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Kunariya Gram Panchayat

Details of current Gram Panchayat, Kunariya:

Sarpanch Suresh Gopalbhai Chhanga 9913055305

Vice Sarpanch & Ward 6 member Farida Abdulgani Luhar 9913859238
Talati/Secretary Naran R. Ahir 9409174700
Ward 1 member Samiben Virambhai Vaniya 9904742212
Ward 2 member Kankuben Mavjibhai Kerasiya 9974158144
Ward 3 member Vejiben Kanjibhai Kerasiya 9978324937
Ward 4 member Kankuben Haribhai Chhanga 9924600888
Ward 5 member Vacant
Ward 7 member Bharat Velji Chhanga 8347213526
Ward 8 member Sumra Sikandar Ibrahim 7698298516
Ward 9 member Marvada Habhu Vela
Ward 10 member Lala Dana Marvada 8141566150

Topic Pg. No.
Acknowledgements 01
Sarpanch's Desk 02
Introduction 03
GPDP - Gram Panchayat Development Plan 04
GPDP Process 06
Implementation Stages 12
Implementation through intervention 14
Achievements and Challenges 18
Conclusion 20
Annexure 21

Kunariya Gram Panchayat


Members of Kunariya Gram Panchayat in session.

Kunariya Juth Gram Panchayat extends its gratitude The implementation of various activities and
to all villagers for their constant support and faith in schemes would not have been possible without the
the Gram Panchayat. We are grateful to all members support and collaboration of officials & committees
of Panchayat and its various committee members of various Departments, more specifically the
for their effort and support in the GPDP process District Development Officer, District Rural
throughout the year. It is also important to note the Development Agency, District Health Department,
contribution of various organizations, especially Setu and Block Panchayat.
Abhiyan and the Department of Social Work (Kutch
University) for knowledge support in strengthening Last but not least, we would like to thank the
the Panchayat in every possible way. people of Kunariya Juth Gram Panchayat for their
time, dedication and hard work without which this
would not have been possible.


The 73rd Amendment added a new Part i.e. IX & Iot of thought and Kunariya Gram Panchayat has
various clauses under Article 243 in the Constitution started working in that direction. The Sustainable
of India that specifically empowers and provides Development Goal of United Nations which is also
responsibility to the Panchayat(s) to have and create known as ‘The 2030 Agenda’ to which India is a
an able and empowered regional/local body. signatory, aims at achieving 17 goals till 2030. Out of
To ensure that the people within the jurisdiction of the 17 goals mentioned, Kunariya Gram Panchayat is
these local bodies are included in the planning and working on 13 of such goals with an aim to deal with
implementation process, it is also important to build behavioral changes among people.
trust and have a transparent system that makes people
In the coming days, the Kunariya Gram Panchayat is
believe and involve themselves in the process.
also aiming to make the villages waste free and will be
To ensure social justice and economic development, focusing more specifically toward environmental
the need for inclusion of all communities/stakeholders protection. For the sake of villagers’ good health,
as well as their aspirations, issues, feedbacks etc in the happiness, equality and livelihood, the Gram Panchayat
process are crucial. is aiming to incorporate Happiness index, education &
classroom facilities that ensure world class
Awareness about the Panchayat’s duty is of utmost
infrastructural standards, that they receive nutritious
importance to both members of the Panchayat and the
food, respectable jobs/work with adequate
people. Similarly, people should also be aware of their
income/salaries as per the required per capita income
duties & responsibilities towards their
and there is an end to all forms of discrimination and
restoration of equality in the society.
Kunariya Gram Panchayat has started the planning
The quality and level of ground water should be
process that was done as per the given guidelines,
going even further to incorporate issues and demands
that were not directly related to the initial plan. In the For the purpose of proper implementation of 29
beginning, there were many challenges that were faced subjects mentioned in Schedule XI, there should be
by the Gram Panchayat. However, with the help of awareness among Panchayat members and advocacy
youth, women, old people and other villagers in for the devolution of above mentioned subjects to the
general, the Gram Panchayat were able to build trust Gram Pancahayat(s) so that there is proper Socio-
and claim their stakes in the Panchayat activities. They Economic development in the society.
also gave various insightful suggestions for the welfare
of the village.

