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EPI Assessment Criteria 2021



Title: A descriptive title is included 0 1

Aim: Writes an aim that includes the dependent and independent variables. 0 1 2

Personal Engagement: Evidence of initiative in choosing the research question and design of the
0 1 2

Background Information:
- Provides information that shows depth of understanding of the scientific theory supporting 0 1 2
the experiment.
- Information provided is supported by relevant referenced secondary sources (in-text and in
0 1 2
the bibliography).

Hypothesis: Includes a testable hypothesis supported with scientific reasoning 0 1 2

0 1 2
- Identifies the independent variable (with units), including the values over which
measurements will be taken and why these values have been chosen

- Identifies the dependent variable and how it will be measured (includes units) 0 1 2

- Identifies the important control variables outlining why and how they will be controlled 0 1 2

Apparatus: Accurately and fully identifies equipment including sizes, quantities and concentrations 0 1 2


- Described in point form, each statement beginning with a verb, is logical and ordered.
0 1 2
Method identifies how measurements are taken to minimise human and instrumental error.

Diagram: Presents a fully labelled diagram(s) (photo) including heading (pencil, ruled, 2D, labelled) 0 1 2

Risk assessment: Identifies safety issues/ hazards and the precautions that need to be taken to
0 1 2
prevent and/ or minimise harm.

Ethical & Environmental Considerations:

- Identify environmentally hazardous materials/ chemicals and describe the precautions that
need to be taken in their disposal. 0 1 2

- OR Describe how the responsible collection of data will occur when working with people, food
etc. (marks automatically awarded if no considerations are applicable)

Lab practises:
0 1 2
- Always adheres to safe working practises whilst in the laboratory

- Approaching laboratory work with industry, responsibility and endeavour 0 1 2


- Presents quantitative data in a table. The numerical data is correctly recorded into
0 1 2
appropriate table(s) with descriptive titles, column headings, and units in headings.

- Collects sufficient relevant data: at least 5 different values for the independent variable. 0 1 2

- Includes at least 3 repeats/ trials for each value of the independent variable. 0 1 2

- Data is correctly processed to establish patterns. A sample calculation (e.g. average) is given. 0 1 2

- Includes qualitative data that is correctly recorded into appropriate tables or footnotes with
0 1 2
descriptive titles. Qualitative data includes your observations.


- descriptive title including the independent and dependent variables 0 1

- appropriate size 0 1

- type (appropriate for data- continuous/ discontinuous data) 0 1

- axes labelled correctly 0 1

- correct units in brackets 0 1

- appropriate scale 0 1

- correct orientation of axes (independent x-axis, dependent y-axis) 0 1

- processed/ averaged data points (only) plotted correctly 0 1

- line / curve of best fit drawn (mark automatically awarded if bar graph drawn) 0 1

Analysis/ Discussion:

- Describes the general relationship / patterns/ trends found 0 1 2

- Supports the relationship / patterns/ trends found by making reference to some values at
0 1 2
various points on the graph.

- Describes the reliability of the data with regard to how the averaged points fit the trend line
0 1 2
(line/ curve of best fit)

- Identifies and explains reasons for anomalous data or acknowledges the absences of
0 1 2

- Gives a scientific explanation for the results obtained 0 1 2

- Compares/ supports the results to referenced secondary sources 0 1 2


Measurement error:
0 1 2
- Identifies the impact of human errors in data collection and suggests changes to make
improvements to the collection of data

- Identifies the impact of instrumental errors in data collection and suggests changes to make
0 1 2
improvements to the collection of data


- Comments on the reliability of the data with regard to the variation within the data collected 0 1 2
for each increment of the independent variable. Suggests improvements to the collection of
data at those points if required.

0 1 2
- Were the chosen values of the independent variable wide enough to show a trend

- Comments on how effectively the controlled variables were controlled to ensure a fair/ valid
0 1 2
experiment was conducted.

- Outlines the impacts of uncontrolled variables on the data collected and suggests required
0 1 2
improvements to the collection of data.


- Summarises what was found and specifically answers the aim 0 1 2

- States whether the hypothesis is supported or rejected 0 1


Communication: Students uses consistent scientific terminology, decimal points/ chemical formulae
0 1 2
and communication of the written report.

Bibliography: is correctly constructed following the school’s referencing policy (Harvard style) with in-
0 1
text referencing.

TOTAL / 80

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