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C H A P T E R 6 0

The Autonomic Nervous System

and the Adrenal Medulla

The portion of the nervous system that controls

most visceral functions of the body is called the
autonomic nervous system. This system helps to
control arterial pressure, gastrointestinal motility,
gastrointestinal secretion, urinary bladder empty-
ing, sweating, body temperature, and many other
activities, some of which are controlled almost
entirely and some only partially by the autonomic
nervous system.
One of the most striking characteristics of the autonomic nervous system is
the rapidity and intensity with which it can change visceral functions. For
instance, within 3 to 5 seconds it can increase the heart rate to twice normal,
and within 10 to 15 seconds the arterial pressure can be doubled; or, at the other
extreme, the arterial pressure can be decreased low enough within 10 to 15
seconds to cause fainting. Sweating can begin within seconds, and the urinary
bladder may empty involuntarily, also within seconds.

General Organization of the Autonomic

Nervous System
The autonomic nervous system is activated mainly by centers located in the
spinal cord, brain stem, and hypothalamus. Also, portions of the cerebral cortex,
especially of the limbic cortex, can transmit signals to the lower centers and in
this way influence autonomic control.
The autonomic nervous system also often operates by means of visceral
reflexes. That is, subconscious sensory signals from a visceral organ can enter
the autonomic ganglia, the brain stem, or the hypothalamus and then return
subconscious reflex responses directly back to the visceral organ to control its
The efferent autonomic signals are transmitted to the various organs of the
body through two major subdivisions called the sympathetic nervous system and
the parasympathetic nervous system, the characteristics and functions of which

Physiologic Anatomy of the Sympathetic Nervous System

Figure 60–1 shows the general organization of the peripheral portions of the sym-
pathetic nervous system. Shown specifically in the figure are (1) one of the two
paravertebral sympathetic chains of ganglia that are interconnected with the spinal
nerves on the side of the vertebral column, (2) two prevertebral ganglia (the celiac
and hypogastric), and (3) nerves extending from the ganglia to the different inter-
nal organs.
The sympathetic nerve fibers originate in the spinal cord along with spinal nerves
between cord segments T-1 and L-2 and pass first into the sympathetic chain and
then to the tissues and organs that are stimulated by the sympathetic nerves.

Preganglionic and Postganglionic Sympathetic Neurons

The sympathetic nerves are different from skeletal motor nerves in the following
way: Each sympathetic pathway from the cord to the stimulated tissue is composed
Chapter 60 The Autonomic Nervous System and the Adrenal Medulla 749
Posterior root Spinal nerve

Eye Intermedio- White ramus

lateral horn

Piloerector Gray ramus

muscle Sympathetic chain
8 Heart


Sweat Bronchi Anterior root

Preganglionic nerve
12 fiber
Peripheral ganglion
Blood Celiac
vessel Postganglionic nerve
ganglion fibers

Pylorus Effector endings

L-1 Sensory endings
Adrenal Gut
5 medulla

Ureter Figure 60–2
5 Nerve connections between the spinal cord, spinal nerves, sym-
Intestine pathetic chain, and peripheral sympathetic nerves.

Ileocecal valve

Hypogastric plexus Anal sphincter Sympathetic Nerve Fibers in the Skeletal Nerves. Some of the
postganglionic fibers pass back from the sympathetic
Detrusor chain into the spinal nerves through gray rami at all
Trigone levels of the cord, as shown in Figure 60–2. These sym-
pathetic fibers are all very small type C fibers, and they
Figure 60–1 extend to all parts of the body by way of the skeletal
nerves. They control the blood vessels, sweat glands, and
Sympathetic nervous system. The black dashed lines represent piloerector muscles of the hairs. About 8 per cent of the
postganglionic fibers in the gray rami leading from the sympa- fibers in the average skeletal nerve are sympathetic
thetic chains into spinal nerves for distribution to blood vessels, fibers, a fact that indicates their great importance.
sweat glands, and piloerector muscles.
Segmental Distribution of the Sympathetic Nerve Fibers. The
of two neurons, a preganglionic neuron and a postgan- sympathetic pathways that originate in the different
glionic neuron, in contrast to only a single neuron in the segments of the spinal cord are not necessarily distrib-
skeletal motor pathway. The cell body of each pregan- uted to the same part of the body as the somatic spinal
glionic neuron lies in the intermediolateral horn of the nerve fibers from the same segments. Instead, the sym-
spinal cord; its fiber passes, as shown in Figure 60–2, pathetic fibers from cord segment T-1 generally pass up
through an anterior root of the cord into the corre- the sympathetic chain to terminate in the head; from T-2
sponding spinal nerve. to terminate in the neck; from T-3, T-4, T-5, and T-6
Immediately after the spinal nerve leaves the spinal into the thorax; from T-7, T-8, T-9, T-10, and T-11 into
canal, the preganglionic sympathetic fibers leave the the abdomen; and from T-12, L-1, and L-2 into the legs.
spinal nerve and pass through a white ramus into one of This distribution is only approximate and overlaps
the ganglia of the sympathetic chain. Then the course greatly.
of the fibers can be one of the following three: (1) It The distribution of sympathetic nerves to each organ
can synapse with postganglionic sympathetic neurons is determined partly by the locus in the embryo from
in the ganglion that it enters; (2) it can pass upward which the organ originated. For instance, the heart
or downward in the chain and synapse in one of the receives many sympathetic nerve fibers from the neck
other ganglia of the chain; or (3) it can pass for variable portion of the sympathetic chain because the heart orig-
distances through the chain and then through one inated in the neck of the embryo before translocating
of the sympathetic nerves radiating outward from the into the thorax. Likewise, the abdominal organs receive
chain, finally synapsing in a peripheral sympathetic most of their sympathetic innervation from the lower
ganglion. thoracic spinal cord segments because most of the prim-
The postganglionic sympathetic neuron thus origi- itive gut originated in this area.
nates either in one of the sympathetic chain ganglia
or in one of the peripheral sympathetic ganglia. Special Nature of the Sympathetic Nerve Endings in the Adrenal
From either of these two sources, the postganglionic Medullae. Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers pass,
fibers then travel to their destinations in the various without synapsing, all the way from the intermedio-
organs. lateral horn cells of the spinal cord, through the
750 Unit XI The Nervous System: C. Motor and Integrative Neurophysiology

