A Report On Human Resource Management On Metlife (Final)

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A report on Human Resource Management on


Reported to

Professor/ Ass prof/ Lecturer

Dr. Nazmul Amin Majumdar

North South University


Reported By

Sayma Tasnim

Id: 2016418690

Course: Human Resource Management


North South University

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Table of Contents

S.L Topic Page

1. Transmittal Letter 04
2. Acknowledgement 05
3. Executive Summary 06
4. HRM of Metlife 07
5. Objectives of the report 07
6. Scope of the report 07
7. Methodology of the report 07
8. Limitations of the report 07
9. Introduction 08
10. History 09
11. Vision 09
12. Mission 09
13. Values 10
14. Some HRM problems and issues of Metlife 10
15. Structure of HR Department of Metlife 11
16. HR Budget of Metlife 14
17. Approaches of HRM and ongoing strategic competitive advantage of 15
18. Employee empowerment 15
19. Benefits of HRM practices to employers 15
20. Benefits of HRM practices to employees 16
21. Employee relation 19
22. HRM practices in Metlife 20
23. Effective ways to execute HRM practices for raising productivity and 20
24. Planning Human Resource 21
25. HRM practices that may lead to declining profit productivity 21
26. Rewards 22
27. Key elements of employment legislation 23
28. HRM decision making and other impact of the above legislation on Metlife 23
29. Recruitment process of Metlife 24
30. Analysis of selection and recruitment process 27
31. Selection Process and employment opportunities of Metlife 27
32. Some other steps in the recruitment process of Metlife 28
33. Selection Methods of Metlife 32

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34. Techniques for selection in Metlife 32
37. Recruitment Policy of Metlife 34
38. Integration between job analysis and the recruitment policy 35
39. Effectiveness and the Drawbacks of the recruitment process 35
40. 21 century especially after globalization manpower empowerment is an 36
exasperating job it requires specialized skills for Metlife
41. Conclusion 39
42. Reference 40

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Letter of Transmittal

Professor/Ass prof/Lecturer Dr. Nazmul Amin Majumdar

North South University

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Subject: Submission of a report on Human Resource Management on METLIFE.

Dear Sir,

Here is the report that I had been assigned on the topic as per your order. The report has been
completed by the knowledge that I have gathered from your course “HRM”. I would like to
thank you for assigning me this topic to prepare the report. This task has been given me the
opportunity to explore the main part of Fundamentals of HRM. I have tried my level best to
complete the report meaningfully and correctly, as much as possible. Hope you will appreciate
my hard work and excuse the minor errors. Thanking you for your cooperation.

Sincerely Yours

Sayman Tasnim

Id: 2016418690

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First of all, I would like to convey my sincere gratitude and heartfelt thanks to my honorable
course teacher of HRM Professor/Ass Prof. /Lecturer Dr. Nazmul Amin Majumdar for his
overall guidance, understanding, patience and most importantly his student friendly approach
during my studies at North South University. I consider myself very fortunate for being able to
work with a very considerate and encouraging professor like him. He has given us the
opportunity to conducting the report on HRM Practices. In the process of preparing of the report,
I received valuable inputs, guidance, assistance and instruction from a number of respected
persons. I would like to express my gratitude and sincere thanks to them for their immense help
and enormous cooperation to me. At last I would like to express my profound thanks to our
respected teacher Professor/Ass prof./Lecturer Dr. Nazmul Amin Majumdar for his kind consent
and given practical orientation of conducting such a kind of assignment and helping in preparing
the report which will be helpful and worthy for my as well as our study and future career.

I would also like to express gratitude on the department of Human Resource Management
(HRM) of METLIFE Insurance Company.

On behalf

Sayma Tasnim

Human Resource Management (HRM)

EMBA Program

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Executive Summary

Human Resource Management is the heart of every organization. Without effective HR

practices, it is hardly possible to become successful in this competitive business world. In this
report, I have analyzed that how METLIFE handles those problems and issues what they may
face in the aspect of HRM practices, and some sort of HRM approaches that need to be taken to
ensure ongoing strategic competitive advantage that I tried to brief in a row, how they face
challenges in 21st century and how they can overcome from the situation. They have done their
initial recruitment and selection through online and over Post-office. An effective career
development program is essential for every organization. It inaugurates the realization of perfect
career choice of individuals. Today HR managers are dealing with this sort of problem in order
to solve this in splendid way. However, they are facing a variety of challenges to make a solution
for future aspect. There is little difference in the concept of recruitment and selection in HRM
which is discussed in this particular report. Health and safety issues which are the main concern
of human resource management are completely visualize. At the last section of this report
inaugurates the conclusion with some my own recommendations that might be effective for
MELIFE. Moreover, this part also suggests some recommendation through which all the firms
may gain more success in future.

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Human Resource Management of METLIFE

Objectives of the Report

This report will ascertain us to understand regarding the overall Human Resource
problems and issues what METLIFE face and it will at least provide us the opportunity to
know how to apply and get prepared for some approaches that need to be taken to ensure
ongoing strategic competitive advantage of the company when we are going to apply in
future. As we have learned it theoretically from the book, we came to know about the real
life scenario in the multinational companies. And finally, the report shows us regarding
the challenge of Human Resource Management or HRM will face in the 21st century

Scope of the Report

The report might have made on the basis of the primary and the secondary data. For the purpose
of preparing this report, I could make visited to the renowned insurance company (METLIFE)
and could make a survey in the HRM department to know about the process and much other
relevant information about the report. But for the pandemic situation was bound me to look on
there, because the company maintains the strict policy for making sure of their working

Methodology of the Report

The report is based on two sources of Data. These sources are the prime areas from where I have
got the information regarding analyzing of the organization and thus I can make it more easily I
have defined my data in two parts which are the primary and the secondary data. These are the
two different sources that I have executed to find out the information and to make the report on
the basis of these data. Hence, the report is based on the various information like the data’s found
in the company and the data and the resources found in the books and internet. So these data
sources are:

1. Primary Data: The primary data was accumulated by me from the Books, Internet, the
journal and much other relevant stuff directly related with the literature of the report. As
the text books give me some theoretical support to complete this report.
2. Secondary Data: The secondary data was taken by me through the Industry or the
company visit and by the clients, employees, and related persons to the company of the
METLIFE Insurance Company, this helped me a lot by generating the practical situation
of the company’s processes of the execution of HRM.

