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Institute, Inc.
Activity Sheet M.Quitiviz
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Subject/Course/Seminar: Topic/Lesson:
Matter and Energy Expectation sheet
Department/Technology: Week/Semester:
NS United Day:

Name : Peñonal, Brylle Mar C. Grade:

Section : NS United


After doing the experiment, the students should be able to:
 Measure how much power is expended going up a flight of stairs


● Stopwatch ● Meter stick

1. Get your weight in Newtons. Measure the height in meters of a flight of stairs.
This may be done by measuring the height of one step and multiplying this
number by the number of steps. Record this height.

2. Run from the bottom to the top of stairs as fast as you can and note the number
of seconds that it takes you to reach the top. Record the total time in seconds.
Find the work done by multiplying the height of the stairs by your weight. To find
the amount of work done in one second, divide the total work done by the time in

3. Repeat the experiment, this time walking leisurely up the stairs. Compare the
power expended in walking as against that of running up the stairs.


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Institute, Inc.
Activity Sheet M.Quitiviz
PAGE NO.: Page 2 of 4

Subject/Course/Seminar: Topic/Lesson:
Matter and Energy Expectation sheet
Department/Technology: Week/Semester:
NS United Day:

Data and Results:

Activity Floor Total height Time Work Power

(meters) (sec) (N-m) (J/s)
Running 1st 20 m 5 sec W=mgh P=W/t
floor =(50kg)(9.8m/s)(20m) =9,800J/5sec
=9,800 J =1,960 J/s
2st 20 m 10 sec W=mgh P=W/t
floor =(50kg)(9.8m/s)(20m) =9,800/10sec
=9,800 J =980 J/s
3st 20 m 15 sec W=mgh P=W/t
floor =(50kg)(9.8m/s)(20m) =9,800J/15sec
=9,800 J =653.33 J/s
Walking 1st 20 m 25 sec W=mgh P=W/t
floor =(50kg)(9.8m/s)(20m) =9,800J/25sec
=9,800 J =392 J/s
2st 20 m 30 sec W=mgh P=W/t

This Self-Learning Module is designed by MFI Polytechnic Institute, Inc. No part of this module may be
reproduced, copied, or transmitted in any form without the prior permission from the designer. Requests
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Institute, Inc.
Activity Sheet M.Quitiviz
PAGE NO.: Page 3 of 4

Subject/Course/Seminar: Topic/Lesson:
Matter and Energy Expectation sheet
Department/Technology: Week/Semester:
NS United Day:

floor =(50kg)(9.8m/s)(20m) =9,800J/30sec

=9,800 J =327 J/s
3st 20 m 35 sec W=mgh P=W/t
floor =(50kg)(9.8m/s)(20m) =9,800J/35sec
=9,800 J =280 J/s

Weight of runner/walker (newtons) W=mg

=(50 kg)(9.8 m/s2)
W= 490 N


According to the results of the experiment, all of the work I did was the same,
regardless of the height of the steps I took or my weight. The only thing that changed
was how much power I wielded. I've noticed that the less time it takes me to finish
walking or jogging the stairs, the more power I utilize.

Guide Questions:

1. In which trial was more work done? Why?

As a result of my experiment, both walking and running trials have
produced the same results. The reason behind this is that the stair height and
the mass of the runner/walker remain constant throughout.

2. In which trial was more power done? Why?

The more power that has done was in the trial while running. It's
because I did the assignment faster than I could walk. And the more powerful
the work was done, the shorter the time it took to complete it.

3. Based on the experiment, how does the height affect the power experienced by an individual?
According to the results of the experiment, height affects the power
experienced by individual by making the work greater. The more the height, the
more work you'll have to perform. And the more work that had to be done, the

This Self-Learning Module is designed by MFI Polytechnic Institute, Inc. No part of this module may be
reproduced, copied, or transmitted in any form without the prior permission from the designer. Requests
to obtain copies and/or republish of these materials can be made via our details on
Institute, Inc.
Activity Sheet M.Quitiviz
PAGE NO.: Page 4 of 4

Subject/Course/Seminar: Topic/Lesson:
Matter and Energy Expectation sheet
Department/Technology: Week/Semester:
NS United Day:

more power that had to be used.

This Self-Learning Module is designed by MFI Polytechnic Institute, Inc. No part of this module may be
reproduced, copied, or transmitted in any form without the prior permission from the designer. Requests
to obtain copies and/or republish of these materials can be made via our details on

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