sympathetic chains, then through the splanchnic nerves, esophagus, stomach, entire small intestine, proximal half
and finally into the two adrenal medullae. There they of the colon, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, and
end directly on modified neuronal cells that secrete epi- upper portions of the ureters.
nephrine and norepinephrine into the blood stream. Parasympathetic fibers in the third cranial nerve go to
These secretory cells embryologically are derived from the pupillary sphincter and ciliary muscle of the eye.
nervous tissue and are actually themselves postgan- Fibers from the seventh cranial nerve pass to the
glionic neurons; indeed, they even have rudimentary lacrimal, nasal, and submandibular glands. And fibers
nerve fibers, and it is the endings of these fibers that from the ninth cranial nerve go to the parotid gland.
secrete the adrenal hormones epinephrine and The sacral parasympathetic fibers are in the pelvic
norepinephrine. nerves, which pass through the spinal nerve sacral
plexus on each side of the cord at the S-2 and S-3 levels.
These fibers then distribute to the descending colon,
Physiologic Anatomy of the rectum, urinary bladder, and lower portions of the
Parasympathetic Nervous System ureters. Also, this sacral group of parasympathetics sup-
plies nerve signals to the external genitalia to cause
The parasympathetic nervous system is shown in Figure erection.
60–3, demonstrating that parasympathetic fibers leave
the central nervous system through cranial nerves III, Preganglionic and Postganglionic Parasympathetic Neurons.
VII, IX, and X; additional parasympathetic fibers leave The parasympathetic system, like the sympathetic, has
the lowermost part of the spinal cord through the both preganglionic and postganglionic neurons.
second and third sacral spinal nerves and occasionally However, except in the case of a few cranial parasym-
the first and fourth sacral nerves. About 75 per cent of pathetic nerves, the preganglionic fibers pass uninter-
all parasympathetic nerve fibers are in the vagus nerves rupted all the way to the organ that is to be controlled.
(cranial nerve X), passing to the entire thoracic and In the wall of the organ are located the postganglionic
abdominal regions of the body. Therefore, a physiologist neurons. The preganglionic fibers synapse with these,
speaking of the parasympathetic nervous system often and very, very short postganglionic fibers, a fraction of
thinks mainly of the two vagus nerves. The vagus nerves a millimeter to several centimeters in length, leave the
supply parasympathetic nerves to the heart, lungs, neurons to innervate the tissues of the organ. This loca-
tion of the parasympathetic postganglionic neurons in
the visceral organ itself is quite different from the
arrangement of the sympathetic ganglia, because the
cell bodies of the sympathetic postganglionic neurons
Ciliary ganglion are almost always located in the ganglia of the sympa-
Ciliary muscles of eye thetic chain or in various other discrete ganglia in the
III abdomen, rather than in the excited organ itself.
Pupillary sphincter
Sphenopalatine ganglion
IX V Lacrimal glands
X Nasal glands Basic Characteristics
Submandibular ganglion of Sympathetic and
Submandibular gland
Otic ganglion
Parasympathetic Function
Parotid gland
Cholinergic and Adrenergic Fibers—
Heart Secretion of Acetylcholine or

The sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers

Stomach secrete mainly one or the other of two synaptic trans-
mitter substances, acetylcholine or norepinephrine.
Those fibers that secrete acetylcholine are said to be
cholinergic. Those that secrete norepinephrine are said
Colon to be adrenergic, a term derived from adrenalin, which
is an alternate name for epinephrine.
Small intestine
All preganglionic neurons are cholinergic in both
Sacral the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous
1 systems. Acetylcholine or acetylcholine-like sub-
2 Ileocecal valve
stances, when applied to the ganglia, will excite both
4 Anal sphincter sympathetic and parasympathetic postganglionic
neurons. Either all or almost all of the postganglionic
Detrusor neurons of the parasympathetic system are also cholin-
ergic. Conversely, most of the postganglionic sym-
pathetic neurons are adrenergic. However, the
Figure 60–3 postganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers to the sweat
glands, to the piloerector muscles of the hairs, and to
Parasympathetic nervous system. a very few blood vessels are cholinergic.
Chapter 60 The Autonomic Nervous System and the Adrenal Medulla 751
Thus, the terminal nerve endings of the parasympa- Synthesis of Acetylcholine, Its Destruction After Secretion, and
thetic system all or virtually all secrete acetylcholine. Its Duration of Action. Acetylcholine is synthesized in the
Almost all of the sympathetic nerve endings secrete terminal endings and varicosities of the cholinergic
norepinephrine, but a few secrete acetylcholine. These nerve fibers where it is stored in vesicles in highly con-
hormones in turn act on the different organs to cause centrated form until it is released. The basic chemical
respective parasympathetic or sympathetic effects. reaction of this synthesis is the following:
Therefore, acetylcholine is called a parasympathetic choline acetyl-
transmitter and norepinephrine is called a sympathetic Acetyl-CoA + Choline æ ææææÆ Acetylcholine
The molecular structures of acetylcholine and nor- Once acetylcholine is secreted into a tissue by a
epinephrine are the following: cholinergic nerve ending, it persists in the tissue for a
few seconds while it performs its nerve signal trans-
mitter function. Then it is split into an acetate ion and
+ choline, catalyzed by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase
CH3 that is bound with collagen and glycosaminoglycans in
CH3 C O CH2 CH2 N the local connective tissue. This is the same mechanism
for acetylcholine signal transmission and subsequent
CH3 acetylcholine destruction that occurs at the neuro-
O CH3 muscular junctions of skeletal nerve fibers. The choline
Acetylcholine that is formed is then transported back into the ter-
minal nerve ending, where it is used again and again
for synthesis of new acetylcholine.
Synthesis of Norepinephrine, Its Removal, and Its Duration of
Action. Synthesis of norepinephrine begins in the axo-
plasm of the terminal nerve endings of adrenergic
HO CH CH2 NH2 nerve fibers but is completed inside the secretory vesi-
cles. The basic steps are the following:
OH hydroxylation
1. Tyrosine æ ææææÆ Dopa
Norepinephrine decarboxylation
2. Dopa æ ææææ æÆ Dopamine
3. Transport of dopamine into the vesicles
Mechanisms of Transmitter Secretion and hydroxylation
4. Dopamine æ ææææÆ Norepinephrine
Subsequent Removal of the Transmitter
at the Postganglionic Endings In the adrenal medulla, this reaction goes still one
step further to transform about 80 per cent of the nor-
Secretion of Acetylcholine and Norepinephrine by Postgan- epinephrine into epinephrine, as follows:
glionic Nerve Endings. A few of the postganglionic methylation
5. Norepinephrine æ æææÆ Epinephrine
autonomic nerve endings, especially those of the
parasympathetic nerves, are similar to but much After secretion of norepinephrine by the terminal
smaller than those of the skeletal neuromuscular junc- nerve endings, it is removed from the secretory site in
tion. However, many of the parasympathetic nerve three ways: (1) reuptake into the adrenergic nerve
fibers and almost all the sympathetic fibers merely endings themselves by an active transport process—
touch the effector cells of the organs that they inner- accounting for removal of 50 to 80 per cent of the
vate as they pass by; or in some instances, they termi- secreted norepinephrine; (2) diffusion away from the
nate in connective tissue located adjacent to the cells nerve endings into the surrounding body fluids and
that are to be stimulated. Where these filaments touch then into the blood—accounting for removal of most
or pass over or near the cells to be stimulated, they of the remaining norepinephrine; and (3) destruction
usually have bulbous enlargements called varicosities; of small amounts by tissue enzymes (one of these
it is in these varicosities that the transmitter vesicles of enzymes is monoamine oxidase, which is found in the
acetylcholine or norepinephrine are synthesized and nerve endings, and another is catechol-O-methyl trans-
stored. Also in the varicosities are large numbers of ferase, which is present diffusely in all tissues).
mitochondria that supply adenosine triphosphate, Ordinarily, the norepinephrine secreted directly into
which is required to energize acetylcholine or norepi- a tissue remains active for only a few seconds, demon-
nephrine synthesis. strating that its reuptake and diffusion away from the
When an action potential spreads over the terminal tissue are rapid. However, the norepinephrine and
fibers, the depolarization process increases the perme- epinephrine secreted into the blood by the adrenal
ability of the fiber membrane to calcium ions, allowing medullae remain active until they diffuse into some
these ions to diffuse into the nerve terminals or nerve tissue, where they can be destroyed by catechol-O-
varicosities. The calcium ions in turn cause the termi- methyl transferase; this occurs mainly in the liver.
nals or varicosities to empty their contents to the exte- Therefore, when secreted into the blood, both norepi-
rior. Thus, the transmitter substance is secreted. nephrine and epinephrine remain very active for 10 to
752 Unit XI The Nervous System: C. Motor and Integrative Neurophysiology