Limitations of the Report

The report is made under various stressful situations and thus to make it more easier I have to
make some adjustments. Still then there are some limitations. These limitations are given below:

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 The knowledge was really limited as because I am inexperienced and have not strong
enough grip over things and still then I have to make through the small level of
 I might have the lacking of understanding regarding many terms and conditions of
many of the materials and other related stuffs in this report.
 Time limitations in preparing the report.
 Lack of co-ordinations in the different sectors of the report.
 Problems in understanding many sectors of the report.
 Lack of the basic information about the operations of the company in Bangladesh
 Lack of Information about the various products and services of the company.
These are the various areas which I had to adapt in making the report and very much successful
one thus I have to go through all these various steps in generating the information and the data
regarding making the report.


“MetLife, Inc. provides insurance and financial services to individual and institutional
customers. It offers life insurance, annuities, automobile and homeowner’s insurance and retail
banking services to individuals as well as group insurance, reinsurance and retirement and
savings products and services. The company operates its business through six segments: Retail,
Group, Voluntary and Worksite Benefits, Corporate Benefit Funding, Latin America, Asia, and
Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The Retail segment organized into two businesses: Life and
Other, and Annuities. The Life and Other business products include variable life, universal life,
term life, whole life, disability, property and casualty. The Annuities business offers a variety of
variable and fixed annuities that are primarily sold to individuals and tax-qualified groups in the
education, healthcare and not-for-profit sectors. The Group, Voluntary and Worksite Benefits
segment is organized into two businesses: Group, and Voluntary and Worksite. The Group
insurance products and services include life, dental, group short- and long-term disability and
accidental, death and dismemberment coverages. The Voluntary and Worksite products and
services include long-term care, prepaid legal plans, critical illness and property and casualty
products. The Corporate Benefit Funding segment provides funding and financing solutions that
help institutional customers mitigate and manage liabilities primarily associated with their
qualified, nonqualified and welfare employee benefit programs using a spectrum of life and
annuity-based insurance and investment products. The Latin America segment engages in the
accident and health insurance, savings oriented pension product and credit insurance. The Asia
segment engages in the life insurance, accident and health insurance, retirement and savings
products and credit insurance. The Europe, the Middle East and Africa segment operates in 31
countries across EMEA, which is engaged in the life insurance, accident and health insurance,
retirement and savings products and credit insurance. Metlife was founded on March 24, 1868
and is headquartered in New York, NY.” (1)

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In Bangladesh, MetLife is the leading life insurance company with over 1 million customers and
more than 16,000 Field Force.

MetLife Bangladesh has recently launched a series of virtual training courses for its Field Force.
In the ongoing COVID-19 situation, these training courses are designed to help them enhance
their knowledge and skills on various insurance-related courses right from their homes.


“Organized by a group of New York City businessmen in 1863, the National Union Life and
Limb Insurance Company began business in July 1864 insuring Civil War sailors and soldiers
against wartime-related disabilities. It was a difficult beginning. By the end of 1864, National
Union had written only 17 life and 56 accident policies, and was in last place among the 27 life
companies operating in New York State and was running a deficit of $1,400.

After five difficult years in business and several reorganizations and name changes, President
James R. Dow, (a medical doctor) and the board of directors decided to drop the casualty
business and focus solely on life insurance business. And so began Metropolitan Life Insurance

When MetLife opened for business on March 24, 1868 (selling a small number of policies on
that date) the telephone had not yet been invented and electric lights were still uncommon. The
population of the United States was approximately 37 million, and there were 37 states in the
country. The company’s first home office consisted of two rooms - enough space for its six
employees.” (2)


To be the leading insurance and financial company in the region and across the world by
achieving the customer satisfaction and maximizing shareholders values.

Being the leading global life insurance and employee benefits company guides the company’s
response to people’s growing need for first-rate financial products and services through various
life stages and economic cycles. MetLife’s trusted brand, capital strength, and existing
relationships with millions of individual and institutional customers around the globe uniquely
position MetLife among its competitors.


Their mission is to achieve vision by having:

To provide high quality insurance products and services in accordance with the latest
international standards and best practices and to provide value to our customers throughout the
Kingdom as well as establishing and maintaining those long lasting relationships.

 Provided high quality insurance products and services

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 Accorded with the latest international standards and best practices
 Ensured value to their customers throughout the kingdom
 Established and maintained those long lasting relationship


Achieving mission and vision in reality, they will practice the values of professional integrity,
customer satisfaction, and team work and company’s loyalty.

Some HRM problems and issues of METLIFE

Human resources management (HRM) is accepted by many companies because of its benefits.
But at the same time various challenges and issues may emerge in front of manages of human
resources department while performing their duty. Here are most common issues facing Metlife

Change management
As a business growth with its struggle, structure and internal processing surely can grow with a
proper management. A lot of companies’ experiences decrease productivity and during periods
of change and intensified focus on training may be needed to more develop in order to add
competence to deal with change management.
Leadership Department

The Business world is constantly changing its phase day by day and business needs to be strong
over it. Not all teams can perform at the same level and this is usual because of the team leader.

Workforce training and development

Investing in the training and development of lower level employees is common HR problem
same business have trouble finding the resources to do so training and development doesn’t have
to take a lot of time or money. Recruiting managers and senior leadership in mentoring their


Compensation is the form of salary, bonus, incentives, allowance is to be paid according to the
performance of the people. Many company are struggling with how best to structure employee

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Recruiting talented employees

Attracting talent is a huge investment with time and money. It’s difficult for the entrepreneurs to
balance between keeping a business running and hiring the right people at the right time.

Workplace diversity

Multiple generation ethnic and cultural are differences from each other. These are just a few of
factors that make workplace diversity with a continual challenge of the risk of lawsuits for
failing to protect employees from harassment which is authentic.

Health and safety

The affordable care of act has been a pin point for many companies in the last couple of years.
Rising healthcare costs for the employees is another challenge of Human Resource Management

Adopting to innovation

Technology is constantly becoming a challenging volume. Business must be quick to adapt or

make risk being left in the dust by their competitors. It is a heavy challenge for business owner in
getting employees to embrace innovation and learn the new technology.

Structure of HR Department of METLIFE

An insurance company is one of those organizations that have widespread operations

countrywide. Evermore, it turns out very momentously to execute all the operations through a
hierarchically organized employee structure to achieve organizational objectives. Hierarchy in
insurance company basically categorizes the people working in any insurance company
depending on some pre specified norms that may include their power in the company, their roles,
duties and decision making authority.

