2) Supervisor Is

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Mcq on Planning and Organizing at Supervisory Level shital Bhalgat

1) Following are the physical resources…

A. Man

B. Machinery

C. Money

D. All of above

2) Supervisor is ___

A. Engineer

B. Manager

C. Team leader

D. All of the above

3) Following is/are the Human resources

A. People working in company

B. Machine

C. Money

D. All of the above

4) This is concept in manpower planning

A. Matching needs of customer with business

B. Matching human needs with job needs

C. Matching quality with quantity

D. None of above

5) Who plan capacity of machine?

A. Operator

B. Supervisor


D. Quality inspector

6) What are the advantages of prescribing standard forms in planning?

A. Systematic planning

Mcq on Planning and Organizing at Supervisory Level shital Bhalgat

Mcq on Planning and Organizing at Supervisory Level shital Bhalgat

B. Standardization

C. Factual information

D. All of above

7) What is written in job description?

A. Job title

B. Place of work

C. Allotted time for work

D. All of the above

8) Inspection of received material is important

A. Yes

B. No

C. May be

D. May Not be

9)Control function of management cannot be performed without:

A. planning

B. organizing

C. staffing

D. motivation

10) Unity of Command " principle of effective direction means:

A. subordinates should be responsible to one superior

B. there should be unity amongst subordinates

C. there should be unity amongst superiors

D. a superior can supervise a limited number of subordinates

11) ….. is a financial statement prepared and approved prior to a defined period of time

A. Audit

B. Control charts

C. Budget

Mcq on Planning and Organizing at Supervisory Level shital Bhalgat

Mcq on Planning and Organizing at Supervisory Level shital Bhalgat

D. Order of payment

12) Following is not the information needed for planning at supervisory level

A. Number of jobs to be done

B. Time expectation

C. Profit margin

D. Sequence of operations

13) Following is not done in planning by supervisor

A. Selection of Machines

B. Assigning workers

C. Allocate time for operations

D. Marketing of products

14) Benefits of Delegation of Work is/are…

A. It reduces the workload

B. It leads to effectiveness

C. It gives chance to the subordinates to explore their abilities and skill

D. All of the above

15) What is/are the important information to supervisor while planning?

A. Quantity of jobs

B. Product completion time

C. Quality standards

D. All of the above

16) While allotting work to workers what information is not important?

A. Qualification

B. Skills

C. Abilities

D. Specialties

17) In planning…

Mcq on Planning and Organizing at Supervisory Level shital Bhalgat

Mcq on Planning and Organizing at Supervisory Level shital Bhalgat

1. rescheduling must not be avoided.

2. if needed do rescheduling

A. Only 1 correct

B. Only 2

C. Both correct

D. Both wrong

18) Effects of ignoring manpower budget are

A. Worker Shortage

B. Lay off Workers at Awkward times

C. Insecurity, Low morale among workers

D. All of the above

19) In Planning….

1. supervisor do scheduling of daily activities.

2. director makes long term planning

A. Only 1 correct

B. Only 2 correct

C. Both statements are correct

D. Both statements are wrong

20) Securing raw material from stores is the responsibility of

A. Supervisor

B. Manager

C. Director

D. All of the above

21) Supervisor is focused in planning…

A. Completely

B. Internally

C. Externally

Mcq on Planning and Organizing at Supervisory Level shital Bhalgat

Mcq on Planning and Organizing at Supervisory Level shital Bhalgat

D. None of above

22) A Thermal power plant requires fuel for running plant, what budget type is for fuel cost?

A. Fixed

B. Variable

C. Short term

D. Long term

23) When emergency comes then…

A. Continue previous planning

B. Change plan

C. Change situation

D. None of above

24) Planning by supervisor is…

1) Interdependent

2) Continuous process

3) integration of various activities

Only 1) is correct

B. Only 2) is correct

C. Only 3) is correct

D. All statements are correct

25) Supervisor organizes.. 1) Man 2) Material 3) Machine 4) Money 5) Company

A. Only 1) is correct

B. Only 1) 2) are correct

C. Only 1) 2) 3) are correct

D. All statements are correct

26) When there is change in Technology…

A. Plan fails

B. Plan has to be modified

Mcq on Planning and Organizing at Supervisory Level shital Bhalgat

Mcq on Planning and Organizing at Supervisory Level shital Bhalgat

C. Plan has to be rescheduled

D. All of the above

27) This form will give detail idea about the job to performed by the worker.

A.Work Assignment sheet.

B.Job Description.

C.Both a and b.


28) Which of the following is Single use plan.

A. Budget




29) How many Functions of Management.





Mcq on Planning and Organizing at Supervisory Level shital Bhalgat

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