30 seconds; but their activity declines to extinction are likely to be entirely different from those in other
over 1 to several minutes. organs.

Two Principal Types of Acetylcholine

Receptors on the Effector Organs Receptors—Muscarinic and Nicotinic
Before an acetylcholine, norepinephrine, or epineph- Acetylcholine activates mainly two types of receptors.
rine secreted at an autonomic nerve ending can stim- They are called muscarinic and nicotinic receptors. The
ulate an effector organ, it must first bind with specific reason for these names is that muscarine, a poison
receptors on the effector cells. The receptor is on the from toadstools, activates only muscarinic receptors
outside of the cell membrane, bound as a prosthetic and will not activate nicotinic receptors, whereas nico-
group to a protein molecule that penetrates all the way tine activates only nicotinic receptors; acetylcholine
through the cell membrane. When the transmitter sub- activates both of them.
stance binds with the receptor, this causes a confor- Muscarinic receptors are found on all effector cells
mational change in the structure of the protein that are stimulated by the postganglionic cholinergic
molecule. In turn, the altered protein molecule excites neurons of either the parasympathetic nervous system
or inhibits the cell, most often by (1) causing a change or the sympathetic system.
in cell membrane permeability to one or more ions or Nicotinic receptors are found in the autonomic
(2) activating or inactivating an enzyme attached to ganglia at the synapses between the preganglionic and
the other end of the receptor protein where it pro- postganglionic neurons of both the sympathetic and
trudes into the interior of the cell. parasympathetic systems. (Nicotinic receptors are also
present at many nonautonomic nerve endings—for
Excitation or Inhibition of the Effector Cell by Changing Its instance, at the neuromuscular junctions in skeletal
Membrane Permeability. Because the receptor protein muscle [discussed in Chapter 7].)
is an integral part of the cell membrane, a conforma- An understanding of the two types of receptors is
tional change in structure of the receptor protein especially important because specific drugs are fre-
often opens or closes an ion channel through the quently used as medicine to stimulate or block one or
interstices of the protein molecule, thus altering the the other of the two types of receptors.
permeability of the cell membrane to various ions.
For instance, sodium and/or calcium ion channels Adrenergic Receptors—Alpha and
frequently become opened and allow rapid influx of Beta Receptors
the respective ions into the cell, usually depolarizing There are also two major types of adrenergic recep-
the cell membrane and exciting the cell. At other tors, alpha receptors and beta receptors. (The beta
times, potassium channels are opened, allowing potas- receptors in turn are divided into beta1 and beta2 recep-
sium ions to diffuse out of the cell, and this usually tors because certain chemicals affect only certain beta
inhibits the cell because loss of electropositive receptors. Also, there is a division of alpha receptors
potassium ions creates hypernegativity inside the cell. into alpha1 and alpha2 receptors.)
In some cells, the changed intracellular ion environ- Norepinephrine and epinephrine, both of which are
ment will cause an internal cell action, such as a direct secreted into the blood by the adrenal medulla,
effect of calcium ions to promote smooth muscle have slightly different effects in exciting the alpha and
contraction. beta receptors. Norepinephrine excites mainly alpha
receptors but excites the beta receptors to a lesser
Receptor Action by Altering Intracellular “Second Messenger” extent as well. Conversely, epinephrine excites both
Enzymes. Another way a receptor often functions is to types of receptors approximately equally. Therefore,
activate or inactivate an enzyme (or other intracellu- the relative effects of norepinephrine and epinephrine
lar chemical) inside the cell. The enzyme often is on different effector organs are determined by the
attached to the receptor protein where the receptor types of receptors in the organs. If they are all
protrudes into the interior of the cell. For instance, beta receptors, epinephrine will be the more effective
binding of norepinephrine with its receptor on the excitant.
outside of many cells increases the activity of the Table 60–1 gives the distribution of alpha and beta
enzyme adenylyl cyclase on the inside of the cell, and receptors in some of the organs and systems controlled
this causes formation of cyclic adenosine monophos- by the sympathetics. Note that certain alpha functions
phate (cAMP). The cAMP in turn can initiate any one are excitatory, whereas others are inhibitory. Likewise,
of many different intracellular actions, the exact effect certain beta functions are excitatory and others are
depending on the chemical machinery of the effector inhibitory. Therefore, alpha and beta receptors are not
cell. necessarily associated with excitation or inhibition but
It is easy to understand how an autonomic trans- simply with the affinity of the hormone for the recep-
mitter substance can cause inhibition in some organs tors in the given effector organ.
or excitation in others. This is usually determined by A synthetic hormone chemically similar to epi-
the nature of the receptor protein in the cell mem- nephrine and norepinephrine, isopropyl norepineph-
brane and the effect of receptor binding on its con- rine, has an extremely strong action on beta receptors
formational state. In each organ, the resulting effects but essentially no action on alpha receptors.
Chapter 60 The Autonomic Nervous System and the Adrenal Medulla 753