In the context of national interest and parameter of

development on the basis of national perspective how Suresh Chhanga
Gram Panchayat can contribute is also being given a Sarpanch, Kunariya Juth Gram Panchayat


The greater the power of panchayat(s), the better for the people.
- M. K. Gandhi

India is a country of villagers, where almost 70% of its

population resides in villages. According to Mahatma
Gandhi’s idea for the country, there should be complete
devolution of powers which is from bottom to top
(exactly opposite to the current centralized
governance) which in other words, is called the
decentralization of powers and governance.

The Constitution of India laid down provisions as

directives/guidelines to the state under Directive
Kunariya Gram Sabha (2019) in process.
Principles of State Policy (DPSP) to achieve and ensure
its commitment towards a true welfare state. Article Article 243G of the Constitution acknowledges the
40 of the Constitution specifically empowers the state Panchayat as an institution of local self-government
to take steps to organize village panchayats and endow and mandates them to prepare a plan for their
them with such powers and functions as units. respective gram panchayats. The 14th Finance
However, decentralization does not only mean to Commission mandated the state governments to follow
empower Gram Panchayats, but it also actually means the guidelines laid down for the GPDP by the ministry
to reach the last person in the line or who are of Panchayati Raj.
otherwise at the receiving end of the system or
structure of governance i.e., the people. The 14th Finance Commission recommendation led to
the allocation of 2,00,292 crores to the Gram
In a democracy, the people must be the real owners Panchayats for providing basic facilities/services in
and have a large share in their welfare plans, policy their area for the years 2015-2020.
making and overall decision making. In the context of
village planning, various committees recommended a Kunariya Juth Gram Panchayat is one of the model
decentralized planning by the people of the respective Gram Panchayats in Kutch district, Gujarat. It has
village which was further mandated by the 14th followed the principles of good governance and
Finance Commission, 2015 leading to the emergence guidelines of GPDP laid down by the government of
of the Gram Panchayat Development Plan (herein after India.
referred as GPDP).


True democracy cannot be worked by twenty men/women

sitting at the centre. It has to be worked from below by the
people of every village.
- M. K. Gandhi


GPDP is a plan for gram Panchayat that involves all its
stakeholders through various participatory processes Kunariya village is 22 km. from Bhuj and comes under
keeping in view the needs for the same. Thus, GPDP Bhuj Block. The Total area of Kunariya Gram Panchayat
ensures planning by the people of the respective Gram is 95 sq. km. inclusive of three villages. The Gram
Panchayat. GPDP may not be a mere tool or a micro Panchayat of Kunariya is a Juth (group) Panchayat. It
plan, but rather as a comprehensive need-based includes three villages i.e. Nokhania, Kunariya and
development plan for accelerated, multi-prolonged & Rudramata, in which the settlement of Rudramata is
integrated growth in the respective Gram Panchayats. specifically due to the earthquake that took place in
It is also important because the planning process goes Kutch in 2001. Kunariya Gram Panchayat was
beyond infrastructure and covers a variety of issues, established in 1961. Since the establishment of Gram
such as poverty reduction, social issues and the needs Panchayat in 1961, the Sarpanch was chosen with the
of vulnerable groups/communities, including both mutual consensus of the leaders of the village which is
resources based and no cost interventions by Gram known as ‘Samras’.

The objective of the GPDP is basically to achieve the
goal of decentralization, i.e., to ensure bottom to top
system of governance. GPDP is a need & vision plan of
the villages for the holistic development of the
respective Panchayat/Village. India is a democratic
state which means people can decide their problems
and the kind of development they want to have in their
own area or village, especially given that the Preamble
of the constitution starts with “WE THE PEOPLE”. Map of Kunariya prepared by the Gram Panchayat.
Keeping that and Constitutional directives in mind, the
Government of India decided to reach people at the After 2001, Under Samras Gram Panchayat Yojna, the
grassroots. It also aims to empower, encourage State Government through this Plan encouraged Gram
convergence and collective action through the local Panchayats to select a Sarpanch with mutual
people of the village. India is huge a country which is consensus for which GPs were given prizes, the
where a complete centralized decision making body emphasis were given to choose female members in the
cannot do justice. Panchayat body.


