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Editted by Hien Nguyen

People nowadays sleep less than they used to in the past. What do you think is the reason behind
this? What are the effects on individuals and people around them?

While experts agree that everyone should aim to get a solid eight hours of sleep every
night, the reality is much different. The lack of sleeping is resulting in a range of alarming
outcomes. This essay will analyze the reasons for this shortage of sleep and how it impacts on our
lives and others’.
Modern technology can should shoulder much of the blame for the current dearth of sleep.
(first reason) The screens of our phones, and other devices, emit a high volume of blue light, which
tells our brains it is daytime. Obviously, if we use a phone in bed before we try to sleep, it will be
much harder for our nervous system to know it is time to sleep. Another principal cause is the
organization of our work and school lives. (second reason) In other words, society is organized around
an early wake-up time, and if people are not getting to sleep on time, they will struggle when they
have to get out of bed at dawn the next day.
From the perspective of the individual, not sleeping enough can lead to physical and mental
problems. (1st effect) Our bodies use sleep to repair themselves and consolidate what we learn during
the day, so it goes without saying that only a few hours of sleep every night will lead to a broad
spectrum of health issues. For those in our vicinity, the worst possible outcome is death. (2nd effect)
Traffic statistics showing a high percentage of fatal crashes caused by drowsy drivers are a sobering
reminder of the effect sleep can have on the wider world.
In summary, the lack of sleep many of us suffer from can be attributed to the modern world
and the technology we rely on. It is blindingly obvious that this sleep shortage has potentially
disastrous effects and requires urgent attention.
Children and teenagers are committing more and more crimes in many countries. Why is this
happening? How can we stop or at least reduce youth crime?
It is an alarming fact that the youth crime rate is growing in many places around the globe and
is a phenomenon that needs to be addressed. However, before solutions can be offered, it is necessary
to look at the underlying causes of the increase in youth-perpetrated crime.

The underlying root of the problem is almost always a young person’s home life. Irrespective of
socio-economic status, if a youth’s family environment is chaotic, violent, or simply lacking in
attention, then that youth may act out by committing petty crimes in a desperate cry for attention. To
deal with this, parents must take the responsibility to find the time in their own busy lives to make
sure that their children are not only looked after physically but have their emotional needs taken care
of too. (đưa cause 1  solution 1 luôn)

Another factor may be the general environment that children grow up in nowadays. In other
words, the youth of today spend most of their time interacting online, which means a lack of face-to-
face interaction with other people, resulting possibly in a lack of empathy for others and so a greater
willingness to commit crimes, like vandalism, graffiti, or shoplifting, which show a lack of respect for
other people’s property. A practical measure that could be taken on this front is to encourage, or even
require, children to participate in more social activities, like sports and other clubs. (đưa cause 2 
solution 2)

Overall, while the escalation in crimes undertaken by young people is a concerning trend, by
focusing on improving the quality of a young person’s home life as well as helping them grow as
people by aiding the development of their social skills, the problem can be considerably diminished, if
not altogether eliminated.
Nhìn chung cách bố cục 1 bài cause and effect rất linh hoạt.

Nếu câu hỏi chỉ hỏi cause(hoặc effect) – solution:

Cách 1:

Mở bài:

general statement  topic sentence

Thân bài:

Cause(hoặc effect) 1 (topic sentence, supporting sentences, examples) solution 1

Cause (hoặc effect) 2 (topic sentence, supporting sentences, examples) solution 2

Cause (hoặc effect) 3 (topic sentence, supporting sentences, examples) solution 3

(tối đa là 3 causes (hoặc effect), nếu yêu cầu 250 words chỉ cần 2 causes(hoặc effect) là đủ ý)

Kết bài:

Restate and summarize

Cách 2:

Mở bài:

general statement  topic sentence

Thân bài:

+ Một đoạn bao gồm

Cause(hoặc effect) 1 (topic sentence, supporting sentences/ examples)

Cause (hoặc effect) 2 (topic sentence, supporting sentences/ examples)

Cause (hoặc effect) 3 (topic sentence, supporting sentences/examples)

(chú ý 3 cause(hoặc effects) này viết trong 1 đoạn) (viết 2-3 là ok)
+ Một đoạn bao gồm solution 1,2,3 (hoặc chung)

Kết bài:

Restate and summarize

Nếu câu hỏi hỏi cả cause và effect (Thường như vậy sẽ ít khi kèm solution, hoặc có thì chỉ cần
viết 1,2 câu ở kết bài thôi)

Mở bài:

general statement  topic sentence

Thân bài:

+ Một đoạn 1 bao gồm

Cause 1 (topic sentence, supporting sentences/ examples)

Cause 2 (topic sentence, supporting sentences/ examples)

Cause 3 (topic sentence, supporting sentences/examples)

(chú ý 3 cause này viết trong 1 đoạn) (viết 2-3 là ok)

+ + Một đoạn 2 bao gồm

Effect 1 (topic sentence, supporting sentences/ examples)

Effect 2 (topic sentence, supporting sentences/ examples)

Effect 3 (topic sentence, supporting sentences/examples)

(chú ý 3 effects này viết trong 1 đoạn) (viết 2-3 là ok)

Kết bài:

Restate and summarize. (nếu có hỏi solution thì viết solution ở đây).

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