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People these days watch TV, films and other programmes alone rather than with

other people.
Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Advantage: feels more comfortable, cheaper and whole family watch it

Disadvantage: big worries, social cohesion

Due to advent of streaming services and personal computer it has become

common for individual to watch entertainment alone rather than with friends
and family. This essay will suggest that the lonely people can have more
flexibility and no restriction are the biggest advantages of this, But having
worries and lack of outside knowledge are the primary disadvantages.

The main advantages of watching entertainment ourselves is more beneficial.

Firstly, It is more comfortable for the physically challenged people and also for
common people, Where they can be so relaxed and not being so cautious about
the surroundings. Also, There will be a no limit for the individual to have their
entertainment and also they can have whatever they desires to eat. For instance,
an individual can pause and switch their programs, rewatch shows and
transition between a variety of portable devices. Each of these decision does not
require any authorization with others.

Despite these advantages, there are many disadvantages associated with

enjoying solitude. However, Today’s generation people have pressing concerns
and insular by means of smartphones, laptops and other devices; Also they
increasingly loosening their bonds with significant others. Due to the
passiveness, They lose their outside knowledge and became less motivate. This
leads to mental stress and further health issues.

In conclusion, Although they have benefits in their personal choice, the

drawbacks for this seclusion outweigh the advantages. In my opinion, Individuals
are recommended to have a limit on their isolation of entertainment and have to
spend more time with their loved ones by watching shows.

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