Table 60–1 Focusing of the lens is controlled almost entirely by

the parasympathetic nervous system. The lens is nor-
Adrenergic Receptors and Function mally held in a flattened state by intrinsic elastic tension
of its radial ligaments. Parasympathetic excitation con-
Alpha Receptor Beta Receptor tracts the ciliary muscle, which is a ringlike body of
smooth muscle fibers that encircles the outside ends
Vasoconstriction Vasodilation (b2) of the lens radial ligaments. This contraction releases
Iris dilation Cardioacceleration (b1) the tension on the ligaments and allows the lens to
Intestinal relaxation Increased myocardial become more convex, causing the eye to focus on
strength (b1) objects near at hand. The detailed focusing mechanism
Intestinal sphincter contraction Intestinal relaxation (b2)
Uterus relaxation (b2)
is discussed in Chapters 49 and 51 in relation to func-
Pilomotor contraction Bronchodilation (b2) tion of the eyes.
Bladder sphincter contraction Calorigenesis (b2)
Glycogenolysis (b2) Glands of the Body. The nasal, lacrimal, salivary, and many
Lipolysis (b1) gastrointestinal glands are strongly stimulated by the
Bladder wall relaxation (b2) parasympathetic nervous system, usually resulting in
copious quantities of watery secretion. The glands of
the alimentary tract most strongly stimulated by the
parasympathetics are those of the upper tract, especially
those of the mouth and stomach. On the other hand, the
Excitatory and Inhibitory glands of the small and large intestines are controlled
principally by local factors in the intestinal tract itself
Actions of Sympathetic and and by the intestinal enteric nervous system and much
Parasympathetic Stimulation less by the autonomic nerves.
Sympathetic stimulation has a direct effect on most
Table 60–2 lists the effects on different visceral func- alimentary gland cells to cause formation of a concen-
tions of the body caused by stimulating either the trated secretion that contains high percentages of
parasympathetic nerves or the sympathetic nerves. enzymes and mucus. But it also causes vasoconstriction
From this table, it can be seen again that sympathetic of the blood vessels that supply the glands and in this
way sometimes reduces their rates of secretion.
stimulation causes excitatory effects in some organs but
The sweat glands secrete large quantities of sweat
inhibitory effects in others. Likewise, parasympathetic when the sympathetic nerves are stimulated, but no
stimulation causes excitation in some but inhibition in effect is caused by stimulating the parasympathetic
others. Also, when sympathetic stimulation excites a nerves. However, the sympathetic fibers to most sweat
particular organ, parasympathetic stimulation some- glands are cholinergic (except for a few adrenergic
times inhibits it, demonstrating that the two systems fibers to the palms and soles), in contrast to almost all
occasionally act reciprocally to each other. But most other sympathetic fibers, which are adrenergic. Further-
organs are dominantly controlled by one or the other more, the sweat glands are stimulated primarily by
of the two systems. centers in the hypothalamus that are usually considered
There is no generalization one can use to explain to be parasympathetic centers. Therefore, sweating
could be called a parasympathetic function, even though
whether sympathetic or parasympathetic stimulation
it is controlled by nerve fibers that anatomically are dis-
will cause excitation or inhibition of a particular organ. tributed through the sympathetic nervous system.
Therefore, to understand sympathetic and parasympa- The apocrine glands in the axillae secrete a thick,
thetic function, one must learn all the separate func- odoriferous secretion as a result of sympathetic stimu-
tions of these two nervous systems on each organ, as lation, but they do not respond to parasympathetic stim-
listed in Table 60–2. Some of these functions need to ulation. This secretion actually functions as a lubricant
be clarified in still greater detail, as follows. to allow easy sliding motion of the inside surfaces under
the shoulder joint. The apocrine glands, despite their
close embryological relation to sweat glands, are acti-
Effects of Sympathetic and vated by adrenergic fibers rather than by cholinergic
Parasympathetic Stimulation fibers and are also controlled by the sympathetic centers
on Specific Organs of the central nervous system rather than by the
parasympathetic centers.
Eyes. Two functions of the eyes are controlled by the
autonomic nervous system. They are (1) the pupillary Intramural Nerve Plexus of the Gastrointestinal System. The
opening and (2) the focus of the lens. gastrointestinal system has its own intrinsic set of nerves
Sympathetic stimulation contracts the meridional known as the intramural plexus or the intestinal enteric
fibers of the iris that dilate the pupil, whereas parasym- nervous system, located in the walls of the gut.Also, both
pathetic stimulation contracts the circular muscle of the parasympathetic and sympathetic stimulation originat-
iris to constrict the pupil. ing in the brain can affect gastrointestinal activity
The parasympathetics that control the pupil are mainly by increasing or decreasing specific actions in
reflexly stimulated when excess light enters the eyes, the gastrointestinal intramural plexus. Parasympathetic
which is explained in Chapter 51; this reflex reduces the stimulation, in general, increases overall degree of activ-
pupillary opening and decreases the amount of light ity of the gastrointestinal tract by promoting peristalsis
that strikes the retina. Conversely, the sympathetics and relaxing the sphincters, thus allowing rapid propul-
become stimulated during periods of excitement and sion of contents along the tract. This propulsive effect
increase pupillary opening at these times. is associated with simultaneous increases in rates of
754 Unit XI The Nervous System: C. Motor and Integrative Neurophysiology