There are broadly three levels in hierarchy in insurance company and all these levels are
explicitly explained as below in brief in a manner of descending order means the highest one in
the hierarchy is placed at the top while the lowest one is placed at the end. Just have a quick look
at hierarchy in insurance company




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Administrative Level

Well this is the highest level in the hierarchy of insurance company that is attainable by a
professional in the insurance sector. These are the chief level professionals who manage the
administration of entire insurance company. They have full decision making authority and lead
the entire staff to work for the company’s growth and benefit. The various job profiles at this
level of the hierarchy in insurance company include these following. Have a quick look –

 Insurance Director

Metlife sets insurance manager in everywhere they are needed to be. By adapting them in
anywhere, Metlife makes sure their proficiency in this sector by maintaining a smooth
chain of the administrative structure.

 Insurance Chief Manager

Keeping director, Metlife also fixes a chief manager for maintaining the balance of
corporate pressure by suiting them in a row with giving full enthusiastic.

 Division Manager

Though Metlife has chief manager, it also assigns a division manager in order to keep
balanced and keep its authority to any division by the assigned division manager.

 Account Manager

Metlife started its business for digesting financial and economical ingredients with
providing a superb service to its customer. Keeping in mind that, it has to justify the
accounts with supervising. Because it is a transaction oriented company. It must need
account manager. It does so.

 Estimator

To have term in mind, any of the company may face any situation either it can be desired
or non-desired. An estimator plays an important role for the company before
experiencing it, Metlife has to keep estimator to maintain its administrative.

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Division Account Estimator

Manager Manager

Executive Level of Metlife

The professional at this level of hierarchy in insurance company are mid-level officials. These
are basically taking care of, managing and handling a team of insurance associates for work.
They need to have vital years of experience in the insurance sector to get into this level. Mostly
these professionals start from the operational level explained below in the hierarchy and with
time get promoted to higher levels. The various job profiles at this level of the hierarchy in
insurance company include following job titles.

 Administrative Assistant
 Customer Service Manager
 Auditor
 Claims Manager
 Adjuster
 Claims Examiner
 Broker
 Project Manager
 Customer Service Associate

Operational Level of Metlife

The professional at this level of hierarchy in insurance company are professional who act as a
direct face representative to a layman for their respective life insurance company. These may be
with or without experience in the field. Their core area revolves about doing office work, selling
life insurances to people along with completing the paper work etc.

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The various job profiles at this level of the hierarchy in insurance company include following job
titles. Have a quick look

 Sales Agency Manager

 Manager of Customer Billing
 Loss Control Consultant
 Marketing Manager
 Office Manager
 Sales Agent
 Training Manager
 Insurance Executive
 Insurance Agent

Types of employees in Metlife

 Permanent employees
 Contractual employees
 Outsource employees

Human Resource (HR) Budget of Metlife

The goals and aim of HR department is reflected in their budget. Budget is issued to the
department on annual bases on the ratio of net income generating by the company.

As Metlife is still in growth process, department has to make compromises over their budget.

The Human Resource Department of Metlife Insurance Company was formed for the betterment of the
company’s employees.

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Approaches of Human Resource Management and ongoing strategic competitive advantage

The HRM practices of an organization can be an important source of competitive advantages. I

think; this HRM approaches will help to ensure on going strategic competitive advantage.

Human Resource Management or HRM appertains to the strategic approach of managing people
effectively in an organization, with a view to achieving competitive advantage. The aim of the
human resource department is to maximize the performance of the employees so that it can keep
a good pace in the race of achieving its growth and sustainability.

Employee Empowerment

Metlife has given their employees authority to take their decision on their respective positions.
Organization has set boundaries in which the employees can make practices their power.

Not only male staff but also female staff have been authority to take their decisions. In
recognition for their progressive gender policies and best practices for empowering women at
work, Metlife has organized their formation of the working structure in where everyone can get
access to feel the freedom.

Benefits of HRM Practices to employers of METLIFE

Creates skilled manpower

Accuracy in recruitment process enriches the company with skilled manpower which improves
the performance and efficiency of the organization. Skilled human resource can be considered as
an asset for the organization.
Facilitates growth
HRM practices help the organization to grow faster. As Think Right Ltd. has a competitive
market, these practices help this organization to gain a competitive advantage over its
Creates mutual benefits
HRM practices benefit both the employers and employees. As a result, the workers happily do
their job together with a view of bringing success for the organization, as a result, the
organization proceeds towards growth and sustainability.

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Satisfies employee demands
Appropriate HRM practice in an organization satisfies the demand of the employees.
Consequently, a good relationship takes place between the employers and the employees. This
improves communication in the organization.

Benefits of HRM Practices to employees

Skill development
HRM practices in an organization provide its employees with the opportunity to develop their
skills and competency. It helps to improve their performance and thus benefits both the
employees and the organization.

Resolves Conflicts
Effective human resource management creates a good relationship between employees and
employers. As HRM initiates a certain set of rules and regulations of acts and behaviours, it
helps to minimize the chances of conflict.

Improves Employee relations

HRM ensures to satisfy the basic rights of the employees so that no discrimination can take place
in the organization. The managers work to remove the potential barriers which might hamper an
employee’s rights and delights them with various benefits. As a result, a healthy work
environment is created. (Mathis and Jackson, 2003)

Different approaches to recruitment and selection processes have different strengths and
weaknesses. A comparative analysis of these approaches to recruitment and selection are
mentioned below:

Recruitment Agencies


 Recruitment agencies show a quick response comparing to the other approaches

 Being an expert in this field they have the necessary experience regarding the recruitment
 There is a number of candidates who prefer agencies over the employer.

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 Less reputed or new agencies often send many candidates so that they can gain short-term
 This approach might seem a bit costly to some of the candidates
 Agencies often bring out some requirements that de-motivate candidates.

Online Job Boards and Websites


 This approach is comparatively cost-effective

 This approach performs the recruitment process quickly
 Instant application system makes the approach more preferable


 A huge number of useless applications come in this approach.

 Potential candidates can be demotivated if the connection of the website is weak.
 People who can’t use a computer, can’t apply in this process.

Press Advertising


 Messages build a positive communication with the brand.

 This approach builds brand awareness.
 It conveys a clear outlook of the company.


 There is no guarantee of success or return of the investment.

 This approach is comparatively slow.
 Only those who read the specific newspaper or journalist to know about the recruitment.

