NAME: Chelsea Dyan V. Carnate COURSE/YEAR: BS Architecture 1 CODE: 7758 DATE: 4/29/21

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NAME: Chelsea Dyan V.

COURSE/YEAR: BS Architecture 1
CODE: 7758
DATE: 4/29/21

Usually, people tend to forego the most crucial part of any Martial Arts or Combative
Sports training which is the theoretical concepts; they are more concerned about
learning the skills and eventually lose focus along the way.

M2_Activity 1: SWOT Analysis. On a short bond paper, make a SWOT analysis of Karate-
Do relating it when people or practitioners forego the theoretical concepts and go right
ahead with the training. This is a graded activity.

STRENGTH Practitioners develops composure, a clearer thought process,
deeper insight into one's mental capabilities, and more self-
WEAKNESSES Many hours of practice can lead to disheartenment.
OPPORTUNITY It can help other people who’s in danger and can used as self-
THREATS Practitioners can get seriously injured and karate can be used
for violent behavior.

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