However, since 2011 two elections are contested population of Ahir community, with their main
where different candidates filed their nominations. occupations being agriculture and animal husbandry.
Kunariya Gram Panchayat has a very long history of The population and sex ratio of the Panchayat along
existence and a diverse culture, with different with its voter’s record and household numbers are as
stakeholders/communities that comprise of 751 following:
households as per the 2011 census with a majority

Population 2011 Category-Wise Population

Total Male Female General OBC SC ST

3521 1814 1704 734 2257 497 33
(Source: 2011 census)

Gram Panchayat Voter's Records

Male Female Total
884 972 1856

Source: Gram Panchayat, Kunariya : below, maps of Rudrani (left) and Nokhaniya (right)


Formation of

GPDP Gram Ward

Sabha Sabha

Panchayat's Community
Sabha General Committee
Transect Walk FGD


GPDP Process of Kunariya Juth Gram Panchayat.

Panchayat's General Meeting GPPFT (Gram Panchayat Planning Facilitating Team)

This was the first step towards GPDP process in
GPPFT involves different specialized members in the
Kunariya Gram Panchayat. This was the first General
committee to represent different sectors. Following are
meeting where all Panchayat members sat together to
the details of the committee:
discuss the annual plan and process of GPDP. Different
ward members were given the responsibilities of their Sarpanch
respective wards and the Panchayat members also Talati
formed a team to implement and execute the task. Vice Sarpanch
Afterwards, the ward members as per their discretion Female Panchayat Members -3
and feasibility decided a time and place for the Male Panchayat Member·
meeting. GPDP guidelines require a minimum 13 ASHA worker
members to form a committee. In the case of Kunariya, Anganvadi worker·
16 members were included in the committee for the School Principal
same. PDS operator
Valve man
Formation of GPPFT: Civil Engineer
Village Leader
There are several committees that are formed on need
base and subject wise. However, GPPFT is something Each member of the committee was given the
that is mandated by GPDP guidelines which has to be responsibility to facilitate meetings and to identify
formed. Accordingly GPPFT committee was formed in issues pertaining to their respective sector.
Kunariya Gram Panchayat.

Process Timeline
Panchayat General Meeting | 16 Nov 16 Nov | GPPFT Formation

Ward Sabhas | 1, 2 Dec 28 Nov | Arogya Sanjivini Committee

Community Meetings 28 Nov | Anganvadis

Mahila Sabha | 28 Nov 29 Nov | Water Committee

Farmers | 30 Nov 29 Nov | Nigrani Committee

Cattle Breeders | 30 Nov 29 Nov | Social Justice Committee

Copper Bell Artisans | 1 Dec 30 Nov | School Management
Youth | 2 Dec Focused Group Discussions

Departmental Meeting | 30 Nov

PRA | 3 Dec 3 Dec | Transect Walk

4 Dec | Gram Sabha

*Note: GPDP process was carried out in November & December 2018 for 2019-2020 GPDP/

Ward Sabha(s)
The Ward Sabha is the meeting between Panchayat
members and the people of that ward. Panchayat
members including Sarpanch, Up-sarpanch, Ward
members and GPDP facilitation members introduced
the concept, importance and process of GPDP to the
members of the ward. They also noted down the
demands, issues as well as the suggestions/solutions
given by the people of the ward. It included issues &
challenges of all areas, both individual and related to
their ward as a whole. It is important to note that the
said ward Sabha was organized in that particular ward

Once the Ward Sabha was complete, a ward plan was

prepared on the basis of people’s demand, suggestions
and solutions. The same procedure was followed in all
10 wards of the Kunariya Juth Gram Panchayat. The
sole responsibility of the ward members was to ensure
participation and involvement of all communities of the
ward which was taken into consideration and a decent Above: Ward Sabhas conducted by the panchayat as a part
number of participants were actively involved in all its of the GPDP process

Community Committee Meeting: Focused Group Discussions (FGD):
There are different committees formed as per the At this stage, the Sarpanch along with Talati,
mandate of the GPDP guidelines as well as non- Panchayat members and GPPFT Committee members
mandated committees which is which has been met the focused group of the Panchayat such as
followed even before guidelines were incorporated. farmers, animal husbandry, artisans, youth (both girls
Mandatory committees include: Social justice and boys) etc. The committee discussed specific
committee, Nigrani Samiti, Pani Samiti etc. on the issues & challenges of the respective focused groups,
other hand, non-mandated or traditional identified their problems and its possible solutions. All
committee/group includes Youth/Yuva Samiti, Sakhi such demands, issues and possible solutions were
Sangini etc. The Panchayat members met these noted down which is reflected in the plan.
committees to understand and note down specific
issues, demands and suggestions for these specific
group of people.