Search Consultants

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 Candidates are specialized in the job.

 Candidates have Discretion.

 No hiring and no fees, so there are no risks as well.


 This approach is costly.

 There are limited numbers of consultants.

 It’s not possible to shortlist the candidates.

Professional Referral Schemes:


 Eligible candidates get more preference.

 The reservation rate is better.
 The approach is cost-effective.


 Candidates are limited in this approach.

 It discourages workplace diversity.
 This approach may hurt another employee.

Recruitment Events:


 Candidates get the opportunity to meet directly with the executives.

 A huge number of people can be interviewed in a limited time.
 This approach enhances brand awareness.


 No chance of shifting candidates.

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 Too many competitors.
 There is no guarantee of getting the job.

Employee Relations

Employee relation is called the collective relationship that is found amongst the employee and
employer of any organization. This is a bond of mutual trust which eventually makes individual
relations with their employers. (Stewart, 2010)

Factors which influence employee relations in respect to influencing HRM decision making:

 Efficiency:

Line managers assist employees at different stages. This assistance creates a bond between two
levels, makes understanding and resolves the conflict.

 Healthy work environment:

When the workplace is neat, clean, safe and sound, concentration on tasks increases on its own.
This affects positively on productivity.

 Sharing objectives:

Employers should always share the objectives with the employees so that they know the
importance of the task and work together to achieve the goal.

 Minimization of turnover and absenteeism:

HRM brings out higher commitment to the employees and creates more interest. So, labour
turnover and absenteeism are decreased.

 Better performance and hence productivity:

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The combination of the sound workplace environment, fair labour-management relationship,
reduced turnover and absenteeism, etc. leads to the improvement of performance of employees
and hence productivity.

Employer-employee relationship and decision-making process in Metlife:

 Metlife Insurance has always been completed projects and tasks in the form of teamwork.
 The company has always provided internal as well as external training to the employees and
working on to create a good bond between labour and management.
 It has no biases or discrimination with the benefits and compensation rather employees are
satisfied with it.

The environment of the company is enough neat, sound and healthy. Also, it has a friendly space to bring
all staffs, employee and employer together.

HRM Practices in METLIFE

Metlife Insurance has been following HRM practices since its establishment on the basis of the
Human Resource Information Systems. Their process of selection, recruitment, performance
evaluation, training and development have been executed through the integrated information
system to receive an efficient result. The Human Resource information system is operated with
the help of collecting significant information regarding employees to ensure that the profit,
productivity and overall growth are at the placed rightly. (Sharma, 2009)

Effective ways to execute HRM practices for raising productivity and profit

Understand the mission and vision of a company

Before starting the new employees’ job, they should be given a proper orientation from the
company with its people. This will break their ice on their first day, bring employees and

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employers closer and make them feel a part of the company. Besides, they will be able to know
about the mission, vision and objectives of the organization.

Planning Human Resource

Organizations should make some plan to manage human resource processes like staffing,
recruiting, collecting information etc. Human Resource Information system plays a major role in
here. It can automatically collect and manage data like compensation and benefits, CV tracking,
etc. A brief description of its applications is:

I. Planning workforce:

When the workforce is planned properly, it reduces the costs that have been wasted in recruiting
and terminating employees.

II. Performance evaluation and appraisal:

HRM is a great medium of performance evaluation. It provides the employers with necessary
information, updates regularly and ensures internal promotion when the evaluation is done.

III. Training and development:

Employees are given training and development courses by the organization, institutes, agencies,
etc. so that they gain knowledge and skills on their work and improve productivity which again
leads to growth and profitability.

HRM practices that may lead to declining profit and productivity

Understanding a company’s mission and vision

Although it is helpful, the orientation process is very time and energy consuming. Also, the
privacy of the company is hampered when new employees know about every details and

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Planning human resource

Human Resource Information systems are done through a machine. Sometimes it is quite
impossible for a machine to understand what human resource needs and want from the company.
This is the reason why it comes with wrong decisions at times.

Performance evaluation and appraisal

Performance appraisal also takes much time and energy. It would be better if the appraisal
method is conducted through a 360 degree system instead of the traditional way of doing
questions and surveys.

Training and development

Training courses give no favourable outcome when all training course gives the same teaching
rather than meeting individual preferences. It turns out to be a waste of time instead.


Extrinsic rewards

Extrinsic rewards are touchable or tangible like a bonus, gifts, and alike. These are physical
materials which are offered to employees by evaluating their individual performance and

Intrinsic rewards

Intrinsic rewards cannot be touched as they are intangible and non-physical. It triggers emotion
and creates a sense of enjoyment within them. For examplea letter of appreciation, promotion,

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Link created amongst motivational theory and reward

Motivation is a way of influencing employees to perform a certain task. It drives them towards
the goal and objectives. It can be both financial and non-financial. The financial motivation is all
about cash and tangible assets. On the contrary, non-financial motivation is related to feelings of
employees. Maslow has given his theory of motivation and Herzberg has given Motivation and
Hygiene factor. These explain the importance of motivation in creating a healthy and fair labor-
management relationship.

Key elements of employment legislation

Employment rights act 1996

Employment rights act is the amended version of the Employment Rights Act 1963. It explains
the basic rights that should be given to the employees. These are rights like wages,
compensation, leave, termination, etc. It is such a right that every UK citizen can use. It ensures
equal and standard payment and no biases, fixed working hour of employment, fair and equal
treatment of employees and payment and working hour for overtime works (Mills, 2013).

Data protection act 1998

This particular right started being into action since 2000. Data protection act 1998 is made to use
personal information related with employees and the means to protect it. This information can be
in contact, address, bank details, etc. The right is made of eight major principles.

Health and safety law 1999

Health and safety law 1999 safeguards employees from potential hazards that might occur in the
workplaces. This law is made to avoid future risks in the workplace which is applicable not only
on employees but also on clients, suppliers, contractors and many other stakeholders.

Ethical responsibility

Ethical responsibility pushes the company towards society. Employee and company legislation
should not be the only motive of the company. It has social responsibilities too. These

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responsibilities develop cultural values and tradition within the society and help fulfilling
Corporate Social Responsibility. Afterwards, it is the society which promotes goodwill and brand
image of the company. (Bushey, 2018)

HRM decision making and the impact of the above legislations on it in METLIFE

Legislations and ethical responsibilities should be implemented by every organization. It is

HRM’s duty to follow these rules within and outside the firm. It builds responsibility and ethics
which become the foundation of a successful organization. There are more impacts of legal
policies, these are:

 Legal policies make sure every employee and staff get the right and equal payment no
matter what caste, age, religion or race they belong to.
 Legal policies leave no confusion regarding fixed working hours of regular and overtime
works. These should be strictly followed.

