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Test on Para Summary and Para Jumbles

1. However, much we may complain about the number of advertisements

there are in a newspaper, the fact remains that without advertisements
there would be no newspapers. It's the advertisements that finance the
newspapers and make it possible for us to buy them cheaply.
What is the Summary?
A) The larger the circulation of a newspaper is, the greater is its need for good
B) Newspapers print so many advertisements that there is not much space left
for the real news.
C) It is generally agreed that it is profitable for large companies to advertise
regularly in the newspapers.
D) Advertisements are essential to newspapers, without them they could not be
produced economically.

2. The average child is exceedingly curious. He investigates everything

within reach; from electric plugs to piles of earth. His favorite word is
"why". The adult finds this period exhausting but he should not try to
check the activities, unless they are dangerous, as the child is establishing
the habit of learning.
Identify the Summary
A) Curiosity in children should be encouraged as it creates a learning habit.
B) Children are often extremely curious but this is an unimportant stage and
ends soon.
C) Curiosity in children should not be encouraged as it is responsible for very
many accidents.
D) His curiosity leads a child to investigate a lot of unimportant things.
3. During recent years, there has been a great increase in population. As a
result of this, many countries are facing serious difficulties. These include
food shortages, housing problems, unemployment, pollution and similar
social and economic difficulties.
Find the summary from the options
A) Some countries have more social and economic problems than others.
B) The rapid growth in population has caused many problems.
C) The increase in population has been to the benefit of some countries.
D) Economic problems are not related to the increase in population.

4. Our world seems to be changing too fast to keep up with. In my youth,

life was much more simple. Our parents worried about feeding and
educating us. We worried about simple things like school and friends.
Today however, children have become selfish and materialistic.
Which options summarises the above paragraph?
A) Everyone changes with time.
B) The world makes people selfish as they grow older.
c) Children are, brought up differently these days.
d) Time has changed the needs and attitudes of people.

5. Primary school children participating in National Theatre (NT) drama

schemes enjoy school more and have improved their speaking and
listening skills, a three-year study has found. Through studying
Shakespeare and Marlowe and acting out their plays using puppets and
music, NT children have also experienced a marked increase in self-
confidence in class, said the report, published today by the Social Science
Research Unit at the Institute of Education. Jenny Harris, the NT's head
of education, urged schools throughout the country to emulate the
programme. "The key findings of this rigorous study raise critical
considerations that we hope will inform the current debate about the role,
and more importantly, the value of the arts," she said.
Which option summarises the idea given in the paragraph?
a. Drama and art are the solutions for improving the skills of students
b. Drama and art drive the performance of the student in school
c. Drama and art can be significant contributors for the skill development of
d. Drama and art are the most valuable of art subjects and their value is
exhibited by the role in student skill development

6. Western classical music history is traditionally understood as beginning

with plainchant (also called "Gregorian" chant), the vocal religious
practice of the Roman Catholic Church. Limited in pitch range and
monophonic (i.e., composed of a single melody with no accompaniment),
plainchant was sung largely by monks, nuns, and clerics rather than by
professional singers. Plainchant was transmitted by memory until the
early 9th century, when the Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne arranged
for it to be notated, and for standardized plainchant books to be
distributed to churches and monasteries across Europe.

Which of the following best summarizes the above paragraph?

A.Plainchant was devised by Emperor Charlemagne when he realized that there

were no available notations for plainchants
B. Western classical music started with the introduction of plainchant but only
in the 9th century did it become available worldwide because of the efforts of
Emperor Charlemagne
C. Plainchant was originally sung by professional singers and only after
notations were developed during Emperor Charlemagne reign did it become
freely available to churches, and then did nuns, monks and clerics sing the
D. Plainchant, the beginning of the western classical music history, was not
sung by professional singers but by the church personnel, and until Emperor
Charlemagne got the plainchant notated and standardized books distributed to
churches and monasteries across Europe, it was passed on by memory
7. Consider the history of physics. Once upon a time, and more than once,
physicists thought they had the universe solved. Some obscure details
remained, but the basic structure of the cosmos was understood. Out of
this naïveté, relativity theory emerged, fundamentally altering classical
notions about the relationship of time and space.
Then came the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and the surreal revelations of
quantum physics. String theorists, in their attempts to reconcile ever widening
theoretical gaps, started talking about eleven dimensions.
Dark matter still makes no sense. Modern physics knows so much more about
the universe, but there is still so much it doesn’t understand. For the first time,
some scientists are openly wondering if we, in fact, are incapable of
figuring out the cosmos.
Find the summary

A. Scientists, sickened by their failure to resolve the mysteries of life, have to

accept defeat
B. Scientists, met by sudden surprises and developments, have to accept that
have failed and will always fail.
C. Scientists, blinded by the larger unsolvable puzzles, have to at last lay
down their cudgels and accept the mystery of life
D. Scientists, forever challenged by new discoveries, may at last have to
accept the unsolvable nature of the cosmos’ mysteries

8.Choose the "restatement" that is closest in meaning to the original

1. I'm going to ask him to let me know if he runs across any other such
novellas with a historical connection.
A) I want to know if he can tell me of any historical novellas across which
people used to perform running competitions.
B) Novellas are connected to historical events about which my friend knows a
C) I am going to inquire about how he encountered the historically connected
novella while he was running there.
D) I am fond of historical novellas and I think he may help me find more of
them; I really enjoyed the one he told me about.