(left); Community Committee Meeting with SMC, (right): FGD with copper bell artisans.

Departmental Meeting:
The Kunariya Panchayat members met officials & their
respective committees of different department such as
Health, Agriculture, ICDS (education) and PDS to
identify and seek solutions to the existing problems.
Authorities listed out the demands and issues of the
concerned department. The Panchayat worked as a
bridge in delegating and executing the allocation of
funds/grants through concerned departments. This
helped in fulfilling the responsibilities of both
Panchayat and concerned department(s).

(above): Meeting with the health department, and with members of ICDS

Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA):
Participatory Rural Appraisal hereinafter referred as The exercise utilized 320 people to draw a map of the
PRA includes different activities and approach to entire Kunariya Gram Panchayat where each ward
identify the issues, resource map etc in a particular member stood on their respective ward map and raised
area. issues and demands pertaining to their wards.
Kunariya Gram Panchayat had a unique & creative PRA
activity which was done for the first time in Kutch
District. As a part of PRA exercise, a 30m radius was
drawn where people were represented in the form of
focus groups, and then identified strengths and
weaknesses, resource mapping etc.

(left to right): Community members participating in PRA, process of transact walk.

Transect Walk: Mahila Sabha:

Transect walk was also conducted in Kunariya Gram Mahila Sabha or women’s meeting was specifically
Panchayat to identify the resources and issues related conducted to understand and address specific issues
to it. It also helped in understanding if there is any gap pertaining to women. Women from all three villages not
in plans/demands, issues and problems laid down in only participated, but actively involved themselves and
ward Sabha and transect walk. raised all sorts of demands, issues and challenges that
affects women of these villages, these included;
Some of the issues which were left in other meetings women’s safety, education, employment and social ill
and Ward Sabha were also identified in the transact practices that affects women.
walk. It also helped in identifying actual issues and their
Women did not only raise their individual issues but
authenticity which sometimes differs from verbal
also shared their views and provided solutions for the
complaint or demand. It helped in noting real grass root
development of the village.
problems and its extent.


Mahila Sabha, with women of all three villages.

Special Gram Sabha for GPDP:

Special Gram Sabha for GPDP is a meeting where
people of the entire Gram Panchayat meet. Almost
450 people were present in the said Gram Sabha.
All the issues and demands that were listed through
previous meetings and activities were prioritized and
raised before concerned officials/departments of the
Government. 23 frontline officers and 39 officials of
line department were present in said Gram Sabha
where a question-answer session was conducted.

The government officials also actively participated in

the process and replied to their respective queries and
also provided possible solution to different demands
and issues. It is important to note that GPDP process
and plan is presented and approved in the same
special Gram Sabha. A review session of various
schemes was also conducted where different
departments updated the status of various schemes
and projects and to what extent it is implemented. Special Gram Sabha where GPDP is being presented.

Women working as daily wage workers under MGNREGA.


Panchayat's Demand from Department

Assessment Investigation Affidavit


Technical Sanction Administrative Sanction

Work Order

Affidavit Observation Measurement Test Report

Panchayat as Quality Status Geo -

an Agency Tagging
Measure Book

Payment Order

Funds Release

Asset Book


Certificate of Completion (COC)

District Panchayat 11
FFC 21
Royalty Cess 4
MP Grant 6
MLA Grant 2 2%



Welfare & Service Related 11

Individual 35
Occupation Related 5
35% Governance Related 7
Social Justice 7
Primary Facilities 35
*for full list of demands, please refer to annexure.

7% 5%


Type of Number of Number of Fund

Activities Activities in Activities Leverage
Planning Implemented (in lakhs)

No Cost 32 42 0
Low Cost 21 16 1.08
High Cost 91 58 204.07
Total 144 116 205.15

Stories from Kunariya GPDP implementation

During water security mapping of Kunariya water security plan.