There is minimum wages system so that employees get the right payment.

Recruitment Process of METLIFE

The recruitment process of Metlife goes on with the every aspect of the company. Thus the
recruitment process will go hand to hand with the recruitment policy and the various methods of
recruitment. Thus to make sure that the recruitment is done perfectly by the human resource
managers should make effective planning and policy making thus Metlife have got various steps
in their recruitment process, but at first we should go along with the selection process and the
employment opportunities. Metlife has also got their own employments opportunity factors and
the selection process.

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Human Resource Officer

Human Resource Department

Metlife Insurance

Job Description:

Job Position Human Resource Executive

Job Location Anywhere in Bangladesh

Job nature Full-time

Vacancy 02

Salary 24990-4500 (Tk. in bd)

Job Specification:

 Undergraduate or Graduate from a reputed university

 Minimum required CGPA- 3.00
 Experience not more than 1 year
 Fresher can apply
 Must have skills in MS Word, Power-point and Excel
 Age limit: Not above 30 years


Personal profile
In search of an important role in well-known companies in order to execute my
management, leadership and technical knowledge and skills in a dynamic workplace.

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Educational qualification
 Bachelor of Business Administration
Islamic University
Major in Human Resource Management
 Higher Secondary Certificate
Cumilla Zila School and College
 Secondary School Certificate
Cumilla Zila School and College

Human Resource Executive
Landscape Institute

Duties of the employee

 Scheduling for training and development

 Check and update attendance regularly
 Managing wages, compensation and benefits of employee
 Making job descriptions and job specifications
 Coordinating and managing the initial recruitment process

Skills required

Proficient in languages: English as well as Bengali

Computer skills: MS Office, Adobe Reader, Power-point, Ms Excell

Primary interview

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The primary interview is conducted to identify the qualification, experience and skills of potential
candidates. At this stage, a set of questions will be provided for analysis. (Gatewood et al., 2011)

Preparatory interview

It is a structured interview which is conducted for standardizing the analysis. Here, the manager creates
the set of questions in an organized manner for all interested candidates.

Final interview

The final interview is conducted at the end with a few selected candidates. The candidates must meet
requirements to come at this stage as per the external recruitment system. The candidates who have the
requirements are suitable. There are some criteria which a candidate must have at this stage:

o Experience in the same area

o Analytical, intellectual and aptitude skills
o Responding to problems and solving immediately
o A strong personality

Job offer or appointment letter

Mr X and MR. Y are selected because of their management, intellect and analytical skills in the interview.
The employer also liked their strong and impressive personality.

Analysis of selection and recruitment process

It is the task of the Human Resource Department of the company to make use of the information system
to identify qualified candidates automatically so that they can be forwarded to the next and ultimate
interview round. The candidates receive calls or emails from the company when they are selected for
interview and if they pass in the interview, they get a contract signing of which gives them the allowance
to work in that company. This process is quick, efficient and involves direct communication and
interaction for analysis and evaluation.

Selection Process and Employment Opportunities in Metlife

The selection process of the recruitment usually takes place in about 1 month long, the
employees have to go through the various tests and interviewers make sure about the selection
criteria. The company needs to make sure that the employees are getting the equal opportunities
and there are not biasness and any other unfair means in the selection process and to make the

27 | P a g e
selection more effective of the human resource department needs to be more transparent and
accountable in their jobs in recruiting people.

The company responds relatively very quickly in the selection process which is done by the
human resource department within 2 weeks from the final interview and the screening session
begun. The employees are given adequate time by human resource management to accept or
reject the opportunity.

As far as the minority, equal employment opportunity and the discrimination is concerned the
company has no such purpose to reject or discriminate the disadvantaged workers, the disabled
worker, the senior/ junior complexity, the informal, formal method of recruitment, and the
opportunity for the passive job seekers. The employment procedures are getting through the
process which is only approved by the MEASA countries and which is quite different from the
European and USA countries. So the overall process is maintained by the human resource
department of the company.

Some other steps in the Recruitment Process in METLIFE

Metlife usually follows a specific recruitment process. The organization’s recruitment policy and
the human resource strategies of Metlife is maintained with the integration in between to make a
smooth flow of recruitment process. The company also has the co-ordination between the job
analysis and the HR Recruiting Process. But it does not include any assessment center for
recruiting employees. Sometimes the company prefers to choose informal method of recruiting
process in the company. For recruiting executive or strategic level of management, they prefer
internal recruiting. Metlife has its own recruitment process which can be classified into several

When there any vacant or new position occurs, the company searches internal employees for
strategic or mid-level management, and for the entry level position external candidates are
influenced to apply through internet recruiting, union & social organizations or advertising

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Then the company Screens among employees & operate applicants’ pool based on Job description
& specification. This is done within 1 week from the starting of the recruitment process.

Recruitment committee then evaluates applicants through a selection process. They go through
various sides of the applicants like educational background, previous experiences, skills and
technical knowledge of applicants.

The applicants have to face a preliminary interview with HR manager and have to perform a
written test and then they need to go for another interview with the recruitment committee and top
management and finally the medical test.

The Company and the human resource department finally select the candidates by offering them
its Compensation package and reward benefits based on the job criteria, the job analysis and the
key responsibilities.

The various steps those are discussed before are given in the diagram so that it is easier to
understand about the overall recruitment process and the different types of selection:

Sometimes the company also prefers to select employees from the informal method of recruiting.
Those who are passive job seekers are always influenced. All the employees whom the company
recruits are full time employees. They have no part time employers. These Recruiting process are
very important for supporting the overall Recruitment system of Metlife. These are the various
important parts of the recruitment process which can be changed according to the demand of the
jobs, the position requirements, the hierarchy of the job and the other factors linked with the job.

