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Talk For Writing - ‘Stuck in the Slime’

This term we have been doing the Talk For

Writing program and our class has been learning
the story ‘Stuck in the Mud’.

We have learned ‘Stuck in the Mud’ as whole

class, students have had an opportunity to make
their own personal ‘Stuck in the Mud’ story and
they have also been working in groups to create a
different story.

Harry, Irene, Lennox, Mack T, Logan, Nianè and

Tyla have all worked together, listening, sharing
their ideas and retelling their own Talk For
Writing story called ‘Stuck in the Slime’.

This is their finished story and Talk For Writing

Story Map:

Learning tags:
explore common language patterns in narratives listen to others

listen to others and share own ideas (connects to the English Curriculum) retell a simple story

use imagination to recreate roles and experiences use simple sentences when speaking

use speech that can be understood by others

Story date: 16 Jun 2021. Added by: Jessica Cargill.

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