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Tribhuvan University

Question Setting Guidelines

Major English II

Level: BA
Year: First Full Marks: 70
Subject: Major English –Paper II Pass marks: 28
Course Title: History of English Literature and Criticism Time: 3 Hours
Course Code: ENGL 422

In this paper, questions will be selected from two segments: Segment A—History of English
Literature under 50 marks; Segment B—History of Literary Criticism under 50 marks. And,
the question set will be divided into four sections: long critical, medium-length, short note
writing, and facts check.

Section A: Long Question

Any 2 out of 4 (choice format) from the following question types 02x15=30
50% or 15 marks from Literature, and 50% or 15 marks from Criticism
i. Content/theme-based: substance and narrative
ii. Form-based: plot, character, setting, language, technique, point of view
iii. Period/trend/concept/idea/school/literary representation/cultural practice
iv. Theories and practices/applications
v. Analytical: reflections, critical examinations, comparative analysis
vi. Critical evaluation and judgment

Section B: Medium-Length Question

Any 2 out of 4 (choice format) from the following question types 02x10=20
i. Knowledge of an author and/or his or her work (from Literature)
ii. Explication of a critical assertion or a statement (from Criticism)

Section C: Short Note

Any 2 out of 4 (choice format) from the following question types 02x05=10
i. Short notes on any key terms (from Literature) 01x05=05
ii. Short notes on any literary concepts (from Criticism) 01x05=05

Section D: Facts Check Questions

There will be two parts in this question. 02x05=10
i. Matching authors with texts/concepts/schools (from Literature) 01x05=05
ii. Matching critics with concepts/schools (from Criticism) 01x05=05

Internal evaluation 30
Total of 30 marks of the internal evaluations can be divided into these categories.

Attendance and Participation 05

Project, Presentation, Portfolio* 05
Mid-term 10
End-term 10

* Any writing project that assesses the progress of a student as a writer over the year. The
final essay, FOUR to FIVE pages in length, must follow the MLA documenting style as
given in Patterns of College Writing.

Tribhuvan University
Question Setting Guidelines
Major English II
Level: BA
Year: First Full Marks: 70
Subject: Major English –Paper II Pass marks: 28
Course Title: History of English Literature and Criticism Time: 3 Hours
Course Code: ENGL 422

Candidates are required to answer the questions in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Section A: Long Question

1. There will be a critical inquiry dealing with the period, character, theme, point of
view and plot. Candidates should be able to understand the context and the literary
representations, trends and critical perspectives of the time. Moreover, they must be
able to elaborate those concepts, ideas with evidences and provide some reflections
and applications of the text. 02x15=30

i. How do the political, social, and cultural currents of Europe at the end of the
eighteenth century reinforce the imagination of the romantic writers?
Charles Dickens’ novels not only reflect the values and ideas of the Victorian
London but also question those values and ideas. Explain.

ii. The foundations of the western literary criticism can be located in Athens in the
fourth and fifth centuries BC. Identify and discuss some of the major thrusts of
and thoughts on criticism that surfaced during that time.
T. S. Eliot, an influential voice in English literary criticism, is credited with
refining the art of criticism. Discuss his major thoughts on the scope and function
of criticism with references to his representative texts.

Section B: Medium-Length Question

2. Exemplification/Elaboration of proposition questions: 02x10=20

i. The Renaissance Revival of classical learning and intellectual tradition in literary
The vision shared in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness anticipates an
apocalypse associated with First World War (1914-18).

ii. The concept of ―imitation is crucial to both Plato and Aristotle.‖

―The chief rivals to the poet are the philosophers and the historians.‖ Explicate
Philip Sidney’s defense of poetry in your own words.

Section C: Short Note Writing

3. Answer the following questions in short. 02x05=10

i. Conflict between vices and virtues for the soul of humankind in the Medieval
Collapse of the established order in Shakespeare’s major tragedies.

ii. Construction of the self in Alexander Pope’s narratives.
The legacy of Victorian middle–class liberalism in his fiction.

Section D: Fact Checks Questions

4. Matching authors with texts/concepts/Schools. 02x05=10

i. Match the following authors with texts and arrange them in a chronological order.
a) Walter Scott Dubliners
b) George Eliot The Parlement of Foules
c) James Joyce Tamburlaine the Great
d) Christopher Marlowe Middlemarch
e) Geoffrey Chaucer Ivanhoe

ii. Match the following authors/critics with concepts/schools.

a) Walter Pater Catharsis
b) S. T. Coleridge Aesthetics
c) Virginia Woolf Primary and Secondary Imagination
d) I. A. Richards Bloomsbury Group
e) Aristotle Value


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