Preserving its quality and level
The issue of ground water emerged from the FGD done This further helped in acquiring information about TDS
with farmers & cattle rearer(s). Farmers in Kunariya of water and its ground water level. As a result, farmers
specifically raised the concern of water security that realized the importance of change in crop pattern
initiated discussion about water security plan. which ultimately helped in productivity and this led to
Measures have been taken to improve the level of increase in drip irrigation in farming.
ground water in the village by the Gram Panchayat in
collaboration with ACT (Arid Communities & The Gram Panchayat and its team along with experts
Technologies) organization, which works, specifically also made people aware about the importance of
on this subject. First of all, a Gram Sabha was called maintaining ground water level and its quality. As a
and there was a discussion on the need for result, 2 farmers started drip irrigation for farming.
improvement in ground water level and its quality for Gram Panchayat with the help of technical experts and
which a resolution was passed. Three BhuJal Jankar’ existing community’s traditional knowledge built 7
were chosen for support in doing this work who got check-dams. It also inspected the catchment area and
training from ACT organization. The purpose of training helped in cleaning the same.
young locals was to make the Gram Panchayat self-
reliant (Aatma-Nirbhar) which would ensure that these During this entire process, the technical experts
young minds would lead and help in implementing the showcased 5 different kinds of geographical maps
measures in the village. Local people also understand which is helpful for the Gram Panchayat in preparing
the geography of their villages, and that greatly helps its water security plan.
in identifying bore well, aquifer, catchment area and
securing the same.

Stories from Kunariya GPDP implementation

(left to right): discussion on drip irrigation with farmers and women cattle breeders about animal husbandry and
issues related to it.


"Necessity is the mother of invention."
- Plato
During the process of GPDP, several issues & 1200 Kg of seeds were also distributed in Kunariya
demands were raised from Gram Panchayat. One Gram Panchayat.
among them was relating to farming & animal
There were also many demands related to the
husbandry. This required a great deal of awareness
implementation of farmer’s schemes and policies.
among people about local/regional conditions and
Accordingly, the Gram Panchayat implemented
scientific/technical processes. Therefore, the Gram
schemes where 463 farmers got Krishi Input Sahay,
Panchayat collaborated with Cazri (The Central Arid
408 received benefits from Prime Minister Kisan
Zone Research Institute) and ICICI Foundation that
Samman Nidhi, 20 farmers were helped in for their
trained 70 farmers. The training was of 15 days that
application under IKhedut portal and 20 farmers were
were divided in two groups (35 farmers each). The
given information regarding organic farming.
training programme provided information as to how
even limited resources, such as water can be utilized in In the area of animal husbandry, 700 animals were
an appropriate manner that can ensure good crop and vaccinated for FMD (Foot and Mouth Disease), 27
how technology can be a useful tool for farming. animals were tested for brucellosis and 70 female
Around 30 farmers got the opportunity to visit KVK stockbreeders/cowmen were made aware about the
(Krishi Vigyan Kendra). The information of drip disease that spreads through animals and the
irrigation was adopted by 15 farmers in the village. precautions that should be taken by them. This was
done through a 15-day long training.
Earlier people used to go to city/town to buy seeds,
but due to the Gram Panchayat’s initiative in The facilities for drinking water for animals were made
collaborating with Gujarat State Seed Corporation, available by the Gram Panchayat in villages and
seeds are now available in the village. grassland areas.
Stories from Kunariya GPDP implementation

(left to right): Primary School, Kunariya Village

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
- Nelson Mandela
To ensure that the quality of education and availability In this one-year period, 86% of students benefitted
of facilities in the village, the gram Panchayat has from the mid-day meal scheme. 37 private school
worked in this direction, to strengthened relationships students left their respective schools and joined
between parents, students, and schools in general. government primary school in Kunariya.
There are two primary schools in Kunariya, one for girls Children were also taken for learning tours so that they
and one for boys respectively. The facilitative received exposure and became aware of various
committees of both the schools have commenced 10 disciplines, streams and sources of knowledge. The
meetings, in which school development programmes, school also celebrated various national and
issues, demands and improvements in the schools of international days with theme-based information
Kunariya Gram Panchayat were discussed and later dissemination and programs, which made children
placed before Panchayat. Apart from this, 15 meetings aware about the importance of such days; for e.g.
of teachers have been held so far. The attendance of Water day and the importance of conserving and ways
teachers in the year 2019-20 was 96.19% in the girls’ of utilization of water. Similarly, Swatchhta (cleanliness)
school and 94.18% in the boys’ school. day was also celebrated with theme based information.

