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As aligned with Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism, her concept of the

Objectivist Ethics focuses on the idea of self-interest and rational selfishness. In

fact, in her book published in 1964 entitled 'The Virtue of Selfishness', wherein the title
itself potentially appears contradicting to readers, she explained how objectivist ethics
must be perceived in a broader sense. Contrary to common belief, selfishness, which is
often badmouthed and discerned as evilness, takes a brighter light with accordance to
Rand's philosophy. As explained in an analysis done by Jacobs (2007), it was
highlighted how Rand puts the concept of selfishness and self-interest in an optimistic
manner, whereas we as humans must not only put our own needs and happiness first,
but also must provide acceptance for egoism and not feel guilt and greed as we do so.
Rand's perception of selfishness attends to itself as a virtue, by the realization that the
pursuance of one's own happiness should be human's highest aim in morality.
With connection to reality, a real-life example of this concept may be seen as an elder
man who has retired from his work that spent more than half of his lifetime. With the
remaining time he has left, he decides to pursue his long-lived dream of spending his
retirement living at a beachside property. While he knows that he has savings enough to
spend for the education of his grandchildren, he chooses to buy the property and live
there with his wife. Although for some, this move may appear as a product of
selfishness and greed, but it is in fact siding with the virtue of selfishness itself. As
mentioned earlier, it is essential to realize that in life, one's highest goal must be his own
happiness. It is own self-interest that one must always look after; and we must always
bear in mind that as humans, it is not selfishness that leads us to thoughtlessness and
greed, but rather selflessness which hinders our ultimate happiness.

Since then, I think that education is the most powerful tool that anyone must have for the assurance
of the future. In line with this, people should not only focus on the degree that one will acquire in
the future, but everyone must focus on the process moslty. Sustainable Development Goal No.4 is
all about ensuring the quality and inclusive education to everyone especially those who cannot
afford one. It is indeed that there are schools who offer free education, but we must ensure that
students are experiencing quality education from these schools. As a student, the only thing that I
can contribute to make it into practice is by participating in some events that engages teaching
children with all the learnings that I have. It may not be very comprehensive, but still I can give
something that could help them to gain more knowledge. 
Sustainable Development Goal no. 9 entails that everyone deserves a quality and resilient
infrastructure that can improve the economy also. In order to put this into practice, the leaders of
the country should focus on these fields to build a long lasting structure that will benefit the
majority. Like for example, in innovation, the government should give more importance to local
engineers, scientists, and inventors because without these people, the innovation will not be
sustained. Moreover, ordinary citizens should participate as well by involving in this SDG with their
expertise that might help in improving the sustainable industrialization of their country. 

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