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Name : Vasya Harradillah

Nim : 0304193162
Class : TBI-4/Sem-2
Maintain cleanliness
=(in the title writing, each word begins with a capital letter).
Maintaining cleanliness is very important, especially to keep ourselves healthy, and
reduce the risk of ourselves and those closest to the disease. Many diseases are spread when
bacteria move from one person to another. Here are some solutions that we should know about
maintaining cleanliness.
Personal hygiene is not only important for us, but also for those around us. Personal
hygiene can have an impact on how other people see and treat us, so it can be said that this can
help us to increase self-confidence. Therefore, cleaning yourself thoroughly is something you
should not miss.
Some of the reasons why we must maintain personal hygiene are to minimize the
possibility of contracting a person, physical fitness is maintained, appear more attractive, always
enthusiastic in living life, the burden of the mind will be lighter and we can get the job (use
“WORK” because the job more to someone’s profession, here discuss about activities) done
Therefore, cleaning yourself thoroughly is something you should not miss. The first
important step to take is to take (don’t repeat the word) a shower using clean water and soap.
Don't (use formal sentences!) forget to keep nail clean by cutting your nails every week.
The use of deodorant can also help us to be cleaner and more confident. In general,
deodorants work by masking body odor or reducing the amount of sweat. Deodorants that
contain 'antiperspirants' tend to be more effective, especially on days when the weather is very
hot outside or when we plan to do sports.
Besides the body, maintaining oral hygiene is also important. Brushing and flossing
should become a major routine in our daily lives. Although actually it would be better if done
every time after eating, brushing your teeth should ideally be done in the morning and at night.
By brushing teeth properly and diligently, we can avoid the risk of bad breath, cavities, gum
disease, and various other problems.
As we go about our daily lives, our hands are (where is your tobe?) actually become the
'host' for harmful germs and bacteria. To prevent germs from entering our bodies (the addition of
S,ES,IES is used for positive sentences in the simple present with pronoun SHE,HE,IT). and
cause disease, it is very important to wash hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap especially at
important times, such as after using the toilet, after coming into contact with someone who is
sick, and before eating. To keep the body fresh and clean, we also need to wash clothes and
bedding regularly.
In conclusion, we must always maintain cleanliness. By maintaining cleanliness we can
live healthy and avoid bacteria that cause disease.

CORRECTOR: Nisya Rahmaini Marpaung.

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