Recruitment Sources of METLIFE

Recruitment process of Metlife comprises of various recruitment sources which are primarily
divide into two categories- the Internal and the External sources. Metlife seeks for candidates
from both the External and Internal sources. They promote or transfer present existing employers
based on performance. They also fulfill the empty positions through seeking from external labor
market. Different sources of recruitment help to verify recruitment process more effectively,
seeking for an employee for any specific job position. But for the different levels of management
positions, the company uses different sources. The recruitment sources of Metlife are:

Internal Recruitment:

The Company goes for the internal recruitment when they need employees to fulfill the vacant
positions internally. The company usually requires these recruitment sources to make sure about

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the mid level and the top level management recruitments which needs more experience in the
company itself and to maintain a high knowledge about the own company.

External Recruitment:

The Company also goes for the external recruitments whenever they need to go for the hiring of
the line management or the entry level managerial and executive positions. The company invites
a various groups of people to make them choose from the pool and then to make they go for the
final selection or recruitment.

Newspaper and Internet Recruiting:

Metlife also plays an important role in recruiting and advertising in the various internet websites
and in the number of newspaper advertisements and to some extent also in the various
commercial journal advertisements, but in these case the name of the company is not mentioned
for corporate policy and regulations. The advertisements’ sources are

1. Bdjobs.com (website)

2. Jobsbd.com (websites)

3. Daily Newspaper and Journal Advertisements

Informal Internal recruitments:

The various informal and internal recruitments are accomplished whenever the company needs to
have the job in the sudden situation to share the work load or to assign the employees in a
specific working environment. This is usually executed to meet the buffer demand of the specific
position and to get them company uses the various expert employees.

Unions and Social Organizations:

The various unions and the social organizations like the clubs, the business associations and
many other firms who really plays the role as the sources of the recruitment in both the internal
and the external sources in the company. These unions and social organizations relate to each
other needs of recruiting the people and then call Metlife and their human resource departments
to choose the assigned applicants.

The various sources of the recruitments are showed below in the diagram:

The various sources of those what are shown above works as the formal and the informal sources
of the recruitments, as there are sources like the External recruitments sources, the Internet and
Newspapers are the Formal recruitment sources and the Internal recruitments, the Informal and
Internal recruitments and the union and social organizations are the Informal recruitment

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sources. So these diagrams show that Metlife is more depending on the informal sources of
recruitments and they are less depending on the formal sources of recruitments.

Selection Methods of METLIFE

The various methods are used by Metlife to make their recruitment Process a successful one,
they have to go through the various techniques and methods which are technically and skillfully
helping them to understand the applicant’s performance better. While recruiting new employees
Metlife follows a specific Recruitment method. Candidates have to fulfill all the requirements
and conditions before they are going to be recruited. The company uses various test methods like
Pen & Paper Test and Personality Tests for Recruiting personnel. The methods they use are
divided in to two parts which are the Test methods of the applicants and the Interview methods
of the applicants. As the human resource recruitment planning is conducted and coordinated by
both the sides which are followed by the:

1. Home country and

2. The host Country.

The selection methods of the employees are given below:

Types of Tests and Interviews:

The selection process of Metlife comprises of the three types of tests which are really crucial for
the applicants to judge their attitude and the ability to perform all the tests equally to make sure
t5hat the applicant can impress the human resource department. These tests are described below:


Pen and Paper Test:

This type of tests are known as the basic aptitude test where the applicants can give the various
feedback about the knowledge and educational skills needed to perform the job like the tests in
the university and post-graduation level where there might be questions on English, Math’s,
Analytical Abilities and many other job related questions.

Personality Test:

The various personality and the psychological tests are taken to give the questions and take the
relevant feedbacks from the applicants on the related job specified factors like: honesty,
Motivation, team work and more. This are done to make sure that the employee’s attitude will
match the attitude of the organizational cultures in future.

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Work sample Test:

This kind of tests are basically taken to marketing and other technically needed people like the
salesman, the technical support divisional employees, the customer service divisions and for
many other recruitments.

These are the three types of tests are taken for the selection process in Metlife and they need to
evaluate the applicants according to their performance in these areas of selection and evaluation
for any kinds of recruitments.


Semi structured Interview:

For the Top level and the mid-level management in the interview is needed to be semi structured
and they need to make the questions according to the flow and the job analysis. So, these type of
interviews helps the interviewers of Metlife to understand the relevance and the ability to
perform the work in a more efficient way.

Structured Interview

The interview of Metlife in the entry level or in the junior level are totally designed in the structured
way so that the interview can be conducted in all the same ways in various types of jobs in the
same level of operations and management. Thus Metlife doesn’t use any specific assessment
centers to conduct the interviews and to make it more clears they do it in their own designed styles
of recruiting the entry level positions.

These are the various tests and the Interviews offered by Metlife in the various level of the job
according to the types and responsibilities of the job and to the specified recruitment needs of the
position. These tests are all part of the screening and the preliminary interviews taken by Metlife.
So these are really very important to make sure that the applicants can really impress the human
resource department and the feedback can really impress the test scores to get the call in the final
steps of eh interviews with the Top level management. So these tests are the parts of the
interview sessions going also the 1 month and to make them very easy they are the evaluation
bars to be attained in the different level of Interviews in the organization.

The diagram of all these Tests and Interviews are given below. So that the process seems to be
more clear and easier to understand:

So these are the basic types of tests and interviews performed by ALICO to make sure about the
various recruitment efficiencies and the total process is monitored by the human resource
department and the human resource managers.

Techniques for Selection of METLIFE

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The company has to pass through the various techniques for selecting and evaluating the
applicants in the recruitment process. Thus these selection techniques are used in the internal and
the external recruitments. That’s why the company goes for these techniques to make sure that
efficient use of the evaluation is accomplished, they use the Grading Scale method as the
techniques or methods to evaluate the employees performance which entitles that the Human
resource department of Metlife runs to evaluate the performance of the applicants by grading the
various test and interview results, and the results are done in the computerized process to make
the fair and transparent evaluation of the recruitment. Thus the company can see the difference in
other techniques used before and they are getting the best result in this methods as the techniques
can be changed by the Human resource department is there is any other sources of evaluating the