Stories from Kunariya GPDP implementation

Vaccination Achievement – Kunariya Sub Centre

(April 2019 to March 2020)
Total Born 113 (Male : 58, Female : 55)
Delivery in Sub Centre 6 out of 113
ANC (Antenatal care) 110
TT 1 (Tetanus Toxoid) 51
TT 2 (Tetanus Toxoid) 51
TT 3 (Tetanus Toxoid booster) 60
BCG (Bacillus Chalmette Guerin) 110
OPV (Oral Polio Vaccine) 110
HB (Hepatitis B) 110
Polio 108 + 108 + 108
PENTA (Pentavalent Vaccine) 108
IPV (Inactivated Polio Vaccine) 108
Measles & Rubella 95 + 90
DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus Toxoid) 90
Vita-A (Vitamin A) 90
JSY (Janani Suraksha Yojana) 28
KPSY (Kasturba Poshan Sahay Yojana) 19 + 23 + 21

(left to right): distribution of basic medicines and list of vaccines distributed in Kunariya Juth Gram Panchayat.

"Health is the core of human development."
- Gro Harlem Bartland
Kunariya Gram Panchayat has the basic primary health Moreover, every first Wednesday is celebrated as
facilities available in its primary health sub-centre. The ‘Mamta Day’ during which adolescent girls, pregnant
team has continuously worked to make it one of the women, girls, infants and women in general are
best health facility providers in the district which was provided health check-ups in which their height,
recognized by the District Health Department. The weight, hemoglobin and nutrition are measured and
Health department is responsible for fulfilling its basic relevant information along with nutrition supplements
necessities of the primary health sub-centre through are also provided to them in case someone needs
health budget/funds. On the other hand, the supplements. National Health Mission, Malaria day,
responsibility of health-related information, awareness Dengue day, Hand Washing day, nutrition month etc.
programs and implementation of health-related are also celebrated. For the purpose of regular check-
schemes are given to Gram Aarogya Sanjeevani Samiti. ups for ANC and Anemia, a health check-up camp was
There were 13 meetings commenced in 2019-20 by set up. There are regular meetings held with
the Samiti, where issues and developments related to adolescent girls, pregnant/menstruating women,
Aarogya were discussed. There were four training where pregnant women were also given mosquito nets
programs organized specifically for adolescent girls to prevent Malaria.
regarding menstrual hygiene and 400 sanitary napkins
were distributed among them.


left to right: group of women working as daily wage workers under MGNREGA

A Case Study
Every Gram Panchayat is required to have a plan for livelihood opportunities, which is important for various
their village(s) as per government guidelines, which is reasons; chief among them being economic
known as GPDP. This helps in understanding how the independence which helps in fulfilling their daily
funds/grants can be leveraged, budget and requirements and needs.
expenditure of an entire year can be prepared and how
it will be implemented. Thus, Kunariya Gram Panchayat The Government of India enacted MGNREGA Act, 2005
has been preparing their GPDP every year since the that provides minimum employment guarantee in rural
last 3 years i.e. 2018. India. In Kunariya, the role of the Panchayat is
important in making people aware about MGNREGA
The gram Panchayat has ensured people’s opportunities. Many of the people in Kunariya
participation, which has brought out people’s issues, demanded employment opportunities. The total
demands and suggestions. In this whole process, number of beneficiaries under this scheme in Kunariya
women’s participation was always minimal and thus is 34645, out of which 70% are women. The
posed as a challenge. The social structure of the MGNREGA Act provides for the selection of ‘mate’ for
society is such that it provides more favorable the purpose of supervision of the work. The mate
conditions to men, who can go and work in different generally is male in most parts but in Kunariya, the
places. On the other hand, women are generally mate is a female who does supervision work.
allowed to work within the boundaries of either their
One of the main sources of GPDP fund in Kunariya is
homes or villages which reduces their livelihood
MGNREGA scheme which is 53% of total GPDP fund in
opportunities. To deal with this, the gram Panchayat
the year 2019-20. Thus, Kunariya Gram Panchayat
started FGD (Focused Group Discussion) and Special
utilized the fund to generate livelihood opportunities.
Mahila Sabha (Women’s Meeting) so that women are
Apart from this, the MGNREGA scheme was also
equally represented in the process. Thus, many of the
utilized for environment related activities/projects that
issues relating to women were raised by the women of
includes tree plantation and pond excavation, ensuring
Kunariya Gram Panchayat. One of the critical issues
water availability which is available for animals and
raised in the Mahila Sabha was related to their
people in general.