Table 60–2
Autonomic Effects on Various Organs of the Body

Organ Effect of Sympathetic Stimulation Effect of Parasympathetic Stimulation

Pupil Dilated Constricted
Ciliary muscle Slight relaxation (far vision) Constricted (near vision)
Glands Vasoconstriction and slight secretion Stimulation of copious secretion (containing many enzymes for
Nasal enzyme-secreting glands)
Sweat glands Copious sweating (cholinergic) Sweating on palms of hands
Apocrine glands Thick, odoriferous secretion None
Blood vessels Most often constricted Most often little or no effect
Muscle Increased rate Slowed rate
Increased force of contraction Decreased force of contraction (especially of atria)
Coronaries Dilated (b2); constricted (a) Dilated
Bronchi Dilated Constricted
Blood vessels Mildly constricted ? Dilated
Lumen Decreased peristalsis and tone Increased peristalsis and tone
Sphincter Increased tone (most times) Relaxed (most times)
Liver Glucose released Slight glycogen synthesis
Gallbladder and bile ducts Relaxed Contracted
Kidney Decreased output and renin secretion None
Detrusor Relaxed (slight) Contracted
Trigone Contracted Relaxed
Penis Ejaculation Erection
Systemic arterioles
Abdominal viscera Constricted None
Muscle Constricted (adrenergic a) None
Dilated (adrenergic b2)
Dilated (cholinergic)
Skin Constricted None
Coagulation Increased None
Glucose Increased None
Lipids Increased None
Basal metabolism Increased up to 100% None
Adrenal medullary secretion Increased None
Mental activity Increased None
Piloerector muscles Contracted None
Skeletal muscle Increased glycogenolysis None
Increased strength
Fat cells Lipolysis None

secretion by many of the gastrointestinal glands, thetic stimulation increases the effectiveness of the
described earlier. heart as a pump, as required during heavy exercise,
Normal function of the gastrointestinal tract is not whereas parasympathetic stimulation decreases heart
very dependent on sympathetic stimulation. However, pumping, allowing the heart to rest between bouts of
strong sympathetic stimulation inhibits peristalsis and strenuous activity.
increases the tone of the sphincters. The net result is
greatly slowed propulsion of food through the tract and Systemic Blood Vessels. Most systemic blood vessels, espe-
sometimes decreased secretion as well—even to the cially those of the abdominal viscera and skin of the
extent of sometimes causing constipation. limbs, are constricted by sympathetic stimulation.
Parasympathetic stimulation has almost no effects on
Heart. In general, sympathetic stimulation increases the most blood vessels except to dilate vessels in certain
overall activity of the heart. This is accomplished by restricted areas, such as in the blush area of the face.
increasing both the rate and force of heart contraction. Under some conditions, the beta function of the sym-
Parasympathetic stimulation causes mainly opposite pathetics causes vascular dilation instead of the usual
effects—decreased heart rate and strength of contrac- sympathetic vascular constriction, but this occurs rarely
tion. To express these effects in another way, sympa- except after drugs have paralyzed the sympathetic alpha
Chapter 60 The Autonomic Nervous System and the Adrenal Medulla 755
vasoconstrictor effects, which, in blood vessels, are greater effect in stimulating the beta receptors, has a
usually far dominant over the beta effects. greater effect on cardiac stimulation than does nor-
epinephrine. Second, epinephrine causes only weak
Effect of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Stimulation on Arter- constriction of the blood vessels in the muscles, in com-
ial Pressure. The arterial pressure is determined by two
parison with much stronger constriction caused by
factors: propulsion of blood by the heart and resistance
to flow of blood through the peripheral blood vessels. norepinephrine. Because the muscle vessels represent
Sympathetic stimulation increases both propulsion by a major segment of the vessels of the body, this differ-
the heart and resistance to flow, which usually causes a ence is of special importance because norepinephrine
marked acute increase in arterial pressure but often very greatly increases the total peripheral resistance and
little change in long-term pressure unless the sympa- elevates arterial pressure, whereas epinephrine raises
thetics stimulate the kidneys to retain salt and water at the arterial pressure to a lesser extent but increases the
the same time. cardiac output more.
Conversely, moderate parasympathetic stimulation A third difference between the actions of epineph-
via the vagal nerves decreases pumping by the heart but rine and norepinephrine relates to their effects on
has virtually no effect on vascular peripheral resistance.
tissue metabolism. Epinephrine has 5 to 10 times as
Therefore, the usual effect is a slight decrease in arte-
rial pressure. But very strong vagal parasympathetic great a metabolic effect as norepinephrine. Indeed, the
stimulation can almost stop or occasionally actually stop epinephrine secreted by the adrenal medullae can
the heart entirely for a few seconds and cause tempo- increase the metabolic rate of the whole body often to
rary loss of all or most arterial pressure. as much as 100 per cent above normal, in this way
increasing the activity and excitability of the body. It
Effects of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Stimulation on Other also increases the rates of other metabolic activities,
Functions of the Body. Because of the great importance of such as glycogenolysis in the liver and muscle, and
the sympathetic and parasympathetic control systems, glucose release into the blood.
they are discussed many times in this text in relation In summary, stimulation of the adrenal medullae
to multiple body functions. In general, most of the
causes release of the hormones epinephrine and nor-
entodermal structures, such as the ducts of the liver,
gallbladder, ureter, urinary bladder, and bronchi, are epinephrine, which together have almost the same
inhibited by sympathetic stimulation but excited by effects throughout the body as direct sympathetic
parasympathetic stimulation. Sympathetic stimulation stimulation, except that the effects are greatly pro-
also has multiple metabolic effects such as release of longed, lasting 2 to 4 minutes after the stimulation is
glucose from the liver, increase in blood glucose con- over.
centration, increase in glycogenolysis in both liver and
muscle, increase in skeletal muscle strength, increase in Value of the Adrenal Medullae to the Function of the Sympa-
basal metabolic rate, and increase in mental activity. thetic Nervous System. Epinephrine and norepinephrine
Finally, the sympathetics and parasympathetics are are almost always released by the adrenal medullae at
involved in execution of the male and female sexual
the same time that the different organs are stimulated
acts, as explained in Chapters 80 and 81.
directly by generalized sympathetic activation. There-
fore, the organs are actually stimulated in two ways:
Function of the Adrenal Medullae directly by the sympathetic nerves and indirectly by
the adrenal medullary hormones. The two means
Stimulation of the sympathetic nerves to the adrenal of stimulation support each other, and either can, in
medullae causes large quantities of epinephrine and most instances, substitute for the other. For instance,
norepinephrine to be released into the circulating destruction of the direct sympathetic pathways to
blood, and these two hormones in turn are carried in the different body organs does not abrogate sympa-
the blood to all tissues of the body. On the average, thetic excitation of the organs because norepinephrine
about 80 per cent of the secretion is epinephrine and and epinephrine are still released into the circulating
20 per cent is norepinephrine, although the relative blood and indirectly cause stimulation. Likewise,
proportions can change considerably under different loss of the two adrenal medullae usually has little
physiologic conditions. effect on the operation of the sympathetic nervous
The circulating epinephrine and norepinephrine system because the direct pathways can still perform
have almost the same effects on the different organs almost all the necessary duties. Thus, the dual mecha-
as the effects caused by direct sympathetic stimulation, nism of sympathetic stimulation provides a safety
except that the effects last 5 to 10 times as long because factor, one mechanism substituting for the other if it is
both of these hormones are removed from the blood missing.
slowly over a period of 2 to 4 minutes. Another important value of the adrenal medullae
The circulating norepinephrine causes constriction is the capability of epinephrine and norepinephrine
of essentially all the blood vessels of the body; it also to stimulate structures of the body that are not
causes increased activity of the heart, inhibition of the innervated by direct sympathetic fibers. For instance,
gastrointestinal tract, dilation of the pupils of the eyes, the metabolic rate of every cell of the body is increased
and so forth. by these hormones, especially by epinephrine,
Epinephrine causes almost the same effects as those even though only a small proportion of all the cells
caused by norepinephrine, but the effects differ in the in the body are innervated directly by sympathetic
following respects: First, epinephrine, because of its fibers.
756 Unit XI The Nervous System: C. Motor and Integrative Neurophysiology