Recruitment Policy of METLIFE

Metlife being the best service provider in the life insurance industry in Bangladesh are going to
recruit applicants in their policy made by the home and the host country management and the
human resource and also by the overall understanding between the home and host country’s top
level management. Metlife ascertains particular Recruitment Policy for recruiting personnel. The
company’s recruiting policy and the HR strategy have an integration to make the Recruitment
process successful. The specific recruitment policy are suggesting that the company are having
more emphasis on recruiting the local employees and the various regional based recruitments are
accomplished as the company suggested from the past experience that they have on recruiting the
local employees and the Human resource managers says that the local people have got the better
understanding and the market ideas rather than the expatriates thus the regional employees from
one region to another region can be hired like the Pakistan region can also hire the employees of
Bangladesh as they are all followed by the rules and regulations of the MEASA which is
controlling the whole process. Metlife also ascertains particular Recruitment Policy for recruiting
personnel. The company’s recruiting policy and the HR strategy have an integration to make the
Recruitment process successful. Metlife recognizes that the success is a result of the collective
efforts of all the employees. Hence, they are interested in individuals of high intelligence,
integrity and dedication, providing them with ample opportunities for growth. Their
contributions reflect a wide range of roles and responsibilities, including insurance management,
underwriting, claims, actuarial, marketing, customer service, accounting, legal, information
technology, human resources and administrative support. Metlife gives proposal to the
candidates the opportunity to employ many distinct skills and qualities. The company prize
strong analytical, interpersonal, and communication skills with an underlying desire to explore,
learn and grow. Metlife targets individuals who thrive for success in a culture where setting new
standards are part of every-day work. So the overall policy of the company may defer from the
place to place but the objectives and the goal set by the company is more or less same in all
senses. The various policies to recruit the employees in different level are given according to the
levels of recruitment in the company:

For Entry Level : Qualification Requirement: Minimum Masters/ MBA

Experience: 0-1 year.

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For Middle Level : Qualification Requirement: MBA

Experience: 2-3 years.

Preferably from Marketing/ Sales Background.

For Top Level: Generally prefer to choose from Internal Employers.

Experience is given the top priority.

As we can see that the requirements and the policy for hiring employees at different level differs
from the various sources and they are different at the various types of the jobs will be offered. So
the company needs to tailor their policy in various ways to make sure that there are various types
of people needed to perform the jobs. As a multinational company Metlife needs to define their
recruitment philosophy and their recruitment goals which will obviously match with the overall
recruitment standard to each of the units and to maintain healthy relationship with the company
and the employees. Because the employees are the one who are bringing glory to the company so
Metlife should keep them and they strive for the fair and the best recruitment policy to make it
more transparent and accountable in many sector these are given below:

 To the host country

 To the MEASA continent
 To the existing employees
 To the new recruited employees
 To the customers

So these are the policy should be attained by the company to maintain itself in taking a proper
recruitment process and to make sure that they are going in the right way to the people and to make
the ability of transparence of high to the employees to the accounts, to the customers and many
other parties of the business worldwide.

Integration between job analysis and the recruitment policy:

The job analysis and the recruitment policy should always keep into the consideration before the
recruitment process starts off. As the recruitment process basically commences with the job
analysis and by creating the Job description and the job specification of the company to make
sure that the company has to get the people in terms of needed place for the needed position and
for the needed job. So Metlife first try and understand the following things before recruiting the

 The Job Analysis of the Vacant position

 The corporate Goals and Objectives
 The Job Description of the Vacant position

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 The Job Specification of the Vacant Position
 The Key Responsibilities of the Vacant Position
 The Reporting Relationship with the vacant Position.
 The Supervising Specifications and the Subordinates specification.
 The Coordination of the applicants and the Job environment

These are the various things which are integral parts of the Job analysis of Metlife and these are
always considered whenever any recruitment process took place so to make sure that the
recruitment is the effective and cost effective one and in order to get the best employees from the
generated applicant pool the company should examine the evaluation process and find out the
employees who fits best to the position in order to do all these previously discussed activities
very much effectively. So the company has to make sure all these are accomplished properly
before passing in to the recruitment process, and once the recruitment process starts off the
company needs to be more focused and concerned about these job analysis elements to be
fulfilled by the selected employees. To make the recruitment from the best one of the employees
needs to be more specific and task oriented, so that the company can easily get the employees to
work for their productivity. Thus the overall concept of the recruitment philosophy and goal
should be designed by the company and by the human resource department of Metlife. The
Metlife’S recruitment policy should always consider the job analysis because the requirements
that the company and the vacant position needed are not same in all level of management. So the
company needs to match the job analysis factors with the policies to recruit for the specific
position, and the best output will be got only if the company goes for the greater match between
these two factors of recruitment. Thus the recruitment and selection goes hand to hand with the
job analysis this is shown in the following diagram:

So this process should go hand to hand with each other in order to ensure a very effective
recruitment policy and thus to maintain the policy the human resource department of Metlife
make sure that the company objectives and the human resource policy and process match
together to integrate each other and get the best outcome in the recruitment process and also in
the job field. So Metlife strictly follow the systems and procedures that were given by the
MEASA regional headquarters and also by the home and host countries involvements in the
overall matter.

Effectiveness and the Drawbacks of the recruitment process

The recruitment Process of Metlife definitely has acquired some prospects and difficulties. Thus
the recruitment policies to make the best selection of the employees need to be more specific and
timeliness of the process. The various positive and negative factors are affecting the recruitment
process. These factors are given below:

Effectiveness of Recruitment:

The recruitment process is experience, tested and approved by the home and the host countries
Top management and also by the human resource director. Since the process is perfect from
1952 and changes are made according to the needs.

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The recruitment process is transparent and effective enough to make a good selection of the
employees in the various level of recruitments n the organizations to get the cost effective

The recruitment policy gives the chances to the internal and also to the external employees to
come and get the positions of the recruitment and to the various sources of the techniques and
thus to make sure that the recruitment process is done very strictly the company needs to achieve
the target of the recruitment goals and objectives.

The Company introduces the equal employment opportunities and the non-discriminating
activities to the various levels of recruitment. As they don’t have any obligations and bindings
towards the disabled, disadvantages and old workers while doing the recruitment.

The Company also goes for the computerized systematic tests to recruit the employees and to
make it clearer the company should always maintain the same standard and the procedures of

These are the various effectiveness or the positive sides of Metlife recruitment process.

Drawbacks of Recruitments:

According to the famous band Pink Floyd’s singer David Gilmour “There is always a dark side
of the moon”. So we have also got some drawbacks or the negative sides of the recruitment
process. The recruitment process has to cover up all these negative aspect and make it more
standardized to get the 100% efficiency in recruitment. The drawbacks are:

The recruitment Process in Metlife is accomplished only for the Full Time Jobs, but there
should be subsequent chances for the Part Time Jobs in the Organization. This should be done to
make more employment opportunities on the country.

The recruitment process takes approximately 1 month to finish the whole process and thus to
make it more clear the company should make the right use of the human resource department to
make it less time consuming.

