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Node-locked licensing

ADVA License Tech Support


1 Node-Locked licensing - overview

2 FSP 3000 C

3 FSP 3000 AC (hybrid)

4 FSP 150-XG480

5 Ensemble Activator

6 Ensemble Connector

2 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Node-locked licensing

▪ License is created for a specific network

NE element, based on the hardware ID that never
changes (e.g. shelf serial number)
NE ▪ Customers need to create a BIN file in the
ADVA License Portal for each network element
▪ It should only be used for small installations,
NE typically not more than 10 network elements
• Node-locked approach is not supported by

3 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Node-locked licensing
Create node-locked device in license portal

Do not flag (node locked)


Enter device-id (UUID) of the device

(first shelf in case of modular device)
UUID = Universally Unique ID

4 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 C
Node-locked licensing

5 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 C - enabling node-locked mode (CLI)

6 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 C – device ID (CLI)
Device ID – shelf 1 serial number
show inventory

7 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 C - license file activation (CLI)
License binary file generated in License Portal should be moved to the server which is in
connection with the FSP3000C device. Then use the following command to copy the
license file to a device:

execute license-system copy-license-from server-type ip-address

server-ip-address <server-ip> filename <path-to-file> protocol
<protocol> user-id <user-id> password <password>


• <server-ip> ip of the server from which the license file will be copied,

• <path-to-file> path to a license file on the server,

• <protocol> protocol used to copy the file (e.g. scp, ftp)

To install the license on the device use:

execute license-system install-license

8 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 C - license file activation (CLI)

To see features supported by the license manager and the number of licenses available, granted
and used by the device, use the following (operation mode)

show license-system licenses

The feature which requires the license can be used on the device only when the proper license is
available. Available licenses are automatically granted to the device when the feature needs to use
it. If no licenses are available to be granted, the proper alarm is raised.

Note: for correct functioning, it’s necessary to set the proper date on the device. Incorrect date on
device can result in license expired error occurrence. To check the currently set date, execute
show date-time time.

9 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 C - license file activation (CLI)

10 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000C - enabling node-locked mode (GUI)
1. Go to Settings >> License

11 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000C - enabling node-locked mode (GUI)
2. Edit license server settings

12 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000C - enabling node-locked mode (GUI)
3. Select Node Locked policy

13 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000C - enabling node-locked mode (GUI)
4. Apply changes

14 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000C - device ID (GUI)
Go to Equipment >> Inventory

15 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000C - license file activation (GUI)
1. In License section go to Import page and enter the details of binary file source.
Apply changes.

16 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000C - license file activation (GUI)
2. When copying operation is completed, go to Install

17 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000C - license file activation (GUI)
3. Continue license installation

18 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000C - license file activation (GUI)
4. When the installation is finished, go to Licenses to see installed licenses

19 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000C - license file activation (GUI)
4. When the installation is finished, go to Licenses to see installed licenses

20 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

MMNE – Multi-shelf Multicard Network Element
In case of MMNE, node-locked license is always tied to serial number of Master Shelf. The licenses
contained in bin file uploaded to Master Shelf can be used by every shelf in configuration.
Master Shelf
shelf 1
shelf 2

shelf 3

shelf 4

21 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC (hybrid)
Node-locked licensing

22 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC
Possible ways to configure node-locked mode for FSP 3000 AC:

• Network Element Director (NED)

• craft tool

• TL1 protocol

23 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC - enabling node-locked mode (NED)
1. Open Node >> License.

24 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC - enabling node-locked mode (NED)
2. Select the LM-NE in License Management section to display Configure Details window.

25 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC - enabling node-locked mode (NED)
3. Set License Management to Fixed (Shelf Based).

26 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC – device ID (NED)
Serial number of HD shelf

27 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC - license file activation (NED)
1. Expand License Import. Enter the downloading data. Select Import & Install button to send
the binary file from remote server and install it on node.

28 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC - license file activation (NED)
2. Wait to see if the licenses were imported properly. The appropriate message will be displayed on top of NED
interface window.

29 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC - license file activation (NED)
3. To check the overal number of licenses on node, expand Licenses per Node

30 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC - license file activation (NED)
4. To check the number of licenses uploaded to respective shelves, expand Licenses per Shelf and select the
appropriate shelf.

31 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC - enabling node-locked mode (craft)
1. Go to System Management >> License Management >> License Management Config

32 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC - enabling node-locked mode (craft)
2. Go to Config

33 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC - enabling node-locked mode (craft)
3. Set License Management to Fixed (Shelf Based). Apply change.

34 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC – device ID (craft)
Serial number of HD shelf

Go to Service Management >> <HD shelf> >> 7. Inventory

35 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC - license file activation (craft)
1. Go to System Management >> Software & Database Control

36 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC - license file activation (craft)
2. Go to File Storage >> Download

37 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC - license file activation (craft)
3. Enter the downloading data. Select Download to send the binary file from remote
server to the node.