Relation of Stimulus Rate Effect of Loss of Sympathetic or Parasympathetic Tone After

to Degree of Sympathetic and Denervation. Immediately after a sympathetic or
parasympathetic nerve is cut, the innervated organ
Parasympathetic Effect
loses its sympathetic or parasympathetic tone. In the
case of the blood vessels, for instance, cutting the sym-
A special difference between the autonomic nervous
pathetic nerves results within 5 to 30 seconds in almost
system and the skeletal nervous system is that only a
maximal vasodilation. However, over minutes, hours,
low frequency of stimulation is required for full acti-
days, or weeks, intrinsic tone in the smooth muscle of
vation of autonomic effectors. In general, only one
the vessels increases—that is, increased tone caused by
nerve impulse every few seconds suffices to maintain
increased smooth muscle contractile force that is not
normal sympathetic or parasympathetic effect, and full
the result of sympathetic stimulation but of chemical
activation occurs when the nerve fibers discharge 10 to
adaptations in the smooth muscle fibers themselves.
20 times per second. This compares with full activation
This intrinsic tone eventually restores almost normal
in the skeletal nervous system at 50 to 500 or more
impulses per second.
Essentially the same effects occur in most other
effector organs whenever sympathetic or parasympa-
thetic tone is lost. That is, intrinsic compensation soon
Sympathetic and develops to return the function of the organ almost to
Parasympathetic “Tone” its normal basal level. However, in the parasympa-
thetic system, the compensation sometimes requires
Normally, the sympathetic and parasympathetic many months. For instance, loss of parasympathetic
systems are continually active, and the basal rates of tone to the heart after cardiac vagotomy increases the
activity are known, respectively, as sympathetic tone heart rate to 160 beats per minute in a dog, and this
and parasympathetic tone. will still be partially elevated 6 months later.
The value of tone is that it allows a single nervous
system both to increase and to decrease the activity of
Denervation Supersensitivity of
a stimulated organ. For instance, sympathetic tone nor-
mally keeps almost all the systemic arterioles con- Sympathetic and Parasympathetic
stricted to about one half their maximum diameter. Organs After Denervation
By increasing the degree of sympathetic stimulation During the first week or so after a sympathetic or
above normal, these vessels can be constricted even parasympathetic nerve is destroyed, the innervated
more; conversely, by decreasing the stimulation below organ becomes more sensitive to injected norepineph-
normal, the arterioles can be dilated. If it were not for rine or acetylcholine, respectively. This effect is demon-
the continual background sympathetic tone, the sym- strated in Figure 60–4, showing blood flow in the
pathetic system could cause only vasoconstriction, forearm before removal of the sympathetics to be about
never vasodilation. 200 ml/min; a test dose of norepinephrine causes only a
Another interesting example of tone is the back- slight depression in flow lasting a minute or so. Then the
stellate ganglion is removed, and normal sympathetic
ground “tone” of the parasympathetics in the
tone is lost. At first, the blood flow rises markedly
gastrointestinal tract. Surgical removal of the parasym- because of the lost vascular tone, but over a period of
pathetic supply to most of the gut by cutting the vagus days to weeks the blood flow returns much of the way
nerves can cause serious and prolonged gastric and back toward normal because of progressive increase in
intestinal “atony” with resulting blockage of much of
the normal gastrointestinal propulsion and consequent
serious constipation, thus demonstrating that
parasympathetic tone to the gut is normally very much
Blood flow in arm (ml/min)