These are the only two important drawbacks or the negative side of the recruitment process. Thus
to make the processes effective one, Metlife needs to emphasize more on the positive sides rather
than the negative sides.

21st century especially after globalization manpower arrangement is an exasperating job

and it requires specialized skills for METLIFE

Here are some challenges that will face HRM is 21st century.

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Technological Changes May Present New and Intensified Challenges to Metlife

Technological changes may present us with new or intensified challenges. We may be unable to
accurately, timely, or completely process the increased volume and variety of information
relating to our businesses, including information related to deaths, that new technological tools
for data collection and analysis make available. We may modify our assumptions, models, or
reserves as a result of our review of such information. Changes in collection and analysis of data
could expose us to regulatory or legal actions and may harm our business, reputation, results of
operations, and financial condition. Technological changes may change how we interact with
customers, who may expect increased choices, and we may have to redesign our products as a
result. Our distribution channels may become more automated to increase flexibility of access to
our services and products. We may incur significant costs to implement these changes. If we are
unsuccessful, our competitive position and distribution relationships may be harmed.
Technological advances may also change our investments composition and results. For example,
changes in energy technology and increasing consumer preferences for e-commerce may harm
the profitability of some businesses. Our failure to adequately adjust our investments may harm
our business, results of operations or financial condition.

Recruitment and Selection

The foremost function of HRM is to locate the people with needed expertise for the progression
of a company. The quality hired people hired rely highly on how operative recruitment and
selection tricks are; we know that everyone is different from one another, even the hiring
committee will make decision on the basis of their own perceptions as they are influenced by
their values benefits and social vies and thus it is difficult to rule out the possibility biasness. For
this HRM is passing through a difficult time. It is exceptionally majir for 21st century’s manager
to broaden their view of judging people on the basis of their origin, culture, values, ethnicity and

Striking work life balance

This concept is gaining a lot of attention these days. Because of strong gathering in the market
place, the load of work is uplifting day by day and this conducts to various issues of health and
high stress among workforce. It becomes a responsibility of the manager to make a segregating
line between work and leisure activities. People often leave jobs if they do not look on an
appropriate measure between personal lives and professional obligations. Hence the manager has
to accomplish to avoid such scenario and they need to help employees in finding right work life

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Conflict management & Resolution

Conflicts has two aspects one positive which is called constructive conflict and another negative
that is known to be destructive conflict. Nowadays, managers have to be well adept to deal with
both kinds of conflicts. 21st century has brought with it long working hour, high level of
competition which is known to have stress and conflicts among Organization employees the
managers need to find method for coping up with conflict timely.

Flexible work hours

Time has become more flexible as we have moved into 21st century which is a big challenge for
HRM. Due to advancement of technologies and many other reasons, people nowadays prefer to
work from home. The internet has given birth to virtue world and 24/7 market place. Although
flexible work arrangements have benefits but at the same time it is going to increase the level of
stress on management and workface that has to be dealt well by 21 st century managers.

Managing 5 R's

In the advanced century with the transferring induction of HR managers of the 5 R's are coming
true crucial in the progress of every organization. Today the manager has to be taken extra care
of all these. R's namely resourcing, recruiting the right talent, retaining the talent retraining and

Industrial relations

One of the biggest complex problem of modern industrial society is industrial relations. The
development of any sector isn’t quite possible without labor collaboration and alike. It is an
interest of HR managers to develop and maintain healthy relationships between worker
(employees) and management (employers).

Managing Multi-Generational Workforce

“Organizations these days have employees belonging to multi generations who fall under various
age groups. These generations are classified as Baby Boomers I, Generation Jones or Boomers
II, Generation X, and Generation Y. Generation X and Y born people are known to be better
aware of technology and they like to use new techniques of working. They prefer to adopt new
philosophies and they are considered to be innovative, while baby boomers & boomers II feel
comfortable with their traditional ways and they do not like to come out of their comfort zone. It
is important for an organization to retain both sets of people, as both categories are equally
essential to organizations success. The task of HR manager is to respond to their needs
accordingly.” (3)
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Strategies for motivation & retention

In the recent scenario, when there is no dearth of opportunities, it has become a great challenge
to stop people from looking for new place to work. It has been noticed that the organizations
have opened doors to make worldwide hiring; hence it is important for HR managers to design
better policies for retention. We understand that all human beings are different from each other
and the employers have to have different ways for motivating and keeping the talent. Financial
benefits are no longer considered to be a tool for retaining employee. Every organization has to
adopt new and latest ways for satisfying its people, this will help to control the rate of turnover.

Business Ethics and Values

Paying keen attention to business ethics and values is important to any manager’s job. With the recent
changes in workplace culture, strategies and organizational structure, it has become more imperative to
have values and ethic in place which will decides organizational sustainability in global market for a
longer period. The HR department is bound to deal with an array of ethical issues or challenges as this
unit directly deals with employees of a company. HR department encounters many ethical hazards that
may damage the reputation of a company as well as its financial sustainability in a long run. (3)


At the end of the day, we can say that the Report is all about the HRM problems and issues what
are facing of Metlife which we came to know that is effective and efficient enough and they are
doing it in the cost effective way. Thus many ins and outs of the ongoing strategic approaches
are described in the paper and we think that the report has all necessary documents and
information about the overall description mentioned above of Metlife.

From the viewpoint of 21st century HRM emergence, the globalization has many implications
for the firms that may entail the diversity of cultures. The HRM in today’s era has to mount the
expertise, mind set and capabilities that are needed to gain competitive edge on global scale. It is
recommended that organizations must put efforts to align their HR processes efficiently with
organizational goal on broader perspective. Last but not the least, HR must be on a continuous
look out for creativity and innovation as it is known to be the key to success. It depends highly
on HR to face the challenges of globalization posed by 21st century which has given an entirely
new look to organizations.

Lastly, we will say that the company as one of the leaders in life insurance industry is getting
the highest sales volume in the recent year are really effective and efficient enough to make the
right use of the various systems which are planned and followed from many years. Thus the
report suggests that the overall situation is a world class policy to hire people and who will give
the maximum output to the company.

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I have completed this with my honest effort and I will be available for any clarification and
changes needed to make by our honorable course instructor.


1. https://www.companieshistory.com/metlife/
2. https://www.metlife.com/asiaagency/en/about-metlife/metlife-your-trusted-partner/
3. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-

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