nothing to do what what has been shown.

Out of all the methods I know to find low draw down entries, this is the easiest one to master...

It's very easy to do. And there should really be no other questions about it. If the setup fails, it fails. Simple! I could sit
here, again, all day long and explain, but that does not matter and nor will it help you trade any better. Just find another
setup. There's many pairs to choose from. Focus on those and perfecting your entries - and that's what I';m here for, to
help you perfect them - that's it really.

Kindly stick to the plan and let's get some pips banked.

If you're struggling or need confirmations of your setups or want to show your results or even let others know you have
entered into a position via your demo account or if you have quadrupled it... please be my guest... Let's show everyone
how it's done.

Please don't come back and say stuff like "Well you provided a strategy you should expect some questions - do don't post
strategies here if you can't handle the questions".. those comments I can do without, and its a sign that one does not
understand what I'm trying to say here.

I have stated I will help you perfect this strategy, not show you how the market works COMPLETELY from A-Z...
I apologize in advance if I am coming across firm here... But I have to be to keep this ship back on its course.

Sincere regards


• Feb 5, 2:42pm

Here is a AUDUSD H1 Imbalance RBS Flip Zone (This was going to be the 2nd method before I ran out of time to write
the info down)

AFTER: 3.1 pip draw down - 68.3 pip move up. Nice R:R there

• Feb 5, 5:41pm

@bobshah HI,

Nice setup... 66.5 pips TP banked / secured on 1st setup of a BUY...

Here's the 2nd setup, with more in-depth info...

Please do not use red on a black background, the prices are hard to see, best to use Yellow T-lines so prices are visible.

I hope this illustration helps - 2nd setup for sell for 108.8 pips TP - banked / secured.

• Feb 5, 6:03pm

@Pravin4912 Hi,

I've labeled your image

1) move that to the upper row
2) remove that, its not needed - you are hindering your overall chart visibility.
3, 4, 5, & 6) structure high
7) remove the M.A's (moving averages) - NOT needed

And lastly, dont zoom so much, again, you are hindering your overall chart visibility. And kindly mark your charts / label
them for me for easier understanding so others can see too.

BTW, no mention what your SL size is either...

Thanks kindly.


• Feb 5, 6:32pm

@mwasim, Hi Welcome, thanks for your submission.

Kindly note the edited image with my blue labels noted from 1 to 5

1) that is not your SL, that is your breach line... SL goes below that
2) Well done. that's our entry on a revisit - which it does, to the POINT!
3) No, that is not our first immediate/most recent Structure High.
4) Is our structure high for TP
5) Is our SL level - approximately.

I trust this helps?

• Feb 5, 8:06pm

@rony103, Hi

Thank you for your submission.

Kindly review the labels I placed on your chart.

1, 3,4, & 5) structure highs.

2) SL should be lower than this, you put your SL at the breach line. Kindly refer back to my illustrations ATB

• Feb 5, 8:10pm
Kindly use proper screenshots, this image is way too small. use the Windows Snipper Tool and drag from top left to
bottom right. My eye sight isn't as good as yours

Please note the labels on your chart.


• Feb 5, 8:11pm

Quoting 9jatrader
{quote} I do not see the compression or accumulation zone from your chart following the strategy . Just my take
@9jatrader Hi

Switching to the 1 Min you will

Please understand, the Market Makers work off tick charts


• Feb 5, 8:19pm

@northwind, Hi,


To everyone, we're still not getting these setups perfectly yet... I did say "Equal to --- OR very close to it"... Stick to this
rule and you will find better results.

• Feb 6, 12:41am

Quoting lddd
{quote} Ah i see, thanks. One more question. Do you always look for the longer term "trend/direction" before any trade?
So lets say you find your setup on some M1 chart where you see a two bars bearish engulfing pattern within a sideways
going market. Now you want to sell on the next revisit. Do you check any higher time period for the same chart before
placing your orders, zooming out the M1 chart or similar to see the "bigger picture"?

I trail step, some times, it all depends on my mood

I'm more of a swing trader than anything - so I'm in and out, and back in and out again


Quoting Mct63
Hi FXCyborg, Thanks for all the great detail and the amount of time you have spent posting. Could I ask you for some
advice. I cannot spend a lot of time in front to the PC each day but I can check it 2 to 3 times per day. Should I just stick
to the majors and trade H4 and Daily. I'm not expecting anything like the return you make but just to make a profit
would be a good start. Any comments greatly appreciated. Thanks


You're most welcome and thanks for your question. Though I prefer we stay on topic here. But just this one time

We've discussed Higher time frames, one would simply come back when the that time frame bar has been completely
developed. Analyze, then wrk down a time frame to reduce the DD.

Eazy Peezy


Quoting John3001
Hallo, GBP/YEN H1 I ask for your opinion, was the entrance to the rules o.k.? {image}
@John3001 pretty much, but I have stated, higher time frames (Compressions) one needs to go to lower CP's and find a
setup within the setup. Then execute. Doing only half the analysis, only gives random success.


• Feb 6, 1:26am


No, no Sir

1) Identify the setup... = Check

2) wait for it to pull away from the setup = Hasn't happened yet
3) wait for it to come back = Hasn't happened yet
4) then execute = if you're awake lol

Market Makers are crafty people. Think like a MM'er and you'll have way better success. Please remember. They KNOW
ALL TRICKS in the book we the traders use to trade. And they take advantage it every time.


Once setup has been found, identify one on a lower CP for a Lower DD

• Feb 6, 1:41am

Quoting darylboey Am I doing it correctly? {image}

Almost Kindly see attached. ATB

• Feb 6, 1:45am

Quoting John3001 I also took this trade {image}

Almost, if you went down a CP, you could of perfected this even more


• Feb 6, 1:55am

Quoting HanifBukhari
Is this accurate? {image}

Unfortunately, not. I didn't say it has to engulf 5 bars.

The underlining candle sentiment - where the huge bear bar is, is a manipulation of price - market will continue to rise
Sick to my examples please - you will find NOT one of them are like this..



• Feb 6, 2:08am

Hi Ladies & Gentlemen - you're all highly appreciated , thank you for your submissions and keep trying... keep at it!

WOW, I'm running out of hours in the day to get to everyone's post. I'm on page 15 of 25. Unfortunately I need to get
myself some much needed rest.

I'll try my best to answer the others when I'm able.

Kindly stay on topic please, and if you're confused, go back to my first and second image... they are STEP ONE and TWO.

1) locate the accumulation zone.

2) find the set up within the zone
3) wait for price to pull away from that zone
4) wait for it to come back and execute at the Entry line
5) make sure your breach line is NOT the SL, SL goes above it for sells, below it for buys
6) TP's are your structure lows or highs at the close/open
7) if you are working of higher time frames, do #2 above. Then go down a time frame and find the setup within the setup
you found on the higher time frame - keep doing this until your DD is low as possible. then wait for market to pull back
and revisit...
8) keep fingers crossed
9) pat self on back if it works out, if it dont, try again - DON'T GIVE UP!


Thank you for the MANY, MANY PM's I have received of your kind notes, they are very nice and unexpected and a
pleasure to read.. thank you so much

GL And I'll see you tomorrow.

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