required. This tone can be decreased by the brain, 400

thereby inhibiting gastrointestinal motility, or it can be
increased, thereby promoting increased gastrointesti-
nal activity. Normal Effect of same
200 test dose of
Tone Caused by Basal Secretion of Epinephrine and Norepi- norepinephrine
nephrine by the Adrenal Medullae. The normal resting Effect of test dose
rate of secretion by the adrenal medullae is about of norepinephrine
0.2 mg/kg/min of epinephrine and about 0.05 mg/kg/min 0
of norepinephrine. These quantities are considerable— 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
indeed, enough to maintain the blood pressure almost Weeks
up to normal even if all direct sympathetic pathways to
the cardiovascular system are removed. Therefore, it is
obvious that much of the overall tone of the sympa- Figure 60–4
thetic nervous system results from basal secretion of Effect of sympathectomy on blood flow in the arm, and effect of a
epinephrine and norepinephrine in addition to the tone test dose of norepinephrine before and after sympathectomy,
resulting from direct sympathetic stimulation. showing supersensitization of the vasculature to norepinephrine.
Chapter 60 The Autonomic Nervous System and the Adrenal Medulla 757
intrinsic tone of the vascular musculature itself, thus bladder and relaxation of the urinary sphincters,
partially compensating for the loss of sympathetic tone. thereby promoting micturition.
Then, another test dose of norepinephrine is adminis- Also important are the sexual reflexes, which are ini-
tered, and the blood flow decreases much more than tiated both by psychic stimuli from the brain and by
before, demonstrating that the blood vessels have stimuli from the sexual organs. Impulses from these
become about two to four times as responsive to nor- sources converge on the sacral cord and, in the male,
epinephrine as previously. This phenomenon is called result first in erection, mainly a parasympathetic func-
denervation supersensitivity. It occurs in both sympa- tion, and then ejaculation, partially a sympathetic
thetic and parasympathetic organs but to far greater function.
extent in some organs than in others, occasionally Other autonomic control functions include reflex
increasing the response more than 10-fold. contributions to the regulation of pancreatic secretion,
gallbladder emptying, kidney excretion of urine, sweat-
Mechanism of Denervation Supersensitivity. The cause of ing, blood glucose concentration, and many other vis-
denervation supersensitivity is only partially known. ceral functions, all of which are discussed in detail at
Part of the answer is that the number of receptors in other points in this text.
the postsynaptic membranes of the effector cells
increases—sometimes manyfold—when norepineph-
rine or acetylcholine is no longer released at the
synapses, a process called “up-regulation” of the recep- Stimulation of Discrete
tors. Therefore, when a dose of the hormone is now Organs in Some Instances and
injected into the circulating blood, the effector reaction Mass Stimulation in Other
is vastly enhanced.
Instances by the Sympathetic
and Parasympathetic Systems
Autonomic Reflexes
Sympathetic System Often Responds by Mass Discharge. In
Many visceral functions of the body are regulated by many instances, almost all portions of the sympathetic
autonomic reflexes. Throughout this text, the functions nervous system discharge simultaneously as a com-
of these reflexes are discussed in relation to individual
organ systems; to illustrate their importance, a few are
plete unit, a phenomenon called mass discharge. This
presented here briefly. frequently occurs when the hypothalamus is activated
by fright or fear or severe pain. The result is a wide-
Cardiovascular Autonomic Reflexes. Several reflexes in the spread reaction throughout the body called the alarm
cardiovascular system help to control especially the or stress response, which we shall discuss shortly.
arterial blood pressure and the heart rate. One of these At other times, activation occurs in isolated portions
is the baroreceptor reflex, which is described in Chapter of the sympathetic nervous system. The most impor-
18 along with other cardiovascular reflexes. Briefly, tant of these are the following: (1) During the process
stretch receptors called baroreceptors are located in the of heat regulation, the sympathetics control sweating
walls of several major arteries, including especially the and blood flow in the skin without affecting other
internal carotid arteries and the arch of the aorta. When
these become stretched by high pressure, signals are
organs innervated by the sympathetics. (2) Many
transmitted to the brain stem, where they inhibit the “local reflexes” involving sensory afferent fibers travel
sympathetic impulses to the heart and blood vessels and centrally in the peripheral nerves to the sympathetic
excite the parasympathetics; this allows the arterial ganglia and spinal cord and cause highly localized
pressure to fall back toward normal. reflex responses. For instance, heating a local skin area
causes local vasodilation and enhanced local sweating,
Gastrointestinal Autonomic Reflexes. The uppermost part of whereas cooling causes opposite effects. (3) Many of
the gastrointestinal tract and the rectum are controlled the sympathetic reflexes that control gastrointestinal
principally by autonomic reflexes. For instance, the functions operate by way of nerve pathways that do
smell of appetizing food or the presence of food in not even enter the spinal cord, merely passing from the
the mouth initiates signals from the nose and mouth
to the vagal, glossopharyngeal, and salivatory nuclei
gut mainly to the paravertebral ganglia, and then back
of the brain stem. These in turn transmit signals through to the gut through sympathetic nerves to control
the parasympathetic nerves to the secretory glands of motor or secretory activity.
the mouth and stomach, causing secretion of digestive
juices sometimes even before food enters the mouth. Parasympathetic System Usually Causes Specific Localized
When fecal matter fills the rectum at the other end Responses. In contrast to the common mass discharge
of the alimentary canal, sensory impulses initiated by response of the sympathetic system, control functions
stretching the rectum are sent to the sacral portion of by the parasympathetic system are much more likely
the spinal cord, and a reflex signal is transmitted back to be highly specific. For instance, parasympathetic
through the sacral parasympathetics to the distal parts cardiovascular reflexes usually act only on the heart to
of the colon; these result in strong peristaltic contrac-
tions that cause defecation.
increase or decrease its rate of beating. Likewise, other
parasympathetic reflexes cause secretion mainly by
Other Autonomic Reflexes. Emptying of the urinary bladder the mouth glands, or in other instances secretion is
is controlled in the same way as emptying the rectum; mainly by the stomach glands. Finally, the rectal emp-
stretching of the bladder sends impulses to the sacral tying reflex does not affect other parts of the bowel to
cord, and this in turn causes reflex contraction of the a major extent.
758 Unit XI The Nervous System: C. Motor and Integrative Neurophysiology

