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Julia Landon College Preparatory and Leadership

Development School
Curriculum Paper
Course Title: Music Appreciation

Teacher: Mr. K. Beckstrom

Mission Statement: Our Mission at the Julia Landon College Preparatory and Leadership
Development School is to create college bound students with a deep
commitment to public service and a true understanding of their
leadership skills within the global community.

Course Overview: The purpose of this course is to provide the knowledge needed to
develop the skills necessary for musical discrimination.
After successfully completing this course, the student will:
1Identify the elements of music.
2Identify a variety of musical instruments and vocal classifications.
3Develop listening skills.
4Name the major musical eras and representative composers.
5Identify a variety of musical ensembles.
6Identify varied ethnic or cultural musical styles.
7State musical preferences with appropriate vocabulary.
8Identify careers in music.
9 Evaluate musical performances.
10 Understand the relationship between music and the world.
11 Understand the relationship between music, the other arts and
subjects outside the arts.
12 Compare/contrast music from different cultures and historical eras.

Tentative Course Outline: Weeks 1-4 – Instrument families, ensembles, instrument

identification through listening
Weeks 5-9 – Music Theory
Weeks 10-18 – Music History/World Music
(This schedule is tentative and may be altered as needed.)

Student Evaluation: 33.4% Class work/Homework

33.3% Class Performance/Oral Work
33.3% Tests/Quizzes
Projects will count as test grades.
Nine-weeks exams will count as two test grades.

Educational Materials: The students will use a variety of materials compiled and
developed by Mr. Beckstrom.
Homework/Late Work Policy: Homework will be given on an as-needed basis. Late
work will be accepted with grade deductions depending on
the assignment.

Make-up Work Policy: Students will be given the same number of days to complete
make-up work as the number of days they were absent.

Grade Recovery Policy: Students will be offered grade recovery as outlined in the Duval
County Pupil Progression Plan found on the Duval County
Public Schools web page.

Parent/Teacher Conferences: Conferences will be scheduled by the guidance office and

will take place before or after school or during Mr.
Beckstrom’s planning period.

Tutoring Schedule: Tutoring is available after school by appointment only.

Grading Scale: Students will be evaluated in accordance with the standard Duval County
Public Schools’ grading scale.

Progress Reports: In addition to report cards issued at the end of each quarter, students
will receive progress reports on September 8 and 29, November 7,
December 5, February 9, March 3, April 22, and May 13. Students
earning a grade of “D” or “F” on a progress report will be required to
return the progress report signed by the parent/guardian within two

Other Information: Due to the nature of the subject being studied, the students will be
required to listen to various types and styles of music in class.

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