38 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC - license file activation (craft)
4. In File Storage page, check if binary file is available on RDISK

39 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC - enabling node-locked mode (craft)
5. Go to System Management >> License Management >> License Management Config

40 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC - license file activation (craft)
6. Go to Operation

41 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC - license file activation (craft)
7. Select Install in License File field. Apply change to install licenses.

42 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC - license file activation (craft)
8. To display the number of licenses go to System Management >> License Management
and select the name of license you wish to check.

43 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC - license file activation (craft)
8. Check the number of licenses

44 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC - enabling node-locked mode (TL1)
Set License Management

45 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC - enabling node-locked mode (TL1)
Retriev parameters associated with LM entity

46 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC - enabling node-locked mode (TL1)
Retriev properties of licenses

47 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 3000 AC - license file activation (TL1)
Install license file

For more details about TL1, please refer to TL1 Commands and Syntax Guide

48 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

MMNE – Multi-shelf Multicard Network Element
In case of MMNE, node-locked license is always tied to serial number of Master Shelf. The licenses
contained in bin file uploaded to Master Shelf can be used by every shelf in configuration.

Master Shelf
shelf 1
shelf 2

shelf 3

shelf 4

49 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 150-XG480
Node-locked licensing

50 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 150-XG480
Possible ways to configure node-locked mode for XG480:

• Command Line Interface (CLI)

• Graphical User Interface (GUI)

51 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP150 -XG480 - enabling node-locked mode (CLI)

By default factory license-system policy is set. Once the policy is changed to other,
changing back to factory is unavailable. To change the policy use following procedure:

1. Enter configuration mode on the device


2. Set the appropriate license-system

set license-system policy node-locked

3. Commit changes

Note: before trying to grant licenses to modules, changes have to be committed.

Otherwise no licenses can be granted.

52 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 150-XG480 - enabling node-locked mode (CLI)

53 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 150-XG480 – device ID (CLI)
Device ID – shelf 1 serial number
show inventory

54 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 150-XG480 - license file activation (CLI)
License binary file generated in License Portal should be moved to the server which is in
connection with the XG480 device. Then use the following command to copy the license
file to a device:

execute license-system copy-license-from server-type ip-address

server-ip-address <server-ip> filename <path-to-file> protocol
<protocol> user-id <user-id> password <password>


• <server-ip> ip of the server from which the license file will be copied,

• <path-to-file> path to a license file on the server,

• <protocol> protocol used to copy the file (e.g. scp, ftp)

To install the license on the device use:

execute license-system install-license

55 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 150-XG480 - license file activation (CLI)

To see features supported by the license manager and the number of licenses available, granted
and used by the device, use the following (operation mode)

show license-system licenses

The feature which requires the license can be used on the device only when the proper license is
available. Available licenses are automatically granted to the device when the feature needs to use
it. If no licenses are available to be granted, the proper alarm is raised.

Note: for correct functioning, it’s necessary to set the proper date on the device. Incorrect date on
device can result in license expired error occurrence. To check the currently set date, execute show
date-time time.

56 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 150-XG480 - license file activation (CLI)

57 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 150-XG480 - enabling node-locked mode (GUI)
1. Go to Settings >> License

58 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 150-XG480 - enabling node-locked mode (GUI)
2. Edit license server settings

59 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 150-XG480 - enabling node-locked mode (GUI)
3. Select Node Locked policy

60 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 150-XG480 - enabling node-locked mode (GUI)
4. Apply changes

61 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 150-XG480 - device ID (GUI)
Go to Equipment >> Inventory

62 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 150-XG480 - license file activation (GUI)
1. In License section go to Import page and enter the details of binary file source.
Apply changes.

63 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 150-XG480 - license file activation (GUI)
2. When copying operation is completed, go to Install

64 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 150-XG480 - license file activation (GUI)
3. Continue license installation

65 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 150-XG480 - license file activation (GUI)
4. When the installation is finished, go to Licenses to see installed licenses

66 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

FSP 150-XG480 - license file activation (GUI)
4. When the installation is finished, go to Licenses to see installed licenses

67 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Ensemble Activator
Node-locked licensing

68 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Ensemble Activator - device ID (CLI)
show version

69 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Ensemble Activator - license file activation (CLI)
License binary file generated in License Portal should be moved to the server which is in
connection with the device. Then use the following command to copy the license file to a



• SCP-SERVER - hostname or IP address of the server

• REMOTE-DIR – directory on the server

• REMOTE-FILENAME – filename on the server

• USERNAME - Username for logging into the server

This command loads and installs a license capability file to the /config directory on the
device and stores it on a local SCP server.

Reboot the device to activate the licensed features.

70 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.
Ensemble Activator - license file activation (CLI)

71 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Ensemble Connector
Node-locked licensing

72 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Ensemble Connector
Basic usage of ENS in node-locked license policy.

To see the licenses already used by Ensemble Connector, use info license or sh license

73 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Ensemble Connector in node-locked
Free trial

Ensemble Connector can be used for 60 days without licenses. When the trial time expired,
the functions of ENS are reduced

74 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Ensemble Connector - device ID
info license
show license

75 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Ensemble Connector in node-locked
Uploading the binary file to the ENS

76 © 2021 ADVA. All rights reserved. Confidential.

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