During Planning and Implementation of GPDP

1. Lack of coordination between old and

new Gram Panchayat

2. Lack of resources & technology

3. Difficulty in ensuring people's


4. Lack of coordination between Gram

Panchayat & Block Panchayat

5. Problems in scheme conversions

6. Uncertainty of Grants &

priority of scheme/activities


Democracy can be an equilibrium: a system of

"self-government" in which the distinction between the rulers
and the ruled disappears."
- Adam Przeworski

PRA exercise underway with ward members, focused groups and people of
Kunariya Juth Gram Panchayat.

Democracy is where people participate and have their There are subjects that are even beyond 29 subjects
say in all possible decision making process. The dream enlisted in the Panchayat Act that needs to be
M. K. Gandhi once saw was of Gram Swaraj or self- incorporated and encouraged that might lead to new
governance that ensured that power went back to the innovation and eco-friendly way of governance at
people, specifically to those standing last in the line. village level.
Good governance is when people at the grassroots
Kunariya Gram Panchayat has followed the GPDP
take charge and their aspirations are incorporated in
guidelines in letter and spirit to some extent which
the vision, planning and its implementation. The
should be shared among people who helped in
Constitution of India under several Articles & clauses
reaching where it reached today. This should initiate a
emphasizes on such aspirations and provides rights to
dialogue & discussion on the subject as to how to
the people of India. GPDP therefore is one such tool
empower people and local government(s). As
that ensures people’s participation at village level,
discussed earlier a model GPDP is such that is
includes their demands, aspirations and needs in
inclusive, equitable, fulfilling and innovative. The effort
annual planning.
is to achieve above mentioned ideals and the principles
However, to actually empower the people at grass root, laid down under Sustainable Development Goals
the power of Panchayat has to be strengthened which (SDGs).
can only happen if the subjects are devolved
completely to them. There are 29 subjects out of
which only 14 subjects are devolved to the Panchayats
in Gujarat.

GPDP Demands and Status




Total Activities 143

Finished 106
In Progress 8
Pending 29

Income and Expenditure details

MGNREGA, Kunariya Gram Panchayat at a glance

SETU Abhiyan
SETU Abhiyan works with local governments and
provides knowledge support, nurtures local
governments and helps in identifying common issues
of the people in general. Setus, under Kutch Nav
Nirman Abhiyan (a network organization) emerged as
cluster level facilitation centre after 2001 earthquake
in Kutch. In 2014 Setu Abhiyan got registered under
Societies Registration Act, 1860 & Bombay Public
Trust Act, 1950 respectively.
Learning Lab for Local Governance (LLLG)
On the other hand, is a wing of Setu Abhiyan that
incubates ideas and initiatives to strengthen local
governance through documentation, trainings,
research and learning event management in
partnership with local governance institutions, civil
society organizations and academia.

Department of Social Work: KSKV (Krantiguru Shyamji

Krishna Verma Kachchh University):
Kutch University provides education, training and
research in development and social work.. The
Department runs courses that provides students both
theoritical and vocational training so that they have a
distinct edge to face the competitive world. The
course content is revised and updated regularly
keeping in mind the rapidly ever changing scenariao.
The Department is supporting various government,
non-government and community based organisations.
in research, training and related /other activities.

Office Office
75, Bankers' Colony, B Block, KSKV,
Near Jubilee Ground, Bhuj, Kachchh University,
Kutch 370001,Gujarat Mundra Road,
Bhuj, Kutch, Gujarat
Connect with us: Connect with us:

(02832) 235039
(02832) 225772

Kunariya Juth Gram Panchayat

Block : Bhuj, District: Kachchh (Gujarat)

The Gram Panchayat of Kunariya is a Juth (group) Panchayat.

It includes three villages i.e. Nokhania, Kunariya and Rudramata.
Kunariya Gram Panchayat was established in 1961.

Social Media:
Blog : Facebook:
Twitter: @sureshchhanga1 Youtube: Kunariya Panchayat

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