Yet there is often association between closely allied

parasympathetic functions. For instance, although sali-
vary secretion can occur independently of gastric
secretion, these two also often occur together, and Heat control
pancreatic secretion frequently occurs at the same Sympathetic Parasympathetic
time. Also, the rectal emptying reflex often initiates a
urinary bladder emptying reflex, resulting in simulta- Water
neous emptying of both the bladder and the rectum. balance
Conversely, the bladder emptying reflex can help ini- Feeding
tiate rectal emptying. control
Urinary bladder control Hypothalamus
“Alarm” or “Stress” Response of the Pneumotaxic center Adenohypophysis
Sympathetic Nervous System Cardiac acceleration Mamillary body
and vasoconstriction
When large portions of the sympathetic nervous Cardiac slowing Pons
system discharge at the same time—that is, a mass dis-
charge—this increases in many ways the ability of the Respiratory center Medulla
body to perform vigorous muscle activity. Let us sum-
marize these ways:
1. Increased arterial pressure
2. Increased blood flow to active muscles concurrent Figure 60–5
with decreased blood flow to organs such as the
Autonomic control areas in the brain stem and hypothalamus.
gastrointestinal tract and the kidneys that are not
needed for rapid motor activity
3. Increased rates of cellular metabolism throughout
the body
4. Increased blood glucose concentration many special nuclei (Figure 60–5), control different
5. Increased glycolysis in the liver and in muscle autonomic functions such as arterial pressure, heart
6. Increased muscle strength rate, glandular secretion in the gastrointestinal tract,
7. Increased mental activity gastrointestinal peristalsis, and degree of contraction
8. Increased rate of blood coagulation of the urinary bladder. Control of each of these is dis-
The sum of these effects permits a person to cussed at appropriate points in this text. Suffice it to
perform far more strenuous physical activity than point out here that the most important factors con-
would otherwise be possible. Because either mental or trolled in the brain stem are arterial pressure, heart rate,
physical stress can excite the sympathetic system, it is and respiratory rate. Indeed, transection of the brain
frequently said that the purpose of the sympathetic stem above the midpontine level allows basal control
system is to provide extra activation of the body in of arterial pressure to continue as before but prevents
states of stress: this is called the sympathetic stress its modulation by higher nervous centers such as the
response. hypothalamus. Conversely, transection immediately
The sympathetic system is especially strongly acti- below the medulla causes the arterial pressure to fall
vated in many emotional states. For instance, in the to less than one-half normal.
state of rage, which is elicited to a great extent by stim- Closely associated with the cardiovascular regula-
ulating the hypothalamus, signals are transmitted tory centers in the brain stem are the medullary and
downward through the reticular formation of the brain pontine centers for regulation of respiration, which are
stem and into the spinal cord to cause massive sym- discussed in Chapter 41. Although this is not consid-
pathetic discharge; most aforementioned sympathetic ered to be an autonomic function, it is one of the invol-
events ensue immediately. This is called the sympa- untary functions of the body.
thetic alarm reaction. It is also called the fight or flight
reaction because an animal in this state decides almost Control of Brain Stem Autonomic Centers by Higher Areas.
instantly whether to stand and fight or to run. In either Signals from the hypothalamus and even from the
event, the sympathetic alarm reaction makes the cerebrum can affect the activities of almost all the
animal’s subsequent activities vigorous. brain stem autonomic control centers. For instance,
stimulation in appropriate areas mainly of the poste-
rior hypothalamus can activate the medullary cardio-
Medullary, Pontine, and vascular control centers strongly enough to increase
Mesencephalic Control of the arterial pressure to more than twice normal. Likewise,
Autonomic Nervous System other hypothalamic centers control body temperature,
increase or decrease salivation and gastrointes-
Many neuronal areas in the brain stem reticular sub- tinal activity, and cause bladder emptying. To some
stance and along the course of the tractus solitarius of extent, therefore, the autonomic centers in the brain
the medulla, pons, and mesencephalon, as well as in stem act as relay stations for control activities
Chapter 60 The Autonomic Nervous System and the Adrenal Medulla 759
initiated at higher levels of the brain, especially in the autonomic ganglia. They are discussed in a later
hypothalamus. section, but an important drug for blockade of both
In Chapters 58 and 59, it is pointed out also that sympathetic and parasympathetic transmission
many of our behavioral responses are mediated through the ganglia is hexamethonium.
through (1) the hypothalamus, (2) the reticular areas
of the brain stem, and (3) the autonomic nervous Drugs That Act on Cholinergic
system. Indeed, some higher areas of the brain can
Effector Organs
alter function of the whole autonomic nervous system
or of portions of it strongly enough to cause severe Parasympathomimetic Drugs (Cholinergic Drugs). Acetyl-
autonomic-induced disease such as peptic ulcer of the choline injected intravenously usually does not cause
stomach or duodenum, constipation, heart palpitation, exactly the same effects throughout the body as
or even heart attack. parasympathetic stimulation because most of the acetyl-
choline is destroyed by cholinesterase in the blood and
body fluids before it can reach all the effector organs.
Yet a number of other drugs that are not so rapidly
Pharmacology of the destroyed can produce typical widespread parasympa-
Autonomic Nervous System thetic effects, and they are called parasympathomimetic
Drugs That Act on Adrenergic Two commonly used parasympathomimetic drugs are
Effector Organs— pilocarpine and methacholine. They act directly on the
Sympathomimetic Drugs muscarinic type of cholinergic receptors.

From the foregoing discussion, it is obvious that intra- Drugs That Have a Parasympathetic Potentiating Effect—Anti-
venous injection of norepinephrine causes essentially cholinesterase Drugs. Some drugs do not have a direct
the same effects throughout the body as sympathetic effect on parasympathetic effector organs but do poten-
stimulation. Therefore, norepinephrine is called a tiate the effects of the naturally secreted acetylcholine
sympathomimetic or adrenergic drug. Epinephrine and at the parasympathetic endings.They are the same drugs
methoxamine are also sympathomimetic drugs, and as those discussed in Chapter 7 that potentiate the effect
there are many others. They differ from one another in of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction. They
the degree to which they stimulate different sympa- include neostigmine, pyridostigmine, and ambenonium.
thetic effector organs and in their duration of action. These drugs inhibit acetylcholinesterase, thus prevent-
Norepinephrine and epinephrine have actions as short ing rapid destruction of the acetylcholine liberated at
as 1 to 2 minutes, whereas the actions of some other parasympathetic nerve endings. As a consequence, the
commonly used sympathomimetic drugs last for 30 quantity of acetylcholine increases with successive
minutes to 2 hours. stimuli, and the degree of action also increases.
Important drugs that stimulate specific adrenergic
receptors but not others are phenylephrine (alpha Drugs That Block Cholinergic Activity at Effector Organs—
receptors), isoproterenol (beta receptors), and albuterol Antimuscarinic Drugs. Atropine and similar drugs, such as
(only beta2 receptors). homatropine and scopolamine, block the action of
acetylcholine on the muscarinic type of cholinergic effec-
Drugs That Cause Release of Norepinephrine from Nerve Endings. tor organs. These drugs do not affect the nicotinic action
Certain drugs have an indirect sympathomimetic action of acetylcholine on the postganglionic neurons or on
instead of directly exciting adrenergic effector organs. skeletal muscle.
These drugs include ephedrine, tyramine, and ampheta-
mine. Their effect is to cause release of norepinephrine
from its storage vesicles in the sympathetic nerve Drugs That Stimulate or Block
endings. The released norepinephrine in turn causes the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic
sympathetic effects. Postganglionic Neurons
Drugs That Block Adrenergic Activity. Adrenergic activity Drugs That Stimulate Autonomic Postganglionic Neurons. The
can be blocked at several points in the stimulatory preganglionic neurons of both the parasympathetic and
process, as follows: the sympathetic nervous systems secrete acetylcholine
1. The synthesis and storage of norepinephrine in the at their endings, and this acetylcholine in turn stimulates
sympathetic nerve endings can be prevented. The the postganglionic neurons. Furthermore, injected
best known drug that causes this effect is reserpine. acetylcholine can also stimulate the postganglionic
2. Release of norepinephrine from the sympathetic neurons of both systems, thereby causing at the same
endings can be blocked. This is caused by time both sympathetic and parasympathetic effects
guanethidine. throughout the body.
3. The sympathetic alpha receptors can be blocked. Nicotine is another drug that can stimulate postgan-
Two drugs that cause this effect are glionic neurons in the same manner as acetylcholine
phenoxybenzamine and phentolamine. because the membranes of these neurons all contain the
4. The sympathetic beta receptors can be blocked. nicotinic type of acetylcholine receptor. Therefore, drugs
A drug that blocks beta1 and beta2 receptors is that cause autonomic effects by stimulating postgan-
propranolol. One that blocks mainly beta1 glionic neurons are called nicotinic drugs. Some other
receptors is metoprolol. drugs, such as methacholine, have both nicotinic and
5. Sympathetic activity can be blocked by drugs that muscarinic actions, whereas pilocarpine has only mus-
block transmission of nerve impulses through the carinic actions.
760 Unit XI The Nervous System: C. Motor and Integrative Neurophysiology

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