9.Choose the "restatement" that is closest in meaning to the original

Alas! A friend of mine had warned me that selling such a large quantity of
shares without consulting an expert might be rather unwise.
A) I am sorry that I did not heed my friend's advice; he had advised me to
consult an expert if I was intending to sell any such large quantity of shares.
B) Damn it! I had been warned by a friend of mine that selling such a large
quantity of shares without an expert's permission might be quite unwise.
C) Unfortunately, a friend of mine informed me that only an expert would be
able to sell such a large quantity of shares.
D) The expert whom I consulted -- as a friend of mine had advised me to do --
told me that it would be unwise to sell such a large quantity of shares

10. Choose the "restatement" that is closest in meaning to the original

I very much doubt that he is experienced enough to be given a position of
such responsibility.
A) With a little more experience I’m sure he will be the right man we need for
that responsible position.
B) I very much doubt that a responsible job of that description requires someone
with a great deal of experience.
C) He must be given a chance to prove that he is experienced enough to take on
such a responsible post.
D)I am almost certain that he’s not experienced enough to be appointed to such
a responsible position.
11. Read the following group of sentences. The 1st and the last sentences
are numbered 1 and 6, the rest are numbered P, Q, R, S. Arrange these
four sentences in proper order to form a meaningful paragraph/sentence.
1. Youngsters are the assets and hope of a nation
P. in making India a great
Q. Steeped in old cultural values
R. They can play a vital role
S. democratic, progressive and prosperous country.
6. But equipped with modern scientific knowledge.



1: Calcutta unlike other cities kept its trams.

P : As a result there horrendous congestion.

Q : It was going to be the first in South Asia.

R : They run down the centre of the road

S : To ease in the city decided to build an underground railway line.

6: The foundation stone was laid in 1972.

The Proper sequence should be:




13. Scientists have discovered (A)/ that may pave way for sustainable ways
to clean up oil spills (B)/a unique oil-eating bacteria in the Mariana Trench,
the (C)/deepest part of the earth’s oceans, a finding (D).

14. Rearrange the following:

A) concept used when
(B) philosophy of technology
(C) technological somnambulism is a
(D) talking about the

15. Rearrange the following

1: Payment for imports and exports is made through a system called foreign

P : The value of the money of one country in relation to the money of other
countries is agreed upon.

Q: These rates of exchange vary from time to time.

R For instance, an American dollar or a British pound sterling is worth
: certain amounts in the money of other countries.

S : Sometimes a United States dollar is worth 12 pesos in Mexico.

6: Another time it may be worth eight pesos.

The Proper sequence should be:





Answer Key

1 D The last line of “It's the advertisements that finance the

newspapers and make it possible for us to buy them
cheaply”. Only option 4 covers this idea.
2 A Option A summarises.
Option B talks of “unimportant stage” which is incorrect.
Option C talks of accidents. Not given in para
Option D, there is no mention of unimportant things in the

3 B Option A does not talk of population causing problems. So

Option B is correct.
Option C and D are contradicting

4 d Option B and C are out of context.

Option A does not include what all is changing with time
Option D summarises is correctly by saying what has
changed with time.
5 C Option A is extreme by saying it is the solution. Hence
Option B is incorrect because the para does not talk of
performance of students at school
Option C is correct.
Option D is incorrect. It includes extreme word like “the
most valuable “

6 D Option 4. This is the best summary taking into consideration

the key words in the para – western classical music history,
plainchant, professional singers, church, Emperor
Charlemagne, notated, standardized books, distributed,
Europe, memory
Option 1 – Is incorrect as the emperor did not write the
Option 2 – It became available to the churches and
monasteries in Europe and not world wide
Option 3 – Monks, nuns and clerics sang the plainchant even
before the notations were written down.

7 D Only the last answer option maintains the tone of the

conclusion of the paragraph, which is the last sentence of the
paragraph. The paragraph does not say that scientists have
accepted or have to accept; it says that they may have to
accept. This sentiment is best expressed in option 4.

8 D D restates it without adding new words or changing the

9 A
10 D
11 3 The given sentence is complete. So the next sentence is
either a new sentence or starts with a conjunction. Here we
see R is the starting of a new sentence, hence, follows 1. But
they can play a vital role in what? In making India a great,
democratic, progressive and prosperous country. Hence P
comes next in the sequence followed by S. The youths of
our country should not only have cultural values but also
modern scientific knowledge. Hence, Q comes last in the
12 D RPSQ. It talks of Trams running in middle if the road and
resulting in congestion. To reduce/ ease the congestion they
are making underground railway.
13 C
14 A
15 C

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